Funeral Today of Daniel Murray , ,t Hanlol Uurnir wfen Mi VMS fxcepi Victor Hagen. iOl:UNMIiVTTO ItOllllOW MOUi: TO r 4 i undino VICTORIA. Jan. lfl:-l!rUlh "iiintbta expect to go to Ca- ' mdiim market shortly for a i'n of four million dollars to '"rnylete 1U funding opera- Hons. according to the number of fUher-1 O. W. , ager will have chart of the allot-' ment and eee that it la carried out. I In fishing dUtrtcl number two. J which la the district around Prince SU vomr fcvent Conducted by Tjee Rupert, tne auouneni lor we sea Ledge I'or Victim of AreJdtnt aoa U 3J0O pound per man with nine trtpa allured tor each boat I jn ditirtet number three, con- v . (rinaa ihnd thii .f-'prl wtra of WoaUrn Al- n at the partora of the B. C. I "! .... at tht elevator question of minimum price v funeral service waa conducts the Tyee Ledge Mo. M of (i deceased Was a member W .t an Da v ies paratded waa macaairn out no uniawon watn arrived at as It was not certain whether the Seattle owners meant to Include the Canadian boat in 1 the 1 lnelr proposed schedule The ache dule Statue adopted was a mini .. .i 1 -t , mum at Seattle of six and four nude in the Masonic Plot. Cemetery, many mourn- : .owing the body to its final place. b'srere were Win McLeod, 'i -.m Mackay. J as. Jack. Jack iy and D. Barclay. There ' m my floral offerings Deportations at Prince George mi has been received here by (iivtsional provincial poUcr wvrral men of Prince Oeonjt hee recommended by the l enquiry lor deportation following arc the name, sub- i John M. Ward. Peter Ooa-ii . Victor Hagn. O Head- CiM-ar Skayland and VUtor l-u.d All hare appealed their centa. at Ketchikan of five and three and at Prince Rupert. Hve and a half and three and a half cents. It waa also decided that In case any boat had not made up the al lotment In the number of trtpa ape clfled that It be allowed another trip. Officers were elected for the com ing jear aa follows: President. Oeorge rrtts. Wee-president, JaJt Chriatenaen Secretary-manager, O. W. Nte- The president and vice-president are to represent the organamUon on the biological board advisory com mlUee Seattle announced that the boat would commence to leave on Mon day next Jim ZareUt. of the New Royal Hotel, will be a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert tonight for Van rouver. . Bennett Sees Danger in Present Conduct of Railways and Tells Body of Railwaymen About It OTTAWA. Jan. lifi: Tho railway problem in Canada 1 'lu oatening tho vory economic life of the country, Pro ii'i. r Nennett told a ilonutiitfon of railwayman hore today. h iiffiiHge would bo too extravagant to describe the HoiiHiieM to Cmindn nf tho railwav nroblem, the Prime Mini.vted aaid. "It him boon aubmitted by the railwaymen .flhat too much empnaau nan oeen placed on the financial end of the problem and not enough on the hu-nan. Dut If these enterprlaea stop altogether there will be no work at all." said Mr. Bennett. "Our effort la to keep aa going concerns these jnterpriaes. Dut If this country continues as It has done In the past, we cannot continue long." 8 8. Prince RuiM-rt Is due to arrive from Anvox and Stewart this ovenini and will aall for Vancou-ver and way points at 10 pJii Committees of HONOR DONE MEMORY OF SCOTS' POET FCSlivltie Last evening the Presbyterian Church Hall was filled to ortrf low ing with people anxious to do honor to the memory of the Scottish bard Robert Burns. As many tables as ibie were set in the hall but Urn waa not enough to accommodate the crowd, so twenty places were alas act in the kitchen. The turkey waaaiS ttoteeaKbc deetfed. 