Sedeib ere «Largest Siok Lowest Prices in Northern B, C. WE - HAVE - FOR - SALE (CROWN GRANTED) NECHACO VALLEY $15.00 PER ACRE, EASY TERMS Section 9 eae a PRICE: an excellent section and was one of the first to be staked in the Valley Samuel Harrison & Co. Brokers and Financial Agents, Prince Rupert This is EMPLOY MENT OFFICE: indsor Hotel || FREE THE DAILY NEWS elbow —_— = THE COSY CORNER - DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN dive — { { { { ree This is a little seetion of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The Cosy Cerner’ will fill a social need. bf l l tif l l | to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert t L { { { x RST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET §f| idlecre, aaiiledamias teed’ cot One of the pretty styles of the Newly Furnished and | { ters, all kinds of laborers or me- {|season is the white linen dress, Steam Heated Rooms chanics, cail up imade with a simple collar and fiKST CLASS BAR AND DINING §f| Phone No. 178 cuffs of some dainty color. A ROOM IN CONNECTION or call at the little dress designed in this way RATES 50 CENTS AND UP is illustrated in the sketch, and Grand Hotel Free Employment Office Headquarters for cooks & waiters BATH FREE TO GUESTS DBT. ASHLAND P.O. BOX 37 | it “qe - | come. “EBY @ ‘Go | REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale B. C. = | usu otel Central Se; First Ave: American plan, steam eniences, Vates KITSUMKALUM - | the wo per day “S$.0.E.B.S. The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons of Se England. meets A first and third a in coal Hotel... F Vv CLARK, Sec P. 0. Box 812, Prince Rupert | WORKINGMAN’S HOME z Bed lean White Sheets 25c | and er Black Proprietor Row Boats shows a | linen jdevelop in any | combinations. development of white j\linen with collar and cuffs of green jlinen overlaid with a heavy white The effect illy dainty, and the idea would lace. is un- number of color A hat faced with color introduced in the dress a girdle also of the same tint would prove effective. LINEN COSTUMES ‘Summer Fashions in Cool and then set them aside to cool. Pretty Materials Sug- day as adits when th ine Ot Ae +++ onus} are es spear ermeermmarmee rear mee ely meestp ep hottest. = a = Strawberry Ice Cream.—Mash 1} quart strawberries, and add to plain ice cream when it is nearly solid. Beat vigorously for a minute or two after adding the fruit. The foundation for fruit-cream may be 1 quart rich milk and a pint of cream, rather more than for plain ice cream A Simple Ice to.4 pint rich cream and 1 pint milk, allow a scanty cup sugar, the white any sweetened Cream. of 1 egg and a_tablespoonful vanilla extract. Scald the: milk and cream, stir in the sugar, and set away to cool. When cold, add the vanilla and pour into the freezer. Add the weli-beaten white of the egg and freeze. IF YOU LIKE MUSHROOMS Cut Out and Keep This List of Ways to Cook Them Mushrooms Stewed—Peel and trim a pint of small mushrooms, pour a pint of fresh milk into a saucepan, add a tablespoonful of butter, a little pepper and salt, and the mushrooms. Boil gently| 10 minutes, then add half a cupful of rich cream. Serve on buttered toast. Mushrooms au Parmesan—Peel and trim the mushrooms, and soak them for about an hour in oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper, then flour them and broil a little. Have ready a nicely flavored white sauce, pour this over them, sprinkle thickly with grated Parmesan chee- se and brown in the serve very hot. Mushroom Salad— oven; Chop the mu- shrooms into dice and put them |into a saucepan with a little butter land two slices of peeled lemon; Het them simmer in this until done, Serve dressing and jwith a mayonnaise saltines. For most delicious Bread, Dainty Biscuits, ts, E te., Robin Hood lou , use Your Dealer H Has It ‘ISP OF. o + +-¢-o 4 FRED. STORK ; ~General Hardware— ? ibis ’ Buiiders’ Hardware j Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves ¢ Graniteware Tinware . SECOND - AVENUE —¢ © ¢ 44 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, BSQ., A.R.A.M.,"LON., ENG GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS SIXTH STREET LINDSAY'S “storace ™ G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68. PRINCE RUPERT THE IR OQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. Fruit : Produce : Feed WHOLESALE H. H. Morton - 3rd Ave. FRANK D. KEELEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST Phone No. 200 P. 0. Box 580 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. F. W. HART UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER STOCK COMPLETE Roomes 50c Gasoline Launches, and Canoes A suit that is very effective, but} Mushroom Patties—Make the ' ‘uN F . ‘ i < es— é IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY For Hire by Hour or Day which every woman cannot wear, J. GOODMAN, Proprietor BOATS BUILT AND REPAIRED- ; Fade ale a and whilte ishells of puff