IP i 0. .;..; 21, 1033 Quick Relief Now From Neuralgia ;) :.'. " 1 V. w ( clASk Atour' R IM40 MINUTES ;i .HC NtufcnS... i worry ' r tote - N.TWO TABLITS -,li.,P TMAT FMN IN Jasmine fresh Milk and Cream Daily LENTiN DAIRY I'honc 0)57 n 2 LATER WEIL, JACK, P GOT THf URDM1 1 Til , MLT PIT A A riDDLl . P you SIT, I'U AuMS GCT ASPIRIN WHiN I WNT QUICK tlM FIOM PAIN WORKS SO FAST 11 la Ormes Ltd, Jim Ptorttcr Druggist Thf Krxall store rhonr 81 St 1 Real ASPIRIN Starts Takint Hold in Few Minutes v i:inglif qukk relief rheumatism. Mri I lip asrsf aor iyi, v are due to q Mien-. i.v whirs n Aspirin - to dissolve, or dS-:niuutag space of :,; . r lourtting moisture. , i irt "taking bW of i S'i after Ukiag. : "i f tb idaW Wre, An Ajipirm Tablet tf.ile almoat itaM- i lio thus it eeaty " mitarUlu. . though, !e on .u-tilulm. To be ure IN N yon rrir. be Ji..i-r iii I be furru if ' i Ublcl of Ainn. V v WHY ASPIRIN Drop m AiplnJ Takatf In a ihb af mm. N thai SF-PORE il louchn hot- II h What H data tetMi taa M Swa to yaw atamaca. Ilian m WHMUUU Does Not Harm the Heart LIQUID CLEANSING CREAM or LIQUID FOUNDATION CREAM With a Magnifying Mirror Both For 55c MENTHOL SHAVING CREAM and Combination Screw Driver 65c ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF RILEY'S TOFFEE In Bags at 25c Our Famous Ed son, Alberta and Uulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wf also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Kupcrt Feed Co. a a a it Phones o Coal Prices 'Wta'sIW T,,m $12.50 lrta'n Best Egg . '.'..'.!.".'. JJ-JJ Kta'HnestStof.0 ' L' Wbma kin 11.50 E;c'Vperiina::: " uuu, per coru HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 (tsse U ,o0sn't pay to atlvcriisc poor products, ; Idward A. Molan hui bee - fined US. with optian of fourteen daY' larprionment. at Burns Lake on a charge of branding an a inn! wi:h other than a registered brand scciur'.lng to a report received at divisional teadquartars of the pro- ,ln.l1 MltM fj1ft I mKtee. at Satvatlet Army head quarters on Thweday afternoon j sorted some 100 arUeiea wMsft Society presents 4 -Act Corned) "Or. Susan." Cathedral HalL Anglican W. A. Baaaar. Nov. 1 Preithyterlan Chareh Play "Oon sequences'" Nov 24. Itotttnanny Dance Queen Chapter. December 29. Jones' Family Legs of Lauib per lb Shoulder Lamb- per lb Loin Lamb Cliops 3 lbs. Rump Roast 4 lbs. Tot Roasti i 4 lbs T-Bone Roaajt- I per lb Sirloin Steak Round Steak . 2 lbs. , Lea of Pork per lb (shoulder Pork 4 lbs -.. rork Chops 3 lbs Legs of Veal per lb. Man COAL! cOAUMFiT MARKET ; Phone 957 Phone 957! Hulkley Valley Lamb 18c 10c 50c 50c 35c 5c 50c 25c 15c 50c 50c 15c i uocs pay lo Imy those atncriisco. ji a.. c I MMBT11 aTtT Mrs. THE DAILY NEW3 r iSsf ffrS'SJaWSaa"a IOa vf t UST f-Y0UURASrtM ! Wto a br'p, v"il 13 leg the time, the term running concurrently with another term he its serving for assault. Jamc- Denhoime. Mr and Mr P. R. "Wfcrw-w who 1 Whttehorse ad Victoria foMowtoiK their recent marriage here, arrived In the city from the south on the Prtneea Adelaide yesterday afternoon etnoute to Inverness where they will take up residence Mrs. Wilson was formerly Miss Molly Cross of this city I MEBIJHWWSUrjfaHBJBama BEFORE YOU BUY Compare These Prices. Be Talr to Yourrir. All Our Goods are of Uie llithett Quality BANANAS S Was. (MNOaVH-SNAPS- l a doc - PILOT HHiSAU- ! 