18 peftrwPHTootenlal. the apee- Ichea and music excellent, the wait- pretty and the whole atmo sphere was one of real Scottish festivity. Seldom If ever has there been another such event In the history of the city Of course the "piece de resistance" vas the haggis. It was piped In by Piper Leslie, borne aloft smoking hot ty Murdo McLeod. William Brown In his Inimitable style gave the etietomary address to the hag-tts while William Miliar afeshed it Then It waa paaaed around and all partook of a portion. Vtra J. W. McKlnley was in gen eral charge of arrangements and aaatstlng her waa a large band of wiling workers. Mrs. William Millar had charge of the program. Mrs. D. McD. Hunter, president of too Ladies' Aid. received the gueaU and Harry Poote and Syd. Hunter took tickets at the door. Vocal numbers were given by Mrs. J. H. Oftrnon. Mrs. II. N. Drockleebjr and Mm. William Millar, tccompan- 1st belhg Mrs Dlackstock and Mlaa McDonald The Scottish orcheatni played select Ions Speakers were the (Continued on pace four Board of Trade AtVanderhoof VANDBR!lOOT J-tn. M - A meet- ln of III 1 executive coituUUce of the Vanocrhoof and DLsUtct Doard of Trade Inc was held here, at whtoh the standing cmmlttees of the Doard were appointed, rhe first namro lit each case to be the chairman. Roada 8. W. Cocker S. Holme and Dr. W Itosa Stone Publlclty-F E DurranV E. C. McOeaohy and W. J. Rtniea. MembewlilpH V. Taylor and II. W. Stokea. Agriculture L. J. Pretton. J. II. MoMlMan and Hugh J. Ooldlc. Mining- Joseph Murray, J. M. Johnston and F. ?. Durrani. Relief V. Ilowman, J. J. Bteen and E. C. McOeachy. Vancouver Wheat SALE OF STEAMERS PLANNED All Three New Vcwb on Market and .May Clunre llandi if Offers Larue Knoujli MONTR HAL, Jan. 26: The lule of (he Canadian .National Steam-fthlin Prince , David and Prinre Henry h contemplalrd, it i learned here today. The vrtvh are now In Halifax and wrre recently examined bv the renrm-n-fitivc of French hippin Interest enraged In a service arnm the Mediterrannran between Marseilles and Algiers but their preliminary offer was too low. The Prince Robert ii laid up st Vancouver and will he sold if an attractive price is offerrd. ORE FROM SKIDEGATE EQRvANYOX. Larre Shipment Bclnr Prepared At Sunrise Mine Rumor Regarding Ownership SKIDEGATE. Jan. t: The Skidegate Sunrise gold mine management is preparing (o make a large shipment of ore to the An-yox smelter, the first shipment under a new contract arranged in the fall with the Granby Company. There Is a rumor here that the Granby Company may take over the mine and operate It Unemployed Make Protest Objection Taken to Krrcnt Cut in Relief Allowance and Delegation to Meet Council The regular "weekly meeting of the National Unemployed Worken' Association In the C.LDL IUU last night was attended by aolne 400. The drastic ahuh In the relief allowance for married men and tholr dcpendcn'.k wa "Je prlnrli'le topic of dl9cuslon. The contention was that It was practically Impossible tor a family to make ends meet before, and under the new scale' It would be absolutely Im possible, and thai the authorities were wrong In endeavoring to Im pose Intolerable living conditions on the mast 01 trie workers. 11 was decided that a delegation watt on the Mayor and City Council. and a special meeting be call ed Friday night, to hear tnelr report. Among other btMtneat waa a ootnmunlrotion front the Central Council of Kmplofed and Unem ployed asking tor representative from the varioug labor unions tn discuss matters wfaercJn Joint co operation would be beneficial to alt. The concensus of opinion wav tin the aouncll-gkeuM be represented it the Unemployed meeting, and &te Seretary was In structed to notify the council to thU effect. VANCOUVER, Jan. 20 The price, will sail on her return voyage for t of wheat l ore today wo.s ii l-3i Union steamer Oardena is due to the south n .uidnlgh t Tomorrow's Tides Vatch For of Announcement the New Chevrolet Six .. 2:2(5 ajn. 21.0 ft. 14:13 225 ft. pm. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. J.oW 8:22 a.m. 6.8 ft. 1 V 7X Chevrolet Sales tt Service 20:50 pjn. 1.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Phone 52 and Black 379 XXIV . No 21. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS IRISH ELECTIONS NOT DECISIVE YET PREMIER MAKES STATEMENT ON RAILWAY SITUATION Fishing Vessel Owners Decide to Make Effort to Restrict Total Catch of Halibut for This Season Seattle Proposal for Limited Catch per Man and Limited Number of Trips Adopted by Meeting Question Of Minimum Price Held in Abeyance Hit- fishing vessel owners, at a meeting held in the City I fail last night, decided to fall in with a plan proposed from . -.i'tlf to restrict the total halibut catch this year to 35,- i h m 1 1 m m) Kiunds instead of the total catch allowed by the ) :.:, i national Fisheries Commission of 46,000,000 pounds. Presbyterian iuii Packed with Ad-I , !,, i,,,r t hi alwuit. thi rntnh nf each vessel in restricted. nilrr" Gobble Rurns Who L-i i I Well Known Steamships Likely To Be Sold ... . 