Quality Has No Substitute TEA "Fresh from the Gardens" Orme Jfie Pioneer Druqyists I MON STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ;utt ! fnic Itupm lm vinofuwf SS I AUDF.NA i:Vi:itV TLISHAY. 1:M pm. 11 WTI JUi AFTER STOCK TAKING SALE Coiwiating.of I ASTRINGENTS. TALCUMS, BATH POWDERS, V ! LOTIONS, BATH SALTS One-Third Off Regular Price (um. , .1 rid vr thee Items dlplard on our bargain taWe ' ' , rtnMUI r! VIATIKK l.'VKKY Tlll'HSI) AY MIDNIOIIT. , U ,"nrr StuuU) oi crsin .., ! Pun UafMn. AHt Arm AilYu. SUevan RJrr polnti Sunrtsy. I px srn iu wikthi excursion it m; hound yhip. prince ill I'l.KT HI VANCOUVER. Sit. it .. I t Irk IS. mum limit Uattli II. IBS! a residing U Mtll and ncku at K It NT Aur.Sf'Y' rwd . ltra MS Toombs Radio Service ill M .krs o! lUdio ill Watk (iuaran teed Thonc: Itltie 901 intra? Rupert Radio Service Repairs to Any Make of RADIO Wr Out-of-town hajstnan solicited Phone: HIuc 9.T2 Prince Rupert. BC Ask f Ihiese qjuesliions about just-as-qood" lamps Y7H0 " innkrs tlinn? Arc tliry gHiiranlrnl? Will they Imrn out quickly? Heller play wife! KlMSON MAZDA I-nm arc tlic finrl innilc - clmov lliem ! enjoy heller light in your home ut lower ml. MADE IN CANADA EDISON MAZDA LAM PS - CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LJMITFJ) News Want Ads. bring quick Results I - LOCAL NEWS NOTES Ir day and HijUt T?'. ser the daily new piaa MAI ve nione - . u , j.liortlght is Pel Mtt at-the-Oapl. , H. . Pwkcr &Ht oi'kjt nJt'siolrTOeair:. Fiida and Brfturdair traUi Ui Topy. J. R Morgan, logghif operator. UOJO-A. Bridge and WbJt. Qid-was a passenger on the Pr!nc 1 flows' Ifi'J. 3.20 tonight Ja k. John itam Uw bland. au left Adni. 35?. Refreshments, lau 1m iliaiuoi- iu conuectiuu mmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmmm ' "' " ij ' in " ' , i i." . .1, i. . , . lth hi interest there. Pnet LewU was acatcttcad to 30 oya' Unpj-lMvunent without the NtagUtrate UoOlyBuuit 1b the city notice oturt yeaterday. FLbsnno Ue larewcll dance. ooe Hall. PiWay, Jan. 27th. at 9 o'ekrtc. Free amlaaicn to all ftab-ermen. mosatrcn of Sons of Norway. Moot Lodge. Uef ErtdMou qanadlun Legion ajMl friends. Mrs. Biack orchestra. RefruhmenU. 22 nilllUUllCeiUeillS Sons of Norway. Monae. Uef Briekaon, Canadian Legion, joint flsfcerawn t Tn Dance, Friday. Jan. 97, Moose Hall. Roy a! Purple WW Hall. Jan. 11 AdiBiasien Mc Moose Haja. tiancflt Dance Feb. 1. OaaarUan Lagtan and Moose Lodge. 9oys Bad 8oaAoh Dance pen. 10 VaciM' 4VUerary Dance, ran. 10 HafnyhmariU. QnU Mc; Ladiaa Sac Annual t Valantlne's da nee. Oambrai Chapter. I-OfDJt, Fb. IL Mooaa Valanune Dance Trt. 17 aoDp-CarntvaJ, b. 17- Food- Fun-ftohc at First United ' Qtldft'lows- Old Time Dance February nth ( Rcbrkah Bridge Whist Fob C.N R A. annuaj ball. Moose Hall February 4 Plonr n b. :urict-.inr.rr M.i:r-!i 10 issBsBSssVssSgeHBis STOCK-TAKING ' SPECIALS ! I Mere b joyr opportunity to save. ' lien't paw it up. . ' iusaok FlsBr 25c , 3 lbs. Dad's Cook MM (50C, per lb j par 4tU. bl.151 04 A 1 box BunliRht Soap 17 c I tCT box .'i!derella Flour 54c ; 24-lb. sack ! et-lb llCi sack ;Heiuc ' Soup -Corn. Celery. Oreen Pea. med sis, reg 13c. -I fin AUt I to clear, per ln Pun Lard-Balk lie per lb. Bacon- Machine-sliced 17c per lb. . ' Ftnart Creamery Butter 25c r 3's. per lb. i Crunherriea-iLarge slse 25c , 4! lb !lkiHtg Apples 25c 5 lb. H.mli'-k- For ojeunlng 49c h.inds. 2 tins Frrsh Rhubarb 11c per lb EKKf 24 c j per dos. 'White 8ugar . 