PAGE TWO II Ganadi&Anthem 0 Canada, our home and native land True patriot love in all thy sons comandj""" With glowing hirt.we seo-iliearise.. Thltuorih''"jpni,linafrte, And stand dn guirdjfOiaanada. We standffch guarrWor'tbeee O Gttnada, glorious and free O Oana'da west&ndorr'gttard for thee, O Canada we stand on guard for" thee,. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT ' BRITISH' COLUMBIA Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone- Editor: and Reporters' Telephone ... DAILY EDITION Member f Audit Bureau of Circulations MUST KEEP OIU)BR FINA-NOIAL MUDDLE IV It Publlsned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by. Prince Rupert j Dally News.Llmlted. Third Avenue.; ' H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery! by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For lesser periods, paid in advance.- per week v Dy mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year ByjraaU. to all other countries, per year - - , , , ADVERTISING - RATES' Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion' Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word , Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate Local readers, per Insertion, per Wi ..98 5.0U 10? 3D0 9.00 1.40 .02. .15. 2St Thursday, March 2, 1933 At any price there must be order in.thecity.,No matteri Terrace Has j MSsti United Cfturch People Adherents of That Denomination rr NThnbrr UZ2 AnsIIcans Hive 7; and Catholic 53 According to the recent report of jh&. Censu: Durea! the viltaue of videamonjf'the following religious denominations: . i Jnltcd Church Anglicans". Roman Catholics 'Wesbyterlans Lutherans Baptists, Fatheir-ofeSpeateeE EGGS B. C. FRESH 1 11 . 1 il. !.. !.. ( kWWO UI WWW proacnes, me owners nave ine-ngnrio iorDwaccess-to -; per ck: L!0 E6rrYour Week-End Shopping PLUMiJAM Fraser Valley pure 4lb. tins, per tin FELS NAPTHA SOAP 4 bars RINSO- per large pkg, how just a cause-may be, the first thing in:any,comrmin- eureka-, bueach- ity is tq.see-thaMavand'order is cjSfiSrJS-there would-be ch'os. 3 dozen ... Itfany eventvwhile the steamship' is-a public carrierand trfe publid h'a"ve i certain rights aboard, and- at the-ap- MAYONNAISBDMchmatd 8-oz. Jars, per )ar CRABM EAT "Billow" pet-iln - or Cut 14" 77 52 31 20 8 Confucians and Duddlilsts 8 Mormons Christians ... 'Christian Science Greek Orthodox Others . VANCOUVER.' March 2: Wtttiam Andrew BMek. 93::yeaM ot tw, dlci here today after ten days of illness. He was the father of Hen. Jams Black.-the Speaker of the Hsuse of Commons. 33 c 29 c 21c 12c 11c BKTRAS 25o her anoYto call ?upon .tho -police to protect them in .this ac- pottK BaAN3-oiirk's tion. No. 2 tins, 2 tins .. The police are well able to. take- care of the-situation PEAanEsAustraiian here-but should they not beable to do so atany timcthere 1, will be hundreds of able-bodied men ready. and"8" . siicea, per No. z tin ill...... .11 ii i uphold the dignity of the Jaw if called upon. whole green beans TKaonly. waxof changingpresent conditions is to change Ensign. noi tina,. per tin the law and that can be done only by politicaliactiom .MDbt-; rule is nover right, violence is not rignt.'! no constitutional chicken soup iiaiirs. OCiv -- sW-tl A-f'awraliie w rt - iev r e-wn -v- rvi Ullf rJ r 1 fA am la tirll Vl H t Intt i i irrt i nils ui niuiviiiiz mifiiiicn liiav nxz -zmij ijuli iL.iaLiicuinv w sure way British people will not stnnd -for-an other. 