MAGIC costi not quite M of a cent Mrtfi Tift tniklnathaii tlieclieap- rit inferior baking powdf rs. Why , hi fine-uuiillty baling i; ,i - , pudo and be Mire of Ml Woe- Vy ton culi? Made In C-nada CONTAINS NO ALI.M." liil. mi,. mit on ntfjr tla your tuirantr I ht WMlc UaUwt IVtfrf lLf r f tot alwvr any harmful InSrwJIrot. The Rexall Store Doll Contest Open 1" Children 12 Year of Arc and Under, 12 Prizes For fiirls and Three Special Prizes For Hoys Which Include Three Caoaslcr Wagons. Kadi Child Nominated Will Receive 100 Votes Free Terms of the Contest are: very dollar cash purchase the customer is entitled to 100 vote Nominations will be accepted up to and including N6v. 13th i will commune on the morning of awl eontfniH? until Saturday night, De-kr 2Hn1, 10 p.m. Pharp. Tke twelve girls re-the highest mwnber 0 votes Mill be awar-1 twelve prize and the three boys receiving -het number of votes will Ik? awarded the prizes. CVU. AND (JET YOUR NOMINATION IILANK TODAY The Prizes are now on display Ormes Ltd. The Retail Store im Pioneer Druqgists fhonesr II Jt 82, The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Dally Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. W.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS UMITKD ( mu-th leiiv rnnce Hu t for V'H"' uw'' Ts:s UT.U BVKHV Tl'i:SI)AV. I SO I'M. Thunid-- KHriun. T-S.S CAItDKNA KVERY FltinAV MIDMOHT. Arrlvlixc Vancouw MmJ M 1 Pon simpon Alter Arm. Any. " t in". lvr Prime KuMt Pu.wlav pro ,.,., s,,ial roi?ni tiiip. i mm. wivrnt Kxctnts ion rati:. ,' I'l.HT TO VANCOUVrit, $32, (Meals and Herth included.! "n fcal Nov til m is, return limit M; L. ""Mi: III n ut AOKMA-: ThlM sarnie ,,'iimi i CANADIAN PACIFIC Reamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts j Fn, ror v.J!rlnc8 Adelaide. Fridays J0:00 pm VAN(.oiivi:h: direct: Norah. Nov. Dec. 1, 15, 17, I'o ,or wl.-PrlnreM SKACiiAl. .,.... v KETCHIKAN. IVRANOEU. JUh'KAU and Trliiccsa Nornh, Nov. 13, 27. Dec. 11 ,,.,, low Winter Excursion Fares to Vancouver ami Reiurn Tickets on sale Nov. 10. 1933 to Feb. W-Final return limit March 31, M W L niAViK fi..,.r.i a.,nt. l'rlnre Rupert, U- ai fiiw s r - . sMisagaaisaisssssaaassssiM Sllyersldei Bros, tor Wallpaper. Men's Rubbers 85c. Jabour's Llq-Olass, Paint and Mureaco. ' uldation Sale. 23 Anglican Bazaar Nov. 16, after noo.i tea. Supper 6,30, 34c, Bvary-body welcome. Louis McLeod, on a charge ol vagrancy, appealed In city poJloe court yesterday, the case being adjourned or eight days. Daughters Moose Uall of Norway bazaar 8 o clock. Program. Refreshments free. Mrs. Black's Orchestra. Ladle 25c Oents 35r 264 NIGHT RII1YES COISS WITHOUT "DOSING" TT Hoping Uir stores open on Rmemoraooe Da' i.-. conLraven-tiun of the Wf4uy Half Hetsday An. Peter Braso and Torn Le were each fkned W in city poliee court yestwdair. Similarly chacsysd. Ikuma Mi sl of Sea Cove is ap Prebytefan Ohwah Play Oan jueeee" Nov. 24. Moose Daree Novamhtr 94. Ragles' Dance December 1. W. A. Canadian Ltgaoe Uaaaai. Eaales Hall. Dec. S. United Church Bacaar Dec. 7. Hogmanay Dance. Qveea Mar) Chapter. December . jumvau J um u t av mi iktssiiaugff Wednesday & Thursday DIAMOND F SPECIALS Loin Pork Chops per lb. Pork Tenderloins per lb Vaal Chops per lb. Loin Roaat Veal per lb Lamb Stow P" lh Lamb Chaps per lb - Shoulder Lumb Trimmed per lb." Round Steak per lb,, Cambridge Sausage per lb Hamburger per lb Urltket Corn Beef per lb. Loin Cuts Corp Deef per lb .'