PAQE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PICINCE Iftl'EKT - J5BITISII COLUM1UA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince ftupprt ; ' Dally News. LUpltctt, third .Avenue DAILY EDITION H. F. PULLEN Wh.i- .. p:ti i. ; fllppiiiR p;u fik' -glon is supplying Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall pr carrier, yearly period, paid In advance n.. 5.0'f -for lesser periods, paid in advance, per week . 10. By mall to all parts of British Columbia, tfce British .Empire and United States, paid in advance, per yfar 3.00 ADVERTISING KATRS Transient dlsplav advertising, per Inch, per Insertion, - MO Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Local readers, per Insertion, per line Contract rales on application. Advertising and Circulation Telepnpne Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation' BANKS REOPENING !: .1 !.. U.lV .1 tun nf sUK 'r of ftyrup and bar ,0? .15 35 slflIIr Monday. March IS. 1931 THE DISASTER The terrible disaster in California anneals to the sym jinthiea of everyone. It is one of those catastrophes against which no provision -can be made. People are defenceless. All they can do is repair the damage and carry on and they ares already doing that, according to the latest news from the south. When Premier Tolmie sent .a message of sympathy, he was voicing the feelings of everyone in the province. VICTOR SMITH'S FLIGHT A South African lad in his effort to hreak the Enplnnrl .:! - (. r.dav lisle is Bell ttlif:nii where the Le-! f "i founds butter 400 gallon :1s f flour DEPRESSION PRICES Pt'K Coals, per ion $11.00 & $11.50 (Not Nut Coal) Lump Coal, per Ion $12.50 , I)okc Coal, $1.00 per ton less All Coals arc in a dry shed. Don't buy water, buy coal "HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 NO ISLAND RAZORCLAM THIS YEAR Unnounpemcnt .Made That Cannery Will Remain. Clncd. aUse Of V. S. Tariff The company l the onto 006 oper ating In this tea as thoy have a long.tprm lease which nlve them the exclusive right to dig ctim commercially along the beach. TELLS ABOUT 'PREMIER GOLD Toronto Financial Paper Say Company -lias .Vurrhssrd. ,-l'ro- perty in Australia The Financial post, la telling of recent activities of the -Premier Oold Mining Company says they JMSSETT, H.C., March 13: The .are making a good, profit from announcement of iheJJoQtka- Pack- their Klrklond-Lake property and In Company that they will not havp recently jpurchased a likely Operate the clam cannery at Tow cold property In Australia. The pa- Hlll, U.C. this comirtS spnp? mm- w cotes added hardship to,. natives Bre.rpier Gold .Mining Qfl.1 operand settlers here and an Increasing atts the largest producing prop-number are likely to bo on govern? rty In .flrltlsl Columbia, that ment relief. A hlah American tariff ranks fourth among the dlvldend-Oh rwr clamsr-importcd. frqm Can-' Paying sold mines, in -Canada. Each ada, coupled with Ptoenatlpn in succeeding, year sees further cur general market, conations, are glv- .tailmopt owing to depletion, of . rnr ha innhintv nf the known ore .bodies which evl- Lthft m.mnv.tnonorate.JVnattomut danced bptUWlPS PQYe U slth have been steadily declining In re-have either Washington Pr Alaska, and but eaoto add tlo-surmount "nt years yea them canned there so as to found that has further nal ore is the tariff wall, has not so far met with success, and If sue- IPem,!onsl LVlT lt cestui would mean the virtual a ne ''JJi ,.";,; nnorU h. The company enjoy cwfcllent miUHIItliKlit n mi- " " . ki.. Mnirnll ho the Amertean SmeUlna" ftno U"n-jpg qp.. pno of the Jarewt United States enterprise, and the com pany hat currently approximately tiOqjooq in liquid aH..Jrhaa wnKiJiiP.rnNnMarnvPKKKNPF fort,.w In motWiw pro u'h i. iikai . with tariffs proe.w merit-mowy suver pro ., perle m order to porpetuate . mining evUtcnee. tlonal llnanee to foundation, tne oja jouiin-uaiie.Huriuiae sundards of living wpuld be low- gold property at Klrklund Lake. to South Africa flying record failed only in the final lap w1 "! wo S nfatihu