15c 17ci 19c 13c 21c 22 c gouth being forces! to legislate to protect the banks against it.!bt pkg1l 3 pk.g 1UC runs by.dopoiitom the financial condition ;thero is any orange? maiimaladb JOp thing buttgobd. When a man hag his all in a bank and he is Ayimer,.4,ib tins, per un&" led to believe that the institution is not safe quite na- j tural tltat he should want to take it out, If enough people oitANGi-juicy Navels. nt- havo tho same idea at one time there is a run on the bank tee. exceptional value 90 p UUlltUIUV.UAtilXPlIWllI unc tit 1 1 pmuu H1U CU ttlll.. rr In Canada conditions are' different Tlve branch bank-.' system -under which we opojata has a number of disadvan- s-(aMlAssaS0' Cyfipmtt wholesomcr and economical tablev Syrtip ChildreniIov' its dclkious(lavor' Tttf CANAD4 ITASCH CO. I IMfTTD. MONTSf At .. pcr-doz. 3 ' doz. . use tilths, .chief, of, which it' fs 'claimed by those who criticize nACON-siiced. ceiio-wrapt j g .. .. ... U. i x 1 .1 . tier-lb: j.vv tnanne managei-s are noi reany mieresieu in me PljRE rniu. ikee iniwhich they livo ns they would be if they owned the per b( jank. They may be moved at any time. Thisauses them to pjcnkt hams e sojourners instead of permanent residents. On the perib 'other hand 'the -people have the advantages of stability. nicE-Bost Jap ' When they deposit their'monoy they know it is as safe as,. 4 Jbi . :.. Mv ..n.nnf frwlrt,. ll.M.M ollft,!. o B. C. LUMP SUOAR Canadian "bank to faiL Usually weak , banks are absorbed by the stronger and the business carries on. EDfJutDSBVRC CROWN BRAND (ti (0IIN SYlllll' 3 lb. lie ioic 15c 23c TEAr Braid's, Beautiful Cup. & Sducer In each pkg per lb. CALIFORNIA LETTUCE per head 39c SHREDDED WHBAT Qp per pkg, . APPLES-Bulk Wlnesaps Q.QA ner box vtfv 8c S5.00- Orders' Dollvr rtd: Free TKrifl?Gashv&.Carry riione 179 201 Third Ave "OAlUtV ANO'SAVrt-Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention THE DAT1.Y NEWS Thursday. Miin ii ? REPORTS ON (URL GDIDESJn Steady Progress Mail liarint Year Six. Canip&Hias and l'ael At- the meeting of ths local OW Gaid Ass"n the annual reports 01 lie variom ca3a$wnies were reau nid hjwec. stsaity progress daria pist ytar. Trite Otiide ty to help others.! at all tunes, ant tt 'vouid not br rxpirtcd ttvrt- tla hlt would t made puatiij tettt the Christaas5 '. 33d tuin whatt'Hanssfs. Ontfte ind Brawntae-hjaiaBd the Sseuks lr. ' wrrk of ttlitf toy :.ieB bv dressing and repalrl:iT 40 doll . 'nd "-"ncing hasapers to needy fa-mi.les does deeem .special The CompaniM and Packs are a- I allows: 1st Prrnee Rttneet Ranker Com pony. Miss N. Ragm. Captain. 1st Prinoe R apart Ooide Com -.any. Miss N. Rogers. Captain. alias U. Biewerton. Lieutenmtt. ffith T. O D. C. Ouide Company Miss M. Breverton. Captain. 1st Ptn: Re&erft Broemle Pack n K Doncsto; TaWny Owl 2nd Prince Ropert Broamle Pee Mies S. Oikwen. Bawn Owt- tst I.O DE Pack. Mrs. C J. Nor- rinvton. Brawn Owl. Mhi M. Lawsenee. Tawny Owt, Caad)an Otrl OoMm starx Merged to fear Ood. honoctb Klnt ant to put setviee to others -"fore lf It 1n?erplv hoped tht of Cantdv will meet that Pintles und orivHrrs of -Itlsen- hlp wi- a spirit that wlM be "-eat Infliitrif" WgAod lnTfli'? Mfe of thelsnlrr?