Mas w THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RPPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Hunltshed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert pally Key;'. Limited. Third Avenue H. r. POLLEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City dellveiy, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 Tor lesser periods, paid In advance, per week ,. 1Q Hy.matl to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance. per year By mall to all other countries, per year .,,,,..., ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch per Insertion Classjfled advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone . JCdltor and Reporters' Telephone . Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION AIoclcI S 98 86 3.00 0.00 1.40 .02 .25 Tuesday, Nov. 14, 133 CANADA JOJNS IN WOULD RECOVERY "Just as the momentum of world depression in 1930 carried business to new steadily lower levels, in spite of the efforts in a good many countries to prevent a further slackening in business, so, at the present time there is a momentum of world improvement that is a factor to be reckoned with," says Donald M. Marvin, economist, who in his monthly letter, written for the Royal Bank of Canada, carries a note of cheerful optimism to all people. He says in part: ; "The upturn in business has become general throughout the world. The extent of the improvement in Great Britain, the United States, France and Latin America will be discussed in detail) In Japan, war activities and absolute inflation have produced extraordinary activity in business. In addition to the improvement which has taken place in the countries mentioned, a recent report of the League of Nations lists an upturn in the trade of Sweden, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia and Poland. In fact, there is no country of major importance in which this new trend is not a factor. Well to the fore in this general upward movement will be found the countries constituting the British Commonwealth of Nations, and certainly there is no other group of countries which is closer to pre-depression volume of production and consumption. Throughout the world, production is increasing, prices for the principal commodities are higher and unemployment has begun to decrease." j Mr. Marvin then goes on to tell of the improvement in? Great Britain and in the Eastern Maritime Provinces of Canada, showing in detail where the improvements lie. The whole letter is most inspiring and cheering to those who have feared that the slight lagging back in certain countries and localities meant a general setback. CITY FIN AL STATEMENT T Northern mAEectric ',1 SO if .50 m st aa A. B.C. . (U P?y Only $10 Down Balance spread pyer two years WASHERS SELLING FAST AT AMAZING NEW LOW PRICES !J ' WLeuGooJ. Get ioaeltier You'll find Ogcien's Cut Plug an important part of the picture. Men who know their smokes will tell y.ou that Ogden's Cut Plug i good. ..a mellow, frag rqnt tobacco that makes any pipe more friendly, more companionable. Why not let it speak for itself in YOUR pipe? Then you'll know you've found a better and more satisfying smoke. OGDEN'S CUT PLUG Jf you "ntll your own", me Ogtlen'sfme cut cigarette Ubacco and Chaiitecler cigarette papert BflBS' n 1 1 IPt I J t ill Father John Hammond O.MJ.. parish priest of th? Roman Catholic Church at Anyox. arrived In the city on the CataJa this moralng from the smelter sown tar Met Elsewhere in this paper appears a statement of citv re- "t here, rather Murie, who has ceipts and expenditures under general account for the reiievL-.a at Anyox during the month jof Octqbor. If the public indicates a desire for same, rect"t 2L.!!!ltherJSlI1"; it is the intention of the city authorities to have such a ZfTlJSTS USS. statement for each month published regularly henceforth, returned to the city on the cataia To many the statement should prove of much interest. today. ' 0 Kondtr these wonderful electric washer values are meeting with such an enthusiastic reception. Each model is a masterpiece of Its size and type. Kadi wHI do an amazlne job, qujcldy am) with so little effort on your pari that washday loses all ft" (errors. Model S shown here, is typical of Ijiese values. Model C with overtke tub and ModeJ I', punjp-ecjujpped arc priced a little lilglier but are equally outstanding values. SPECIAL PREMIUM LAUNDUY ItAO Every one attending our daily washer demonstrations has the privilege of securing a Laundry Hag worth $1.25 for only 15 rents. Get yours without obligation. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited rirv nATT.v news City of Prince Rupert Kcccipts ami Kxpendilures October, 1933 f.eueraj Revenue Weigh scales Salaries - Janitors High Borden Seal (tore RECEIPTS Wiring peroral Soldiers' houstag , Curnent lw Arrears of taxes Interest on taxes Water rates Radio phone N. S. collections . Telephone rates ... installations Oarhage Keen of prtsoaars Burial permits .... Rent Mclntyre Block Miscellaneous Westefew Bootti MiatglieUMBCtstlsl sWgpswTWWSe Schools Public Works For Water Department ahawatlans j Maintenance Direct re!4T check I.M9.10 Direct relief check 1.770.60 High School fees U5.0Q rlM Tax sale U 114-02 260.50. 4.008.02 1.863.96 40.49 2.056.49 1SQM 30.004 3,20324! 30.00 423 85 100.82 w.oq 135 DO 190.37 $17,534.6? HXI'IWDITUKI General City Hall salaries $ T9154 City Hall printing and sutionery 100 City HaU fuel account 27.56 City Hall maiatenance aet. 18.40 City Hall miscellaneous 12.99 Janitors 110.00 Pound Keeper , 41.49 Public Library 1311 Reading Room 34. GO Relief account 3JD16.4Q Soldiers' Houeinc insur ance G3DQ Social services 217.17 Legal salaries 75 00 SuDerannuation account 136.9 Light and power 906.30 P R. Oeneral HoapiUl 71339 Maintenance city blds. 2.841 Refund of taxes . penalties) 24 50 , Refund of taxes V SAO : Interest and redemption 393.66 ; Transportation of j prtsooers 49.00 Tax sale costs 336.76 Oa Dump 140.00 Tax sale red .. . 239.31 Revenue stamos 21.00 : Und registry fees 35.75 Water rerenue 17.10 C. H. Miscellaneous (Bank srf M l Poll tax refunds 60.90 MOO 15 2.70 $ 7.C674B 3M.50 7856 64.87 1.00 491.33 7.50 J 4,7103 Engineering admin. I 175J0O Night soil eoU. 1G4.Q0 Oarbage coll 34.85 Street cleaning 30.00 Sanitation 72.50 P. W. miscellaneous 7.06 Ford dump ear 38.43 Truck No. l" J.00 Macadam roads 28D.8B Plank roads , 34 J&1 Stores 0.75 Tools and equipment 109.15 Cemetery 110.52 Maintenance 18.00 Sewers zbm Engineer's oar 2,c6 $ M34.44 rollce Department Keep of prisoners 100.06 Miscellaneous 72.70 Patrol 28.50 Poflee Magistrate 85.00 $ 284.2.0 The AUCTIONEER Packing-Crating Wrpptof & Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Black 121 GEO. J. 0AWE8 Car Fire Department 110.30 301. U mm: Dr NeuJ Curler of Uie Nanakno Biological Station who is lo succeed D B Finn, trabsfarred U) take icharae of the Halifax station, as director of the Prince Rupee Plah-eries ExperinvenUl Station, is due to arrive in the city on Ute Ptjneess Adelaide on Friday afternoon of tills week to enter upon his new duties here Mr Finn will be tsaetng next onth for Csaibrtdte Uotwer-Mty in England where he will spend t lew monitis engaged In work before assuming next spring at Halifax Two Alberta Men Lose Lives When Thin Ice Breaks WADAMUN. Alberta. November 14 Canadian Presv--Louis Sparks aged 2. and his brother. Fred. id 22. were drowned Sunday night when they crashed through ifc lee where they were skating. Today's Weather Prince Rupert Cloudy, calm; eroeveter. 90,30: tecnpewtufe. SO; m smooth. Dead Tree PointPart cloudy, 'resh southeast wind; barometer, .12; temperature. 48; heavy chop. Triple blepd-Part doudy. ligrit outherly wtod: sea smooth. Langara Island Overcast, calm: ' ea moderate. Terraee Foy. calm. 49. Ilazelton Fog. calm. 48. BmJUiersCloudy. calm. mild. ' Hurns Lake DrialU. calm. 40. Man in the Moon Oood afternoon! Have you made a cabinet for Premier Pattullo? Store l k' - ; lOr muiiir ui uuuw $ 374 W or Perry for speaker. tso Qfl mane www mm "lu .w- iiat body town but T.." Tomorrow Tax sale Investment 3c .4 will pbly Wl thf Ule. iTak sale redemption 239.: Trades lionises - 330.00 J , Police Court fines 1 15.00 j Poll taxes 271J50 rv.... ?n inn ' 21 usruaiicvw ... j Telephone Department Maintenance $ North West Tel. Co. Radio photve Deposits Total expenditures SlSttJX .QpefRti&f MtfpUu &SiM $1744 m Interest and redsmfdlmi aawunt f$ not lneiudcd la the above statement but all ui tar oat m pendj Is to daie. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfrpnl mM At last me report of the banklng commission Is out and the people Ml al of Hm eoustsey aee mWm 911 ed to know that they are to be al-fctift fc to purchase stock lo a new H w central bank if the Benaett aovern- npeoi earnes out m All eyes seem to be on the younn Adolf Hitler when they have time to shift them fat a few Bitnute from RusfJa and Moan. In Germany the people voted a they were tpd. Use newayaperh printed what they were told and the world Is aow trying to believe whst it is told. TSte Seamans are a ver-saUlejNople. dott) you this? Jake says he was looking through his Bible the other day when he ram across the text: The Lord oveth a aheorssU laser " Me out it out and pasted it in his hat so Uuu he would not forget It. it's easy to smile Without any guile , Wheel thsnga are easting yuur way But tlse mas I Mke best Is the sun who wUft aast Whan beaten cay a smUlu tcit day" According to the southern paper the first offjcltl act of thr t. premier-elect was to kick off '.h ball in the annual football rrutel between the Canadian Scottish ami his duties J fifth Brigade at Victoria an Rt membra nee Day It's not a bad idea to start with a kick There ma be more kicking to do before the year is mych older. Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert Bear rugs mounted in any style Oaroe heads a specialty All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Write For Prices K. I)ix, Taxidermist Terrace. B.C. TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Kent Rose, Cowan & Lntta fhone Ml FURS! FURS! Wanted in Large Quantities We have an order for JO.OOO Mink. 4.000 Martens, 1.000 l ishrrs, 1,000 Crwts Fojes, 2.000 Bed loses, G.0W Wolves, 20,000 Weasels, 2.000 Slim Foxes, and in prder lo secure the above articles we arr prepared Jo pay you fhe hl(hcst cah prices. We alo ran use all oilier furs al full market value. Jor a square deal, liU-nrst market pricen and prompt return, shJp or prjnr jour furs to us. A trial shipment will romjnre you, WILLIAM G0LDBL00M The Old Bellal-le" ,.,,nfc lUlpett Coal Prices Alberta's Best Lump , , . , , 512.50 Alberta's Best Egg 11.50 Alberta's IJest Stove 11.00 Pembina Egg 11. no Dry Jack and Cedar, per load 5.00 I)cal Wood, per cord , Q.OO HYDE TJANSFER-PHONE 580 Tuesday. November u v, ! " UU4UL.U . -' - I t .1 1 Radio 0 wners flttme of the papers In the south I Do Yoil KnftW? ?PMn - IZJZJZZZZ jwn. I'oor Kadio Ilvception .May be Due to Defective Tubes Soiae tubes have nmr, one working part un of !., ,, parts may have ,., A tube may light up ,nui .. be defectlvp Our Nev Tester Will cheek tho dif f.-r,.r working part., separately Brlrm your tub" n. ihi'se U.tU maO . to you Kaien Hardware PHONE: 3 A chars In w. structlng .i ifi: ended to onr Johnston- jv dayji' impri'Mi n BUI EFFICIENT AM) RELIABLE SERVICE Phone Blue 320 The most effk-n i service is the moir economical. Oar new eeuipsnent is the la' est in semcsnc. s s urtng you the be.t not bate a proper aerial. Katl-matas on antenna Installations cheerfully given. Superior Radio Service Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 iv o, not is: a o iiARTLrrr C INBULANDER i COAL! COAL! 3ur Famous F-dson. Albrrta srul tlulkley Vslley Coal sr gua;sn-teed to give sattafactlon Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley VslK-T Iso sell Timothy Hv r'CM Oats and Karley Prince Rupert Feed Co. SH I'hones - 65 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Os-eratlng three Dry Total capacity Z.0 ton (Shipbuilder! and Ship eP,,rt"..u tu for Steel and Wood Iron and Brass Cutint electric and Acetyls ID.ton Derrick for !' IJ,U S.wmn.andM.n.n.M.cb.n.r Kepairea