when near his destination. Owing, to the number of "ST J!2 J2B'r!!2JT,!: 'SSSSTTK-'SE" Sf. lis fro- pro year and flights being made and to the number of big events taking De the result," not of any inevitable wrentJy it a making between place of late, little attention has been paid to this young-1 natural law.'bwt of the failure of 5,ooQn4 $.ooo pwftt per month. fitpr whn fnilpd nn tho first . attAmnf.nnrl rpfnrnprl rn V.nrr. human will and lntelllaenee to de. Premier maintain ftn enlora- land:and made a second start Today he is bemoaning the1 nolitlcal f .and economic 1. ffl SvSS i tional order. The responsibility or mi tmeiy iwmn k.ou i governments Js dear and inessppr property In Western Australia. -, able." The low price of Premier Shares i The document, whleh Is In the WflafMni the exlwuMJoa pf the 'fomipf a wmmunlcatlon Iromthr principal mine, but earnlmw from Excitement is allayed in the United States. The. period commission pf experts to members W source have been sufficient of hvsteria has liaasod and the hanks am rfinnoninr' tndnv. of tlie Leauue of Nations counall for dlvldon4. With Its ifffllated tomorrow and Wednesday. It is probable that there will anQ Mmbiy. wt frth "the gra-be no more runs. The action of the president has allayed the world '?L U S;!!lrfwllh eonironiea. wh,,U ii ii ii i. fears and business will before. proceed as u ut. cording to the . It is only at a time like that through which the United international Labor office at oe-States has passed that people realize the advantage of neya. at least 30,000,000 workers stability in a banking system;-We all kick more or less at ?re unemployed throughout thj (he banks. Wo object to the arbitrary manner in which g?22 they turn down a proposal for a loan but we know that maB pr other dependents. j pro-our deposits are safe when placed there. That is a ereat oabiy an. underestimate," adds the teature. Lots of Pancakes Here Iifthistt'! production has been drastically curtailed, particularly In thoie 'trde producing canltal equipment The depth whleh have Ibem reaehrd In some instance nre llluatrfted by the position of the ! United State steel Industry which. I at the etoce of 1933. was operating properties a definite speculative Interest Is added to the shares. WHIEFLETS I From the WAtcrfrpnt i 1 i,,'m ," p"1 'I CantAln RuuuV nf th hatthnt doaument. "The burden of suffer AUl who n had UyoU lng and dsmprallwtlan resulting throutn ,net, for a few'day, frrte ucimployment pf suah pro. ,mee Ms fr? u up. prrf'ons Is appallng w0, u wad to fl to )ViioievBte miituivuitjr jurors, r- again lpp'"d hi gold, have declined by s' u tj Tougl. y one-third sine Oaiober. A number of new boats are be- (1820: rw material price I have tag buUt at the vot,rfront 0njf dreppet on Wie average by 50 toCO spieled at Cow Bay ptrfcnl . . yrds. one at Seal Cove and two .j. w lr the middle of Degbar. a fll tnc m m Uw wa. Wtnulpeg. the Price pf wheat fell tfront Just mt Mt. ot g, ooVC to the lowest level recorded In any primary market for wheat during Qf 0r W4terfrpni J;lend4 U)e ,rt four awtPrifs." aays the bffWMn the rt w ..u QMp,. p.H-uip ties poured that alcohol Into the prouurra prpiflwao owurwnew w Ma at fn last week. They 1,1c i -unumw jrrui. j.w, i.a.c M ,f lt hari hn nnxirni lntn hr wn tornpletely out of adjust- ..nay they could rjave-dWiedi ous factors of production, have rpde IjuHne enterprise gener fl' Tsi iifMluw m MVfftv IVM ikf a achooner. MACKENZIP FURNITURE l at only 10 nertent eapaeUv. . . , i "The International now of 327 Th,r! )V'.' -A al 'w uiurawii.prVnrt 01 pnuatwn. Peopte aking voter front iuyl hate 'keriAtislv dlcAnranlzed nrae. ........ ... . ... fl TV.j 3 iney uiina rnnce Jtupeji js jjcnig . .. 1 tieti ttl Ibe world mirkeis iiiWlmlnated against, All the can f arcu,,ra, launch in this port tal eotitmue irf ifvorld storks for 1MJ w doubleTiMivi. tpr 1M5. IJsjgeu4-UlBltafiilhui.orerhPP? aonw of thje onrillneU and burjlep th nrtrseibl .orderly price .adjust- iJ"i- down south they launch new bo o accumulate, The miMi ni v I( my own assets idre.flerlder-1 bring with me seven stronger 'olies, ray wife and my six tmali'soifr BLshop of Chester. , ' (roods, hindered by currency dlw- . . , .f BED LOUNOBS in !dm and rostrteted by a multlpll- -Couch daytjnt. i elty of new governmental Interventions. 