bssssssssssssssssKV.V if v "V'frtrrBtssssmiiiiii v. I PAGE TOm Campaign Warming Up Watch Your Step! The election campaign is warming up. Meanwhile step in and get a new pair of high class shoes suitable to the season at Cut Kate prices. We have fine shoes for evening wear and also heavy shoes for wintry weather. Send the children in to be outfitted before the snow comes. Health is just as important as education and dry feet means half the battle. BOYS AND GIRLS! Ask you parents to give you a new pair of those new shoes we have just received from the factory. They are the best you can get and the prices are so ow that anyone can afford to buy. 1 Profitable and permanent Employment Is the most Important question facing our people. There should be co-operation between the national, provincial and municipal authorities and the Canadian banking system to establish the necessary credit to carry out a broad programme of constructive and useful wage-dletrlbutlng public enterprise, and to further the health, education and well-being of all our people. An Economic Council should be established, the membership of which shall consist of representatives of the various avenues of endeavour, such as health, education, agriculture, labour and the Industries. This council will be appointed by the government on recommendation Tot the Interests Involved, and will act In an advisory capacity to the government. Amongst other things the council will study Industrial and social effort In the province and suggest means to correlate these efforts. It will familiarise Itself with Intra, lnter-provlnclal and foreign trade, and will co-operate with the other provinces and the Dominion. It will also study such questions as production and consumption, and the marketing of our products, the number of hours of work per day and days of work per week, the'jtantiard of wages and commodity prices. These questions are of national as well as provincial concern, and British Columbia oan take the lead in urging co-operation with the other provinces and the Dominion as a whele. National Unemployment Insurance should be established upon a contributory basis. 2. Our Financial position must be reviewed. Current expenditure must be kept within current revenue. While maintaining the credit of the province, effort must be made to reduce capital charges. We cannot continue to pay exorbitant rates of Interest for money. 3 -The Taxation Structure must be revised with a view to reduction wherever possible, including exemption In the lower soak of wage and salaries. ! CUT RATE SHOE STORE Third Avenue The appeal In County Court of the crown against a recent dismissal by Magistrate McClymont in city police court of W. H. Malkir. Co.. Ltd. on a charge of being in possession of furs without a li Prince Rupert cence has been adjourned sine die Felix Batt who returned from the owi g to the absence of one of the south earter in the week, has just witnesses. R. L. McLennan Is act- received word that he has s accessing as counsel for the crown a d fully passed his examinations In T W Brown for the defendant commercial wireless. He is receiv-company. lng congratulations of his friends. A Brief Synopsis of Liberal Policy HEREWITH is a brief synopsis of polity as laid down by the Liberal Party of British Columbia, In convention held In October, 1932. Many matters of interest, not specifically set out, will require consideration. The principles enunciated are Indicative of the Liberal viewpoint, and are broad enough to meet every question within piovlnclal Jurisdiction. The Liberal Party exists as an official organization for the purpose of formulating and furthering measures that will make for the well-being of each Individual member of society, and the welfare of society as a whole. Innumerable questions, both of public and personal character, can be properly treated only through the agency of government. Government la not an ordinary business, but carries responsibility to meet every problem arising from our complex social and economic con-distorts, in order that not merely a few, but all of our people may live In reasonable comfort. The Liberal Party pledges Immediate action under the beet available advice and ctowet study. August, 1933. T. D. PATTULLO. 4 The health of each of us Is Important to the whole community, and a measure of State Health Insurance should be made effective, not only to preserve health, but to reduce costs both to the average citizen and to industry. 5 A general and effective review must be made of the Educational problem, rejecting any proposed organization that Involves a easte system. We must facilitate the intellectual growth of each individual member of society in order to equip him for his dally tasks, and for the enjoyment of such cultural pursuits as may be In keeping with our social customs. Triangular disagreements between the school boards, municipal councils and the department of education must be adjusted, and our whole system placed upon a sound financial basis. 