FRESH THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third lAtenue ;) H, F. PULLEN - work of an odd Prince Rupert teacher, James Mitchell who, as secretary 01 we convention com- mlttee, had an extremely busy time. In th ihuiM thmnvh Milan nf the general secretary. Harry Charleaarth, Mr. Mitchell had fil-led a very exacting office with ev had great benefits from the oast. was efyttatltaed into an Incentive Managing-Editor v SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 'For 1eaer periods, paid In advance per week Dy mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and Member At Audit iliirraii of Circulation United States, paid In advance. per year . By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transit display advertising, per Inch oer Insertion ri-issHlcd advertising, per Insertion, per word Legal notice, each Insertion, per agate line , .. Local readers, per Insertion, per line Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephnne .. 9K DAILY EDITION TIUCIIERS MI.ETING (Continued from Pace l ery sueeeaa. The attendance at the' from Vanc6uvn convention was a record. A large, number of resolutions had been ' eontroered, tome International, ; some national, some federal, some provincial and some local in their, scope. Teachera realised the need1 for sacrifice In these times but. as SO- DOO 1.40 .If a- ,jr Wednesday. May 3, 1933 Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss. Prince George 10 pjn. Friday m. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.n. Ss. Cardena ....... midnight May 10 ss. Prin. Norah pjn. May 19 s. Prin. Norah p.m. May 31 as. Prin. Norah ... pjn. Sunday ss. Catala pjn. Wed. as. Prince Oeorge 9:30 ajn. rrtday ss. Prin. Adelaide .. pjn 8s. Cardena pjn. May 6as. Pita. Norah ajn. May lSes. Prin. Norah am May 31 ss. Prin. Norah am Dr. Buchanan pointed out, it was for Stewart aid Anyox- the duty of leaders of education to see that the futures of 40.000 chil Sunday ss. Catala . . 8 pm Wed ss. Prince George 4 pm dren were not to be Jeopardized forf From Stewart and Anyox the sake of the preservation of the Tuesday s Catala 11:30 a m bonded Interests of the moneyed Thura as. Prince George 8 pm classes. The heritage of the young lor Naav River ana' Port &imroi-wm to be safeguarded. "Young' Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm Canada, we stand on guard for thee" from Naas River & Tort Simpson-might well indicate their attitude. Tuesday as Catala 11:30 am The inspiration of the convention ' From Ocean Fall was a very real thing. The realization that teachers were engaged rn on Important contribution to man- Wed. as. Prince Oeorge 9:30 am Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide . pm. as. uaroena ... p m ' kTfnd and that they had a big re- For Ocean Fall sponstbVlty to the future as they Tuesday Catala 1:30 pm Thurs--ss. Prince Oeorge 10 pm Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p m thit wouM eneournT them to work For Quce n'.Cn.Yrlntt'e'Illanri on to the greater hswrnes of the May 6 ss. prince John 10 pm yauth of today, the Wen' of a fuller May 19 ss Prince John 10 pm life hi the years to come and the From Queen Charlotte Island rUst!on ef the Mist-'s alri that May 17 n. Priace John 'peofil indent have life, and that Mav 31 ss. Prince John i thAVrtftht have It mnri himrlnnt.. rnr Mlri '1V W. W. C. O'Neill spoke on visit f'DrVAwdevsort hid nd4rred May 0 ss. Prin. Norah M- v 15 ss. Prin. Norah May 27 ss. Prin. Norah lb'lal tHiehrfi on her fv ovwr From Alaska eniwite to TMne Ck-ire to May 19- as Prin. Norah adHress drtH. eon"enfnn at tiit nfn Tt tin? had been a vev vulnsM" one. H' rntea of than wr aero nIH the various sneakers prior to adiniimment. May 19- -ss. Prin. Norah May 31 as. Prin. Norah am am am am am. pm pm. p.m. from Skeena River frtdaT ss Venture . . pm Mttlls close at the post office on hour prior to all departures. Palpitation of the Heart Nerves Bad-Could Not Sleep Mrs. Fred Binel.aro, Swift Current, JSwk, writ: "I wu luthered