paste in the regular 7 is one Of grey, O e an v H, Johnston ——Cow Creek P.O. Bex 187 5 “ . jway. For the filling, cut raw PHONE 259 GREEN |striped crash. White linen is of mushrooms into squares, fry them course always used, though it], r : as in butter, add a little cream,|~ ICTORIA CAFE soils very easily, and there has : Ae | 7) e] it ald in thicken with the yolk of an egg, iti i veen this season quite a revival O : M rs; Luneh 15¢ Spiting Himself + € ‘ season and add a little minced} The merchants who postpone , Pique in white and in plain colors. | ; ™ : ; ; arsiey. ventiat nes he Prime favorite, however, is the I , ‘ adequate advertising until they a : PE 4 Mushrooms and Eggs—Peel, and : 1 se . nd s »,; Suit Of deep tan iinen, 1e reaso : ‘ 3 can see their way clear” as t | bei r ‘ 7 iyi’ nee lmince them fine, cook in rich Sasi 2 aan . +o}being that it suits nearly every | ; ; —|affording it--never are able to g . es igravy until well flavored and thick, “afford it!” face and figure. Even if the color ; : fe . , |then add five eggs well beaten, | | Oe ; be not exactly becoming to one BT set : ; | } F } i 1 a lexi ‘ ‘ly offset |SUting all the time, season with | fi ad | ; oats 1es | complexion, it Can be easily oftse : Pew DOS Gee eEne ye ; : + |pepper and salt and serve on fried | De DO 3 telephone 820 green Davis’ |by a collar bow of red, black or}, 2 king’s blue. The tan suits are - : Roche seace.4 Boat House. ; & ticall it aint ea | Mushrooms a la Bourgeoise- ; shown practically a ade ac- 7 ce ; y , ONRQE i tl hina aithe | Peel and trim some nice firm mush- | i cording to the same patterns, e eet ha! hi Contract in Force ki . Li o narrow, with |T20™S: Place a few slices of nicely | | , . skirts are moderate arrow, : "* C | J. G, Weston has commenced | ° P ; streaked bacon on the fire in a| ay Ne lhis city scavenging contract. He/® three-inch hem finished with a | a so - . a" row of stitching. The waist line}. oes |— eae | was awarded the contract on Mon-|' ¥S } | He |is extended slightly above the} | day night by the city council. is having a downtown office fea (normal, and the place of fastening’ up. which will be ready in a few jis usually the left front, tan or ~!days. Meanwhile orders will be pearl buttons being used, One attended to by ringing ‘phone 108, | May have white buttons if one DNLING, BILLIARDS 6t {cares for the contrast. The coat and POOL | is made a little looser about the i A goal exer | | hips than we have seen for some 1 ee Land Registry Office itime, the lines, however, being Proprietor and Manager | Re Lots 10, 64 and 171, Range 4, |perfectly straight. Some of the | Coast District }coats are finished smartly with a No. 18886c to the above named property, issu tion of one month from the first publication here~ f of issue a duplicate of the said Certificate of | in fre Title unless in the meantime valid objection be | made to me in writing Dated at the Land Registry Office at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 20th day of June, 1911. WM. B. BURRITT, District Registrar of Titles 's NEWS Agency ines :; Py ‘riodicals :; Newspapers FRUITS RS lOBACCOS G.T.P, WHARE Whereas proof of loss of Certificate of Title | ltwo-inch patent leather belt, which Huo. peso to the the Canadian Paciie Sulphite|runs through a small strap in the Cc Limited, b been flied in this office, : Er Seales Gehareee triven that { shall at the expira- lmiddle of the back, and finishes Try wnt with a plain batge buckle. a Cream SPECIAL ———— TOMORROW Fresh Strawberries and Other Fruits.. Fresh Vegetables.. FROM VASHON ISLAND —Coming on— S.S. State of California New Groceries - Ideal Provision House i C ‘« New Provisions t y ice cream with cake instead Third Ave., near 6th St. Phone 190 | ROGERS & BLACK saucepan, when it begins to crisp add the mushrooms, a few sprigs a cupful of stock and a dash of cayenne. gently lemon juice and pour over squares of fried bread. HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No, 86 [Reoooors sland iplilealnataatnaltadac: ivlindy 6 + + + + \* + -*. + @ Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special & @ attention paid to filling prescriptions. + + sr ~ |@ Theatre Block Pxone No. 72 Second Ave. $ aR Sale cle dhe ele dledie Bo dhe ce do de dos RRA, NEW "WELLINGTON “COAL LIME BRICK PLASTER CEMENT SHINGLES, LATH, BLACKSMITH COAL Phone 116 of parsley, a teaspoonful of flour, Let them stew very &e © t ive pitchers and three infielders have been added to the St. Thomas team of the Canadian League. The men were dug up by Smith, the of the Railroad City team, who was formerly a Cana- dian League umpire. ne o “Andy” Coakley, formerly of the pitching staff of the Philadel- scout phia Athletics, and who was re- cently reinstated after being de- barred from major league ba: has signed to play with the New York Americans. eee Charley Arbogast, who caught for Seattle in 1907 and 1908, is a new member of the Omaha