Tomorrow's Tides the -toa mill, which has been i;-. process of installation at the Surf Point mine on Pure her Island dur ing the past few months. wtU be J placed in operation about Jane 10 inn rifllM"1 The putting of the mill in operation ; U U11 1 Vl win marc ute start m uw n , this promising property as an actual producer of concentrates Owned by the Timmlns Interests of Ontario and with R E Lett as manager, the Sart Point propert haa been under active development since early last tall It was vtslled this week by W 8 Duket Harris, reweeenUUve of the Col. Victor She VERY WELLES special with Conditions on Prairies Ideal During Past Week WINNIPEG. June 0: - Almost without exception the crop progress .. . w.MUVM. .n,' I nas aeen raeai mrougnoai ntwra bTwo dtrec-1 Canada during the past week, ae-&2 McMorrts managing ZZxZSS Mines -rdjng U .the weekly c report tour of Q-een ( ChartotU jpecUon rtbovf groiind eltht to "JK?! -Htm of later and significance as far as the future of the Surf Point mine Is concerned GOV'T UNDER DISCUSSION : Criticising the presrnt irt y system of government which he claimed waa unwieldy and inefficient and expressing the opinion that the time was rfpe for a change, possibly along the line of a dictatorship. T W. Drown waa an Interesting spesker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club yesterday. Mr. Drown ouUlned some methods by which he felt that government might be Improved upon by application of slmpltr methods. A dictator, of course, would have to be Just, accurate and honest to an extreme degree. Speaking of provincial government. Mr. Drown claimed thst the Lcgislcture. as at present consulted, was much too large, lie de clared Uiat the province was today practically bankrupt. President 0. A. Woodland was in the chair and thanked Mr. Brown for hi Interesting address. Ouests Included H. M. Strelght, a membei f ,the New .Weaifcnlnster Rotary C lib. O of HanabnkM.P.. J. V rw vth of Vancouver coarse grains Is practically pie ted, pastures are in fine condition, and no important damage from any source is noted. In the Peace River territory weather at most point has been cloudy and cool with come rain. Seeding ts ompieted. crops are showing up well and are In good condition, but warmer weather Is needed. Today's Weather Terrace Part cloudy, south wind, temperature 48. Alice Ann Raining, west wind. 48. Anyox Cloudy, calm. 48. Stewart Cloudy, heavy south wind. 4. I laaelton Cloudy, calm. 46. Smlthers Cloudy, calm. coW. Dums Lake Snowing, calm. 33. Funeral Notice All electrical workers are reques ed to gather at the DC. Under- i lakers on Saturday, at 230. to at tend the funeral of the late Alex-ander MpRae. Mrs. Robert Oorlett of Terrace ar lived In the city from the Interior on every possible effort at that gathering towards bringing about stabilisation of the price of the metal. BndorsaUon by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce for the resolution is asked and It is expected that a meeting of the council of conference Chamber will be held tc the matter. The resolution from Smtthers i also as follows: "Resolved that this Smlthers' District Chamber of Commerce, representing the Bulkley Valley district of Drttiah Columbia, again reaffirms Its adherence to the principle of re-establishment of the price of silver by international agreement and asks the representatives of the Dominion of Can asa at the world economic conference to make every effort possible to bring about the stabUtaaUon of the price of silver by Interna atonal agreement as the main step on the way to regaining prosperity throughout the world." The Smlthers Chamber propoMS that the local Ohambar draft a resolution along similar lines and forward it to Premier R. D. Den nett who Is now on his way to the Tins WEEK THE Pontiac Straight 8 High 2.10 a.m. 22.8 ft. 15:23 p.m. 19.6 ft. is on Display at Low 9:00 a.m. 0.3 ft. 21:09 pjn. 7.0 It. Kaicn Motors Show Room NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER All Cordially Invited Phone 52 'V Vol. XXIV.. No. 134 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS COMMERCIAL WAR IN ORIENT LOOMS INTERIOR RANCHER BELIEVED BURNED TO DEA TH IN CABIN Remains Are Found In Embers of Dwelling In Tachick Lake District John Edward Hoik Had Not Been Seen For About a Week And Burned Corpse Found Yesterday is Thought to he His VANDERHOOF, June 0:-John Edward Bolk, about forty-five years of age, is supposed to have been burned to death in his log cabin about six miles south of here on Tachick Ike. The tragedv wa discovered