witli palpitation of the heart, sod my nrrrtt were to LaJ I eould cut Wp. I wu fttlg drfrat and eunilded my trouble to a friMtd who rMOBBieadfeTme to dm Milhurn'i linmrt itoil Nrrre I'ilU. I (mrrkutmi a Ihix and got iuch ttbrt 1 wouM gUlly rmuio-tii iil tlii'in Ui til win) are truutilwl a I was." Tr ttir at it! itrtir ' t-t tn) notrj pui tp ..nijr tj 1 T Uilkira C. IM PUTS BEEF IHTO YOU DEATH RATE a BiBsa:,'ii'iKfa:Biiijij'ii:iB:i b xmjtuxa : ? m :iB 1 1 iiwmtT.'Hi'BiiBilslg!t.t a OF MOTHERS' News and Views of Sport Population of Canada WIU.Drcrease .. . . . . i niess sometliins Is Done t 4 . L V ' ! . ' " SI mom i heal.. May 3 : ci A prediction that 4u 1940 the population of Canada will be stationary ana in 95 It .wiy be icssj Uan'10.0u0,,p00 it the present dealh rate of moth-era )$ not checked was made by Dr. Stephen'' Lanjeviry . qrofassor tt ob-itktri'es pfi',thpUnlvetMty of Montreal. In acldresslris a local service club. , ''We must take into consideration 'that a birth rate of 16.7 is necessary 'td'matntatn a stationary poptila-tion with the present life expectation of about 60 years," he explained. "If the present downward tiend continues, therefore, it is only ja matter 6i a few years until the number of daughters will be only sufficient to replace the mothers of the present day when they reach m)ddle age. The proportionate causes of riuefpeml death are infection 40"? . intoxication 21' ; . hem-hqrrage 12. , and Instrumental de-ftfejy 10. I "Eleven percent of the remaining are due to 'What we call the acci dents of preajnancy and certain ill-defined causes. There is also the danger of morbidity in 10" of the cases." Dr. Langevin offered as sugges tions, for reducing such mortality and morbidity more hours of teach ing obstetrics In universities: more post graduate facilities for physi cians: more maternal beds available in every hospital, more trained nurses or mldwtves for cities and rural districts and a public educational campaign. LadyMduntstephen Passes in London Widow of Former Prc&ident of Canadian Pacific Railway Was Close Friend of Queen . LONDON, May 3: (Canadian Press Lady Mountstephen, aged 70, widow of the former president of the Canadian Pacific Railway and a close friend of Her Majesty the Queen, died here on Monday. Ketchikan Trollers In Session Today Prices. Reflations and Other Matters Being DUrussed KETCHIKAN. May 3: A meeting for all local trollers Is being held this afternoon In Pioneer HaU to discuss prices, new fishing regula tions and other matters SLIGHT DROP IN ACTIVITY OF LIBRARY A slight falling off In borrowings at the public library was reported by MtaaCrulkshank at a meeting of the board' held last night The total books loaned In April was 9,340 of feteh 4.348 were fiction. 597 non-flctton. IIS duptleate pay and 1,201 rureniie. The dally average was 397.1. The number of new borrowers as 16 while 31 cards were cancel led, leaving 3.726 now on the list During the month 120 bonks were placed on the shelves of which 110 ware from the Oyro collection. The total number of books now on the e1ves 1 approximately 8.647. Mr. and Mrs. William II Wright of - Ocean Falls arrived In the city on' the Prince Oeorge this morning from the paper town for a week's visit. Mr. Wright was' formerly pro prietor Of the Windsor Hotel here for man years and is now manager of the Pacific Mills Hotel at Ocean Falls. ' OATII'OF AtXERIANCF. AHOf.lSHF.i) riv DAlI.'-f DOnClN, May 3: f Canadian 4" Press) President Bamonn de-f Valera's bill abolishing the oath df aWeglance to the nntlah eirdwn -was iiasaed finally to ittahobythe-'Dill EXreann on a tflvHtdn'of 78 to 07. 4 White Sox Slugging Trio in Battle Array WIIITK SOX StBfifli.xV. TniO IN-'IlATTLi: 'AltlMY Wfceo O&vny Mack sold Al Simmons. Xtrnrny Dykes and Male Ha to the Chicago White Sox he converted that dub into a potential winner. Stsmnons who was largely instrumental in carry-Irg the Athletics to the baseb.ill height In Mi several years' ronneetton with that MitfU. is beginning whtre he left off with the Windy City club fearly averages show that he Is teesthag U American League In almost every dsparunaat 'lloas a'd'Dyke are also doing very wan. The husky club swingers are here giving the 1933 version of the "sptrtt of 16' At the left Is Dyies, centre. 