6. The financial position of our Municipalities Is of Increasing concern. An equitable adjustment must be made as between the province and the municipalities, and the municipalities placed In a sound financial position. 7. An effort should be made to settle our Agricultural Lands In order that more of our citizens may be self-supporting. Agriculture as a whole must be put upon a sound and profitable basts, and made capable of sustaining and directing Itself, in line with all other national, bask Industries. 8. Continuous effort should be put forth to assist Industry in Marketing its products, In timber, agriculture, fishing, mining and. in fact, every operation where it appears that useful service can be rendered, 9. Our hlghwtys must be kept In good condition, both for the benefit of settlers and the tourist traffic and expanded as circumstances warrant. In this connection a Highway Hoard should be established to make for continuity of policy and to inspire confidence in impartial treatment. 10. A Public Utilities Commission should be established. llA National Central Bank should be established. 12 Social Services, such as Mothers' Pensions, Old Age Pensions, etc, mutt be maintained. Abuses of administration should not be allowed, and Injustice through mere technicalities should not be permitted. 13. The Peace Klver must be given access to the Coast. 14. In order that the utmost Freedom of Ac lion by Members of the Legislature may be assured in respect of questions before the House, It U Liberal policy that a government shall be considered to be defeated only upon a straight want-of-confldence motion. 15 -The Dominion Government will be asked to place the Province of British Columbia upon a baste of equality, wlttf the dtherpravinees, and to this end request will be made for a Royal Commission to ascertain the extent to which the Province of British Columbia has not been given Equality of Treatment with the Other Provinces of the Dominion. 18. There shall be a permanent Voters' List to ensure that all eligible voters are enrolled. 17. The Leader of the Liberal Party Is given a free mandate to choose for his associates In government, men of character, ability and standing, having regard solely to the public interest .THE DAILY NEWS WATERFRONT WHIFFS Repairs Heintf Made to Elevator Wharf Salmon Cannery and Saltcries Still in Operation-Halibut Fishing Petering Out John Cunningham, representing the Northern Construction Co., has arrived in the city from Vancouver to take charge of work which is about to be undertaken of renewing fender piles and boom logs at the wharf of the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator which is being put in shape by the federal government for the Pool. The work, it is expec ted, will occupy about a momn s time and will mean employment for u 1 2.763 JOO pounds of which 6.-several men. Oeorge R. El the ting- ! 138.(XXKpounds wu from Canadian ton. supervising mechanic lor Ca- vessels and 7.8.a00 pound from nadlan government elevators, has ! American. These figures compared been spending several days at we with a total of 13.870 ,880 pounds at local house this business. is they did on this week on official There were no casualties among The handsome power yacht Sea Dog, demonstration boat for mar ine products, paid another-visit to port late this week following a cruise to various southeastern Al aska points shewing her waxes to the folk of that part of the country. The Sea Dog. which halls from San Francisco and had her owner. H. A. B. Sneve on board, arrived here at 6 o'clock Thursday evening from Ketchikan and sailed this morn- Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Coal That (lives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 a similar date last year of which 1JT2.2M pounds was accounted for by Canadian vessels and 9.M6.600 pounds by American. The one Ca- the deer of Refuge Bay. Porcher nadlan boat to land a catch during i 'Island, despite the ten day's acU- the week was Cape Beak. Capt , jmos of BUI Watte. Oeorge John-1 Kdgar Amott, which rwalvtd c and ! ' stone and Alex Plnnle. prominent 4. for 38.000 pounds. The top price ; in the local grocery trade, who re-, of the week for American fish was : I turned to town on Wednesday night 10 je and 7c which the Bxeei re-1 with BUI Miller aboard the Porcher ceived for IMvO Bounds while the; Island maU boat. The outing, never-' low was fe and fc paid the Bsctra 1 I theless. was a very enjoyable one for , for a large catch of MLOG0 pounds ! all concerned. Weather, generally' speaking, was quite good which means that It must have been a I'rlnre to Vancouver good deal different than It was In ; While engaged In a chum sal-our fair city over the same period ' Peking charter between the j of time, ror the trio this Porcher " Charlotte Islands and Nsmu Wand huntim exnedltlon has now cannery, the Armour Salvage Co become an annual Institution which POr Salvage Princess, Capt none of them would miss for any- ImiUe. had the misfortune thin.. if th.. An M kunkx4 U) suffer a broken crankshaft on Tuesday of this week. The vessel has been taken by the underwriters to Vancouver for repairs and will be returned later to her home port of Prince