1m been reduced to ln-rredlbjy low levels. The total value world trade in the third quarter of 1932 was only about one-third of thet in the corresponding per-:od of 1M9. The fU during the i three-year period was continuous." The commission of experts do nt believe It pwlble to "to mk, pbsUoUal proaress by piecemeal measures," adding t.t "a policy of 'nibbling' will not solve this cjjsls. We believe that ihe govern, mnt of the world must make up, tbelf. njin4f to achUve a .broad o-( lutloh by concertea action along the whole front." and makes a full size bed Phone JTJ Special, with pillow y Fresh Milk and Cream Paijy .VALENTIN -DAIRY Phone 057 -s District News NEW HAZELTON nishing for the hotel rooms. Mitchell .Wilson of Hagwllget for a .number pf yea an Invalid, pas-sod. away t tha end,of the week. 4n the- munth Pi April Itev. O. 0. Tallls. one of the leading men of the United Church of Canada la ex pected to pay a visit to thl district. Rev. Hugh Dobson Of VnGUVer, secretary of evangelism In the United Church of Canada for the four St CONCERT AT MAYOR TO HALL report TO The C. L. D. L. Hall was crowded beyond seating capacity last night at a very enjoyable concert held by Hhanks to Life Insurance 111 Rcvt in COUNCIL the Canadian Labor Defence- . Good progress Is being in Leggue. During the lntcrmlislon a .Met Government SUml)en im the preparing or me maienai lor speecn was mape Py 'voDefi HWiiw, ;ipnMqrrn ana t. ii 0( the new Hotel in New Hatelton which, a us Chrlllanson is going to build (as soon as. the weather pr- A silver collection was taken Kenatth Montgomery was tjip capable chairman. The Jugo-81av1 siting orchestra of five piecej. mlU, Last week Mr. QJirtatlanson . leadw frm Onanloh. plajed ev received, all the furniture and fur era) melodlM. Other item on the program were: Solos. Metro Dlancato. Accordion solos. J. UpLschuk. Songs, Mrs. Kandas. 3gs, Pete jlardy with pnijjh guitar, qltar duet, EmlJ and JqhnvWU das. It at Meeting Tonight Mftjror 8tepppns. h ,. ,nM lat eveulpg frqm Vaiic.iiUM R, report tonight (o the ciu regard tohls work rtmu cent vWt. Me- rnet mepilx -government and reprem i, the bondholders and wh. , oily council about u VhUc in the s,puth lh' tended, the fiineral m Maypr fJewtpn snd ulvi , D. Fraser, repreaentinK i: , Bangs. It. Oorter with piano acHrtt at eaeh companlment. monls. ttf these wfstarn provlnea, paid a t woodsy i trhait'oJ eovtrsatiut vUit to (his dUtrlct last week and of hearing a well m tx i: addressed three mefiUigs. i -Haalitt. orce Kill s UI'l.lllllliH.' They are Life e I of Money when they need it most UK ran ilrpcml on liaving a defuillr income for life, when llic time romp for liiiii to retire from )iuincs. , is sure of an inromc Mifficienl for lier nrrtl, if (.lie it ever oli1ig to carry on singlriai)lfi. THBY HOTH liavo llic romfortalilo asttirniirc that llirjr mv. jngt are safely invrtlnl l!ml llirrc nill always le niiiijy, for emergencies, money for the education of llieir cliililff n. Stirli financial in!('icnuVnce is inalc poille to llic awrufui . family only through Life Iiiniirniiceu It U the only caving , plan which provide adcqualely for every fnlur coiilipgciicV, YOU can he nrc of money when you need jt nioit Jf you jipycftt in Iifc Insurance and adopt the program Iient tuilcd ' to your need. Why not coiuull a Ufe Innuraiicc reprrfcn talive today? CANADIANS HAVE DOUBLED THEIR LIFE INSURANCE IN THE PAST 10 YEARS In 1932 Canadian polirtlinl.lrr unn Ufr Iniuranrr lnlaltlnc; f 6,B00,0O0,000, whlrli it ihr amount nf Iniuranre In fiifVe' Irn )rrt ago. insurance On oj a mitt of mjijfi tpontnrnl by Lift Inmranct Compnnin ii'-il m .1.-- fK tlw A IS of tlw rmT "T Ru fftt- a." trrl GUARDIAN Ol CANADIAN UOiM ES Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you.