48c 10 lbs. (limit 10 lbx to each e us torn en food heads Lettooe 10c per head Home nakars' Fresh nread IZn lier loaf MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Vc,lfUver nil rlers. ft or over W7-19 Third Avenue West 1VO. lo ji7S Phone 18 .,. C .pL. Dance tonight. ;are the regular price. B we idances of all description were ft-a- jtured. Dancina was en oyed from 3rJ COlCiS 9 .odock U!l '-hortly after mid - 1 a Mnnf-ll Vapors inhaled quickly dear head VICKS VapoRub Mrs. Oeoxge Webster arrived on the Prince John yesterday from Lorkeport. Quaen Charlotte IsUud. Comniencins Friday, Jan 2h. MUs Barbaau ML'linary Start ll be cIomk! lor two weeks "t.ilr the J is on a buymg trip in the oouth. j NostUand TranaportaUon Co.. llnotoMt4P Norco arrived in port from Ketebtkan tth five carloads of frocen fish for transportation on the OHM. The Norco sailed later for Seattle. The aucltor and maoielpal ataff at the city hall havve been working hard for same djan preparing a financial statement for the new mayor and council as that they may be n a position (0 lay the cundJUoji of the city finance before the bondholders. This state- 1 expected will be ready toraorrpw The next regular meet lag oj he city council takes place Monday. Hotel Arrivals RUPERT HOTEL 0f e Webster. Lgckppri., Mm & Ftvex. Peternburi. Alaska, W dman. Peteiaahri, Alaska t Fsyer Petersburg. ka: F. Ic Feeeanao. Port i "f"" mm w was m - r 5 W -V-rT W ITmiLr 1 aiiiiiy irittU Market Uaoun. 1 lb. 30c Liver. 1 lb. Ay rani w Bacon 35c 2 lbs I0 25c 2 lbs. TnensKLA JsoliitasM 25c Shoulder Pork. 4 lha. 50c Oakma, iba. Loin Pork Chops 35c a iba Round StejSjk 35c I M. ... . .. Sirloin Steak 20c per lb flhnuMr f amk a IVm 75c feaa, 1 Un Leg of Lamb-par lb. 20c Lamb stow -4 lbs 50q 957 IMionc - 957 DISCOUNT OF 25 PERCENT on all Dresses, Cp&ts dnd Suits at PEMER'S FOR SALE Fresh Fish Daily Aboard Helen II Cow Bay Church Dance ! Much Enjoyed Anglican Youn People Have Jnllv - lime j sl Andrew's Hall hirld a mce in the chyj ix l ist night 'ir :r-mh6r i and Jriend-.. T!ir'y-ijv;- f(uy)les Wt:-i there to eni'v the fvcij.. Novell- " UKUtaauM iiearnenui ware erved b B"noc" of the oiub. j 1 rnrsr in cr.arge 01 ine evening j were: j RefreshiMBtS- Iftskes J CHT jand A- Oggurist atertAin?ent QUn Dll)y. Orme Stewart aj4ed as qtajter 0' cerasaojtiea. wtth tta ioqaang -latin? wit the auaie: Xtlaaes M. OilchriTt. M. Cross. M. Lawrence Wlzaer Biyant. Bart Cameron. Roy 80 makers, aid BiUy Qacon. NOTICE Notice la hereby given that th annual general meeting of tht members of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association will bv held at U.e City HaU on Friday January 3tth. 1913 at 8 p m. Business: To receive balance sheet for 1B33 To receive general and auditor", reports. To lect five members o? t' Board of Management. To appoint an aydlUr H W BBCU, 8-cretary r Thrift Bargains For Tiirifty Shoppers GOS Sioraaa Flcste 1 7 p Cf rtonH. p., dojt MALKINf BB8T WAS-SieTe 2 NO -3 M M 11n par tin TAPIlPA or SAQQ- J Ik- ,-. . . ;, CALKIN'S BC8T TBA OOn oar lb. . RED PJTTSD CHJCajUBB NO. 2 tail tins, choice fruit H? f pertin I LYNi VALLEY PEACHES 1 Hp Perfect Flavor, per tin COQKlfO PIQ& Swyma 7 c Natural, per lb. DRB3B PBACiI9P-t 12c per lb. MOLASaBeV-No. 2 Vas 14c par tin Special Notice! Effective Today AU Orders for Orocerie. amounting to $06 or over, will be delivered free of charge Make up an order and take advantaee of this service and be convinced that Our Prices ARE THE LOWEST VANCOUVER ISLAND JAM-Real Quaiity to SUaWh'y. RaspVy. Peach. Loaan and Apricot d 1 P pgr 4-U. Un ulpusr MONEY- fiCp 0 par 5-lb. Un TOMATO Jlfl0SJepal City Op No. 1 tins, per tin TZ?" 23c i FBL8 NAPTHA SOAP ICn I 2 ton JOHNSTON FLUID IMOSF AQn UUK per 10-os bottle SUGAR B. C Fine 46c Ore nutated. 