Rupert. C. P. X. steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. K. Oray. arrived in port at 4.11 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 10 pjn on her return to Vancouver and waypotnte. Jens Larseu. who has lng in continuation of her return 1 awarded the contract for carrying1 voyage southward. The ajfrqat Ksajngton. which hai been at the dry dock for the past two or three weeks undergoing certain repairs, was towed yesterday morning by the Armour Salvage Oo.'s power tug Wlnnemac to Dtgby Island where she has now been Ued up for the winter. Hunting Vote and Birds Having on board W. O. mi ton and B. J. Bacon, who will engage in electioneering on behalf of T. D. Pattullo. the next Premier ot British Columbia at least that is what Bill and Jim are saying 1. the gas-boat Ellda. Cant. Sddie Hudson, sailed this morning for Georgetown. Port Simpson and Warke Canal. Return to port will be made Sunday night or Monday morning. Some bird as well as vote hunting is planned. The B. c. Packers salmon cannery at Namu m the central area Is still continuing to pack fjsh and win likely carry on until the chum run on the Qoeen Charlotte Islands shows signs of dimunltlon. So far. the run Is still going on In full swing with good catches being made by the seiners in operation there. Namu Is also taking fish from the Rivers Inlet seining grounds. Two saltertes at Jed way and Houston Inlet are also running on Queen Charlotte Island chums. With fishing In Areas Ho. 3 and 4 due to come to a legal close for the season on October M, operation of the halibut fleet on the Pacific Coast Is now gradually petering out with boats tylag up as they reach port and landings all over the coast frather few and far between, resulting, at least, in an Improvement of price conditions. During the week ending yesterday nine vessels including one lone Canadian, landed catches totalling 30800 pounds at Prince Rupert, bringing the grand total catch for the season up the mail between Anyox and Alice Am, has been In Prtnee Rupert re-1 cantijr on business in connection j with a new launch which he purchased here with which to carry out the work. The boat wUl run. twice a week. Mr. Larsrn was ae- cwmpanled by hit wife and they re- i tamed to Alice Arm on the hew 1 boat The season for shooting of ducks In Prince Rupert district is now in and a number of parties were out last week-end but they did not have much success No super-abundance of birds Is. as yet. evident and they are. as usual, very wary. The fine weather this weekend will, undoubtedly, attract many nlmrods forth despite the fact that clear, sunny weather Is not usually regard ed as the most auspicious as far as bird hunting la concerned. Hard Times Masque By Labor Defence League Enjoyable Two hundred persons were present at a very enjoyable hard times masquerade dance which was held Thursday night by the Canadian Labor Defence League In the Exchange Block Hall. The affair was In progress from 9 pjn until 3 am. music being furnished by a Metis -katia Orchestra assisted by Julius Welle of this city. T. Makl was master of ceremonies. Prise winners for costumes were Miss Mary Mlchaluk and Mike Bobka. Smelters Have Two Planes Flying North VAND8RHOOF. Oct Jl - Tht- Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. now has two airplanes busy transporting in hay. feed and win ter supplies from Stuart Lake to 1 state creeK, Man son creek and j elsewhere in the northern section ! of Omtneca mining division where 1 It Is planned to continue operations I during the winter. Kenneth MsPhail sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. Friday and WftnuAv n.TT 1x11 "SuV.?. TWO SHOWS 7 Si 8:30 'SSS Adm.-.on-lSc 50c THRILLING WESTERN COMEDY KOMWr, 7 P T? J .1 rp M Lane uicv s uiiuci uie mnin h jh 7:10 & 10:00) With Stuart Irwin, Vcrna Hillie. A Paramount U. I The l'riic Sap of the Mexican Horder Utis raB.L Xic "Gambling Ship" , t;risoi)K no, i OFTIIE (JREAT CANADIAN SEIUM "CLANCY OF THE MOUNTED" tjt.. TMM T I T.M) I 4 -i t i .. . METRO NEWS MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Clearance on Odd Pieces Two Dresner, Kenuine walnut CQQ Crt nnn l Meg. $61 SO at Hi 00. lor quick sale OoO.OU Oo.Otl .1 new shipment f Cbeeter field arrived. ( qui 1 tj p ,1 prr lb OOC :r7 Third Avenue I r Practice Economy Get from 10 to 25 percent more lei1 units for your fuel dollar. Order Bulkley Valley GOAL The Kconomical C oal OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of (he fhherman, Lo(tr. Miner UOOMS-J10 per menth, M per week. SOc per night SIIOWIH HATIIS Third Avenue Phone 946 JIM MI K CICCONE NEW ROYAL HOTEL j Zsf- r -A HOME AM AT It: HOME Kates Jl-M u, u . (V h f Pni;. of " f The Fish which made Prince RuperlFamm "Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK CO Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill PRINCE RUPERT, B.C SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's Leading Family Hotel Hot it Cold Water in all Rooms . A. J. I'ltllDHO.M.Mi; Prop. SPECIAL WINTER RATES $12 Per Month and Up Developing Printing Send Your I 4 WRATHAIJL mivrn FLNfoI,Lu 1 inn (t Rapid Service