- Oxford.Expenses here. Are $776 a Year wieuawwun topreaaing The Oxford University Press pro- WltVnnoli. ino.fAii.V. nf tn ctMna in fVrn iininti trr fVin Pf T,b' P ' , iUe a handbook wlUOh dSWUSSea . "'."'t: "k ',..vr i :r..r:r: : . .f:: MACARONi-umg LONDON, March 2: What does it coat to maintain a youth at Ox-turd L Diversity, and what does he acquire there? Ihrse questions arc jucusaed from ileciaedly different undpolnts In two interesting volumes which have just appeared In compact form pracUcslly every phaje oi life at the University. It appears that the cost of living at moU colleges Is about 1160 a year i '$776 at pan. to "Milch, of course travelling, etc. Christ, Church gives its average as 180,' and at the other end of the scale la St. Edmund Hall with an average of C1M. For the women's colleges the baste fees work out at 160. Some lnterestlnK remarks are offered by Sir Francis Wylie In discussing the Rhodes scholars. Pointing out that these , scholars are spread all over the university. Sir Francis says it could not be otherwise for every college, lets a limit tn the number of overseas men it will admUgfrdeedt tMbese postwar days, imm OftoHr'fl&de men beating at her doors, this limit makes the distribution of Rhodes scholars leRS simple than It was." Sir Francis Wylle nays Uiese men. when they pass from Olfwd, seem to retain "almost surprisingly" their affection for her, and their ieespect for her ideals. Another writer discussing social life-at the university) InsMs that nobody will go out of their, way to make the "freshmen" feel small-all that Is expected of him Is that he shall not feel too big. The social life of Oxford consist of coming Into contact. spontaneously sad In-, timately with men of one's own ane. The man who profits the least bv Oxford Is the mnn who rocs -to- Uj wUh a ready-made set of ideal Jna a ready-made set at friends. PiRADEJi(& BUILDINGS Strikers, and Other Unemployed Seml'Oeleealien-to Sleet Government Arxnt ! v. nunatM -local unemployed marched to the- government build m this afternoon as a demon- : 1 ion to buck Op demands they iiv making tromthe govtrnmem u delegation of three from the i ik( rs three fronvslhe women's la-'01 organization and three 'from ch" unemployed met the govern- iw'ni ageiu and ureienieuiare quests. Several speakers- addrrsseuVihe . rowd. one saying ha was glad to see. them so orderly and requesting them to return in the iarae oiderlyJ manner -- raiiemooiaiers Are Still; Found 0nSommekEields War. (irarre Commission Reports 8e0 Bodies Found Annually LONDON;" March 3:-nodk?s of Bitttah eoedtef are etrB-besng found o the Stoimt battlefields at the rate of 800 a year, according-to the Tuiaual report of MatrQrneral Sir ntbtsn Vsure. vteeehmlrnn .of the Imperial War Oravee .Oemralsalon. It was esetflmted that br bt aut umn there woatd be no further space In existing cemeteries In the Somme area, consequently negotia tions hare been entered into with the French government for the enlargement of aaUttfaoiU Road Cemetery. L0CAL.NEWS There wtee no halibut boats In this morning so there was no sale at the exchange today. Mrs. P. . NtcComlak,. 44 Ninth Avenue Boat has entered tb&Pttnc? Rupert Oeneral Hospital to under-go in operation the guides, as the future, watnenj :mtUke Reprrt lor the- south. Re. Joyce is taking over the Pentlcostal work u, ot Albernt Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, north. wine. 14. Aiyanah- Part cloudy nalrn 10 Anyox-Cmudy. calm. 17. Stewir Cle-ir. 'alnv. 11; Hazelton Cloudy, calm 7 Pmilhx Cloudy, eat wind. 5 Bants Lake, gnowlagt calm 6 nches new snow 5b. HbtelArrivals pmiacu uiirr.itT Prank Fhteatot. Terrace. Oc, T Booth. O. Swan. WlnnipcK. J 7. Mll'ar. Edmonton; A. C. Oard ter, Vancouver. G. NlR!,' Trains For the Kait Mondays' Wednesdays and Fridays 0:30 pjn from the Ras't Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10: IS p.m. PrinceRupert DRY DOCK. Am Operatlnr three Dry orks Total rapacity 20,090 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Rleel and Wood 'Vessels Iron and Brass Castings Wf c Irle and Artl rlene Welding i.n ti.n Derrick for lleavyLifts Sawmill and Mining Machlnsry-Kfpalred and Oterhauled 1 Basketball Buzz. I ti There's another series of games tomorrow night at the Auditorium. n the girls' gome the Comets meet ht Oarrihwkn an If-they wtwtt v!ll mean a tie. Doth' teams are IglUlng. hai d. foi lttagiu.