Tomorrow's Tides THIS WEEK mm The New Chevrolet High 8:49 a.m. 10.4 It. 21:39 p.m. 17.6 ft. Is on Display at Low 2:38 ajB. 9.0 ft C. 14:57 pjn. O.O.Vo, Kaicn Motors Show Room , A NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER All Cordially Inrlted Phone S3 Vnl XXIV.. No. 103 1 PRINCE RUPERT, B.p., WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS BE A UHZRNOIS IS LOOMING BENNETT DISCUSSES CURRENCY rrnle. "Queen of the K'io-' ii iy region of British Colum-itiu. la doomed unless unforr-n aid comes quirk'. Tile flow's NeM P.w i .mI X. sou? industry Of the rlty of ftjMO. la rliwing up hp for Roud. It la uiiioiinred by cotniMiiy offteaaar' A ventral view of one of the matn street la RTHtwn MV hile tn 2 te ei the puolir xrhonl A scriton of Mm ran be seen In ill. Premier Intends to Keep Canada Money On Its Sound Basis Suggest, However, Ttiat Inflation or Devaluation .Might Be Desirable and Possible Under Certain Circumstances TTAWA, May 3: (Canadian Pre) An observation u h Premier R. B. Bennett interjected during a sjKfech House of Commons yesterday on general financial ittt i s forecanting a measure to be introduced shortly Prting money in not to be taken as an indication thai - c eminent contemplates any departure from the - H principle of sound money. It was ALDER IS APPOINTED I'ormrr Loral .Man and Properly Owner to be Committioner W J. Alder of Victoria. we-H known properly owner and former r-Mdent of tliU city. was this morning appointed by Ihe provincial government commissioner 'or Hie city of Trlncc It ti pert, ae-cordlnj lo word received prlvalcly in Hie clly today. Mr. Alder, II It understood, will be here within the next few days lo assume hh duties. Appointment of the commlv 'oner follows Ihe recent drfaiill ' Ihe illy on bond Interest pay-menu, rnurt order aiilhorlflng the npoplntment having been made a couple or weeks ago. J'"'vlnrlal Constable n. a. Otlker. wn reeenUy transferred from to KmIo. arrived tn the elty the aouth on the Prince '''"rue Utday. Hn will appear at 1 witness at Ujr session of the tu-lu me Court A.viia .s Pass "Sentence of Death" On B. C. City HaLaLK!sk!!&Vifitt it) " s & a learned authoritatively authoritatively. Oft Oft fee question of Inflation or devaluation of the dollar, however. It haa been stated In reliable quarters that, should this be desirable and pga-slble of accomplishment under the circumstances and would not Impair the credit of Canada abroad, the Prime Minister would not heal-late lo ask for the necessary authority from Parliament Should the United 8tates Inflate rlther by devaluation of the dollar or Issuance of flat money or by any other means. It Is believed tit way would be open for n safe courae of Inflation In Canada. Two Aviators Die in Crash Pilot J,fflrcr Vfceount Kncbworlh and Aircraftsman Itarrhon Uvtc Lives LONDON. May s (Canadian Press) Wtot officer Viscount Knebworth and Aircraftsman Harrison were killed Monday night when a HoyaJ Air Force plane craahed at H f&mm URGES NO 'Many Witnesses ! For Arson Case j Large Party Prom Sinithfrs Arrived Here on lt Merit's Train to Attend Court The following Smlthera people arrived In the city on last night's train from the interior as witnesses and In other capacities In connec tion with the Dawson arson case at the Supreme Court Assises here this week: Brneat liaan. accompanied by. on, Billy, Percy Davidson. Louis Austin. John DeVoin t Nelson). H. 0. Wlndt, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Daw son. C. A. Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson. Lieut. Col. R. L. Oalc and son. Arthur, Oeorge Ca mi there, Cecil 8teele, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pope, L. M. Kenoey, Frank Meaaner. U 8. MeOUl. Constables C. P. Oland and William Smith. Seraeant A. H. Palrbairn, Mrs. Dorothy Lewis, w. H. Lewis, Mrs. E. C. Dawson and Infant daughter. Mrs. C. N. Monks. Mrs. R. W. Champion, John Collls-on. William Duff. Charles Held and Fred Cook. Halibut Arrivals Amrriraii Norland. 10.000. Cold Storage, 8c and 3c. Ithona, 10,000, 1 loyal, 8.8c awl 3c. UroUtera, 15.000. Royal. S.4e and 3c. SUr, 10.000, Cold Storage. 3.0c and Sc. Stiouil. 9,000, and Midway, UL60U, Pacific, 8.7c and 3c. Lanclttg. 