3 lbs QRANULATSD aHIOAR W lbs. . LBMON8 per doe PINK 8ALM0W-'i s 4 ttna ECONOMY BOTTER Our own brand, 3 Mm. ! MINCE MEAT Qta OXO CUB! large tin SUNKIST ORANOBS 4 dos LETTUCE each APPLES Oeod and red per box S lbs 35c 15c 50c 75c 19c 25c 73c 39c 25c 85c 5c S1.49 25c ROWNTRMTS COCOA-H s Ofin 4UL tier tin C & B BRANBTON PICKLES per bottle HILLS BROS. COFFEE per lb. JUTLAND SARDINES 4 tins 23c 64c 25c Froe delivery on all orders $2 or over i MUSSALLEM'S j Economy Store i "Where Dollars Have Mere Cents" i 17-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 515 Phone 18 J mmm.mm ' a EFFICIENT AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone lilue 320 The most efficient service Is the more economical. Our new equipment is the latest in servicing, assuring you the best work. Why not have a proper aerial. Estimates on antenna installations cheerfully given. Superior Radio Service 33S Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 133 A. O. BARTLETT C. II INSULANDER PRIYATE TUITION Private tuition in high school subjects to Junior matriculation; and in senior matriculation. Ennli..h. French and Latin Phone Black 189 TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 331 A newly Developed Singer .and adjust spark iA03 TXR3 1 . ' J miimii mil mi i inn - - -imau ,i,,AitBkVBmus LOCAL NEWS NOTES JBIIversldes Bros, for Wallpaper. Meeting Prince Rupert Billiard i -Rt. Rev. J. R. Criaeot OM.l.. . Ola, falot and Mureseo. A entree of dnickennees agaifwt Association. Empreas dub. 8atur- Reman Catholic Bishop of the Tu day, Oct. 21, 8 p.m. 244 Ikon, was a passenger aboard th Kltu KuiIau, Japanese, was dls- Judge W. E. Ftaber returned to missed by Magistrate McClyroont the city on Thursday night's train In city police court yesterday. from Smltbers where he conduc- . . ted a eeesfen of Coonty Court. Mrs. J. W. Moorehue Returned to Um- city on Thursday nlgirrs Mr. and Mrs. 6. C. Thomson and tola from Terrace where she at- daucbUr, Fmaeos. sailed but night tended the marriage that alter- oa the Princess Adelaide for a trip noon of her sn. Norman Moore- south. They expect to go as tar as house, to Mkaa Mildred Ktrkpairick San Francisco. Sam Mayer, manacer for E. T.j Visitors at the llotaxy Club lun-Kenney'i election campaign at'eheon Thursday included His iflmtttCM, ' was In the city yester-! Honor Judge 11 A. Robertson of day, baring arrived from the In-' Prince Oeorge. James Denholme of Princess Nor&h fthis morning going thrwaft to Skagway followm-; a trip to Seattle and elsewhere 1-. the south. A. W. Tebaaat, ehlet astfttor for the Canadian Paelfle RaiH'af from Vancourer, waa a pavneaptr jssing north abeam Mm Print Ketah wliich was In pert tit minting He is making the round trip oa of ficial duties. A boy of juvenile age was tsp In ehty police court this morning on a charge of steallrg a bicycle be- tertor on Thursday night's train. Hell. W. O. Pulton and II. T Olas-; longing to Miss June Armour. The lie says there will be a good ma- sey of Prince Rupert. John Dyb- lorttjr for the Liberal candidate havn presided. Id tteena. ; . i Drtiskma) headqoarten or the Iproflodal poDrw here have been ' sdrltetl of tbe ftntat at A-yox 0f KeTfle Taylor to the mm of $60. j I Willi option of thirty days hnrtrH- ontnent. an a hrge of belntr the. keeper of a disorderly house. The j woman paid tbe flee. j llat ! boy was released on suspended sentence and ordered to report regularly to the potloe far two (norths. Hotel Arrivals Savoy R. H. Murray. CUSL; Mrs. Archie Campbell. Kitwataga: S. J Mayer ard J. Bu:r.an. Bmtttaers: Wm. H. SpUler Oort Fraser, Wil liam Jones, Port Essington. Royal