yesterday by a neighbor boy who wan delivering butter and eggs. Hoik was last seen about a week ago. He came to the district three years ago and had puihaad the land and started farming. The body in the embers has not yet been definitely identified but it i believed to be Bolk's. t Mil l. IS - i SENSATION CHEATED PT1 A OTITTr1 nY JAl'AS AT CftiNXVA 7.,- BAN IS ON WAR DEBTS Will Not Be Discussed at Economic Conference, Announces Head Of U. S. Defecation PLYMOUTH, Eng. June 9: ICa-hadlan Press Secretary of State Cornell Hull of the United State barred all discussion of war debt at the forthcoming world economic conference in London when he ar rived here yesterday with the Uni ted States delegation He announce emphatically that war debt wotil-i not be discussed at the conference MBSTAND. G&WEVA. Juhe : CP-Ja- 4 Concentrating Plant on Surf Point pan produced a sensatiaa at i Mine ts SUit Grinding Ore On June 20 the disarmament conferenee 4 yesterday by announcing that - . A it mm imaKU a annl Mm. 4 RESTORING ! OF SILVER) Smlthers Chamber of Commerce I Asks Indorsation for Rcsolu- I lion on Important Question ithe quest len of silver transcends almost all otlwi etnetderattons as a step towartL- the worWa economic recovery tr.e Smlthers and District Chamber of Commerce ha passed another re According to word received IntheUpfct. of bombing from J'ZZZ ray from the property the air until the ureal powers enferenee , to mmV make mM abolish aircraft carriers. 4 last night's train and sailed on the and Stanley Prince Oeorge for a trip to Vancou- Dnlby of Prti... Rupert jver a..u . - HOPEFUL OF MINE Sampling Returns of Topley Pro perty Being Awaited BMTrilERS. June 9: Tbplej people are Just now awaiting hope fully the returns of the sampling of the Golden Eagle group of claims Uiere, formerly known as the Top- Icy 81Iver. With the rise in price of silver greater Interest Is being taken in this class of property and lately the group was bonded by St. Louis people who made a cash payment nnH hari nn nf the shaft nnmtwt out. The last week In May engln-' cers .sampled the mine and the returns have not yet been received. Should the report be favorable It U understood that active operations will commence. The ore Is high grade silver-lead with two strong veins. Captain of World Champion Schooner .sJJ flgstfflgBSsW. LaMggslsBgsEHgsHgsgsVfc f M It flSgKVjElHVaV rsgsgHgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsK JsV ' ft flgngssggsgsggsVsSsVI sflgslgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsH yJY II sBftgstfBsgf flrt wf9MUtwHm w4i rf 'ffiPgUfr imm?sS isffSBsfcgWslgs igs gsgsgfll aVBk- sgsgsgsgsgP' agsBBBsV gsgsgsgsgsV IgSggSgSgB gslgsV sgsgsgsgsKagsgsgsV gsgsgsB gsggggggsV LagilllllllY ' asgsgsgf gsgsgsgsHgl IsgsgsB The wmld champion Canadian fishing schooner Dluenose has sailed up the Great Lakes to pay a visit to the Chicago World Fair. On the way up the Dluenose stopped at Toronto and here we see her captain Angus Walters 'left', watching dinghy races on Lake Ontario with Norman R. Ooooerham. commodore of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. MATTERN ON H0N0R IS WAY AGAIN , HIGH ONE World Flyer Lands This Afternoon at Siberian City Is Behind Record MOSCOW. June 9: (Canadian Press) Resuming his flicht around the world altera brief halt at lteloro, near Novo Sis4rk, where he had been forced down on Thursday due to engine trouble, James J. Matltfn landed at llcloye near Irkutsk this afternoon and will remain there until tomorrow. He aad passed Nlih-nludinsky in Dastcrn Siberia earlier in the afternoon after leaving nelovo. Mattern ! now considerably behind the record of Wiley Post and Harold Catty, which he had planned on lowering, anil it is hardly expected niw that he will be able to beat the 1931 round the world mark. Halibut Arrivals American Urania. iv 000, 8c and 4c. Storage. Canadian Atll M.000 I6g and 3c. AUln for Dutedale delivgfy. Morris It, 1&0OO, SJc and Sc. Local Pastor Pays Tribute to Predecessor on Being Heeled Presbyterian Moderator By Rev. W. D. Orant ItoUlngworthi Interest throughout the Presby terian Church In Canada centres always in the man who is called to fill the moderator's chair for this Is regarded as the highest office in the gift of the church. His selection, therefore, is an expression of con fidence and regard upon the part of the whole church for he it chosen by a very representative body at the general assembly oosnposed of ministers and elders from ever) part of the Dominion His elevation to this high office Is a