13.000. AUlii. if and 3e Uaaei II., ia.ow. AUIn. 0c and 3c. Uanadiau Teeny Mill, 11.900; Captil I, 11.000; Oony. llOtM; Signal. O.ttKl; Oerlrude. 1,700, and Unity, 2.000 Cold Storage, 4c and 2c. Clipper II. 8.000, and Toodle, 10,-500, Atlln, 4c and 2c. Gibson, 17,000, Royal, Ac and 2c. FISH DUTY Man en Ihtt Tmkrii M jllrt lip With Dcparlment at Ottawa and Slakes Succcstlons In a leftrrto thr serretary-o; Chamber of Commerce. Okf Han- : '-en. member fur Skerna. .states that he has m ide strong rr presentation both peronally and through cor respondt nee to the department of fisheries and the government In re gard to Uie duty on fish entering United States and vice versa. He his urged that the duty on fish entering American ports be abolished altogether and. falling this, to have the duty on either side the name, namely one cent a pound Instead of two. Mr. Hanson suggested that a strong resolution be sent forward tn regard to the matter by the Cham ber of Commerce. John Pollard Laid at Rest Funeral of Well Known Port Es-shuton .Man Held This Afternoon Funeral services for the late John H. Pollard, superintendent of James A. Brown's sawmill on the Bcstail River from March 1906 un til three years and four months ago when he sustained injuries in a fall from a wharf at Port Essina- ton as a result of which he had since been In the Prince Runert General Hospital where he died last week-end. took place this afternoon from the chapel of the B. C. Under takers to Palrvlew Cemetery.' There was a large gatharng of friends and acquaintances of the deceased In attendance Rev. Canon W. P. Ruahbrook of ficiated and Mrs. H. B. Rochester presided at the organ to accompany the hymns which were "Rock of Ages" and "Abide With Me.", nurlal In Palrvlew Cemetery fallowed the service.. Pallbearers were A. J. Prud-homem. o. J PrisawU. Archie Moore. John Smith. R. a. Oimnlngltam and Hugh Brown. There were a number of floral offerings. Vancouver Stocks Supplied by 8. a JoltntUm Oa. Ltd. Noranda 2700. ' Bralorne. 6.K. Reno, 1 22 Bridae River Consolidated, 21. IN HOUSE OF COMMONS Quebec Power Project Casts Its Shadow Once More On Political Stage; Government Gets Warning TEACHERS' Dtltfatf! Hcpiit en llrtciit Con-venton in Vancouver Fine Speeches Impressive Meatus Delivered by Various rromlncnt Men At the regular monthly meeting f the Prince Rupert Teachers' A--nci 'ti-Hi Ut evening, reports or the provincial oattvUua held in "wvei tfusiac taster week were ivreasetaslMsebe delecataa and r " vHrsm wv local teacn- MU M. llarta spoke on the open-is mr-Mn- at whirl) Mayor L. D. .ylor welcomed Uic teachers and t which o C MeOer gave a roos-n address on "The Moneychangers in the Temple." Mr. Me-leer wax strong In his condemns -'ion of the present banking system, wit that of the local banks but of the policies of the Morgans. La-vellea. Holt and the controller?; of the International monetary transaction. The Ood of Christianity had been replaced by the god of money. The remedy lay In the hand of the people who had vision to nlaee spiritual values above material values and had Uie courage to insist on the right Ood being the object of worship. The eonversaaione had been a very successful feature with a full program of the best musical talent of Vancouver. Both funcUons had been crowded. Mies E. A. Mercer spoke on the addresses by Dr. Carrothers. B. C. Nicholas and Dr. O. M. Weir. Dr. OurroUicrs emphasised the general insecurity of the present economic existence. As a result, teach -era. who had previously been relieved of an Immediate concern tn economics and so were free to devote their activities to the consideration of Ideals and the education of the young, were now forced to face the results of an Hi-ordered system. The change had done them good and the rising 'generation would benefit. The tragedy of Uie war had been followed by Uie greater tragedy of economic catastrophe. The lesson was being slowly learned that human values must be placed j above profits of Industry. Mr. Nlclwlas. of Uie Victoria Times, spoke of " Education and Uie Press." The press was Uie child ol education. He traced the develop ment of education in an Interesting1 way. slrawing how Uie Idea of teaching children to earn a living raUier Uian teaching Uiem to live had developed