10 lbs. Limit 20 lbs ES8ANEM JAP RICE Ko. 1 4 XtJU Cp Quality. 4 lbs. BI8TO ORAVYMAKER Qp par pkg. CLAHK S PORr A? I1IAN6- 4Cn ' No 2 tins. 2 tirui "V MA.LT 3PBOIAL 1 tin Munro Malt. 1 pkg. Hops, i lbs. Brawn HQn I Sucar. all for J SWIFT'S piAMONp "A" 14c I SLICE DBAOQN. per lb BUTTER Alberta Oreamery Qin i per lb 'Thrift Cash & Carry 1 Chone JJ9 201 Third Ave "CARRY AND SAVE" Mail Orders Have Our Prompt Attention Classified Ad FOR SALE FOR 8AL Five-leg Dinhtg-ropm Table, almost new, $740. Apply j Phone Red 317 i "OR SflLJf bronse naonoliu stand-1 ard electric lamp with 250-watt ; gjohe. giving delightfully soft Indirect light, particularly reeom-mended for bridjie patiief. Original pstce $47 AO. Will cell for $10. Hnone Blue 272. FOR RENT for nut. Beat value. Phone Hart tf STORE for Rent. Third Xvenue. adding Wrathalrs. low renUt 9fmont tf TpRNON Anartnenta. 1W Secoac Avenue. Hojksnig reoas newly renovated. Phone Red 411 tl FQR RENT (-room furnished. apartment. tuUy m.-n. -w, 1 Electric range. Close in. Phone 11. tf WANTED '.V ANTED - First-class Clerk for j nuwril Rtnr Interior tati MC- 1 perjeijce. aje. reference and W Apply Box W uany news. 11 ' HAIRDRESSER PBRMAHaWr WAVTNO SUA Ladles'. Men's Hair Cutting. Nelson's Beauty SUoope. MISCELLANEOUS COOK WITH Fl'ItlTY UK AND QL- , IVE OIL. Ouaranteed pure You will have a hea"hy stomach and; enjoy life. Low price at every, Rrocery Pete Bruno. DUrtrifcntor. tf RECORD Twenty year in the one store shoernaking and repairing merits your confidence, and we solicit a continuance of your patronage in our new store. M. MacARTHUR Third Ave, Next Federal Blk. Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 fcEOWN CORN 1m CANMMmMMQO. MrW PUTS BEEF INTO YOU TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Wood, Coal snoring, chairs for rent. tf . i PAINTERS PAINTING and Paprhangrng. MoOer, Phone Red 892. PIANO TUNING PIANOS Tuned J3JX). Walker's Mi-sje Stwe. tf CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES reasonable Benkendprf, Third Aie.. next door to Dally Nws. -now:i:nrjT inirou act noticc or avucation fob oqx savrur lauusan 07 BEER orvnN that 09 ".J? cTXCirT j'aVu iaaenoi to tppij to thslst Oontnat Baard for eoMtnt to tsaVftr at bftt tioaioeNo. 2AU sod UmmA in rt-sct ot pi iin acuf awt of tfct bvUtfUw knom m Orascal mm Mtastt i tap omr of Brrrnth 8trH u4 Ftm Avenu ta u atf ot Prtne Ru pert upon Uio land Jwcrtnu BWvcn (ti). -natv (Ul. ThlrVPPO (tt) 7Z. Men (isi- SOOk n TSI (tt). tl nIS Pate (tl. Um iSJTtSMSSL' , .JSU akh ruu-hu Oolumblo. Uka v Xmmttrr. minii t OATB. st PrlooF RUptrt. in una o lumbta. thu ISth daji of January. 1S42. CORA I BUCK, Applicant and Traaaferrec. TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays intra Red Rays Massage AN at Reasonable Prices' W. C. ASPINALL D.O. ; (Chiropractor) ' Green 241 Phones Oreen 54) Exchange Clock The AUCTIONEER Packing- Crating Wrapping & General Furniture topajrs. List your goods with me GEO. J. DAW'S Phone hlack 120 BRAND SYRUP C4 To'iliiif! A Tteaf-forthe uholeFimiilif-- an Excellent Food for GROWING. CHILDREN Do you read the classified advertisements? a 3 t S -in t rtf a ' 1 t : Miti . f .iri t ' :t' M 1 H ii r ...I 1 ft I