33 Further Defeats as Count Proceeds DUBLIN, Jan. 26: The present indications are that there will be very little change in the government of Ireland following the count which is now going on and which has still a long way to go before it is completed. While the Republicans are leading pretty well in the seats where a final count has been made, only one change has been made so far in the former standing and a . that la the twitching of one Nation-' illst seat to the aide of de Valera The Republicans are Jubilant over the election of six ministers supporting President de Valera and th- tut llut Former President Cos- Quiet Funeral At One o'Clock Mill u,. rut in half 1 A Private funeral service for the i and that in addition to the defeat Dn MurrJ was held in the vtee-pre-ltors of the B. C. Undertakers at of Ernest Blythe. former ddent of the Free States and Cos-, ternoon. TBe bereav-..'. MaUves and close hir liruUnanL other na- faml'y Ubor (supporting govt 2 Nationalist (opposition) 13 Independent (oppoaltlonl Centrist (opposition) - 3 The Republican government thua had a lead this evening ef It eeata over aU so far counted. I arrive from Vancouver and wayi Parke-Davis Company of De- polnU at 5: JO this afternoon and troit made the highest offer. igggggggt?- i Princo David .umos: new vpsc...- for fee purchase of w.ucb nuj in Eastern Canada. uauoni are proceeding Little Change So Far in Standing of Irish Parties But One Cosgrave Seat Has Gone Over to DeValera Number selves of Nationalists Including Cosgrave Find Them'lf''If T TaT IN With Kcduccd Majorities Pointing to Possible ; MXlLtLtUU 111 CLASH WITH POLICEMEN DRESDEN. Germany. Jan. 36: In the bloodiest poliUeal clash In recent Saxon historx, nine Communists were slain and eleven seriously wounded by the police In an attempt to disperse a Communist meeting. 4 , Reindeer Man Died New York SKATTLX, Jan. W News has were the only one. present been received I here of the death of ttonahst notables were having trouble. De Valera himself headed l th r. ! P8ldent,l0, Grant Holllngworth officiated. The the Lmen Reindeer Corporation the noil ' in Clare ' 4I1 'faneral conducted by the Masonic and tn surer of the Arctic Transport cheered by the fact that so far they . J naa tosi oniy uie oar mci. With M seats still In doubt the! party standings tonight ( Thursday ; were: Ilepublican (government) 31 Lodge took place at 3 o'clock this Company. In New York, following an open, tion last Thursday. C. N. R. Made Operating Profit Of Over Ten Million Dollars in 1932 Declares the Management Statement Made in Montreal That There Was Big Loss Is Incorrect in View of I'nblUhed Figures M0NTKKAU Jan. 20: A sUtemeut is made in a Mon- i i . i 41...4 i i xr-ii l i i iip in rmui: i ou losing at the rate of more than one million dollars a week pkksknt siiason , on 0H?ration alone without any regard to interest charges. , T I This stateuiwit is denied by the C. N. H. management. The ! JSJSL Canadian NnUonal Railway system in 1932 met its oper- announcement that hslUxit ,atUi expenses and had an operat-" livers used In the newly de- tng net profit of upwards of ten mil-! ve loped pharmaceutical pre- lion dollars. An improvement of j 4 ps rat ions will bring 16 cent a mure than two ind a hair million pound, a three-cent Increase dollars as compared with 1931 over last year. On tnr easu-rn lines oi ine un- The Fishing Veeael Owners' , adlan Natioiwi. 'he resulu from Aseoctatlon of Seattle and whl. are presented aeperately Ketchikan called for bid and under the provisions of the Marl- 4 time Freight Rates Act, the oper ating deficit In 1032 was $1,300,000 an Improvement of $2,300,000 compared with 1931 Today's Weather Triple Island Rain, moderate south wind, choppy sea. Dead Tne Point Clear, light south-west wine! Barometer 29.11; temperature 40; light swell. Prince Rupert -Cloudy, mudeggte as south east wind. Barometer 20JN; 'temperature 36. smooth sea 1