In Uits materialistic age. A fuller appreciation of art, literature and Uie good tilings of ilfe and more sympathy among members of Uie human family was necessary. J. S. Wilson J. 8. Wilson, a member of the pro vinelal executive, told of the business of the executive meetings. He paid a tribute to the very efficient Continued on Page 2. UP AGAIN Sir Herbert Holt Said t o be Angling For Control Strong lipitliets Ued in Discussion by Deputy Speaker and Progressive Members, OTTAWA, May 3: (Canadian Press) Beauharnois rast its shadow over the political stage again yesterday vvhen Opposition members warned the government that. Sir Herbert Holt, Montreal utility baron, was angling for control of the vast St. Lawrence River power project, j Three members of the Progressive group, E. J. Garjand, l9beri Gardiner and J. S. Woods- orth. pressed for expropriation of if Uoauharnor. power and navi lloii scheme and ls development ' a poBtlr utility. They were Joined by Hon. W. D. Ksrter. Liberal, who igested that the Dominion ac mire control through stock pfir- hsae wHb printed currency. This weuld have the double effect on crirlnK.'thexxwer pkat and mod- iBlh&ng eutreficx. - Premier R. B. Bennett said that he would make a statement at Um proper time The Monlreal Light. Heat Fjpwer Co. was termed by Armand Lav ergne. Deputy Speaker, as "the rreatest octopus that ever laid Its tentacles on Uie province of Quebec," by Robert Gardiner as "a set of gangsters" and by Mr. Garland as "a pirating group of unscrupulous promoters and financiers." Hon Ernest La point c. liberal, said that Quebec would resent dls-cmsinn of Its own private affairs of which he claimed Beauharnoia was one. OFFICERS INSTALLED J. Vine New Head of Loyal Order of Moose at Anyox ANYOX. May 3: -The newly elected officers of Anyox Lodge No. 1413, Loyal Order of Moose, were duly Installed at an interesting meeting held in the Elks' 1UU last Wednesday evening. Past Dictator J. A. Deeming presided in a very capable and Impressive manner and Installed Uie following in their various offices for Uie ensuing year. Past Dictator. A. Pymn. Dictator. J. Vine. Vtce-Dtetator. N. Marshall. Prelate. A. Milne. Secretary. H. Ward. Treasurer, O. Owen. Sergeant-at-Arms, J. Wynne. Inner Guard. O. Uiagins. Outer Guard. J. Horvatorn. Trustees, H. Young. P. Persip and D. Havrico. At the conclusion of the ceremony lefreshmenta were served In Uie dug-out where the members greatly en loved a mtistra! program. The entertainment was under Uie dlree lion of T. Plnkney. Several Halibut Boats Sell on Ketchikan Mart KETCHIKAN. May 3:-Sevral small halibut boats sold eaUhea here yesterday at price ranging from 4c and 3c to 7 5c and 2c. Bellicini Home At Houston is Victim of Fire According to word brought to the eitr from the Interior on last ntfht's 4mln. the home f B. O BeHielnl at Houston was destroyed by fire yesterday. It is understood there was Insurance on the residence which was an Imposing structure of stucco construction. Catholic Hospital Heads Are in City Mother Superior and Sisler Superior From Victoria Reach Here Knroute to Smithers Mother Provincial Leopold me Of the Sisters of St. Anne. Victoria, and Sister Superior Ludivtc of St. Joseph's Hospital. Victoria, arrived in the city on Uie Prince Oeorge this rooming from south and will proceed by this evening's train to Smithers where Uie Sisters of St. Anne are taking over Uie Bulkley Valley District Hospital and plan on erecting another and more up to date building in a more desirable location of the town. During their tay here. Uie Mother Superior and Sister Superior are guests at the local Sisters of St. Joseph's convent. Silver-Copper Prices Steady Ullle Change Recorded in Prices on .New York Metal Markets Today NaW YORK, May J: (Canadian Press -Bt sttver dosed at Uc an Uie local metal market todav. ifcpper waa steady, electrolytic spot no futura closing at Wc to 8c. COLUMBIA RIVER I ISHERMKN ARB NOW ON STRIKE e ASTORIA. Ore Msy 3: (Ca- t nadlsa Press ) White workers of all Columbia River fish can- 4- nerlss but night voted to strike in sympathy with fishermen In v Uietr skUe against Uie price of six cents per pound being of- t fersd by the packers for chin oofc salmon About TOO workers are aMertcd