J. Sutherland Vancouver; D. Patterson, city. Old Empress F. C. Bushfleld a d Joe Zom- who has been kowaky. Anyea; W. T. Letghtoa itur.ed to ha home at Tlell last Central j evening on the Phince John. Mrs. J- H. Morgan. Vancouver; W. Dentlme. who underwent a sue- Franz and O. Kelly. CJIJt.: Geo oUon at the Kmonton. N hospital ! Sam J.bour and C W. Dawson. i n- Ovro ,.!n Thursday, will be in the city Vancouver. IIICIHIA.I a wi vast. vtww ivia I . i m A M Kelson. iwo wceas more. rrmee uuperi j George R Eltherington and B L. Robert Sobarffe of Queen Thome. Calgary: Dr O. E. Kvale . Charlotte City, who baa been on a W. 8 Orr Stewart: Ms A ttWP arrtv in toe citjr on "J Hon Jan A. of elothes campaign on behalf : exempt few Prtncea. AdeWde yerterday . J 8t- needy All a very ar-' "i"; tlrJwere f In my good shape Dis-i1 V;erprJ HarJ q W mnk Te iirfllin'ln n "her return to hat home on John W Lson 3 Balkin. jTmes Announ cements Hygavu Bsaaar. Uosnber W. TennU Club Halloat'en tnillc October 17. Hill M Hallowe'en Tea Oct 24., The UtUe CtedhOner" Unite, church Nov. 2 and 1 Eagles Dance November 3. Presbyterian Baaaar Nov. 9. Nov -10 Cathedral Dramatl Liir iuccn bnviow taiawius. Wood and F P Watson. Vancou- ver. 1 1 1 Sews Forward and Backward It is a three in one Sewing Machine, Darning Machine and Emhroidery Machine This is the latest model of the best known organization In t he-world. Twelve factories in nine different countries. One of these factories iw Canada Bnmehee in every city of importance. ' R- garden of asje Singer parts always avattwbte everywhere. Call and see this new model or phone lor a jdamoaatration. Liberal allowance for your old machine regardless of make. &MmMvs.JM BE PREPARED FOR WINTER DRIVING No one wants to tinker around with a stalled car on a cold winter morning. Quick starting, easy riding and freedom from "T'"g little troubles are desired more- than ever. And here's where we have some good news for you. Ask for our special price igood till Nov. 15th i on the following group of operations: I Grind valves. G Fill and adjust shock absor 2 Clean carbon. 3 lean fuel lines and clean and adjust carbureter. 4 Clean plugs. S Focus headlights. bers. 7 Cheek and adjust steering. 8 Adjust brakes. 9 Adjust generator charging rate. 19 Drain crankease and lubricate chassis. 11 Check and fill battery. S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealer Phone S3 WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS chM-ACter we tell It's sure to talcAsevoul nrni rtiiormTn 1 KCrLriNLimNIi PHONE US - 1 T I ST V a a. verywi-iij we nave coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phono 618 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btekmera iett Prtoee Ruprrt for VnDooutfr: T.S.S. CATALA 1'FJIY TUESDAY, 1 :30 P-M. For Ocean Falls, due Vancouver. Thursday P.M. T.S. CARMEN A EVERY FRIMAY MIDNIGHT. Due Vancouver Monday a in. Weekly aaUlnss to Port Simpson. Alter Arm. Anyox. Stewart tad Nam Further Information traarding all aaUtnf and tlckata at Prince It a pert Areocy: Second Avenue. Phone 56 CANADIAN PACIFIC Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports: Princess Adelaide, Fridays 10:00 p.m. For VANCOUVER: direct: Princess Louise. Oct 16. 25. Princess Norah, Nov. 3 For KETCHIKAN, WHANG ELL, JUNEAU and SKAGWAY. Princess Louise. Oct. IS. 31. Prtnceaa Norah, Oct. M I'ot Reservations and Information W. L. COATES. General Axent, Prince Rupert, B.C. il 4 if? .A '.TK r" i n n n M s a a a," mm ttBalL