8immons. and right. Haas. Their team Ls now Ued for tl.ld place one came behind first. Sacramento Is StilLLeading SPORT CHAT The Junior Football AasoctaUon I resumes acUvtUes this evi Senators Lost, However, to Oakland Booth -Memorial and Atoms In I'aclfle Cuast latue Street Schools meet In the tost Rame Yesterday :mr of the aprtng sehedsMe Kkk ! .ff In at B 30 with tt? Hrtn In I licdess At the Toe R Rati, Pulton Street, tile 'Prince Kopert Orowp. Toe H Us asost surceMful bridge I 1 d,,ve and MxM ot """n hsrge of the game Hooth will turn Oakland Acorns nosed out thei0 practically the same team as " Sacramento Senators, leaders In tne played Ust tail, the selection being j The gathering numbered over 90 Pacific Coast . Baseball League ! mMlr lrom kelson and ft Rlt- j people and sixteen tables of bridge standing yesterday, by the close score of 4 to 3. Los Angeles defeated Mission chie: Matsumoto. Kby and Mc- i ere made up. The first hand Qrelsh; Hale. R. Cameron Mar- 'dealt at 8 45 pm and play conUh-Donald McLeod and McMeekln ! until II o'rlnrk Vhen drllrioua Reds 8 to 4 and Hollywood Stars j wlln Lr". DennU and Krause as refreshment were served The won over San Pranclsoo Seals 11 to "i1ri. Borden has lost some of ry UsUfMly detdr- The Seattle-Portland game was sained out. For supplying liquor to Indians, i Dert Anderson was fined tMO, with option of two months' imprisonmnent, by Magistrate MrClymoat in city police court yesterday after- j noon. He was fined -an additional $36. with fourteen days' option, for ararucenneas. ttcorgc Powell and Murmy Clifton, Indians, for drunkenness, were each fined tio. with option of seven day' Imprisonment (Jo (o Kaicn Hardware for Sporting Goods Most Everybody Docs We sell everything at rigrlit prices. , Ralls. 40c;. Meg. 50c FOOTIUM Sltoe. $L5u HASICIlAIiIi IU1N, 15c to S1.K0 SOITHAliL Halls, 73c -up Kaien Hapdvvarje iast year's team and some new atM Howers supplied by Mrs. players will turn out. ' w Brass ad the rtfrtsjrunenta Today's Weather Terraee Cloudy east wind. 48 Alyansh -Part cloudy calm. 46 Anyox Cloudy, ralm. 50 8trwart rioudy. calm 42 Hstelton Cloudy c.thn 40 Tune In With The Peopl e 'YANKS LOSE j ONCE AGAIN "Nearly .Share I Im Maff WUh Washington smton DETROIT, May , P' si Nosed out b. ngers nere yesieid., ,, almost dropped into ,, uile Washington h-u c : leadership df the Aim i: Thr St Ltiuts Brown, , victory Ofer the Bus' u. k, St. ffnila. Hi.' , ,. , two teamt for eii.,. . ix inij broi. i; Pllthiin Plrat.-,t dow veinict to (:.. ! leUined Un it two ,u lead hi the NatKK, ,. New York OtoviU h. m mtnousty xhat-out t . 1 Cub The vleiory kv. m, tic for tMrtl place x.e tyn Dodger , wh Lotrto OardmaU at' Doston Brave dropp. i place a a rssalt c! u., . f sit St the hands -' t . .. ndda YeMerday'sfii Nitlorul Utrir Cklacsn li.'New Ymi-Mt. Lgb 13. Bnwk! . . i wassnrsin z. hmxtoi : PMeWrg S. PhUad. ;, t. , Amrriean L'uc W York 3. DetM noston 1 St luii ClsinaBB MQsvm ADVERTISE CtfselwMtt PUkStphla ' AM rn I CAN M tl I. Nw York Walilnglon n- Clevoiand St. in fsmnd mystery pn."-Mra. W C. Aapm .ill After rtfmhmn.i, staging, led by J greatly en toyed uv'. ' were In the eapabte IumUs of M.i folurae of -sound Lrb really happy The prise winners were as fol j To complete thr . lows Udle. first. Mm Bert West. ' wa Induced In u: cend. Mr P H Unsey. lugnest The folkjwsag K .. individual score. Mr Scott; lueky nalod the orlses v number. Mrs J H Marey, mens J.-Bulger Oordoi. i fl.xt Bert West nerond 8 A iStd; lacrs Montreal 1 hl fhest Indlvldiiiil score Bert West- nron Acme Iiimh ItMky number W A Mrl-ean Ttte and Jmev Me.i ' The Daily News Telephone 98 The Paper that has the circdlalionhat Brings Results li Baseball Standings NATIONAL IXAt.l E W York