. Acadia Salt Ood-Pkgs. per lb Haddle Fillet per Jb. 20c 25c 15c 15c 10c 15c 14c 15c 12ic 10c lie 12ic 30c 20c FRIZZELL'S mmm y$mxn m mmm mm Splro Ourvjch, who has beer joying a visit with friends at Anyox, returned to She city on the LCatala this mor.Ung from the SmeHer town. General meeting ol Norther?! B. C. Fishermen' Association will be cald Thursday, November 16, at Prince Runert Fishermen' Co-on- Wednesday the 15th,Jeratlve KOW (ftohermen's float) at 2 pjn. 263 , Mrs. p. 8. Blarvey, wife of Provincial Constable Bianey of Anyox. is paying a brief visit to the city, ,. j villi! arrives! on the Catala this mor lng from the smelter town. M: s Bianey formerly resided here. M: Mary Maasei and MLm Nora wlo have been paying a w fk's visit at Anyox with Miss Macei's sister, Mrs. William Mur-; y returned home from the smel- r town on the Catala this morn- Osrar Wlagftasfl returned home n the CaUla this morning from :A ,yox where fee has been in the 'mploy of the Oranby Co. Jor the p.. t couple of months. He suffer -d an injury to Ms toot recently In i an a'ldent bat Is now recovering Harold Maodonald. formerly ot the local branch of the Bank of Bontreal and now located at Ash-croft in the aerrtce of the ban:, arrived (p the dty at the end of the week from the south to spend a three-week' vaaattaa here as the guest of hit jmmaU. Mr. aad Mrs 8. D. MaodoaaU. U M O'Brien, ffekrf field mgi- pearing before the magistrate thisiswar for the ConaolMatcd MhUrc afternoon. Announcements Oddfellows' old tkme de. Mo- venber 14. Dawaher of Norway Moose Hall. gar. If. IlajlAr avwwawsji 1 Aiifliraa W. A. Baaaar. Nov. 16 Philharmonic November J4. Society concert. Co.. was a Mateager aboard the Catala to&ay returatBg to Yaaoau- vr after paylrg a visit af jnapec- Uao to the Big Missouri and other wanting piopertias hi the Porttaad Canal area in which his oaffioaay at Interested. District headquarters of the pro- Mrtnelal poliee have been advised that Matthew AUard. wetl knov-n trapper of the Krtswnkahim Lake district, who had been miastng re cently and for whom a search was 'jattltuted about a week ago ir-der Oatistable H. L McKenney of Ter- aaee. has been located safe and well on his trap line, uraware that any anxiety had arisen as to his well bein GEORGETOWN LADY SAYS, "ABSOLUTELY A GENUINE REMEDY . FOR 'FLU'" tat It jutt wonderful to Laow that you rwfdnt worn one little bit about fla? That Bl!CK LEY'S MIXTURE, actord-Ids to Mr V B. Evana, Geo rf town, i " Alxoiuteiy a f-nuinr rrmrdy" tor tais terrible trourse tliat carries ofl thousands even wt. Just real oat this lady My: I uvdyour Itt CKLEVS MIXTURE this Wisttr. It is abatlutely a Reauim ri'medy 4Vr "rVa, H aien' In time. 'Act like a flash' is true ta every way." There is liable to be an epklrnOc of Utl any time. Be prepared. Get a bottle ol this marvellous prrparatkm TODAY Remember - BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE hat no equal for roughs, cold or roa-i hit is. as wed as 'flu. It art like s fli'h a sinsle tip proves it. Buckley's U vM ever where. Refuse substitutrs. Umbrellas That Are New We have just recoived our new umbrellas and some of the values are better than usual. Most of them have fanpy borders and all have nice handles with loops or crooks. The covers are the popular art silk and moderately 9 priced at $2.95, $3.95 and $5.95 JOHNgUUEER? (Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE CUOCh Annette's Clock Sale Wednesday, November 15 Special Values Ladies' Coats G Only Coats, untrimmed & fur trimmed, reg. values to $19.50; Clock QQ Aft Sale Special . ?O.UU Union ateamar CaUla, Capt. A. K. Dickson, returned to port at 9:4 Uat saorninc fraei Anyox. rEtewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon r Vancouver ard waypoints Want Ads for sale BLACKSMITH'S Leg Vise. 74) rbs. or over F. Orookall. QlsfMl. a X)R SALE good office safe. Can be seen at Daily News. tf FOR RENT MODERN H0U8E for Rent, fur-nisheo. Apply Regal Shop. 265 1 fOR RENT 5-room modern house. ; like new, harbor view. McCly-1 mort. tf ! FOR RKNT 4-rwm modern apart- j ment, farntshad. Phone Red 607 M FURNISHED Houskeeplng Room; far rent WIN move you In free Phone m. lm LOST LOST Black Omker Spaniel Puppy, anawefs to name "Buddy." Phone Black 9M. Reward 264 WANTED WOMAN wants general house work or cooking. Apply Box 191, Daily News. 368 WANTED Used stove, raataurani stools and dishes. Apply Hyde Transfer. 