club of the Western league. Charley has been a member of the Columbus American Association club. ose oe Harry Lombard is hard after Lauder and is making the Calgary boy many tempting offers to meet him in Fernie or Cranbrook. No doubt Billy will take Harry on when the time comes. Lauder has met him several times and always had the best of the Chi- cagoan. veo gy Brandon is disappointing the fans terribly. It is pretty nearly time that Brandon got wise to the value or lack of value of Bill Morrow, who says more and does less than any other man on the circuit. Under aay other man, the Brandon team should be making good. With Bill Morrow in com- mand, it will continue to be very much of a bluff. “Do you like ates fruit?” a baseball reporter asked Larry La- joie, who seldom talks to news- papermen. ‘I don’t know,” was the characteristic reply. ‘Ask Manager McGuire.” sow Although McGraw's New York Giants have a lead of only game in a season which less than one-third over the scrappy }manager now declares his bunch |will win the flag. ‘‘We have them lall beaten when it comes to stick |work,’’ he said. ‘In base running also easily the best team in the league, which I consider to be of the most valuable assets the team has. The records will show that the Giants have stolen almost twice as many bases this year as any other team in the league.” one is |we are one Islanders Taken all around, the seem to be in better shape at present than they have been for some time. With DeVogt and Dashwood both filling the position behind the bat in fine style, and Ward on first, there are only two noticeable weak spots on the team, at short and in left field. It must said on Kellar’s behalf, how- that his fielding has been and snappier lately than it has been for some time but his stick work is still weak. be ever, noeoter HALT Very Essential “store news" should be to your patrons, and to Your served Double Weekly Service 8.8. Prince Rupert, S.S. Prince George For The Leafs appear to have been Vancouver |well pleased with their recent Victoria jtoboggan ride. They are back} AND }On it again. Let all hands hope | Seattle that the slide will not be so long | or so steep | Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. For Stewart, ne and Sundays at8a.m. Special fare on Sunda boat, $9.50 return including meals and berth. ss. Prince Albert sails for Port Simp- son, Naas River, Masset, Naden Harbor, Wednesdays, 1.00 p.m. and for: Queen Charlotte Island points, Sat- ardays 1 p.m. Railway Service to Copper River Mixed trains from Prince Rupert Wed- nesdays and Saturdays, 1 p.m., re- turning Thursdays and Sundays 6.20 p.m. The Grand Trunk Railway System connecting with trains from the Pacific coast operates a f. ent conven- ient service of luxurious trains over its double track route between Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, quenec, Halifax, Portland, Boston, New York and Phila- delphia. Atlantic Steamship bookings arranged via all lines. Full informa- tion and tickets obtained from the office of A. E. MCMASTER Canadian Pacific Railway B.C. Coast Service Famous Princess Line CANADIAN PACIFIC Crane ny §.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE Tuesday, July 11th, 9 a.m. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE J. G. McNab - General Agent fates and Tickels Tickets To All Points —BY ALL LINES— ROGERS’ Steamship and Railway Agency Second Ave. Phone 116 S.§. INLANDER .-.FOR... HAZELTON Take the fast light-draught steam- er Inlander for Hazelton, H. B. Rochester - Agent =— W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 851 ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. C. V. BENNETT, B.A. CARSS & BENNETT! BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. Offiee— Exchange block, corner Third avenue =a Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. D.S. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All denta! operations skilfully treated. Gas and focal anasthetics administered for the traction of teeth, Consultation free. Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. sauce becomes then add a little until the hick and creamy, Serve very hot. your possible patrons, as promptly make deliveries of goods. 700d Housekeeping Magazine. Read The Daily News and as satisfactorily as you would | Alex.M.Manson B.a., W.E. Williams,8.A., L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C He sells Buildings He buys Lots He has Houses List Your Properties with Uncle Jerry ASK UN CLE. JERRY... ==JEREMIAH H. KUGLER=--= ee He sells Contracts to Rent Hazel He builds Homes Kitselas Lands Kispiox Valley Lands Special Bargains in Francois Lake Lands ton District Lands Bulkley Valley Lar Lakelse L Porcher Island Lands Kitsumkalum Lands, Sand, Gravel and Marble Deposits He buys Leases ands ids He sells Houses He has Farms For Sale Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. He loans Money He rents Stores + < a ton ee