-u0Kr4 hip. "Smithy" of ; the CLWJVA asjmiet .ansute com a lot of territory! in x little Unit. He Is the machine irstind which all the RalRay boy's playv are formed.- "SmHly" It omethlng like a kangaroo he is Hff the ground most of the time vhtch makes him a hard man to cheek. . Torn Ketsejr Is playing a. great! .tame since he has thrown In his 16t wtfh the Kfllens Torn hat one spot on the floor where he can sing the mevery time anr. has sure : ome in for Ms shave of the patntt n the second half March 3-aratto vs C. H. It.: Warrtoes vs. MerehwiU OardnidU vs. Comets: Rovers vs. Scouts. March 7-C. N. R vs. Kilens: Ttucls vs. Warriors; Amaaons vs. Oardtrtals; Meteors vs. Japanese. MitrhMO Grot vs. O. N. R.": Tuxts vs. Meteiiantat C&mels-ve Amasons: Japanese vs. Seewis March 14 Kale ru vs. Orotto; WarrWts vs. Merchants: Cardsnale vs Comets: Rovers vs Meteors. Marrh 6 Canadian Legion vs. Muskrtrers Eaglea vs. Elks. Seal Ooe vs. Swift. Moose vs. Orotto. Rmprees vs. I. O. O. The fire department had a call to Use home of Vlt1. ttoaang. gth Avemey WML yeatatdaf wngg at 3 a m The kitchen was gutted and the damage estimated at sp-proxrnuuely $900 The trouble K nowaday there M- SPORT CHAT A peculiar situation iu., n 1he maJor.basebuU leKii s who spent .ill hcusoii In the minor Um u hdWrrttout'ttgalnst the .s:iian feted by'major league Theyount-men are lid ci the St. Louis Orov.iiK. Bill K . backer of tlieCl'veia(i in.,..,i Iwtf Jabtonormki of the n. Yankees:' Of counw ih- , men are not rookies in u ,. that they neeer have- v.--league- nnlforme. JaMonowski ed his curve ball for the Inn. , a year or so before he (in , traded to the Red Sox. uui rinoeaerooraer never ; a game of big league b., rfokle srssrutop hitch-Ink (i Los Angeles to Toledo fur i 1n" 190 and slept under tin stand until the first pay dtntly Bll ha been leain; Robinson's 0jera hou. clnnali. on niuli' in !;. Doldaon. heavyweight i. . of 'Ut-nortlra'Mit. u goinw : John L Sullivan. th Boioi : Boy, for a purse of one ii djalUrs The house is crow. two or three hundred fU-h. sed sportiiiK men anxlou rcrap. MeOrath. tlm AustrulUn star, Is a tennis player i most Of the rules of gooft making a great many of in especially backhand shots : Ma racket "batUe-axe f t I., grips Its handle with bu'i. Even the most shutnrles tale to do that, exi rpt in . genekea. But MeOrath d'" v't m far from benvt . ! 3ks two-handed drive front S&tswlr hers such u V. Atoaon. 1 BlatM' Ben EasUnan. U- j speefeled Stanford Univ. er. la going eat Mm comm. Ben la paying the return v i - tasned rival. Bill C;irr. tl lity of Pennsayivania p ' Apfwoxiraately to sports experts of v.irlou- Ingma nation-wide nii JpT the AmqetUft Pitas. lsfdcclded tnal Mfldrrd too much over-iophtoUcnUoiv- Habet" DsMtsoa la Am ru LooMoro Uhic. lUndteg woman spoils . BOVML IS THE STRENGTH AND COHCEHTRATED COCDH ESS o. BEST BEEF SavIDo "And who wouldn't? For Chuntcclcr papers-lead, in-the favour of smokers who rollt thcif own. . . rendy-gummed, strorrjf papers, conveniently packed In automatic booklets. 120. leaves thut's a lot of purer rice paper for 5cl" .'. U IN l(M'F If PURE RICE CIGARETTE PAPERS If your paper does not arrive, telephone Hie offic?