declaration, too, that he Is a man of character an dabllity who will worthily represent the church and efficiently serve In this position of privilege and responsibility Upon Dr. Hugh R Orant, minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Port William, and formerly of First Presbyterian Church. Prince Rupert, this honor was this last Wednesday bestowed. Doubt less, this gift of 'he church is a tribute to his ability in the general work of the church over a period of many years, ami not only the minister and session and members of - jhts congregation In Prince Rupert il.VFIi Aftl) fftPPI'Ml 'bul thr public in general will ex- u ,,n lo ur unuu M,elr "earwesi aV VUU' vni)t' M v lT N Ctt 1UK1V .MAUI congratulations upon his election. ' NEW YORKr June 1: (Canadian Preasi Silver closed at 36c on the' Mrs. C. M. Smith sailed on the local metal market today and cop- Prince Oeorge last night for Van-per at 8c couver enroute to Kamloops. Japan Is Considering Trade Reprisals Which Might Involve Canada Vbrogation of Indian-Japanese Trade Agreement and Other Moves Against Cheap Asiatic Goods Cloud Sky For Opening of Economic Conference LONDON, June 9: (Canadian Press) On the eve of the conomic conference, clouds of impending commercial arfare, involving possibly Canada, are overshadowing Vsia. Following abrogation of the Indian-Japanese trade tgreement and other moves to bar cheap Japanese goods rom portions of the British Empire, which the Foreign Office said today would be a disaster for Japan, the Japanese were considering the possibility of retaliatory mea-ures on British Empire products including those of Can-ida and Australia. TALKS OF PLATFORM Tolmle Addresses Saanich Electors Favors Continuance Of P. C. E, VICTORfA, June 9: (Canadian Press) Premier S. F. Tolmje, speaking before the electors of Saanich riding, his own constituency, Thursday night, dealt with the various planks of the Unionist party platform. The Premier emphasized the importance of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway in the development of the mining industry of the Cariboo and promised continuance of the road. Writing oft of nearly S1.500.0W of irritation loans in the Okana-gan district was declared by the Premier to be Justified after careful consideration In each case. It was In connection with this ivsue of irrigation loans that Hon. W. A. MrKemie, minister of mines, diffeied with Premier Tolmie recently and, as a result, resigned from the cabinet Body of Alex McRae is Here Members of Canadian Legion At Stewart raid Tribute The remains of the late Alexan der McRae of tots city, who was billed on Wednesday morning In tin accident at Stewart, were orottght home early this morning and the funeral will take place here tomorrow afternoon wtkb Rev. W. D. Orant lloUingwoftb. oastor First Presbyterian Church, otflcUUng. The body was brought here on board Uie Armour Salvage Co.'s fcervtce boat Wtnnemac and was accompanied by Roderick McRae. brother of deceased. Duncan Munro of Premier, and Frank Morris, manager of the B.C. Tribute to deceased was paid at Stewart by a large number of members of the Canadian Legion who gathered at the Legion Hall and accompanied the remains to I the boat. M. P. MuTphy, J. Thomp-; son, F Haugh. Oeorge Matheson, K. O rev and H. D. Charltoi. acted 'as pallbearers at Stewart. GOV'T HAS RESIGNED Premier Manuel Azana Quits In Spain Following Crisis Over New Religious Laws MADRID. Spain, June 9: (Cana dian Press) Premier Manuel Aza- na's government resigned yester day, principally because of contro versy over Spain's new religious laws which nationalized church property worth millions of dollars and resulted In the Pope's recent encyclical ana automatic excommunication- of members of the Spanish government from the Roman Catholic Church. Today's Stocks Supplied by S. D. Johnston Cc. Ltd, Toronto Int. NkkeL 19.60. Koranda. 34.50. Sherrttt. 1 M. Vancouver B. R. X, .L Bridge Rhrer Com, M. Big Missouri .38. Bluebird, .06. i Cork Provtnea, M. Georgia River, SnV. a rand view, .OAty. Lucky Jim. Aftfe. National Silver, m. Native Son, M. Meridian, .79. Noble Five, .19. rend OretUe, LM. Premier, 11 Porter Idaho, .17. Reno. 250. Reward. J6H-Ruth Hope, M. 1 Silver Creet, .Gift. Wayside. Jl. Whltewateft .18ft. Oartboo Gold Quarts, 3.80. Oils A. P. Cont, .17. C. A: E. Corpn .74. Calmont, .08. Fabyan. .01. Freehold. A8ft. Mercury, .11. United. .09. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Alexander McRae will take place Saturday at 2 SO from the Chapel of the U. C Undertakers.