25a PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhanglng Holler, phone Red 802. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry birch,) cedar. Jackplne. Furniture mov- lng. tf HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY 6HOPPE LAST CH.NrP M1NEIUL CLAIM Crrtlflrate of ImprovrmentJ TAKE NOTICE that t, W. H, Maaon. trrr mlner'a oMtttioaU No. 4787. Intend '80 days from the flat brot to apply to the Mining Recorder tor a certltl-Cfcte of IiBjrrveoien Tor th purpo lot obtatrrmg a eresm prnt of th above clalai. AND further Ua notice that action under Section SS of th Mineral Act must b commenced befora th laauaaca of tuth certificate of lmproramenu. Dot 33rd July. 18J3. iftrat tnaertlon ot adTtrUatmaat Au H I U4 V, tM. 1 From 2 till 4 2-Piece Knitted Suits. Jerseys, Dresses In flat crepes and canton , sizes from H to 44 on ne Cloefc Sale Special ?Sat7U Hose, pure aMc to welt Clock Safe Special ... 20 Only Hats to clear at 39c Sweaters, pure wool novelty pullovers QP Clock Sate Special 7tJO 6 Only Skirts, reg. rafctef fto,$45 Clock Safe Special $2.95 $1.00 ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR CO. LIMITED THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS The regular monthly boatoe&s C.Nit steamer Prince John. Cap- degate Ifiiet at S iO last evening uacheon of the Pri ce Rupert tain Dan McKianon, is expected to for Massett Iniet where she la Oyro Club was held in the Bostan arrive in port early tomorrow making her calls today. Cafe today. There was a good at- morning 0.1 a regular voyage from tenoAoce of members with Presi-, Vancouver via Queen Charlotte dent T. W. Biwm ta the chair. 1 Island poinu Tbe vessel left Ski- Advertise in tne Dally News FURS! FURS! FURS! Wanted in Large Quantities We have an order for 5,000 Mink, 2,000 Martens, 500 Fbhers; 500 Cross Foxes, 1.000 Red Foxes, 3.000 Wolves, 10.000 Weasels, 1,000 Silver Foxes, and in order to secure the above articles we are prepared to pay you the highest cash prices. We also can use all other furs at full market value. For a square deal, highest market prices aad prompt relurms, ship or bring your furs to us. A trial shipment will conrince you. John Clones - Prince Rupert, B.C. A Chance to Cash in on Your Purchase of Your Singer Sewing Machine Whenever you bought your Singer, it was the best machine of its time. But both the times and the Singer have changed. Now we want to hep you to know the ease of modem sewtr.g. To help. you have a modern Singer at once while prices are lower than they ; may be for many years to come HOW YOU MAY BENEFIT v For a limited time to Singer owners only. Your old machine may be 30, 40 even 50 years old, navertheleas we will make you an allowance of 401 of your purchase price uour machine being In tolerable condition to apply on a new modern machine. What other article of merchanalse Automobile, radio, vacuum cleaner other article of merchandise automobile, radio, vacuum sweeper wih make you an allowance of 40 even after one year's use? Singer Sewing Machines are made entirely in Canada and Singer factory must be kept gAng. The advantage tt yours. Will you grasp it? WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS I JEjailSr w cell I 1 nV It's cure to J I Jv'rys ple&seyoul REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals' suitable fqr all your requirements, and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone T 8 av, . Vuyember 14, 1933 tiiT THE DAILY NEW8 P tfiijij ijv num.. ITS REALLY FALSE ECONOMY TO USE DOUBTFUL BAKING POWDER. INSIST ON MAGIC jt ALWAYS GIVES DEPENDABLE R E S U LT S SAYS MISS ALICE MOIR, pti,i,no ontol tpafimtni-itoiti ittiauranii LOCAL JNEWS NOTES ":itg i If m: 0 91' t " S i 4i i a