FAQS rOTTB Si B News of The Sport World vmmmmMmsmmmmmmMmaKzmmt mammimiaxammmxmxmsMmtmiM tmxazmm tm mmxMtMzmmmjM inxm ..: twsasmt BADMINTON TOURNEY Draws For Games to Be Played Tonight 'and Tuesday on Various Courts The city badminton tournament ' lor all badminton players opens tonight. T?ie games will be played in the different courts around town There have been a large number o entries and a peppy tournament is expected. Following are the draws: TONIGHT Moose Court Ladles 'Singles 7:30 Mt MacKay vx. Miss Palmer. 6:1ft Miss Thompson vs. Miss Cross. Men's Singles 7:09 V. Tobey vs. G. P. Lyons. ST:0O n. Franks vs. N. Allen. 9:45 R. Alteh v C. J. Norrington. 0:15 JVMoiey vs. J. Gibson. 11:00-. Darton vs. I. Murray. Skcrna Court Ladies' Doubles 7:30-kMiss Grieve and Miss M ftt vs. Mies Terrlen and Miss Mac-Kay. 9:00 Mise . Mitchell and Miss CrOM vs. Mrs. Norrington and Mrs. Parlow. 9:4s Mr. Gibson and Miss Rogers vs. Mfes Thompson and Mrs. Morton. Men's Doubles 8:1ft J. Gibson and R. Franks vs. P. Ferguson and T. Bussanich. Hillside Court Men's Doubles 7:30 J. H. Horton and F. M. Da-vies vs. W. L. Stamford and R. D. Greggor, 8:1548 Darton and C. i. Norrington vs. Bryant and Lambie. 9:00 Murdock and Bunn vs. Parlow and Cornish. , : 45 Lyons and J. Lindsay vs. N. Allen and R. Tobey. V TUESDAY - 'United Church Court 7tl5 Miss Green and Mike Mc-' Caffery vs. MfssMd'halt and N. Al-; " ' " len. , 7:45 Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett vs. Miss Mackay and T. Bussanich. 815 Mrs. Horton and W. Bryant vs. Miss Thompson and R. Allen. 8:45 Miss A. PUlsbury and Dr. Mandy vs. Miss Mitchell and VY. Lambie. 9:15 M. Cross and W. Tobey vs. Mrs. Parlow and Norrington. 9:45 Miss M. Astoria and B. Lyons v4. Mrs. Laldler and Mr. Stamford. 1015 Miss N. Lawrence and I. Murray vs. Mr. and Mrs.: G. Da vies. JONES' Family Meal Market Liver, 1 lb. BaeenjliJb Loin nrk Chops .2 lb. Round Bleak, 2 lbs. Onions, 4 lbs Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs. Apples, 4 lbs. U of PorK per lb. Good Spare Ribs S Ids. Park Sausage 2 lbs. - Sirloin Steak- psr lb T-Iloive Hoast per lb. Kutnp Roast per lb Sirloin Tipper lb Corned Besf , 5 lbs. $i 1 Cabbatf Swift's J-ure Lard per lb. Tomato Sausage per lb. . 937 Phone 957 25c Uphold Reputation of Canadian Girl Athletes Till DAILY mSTTi Mflr March 1 eacnrs vns sria imfisTmiBiBs mi mmiwi mi liiimic ixsreaiaTimmj '! xKrKxaTKnxvrH c l YYn a )rmn Toronto Lakf.-udi--' o- ay t.-.iin. w.ach inihi '.d tin- !. Mr of C'.in:id; it- Madwon square Oarden. New York at the AUi' ii ci v.' i en i iiidnoi i ii.im)ii)n.ship is shown ab vt Running under the handicap of haviiu 1,1 ''liaintf their sprintfis loilowmg the motor accident which occurred on the long drive to New York tl.e Canadian girls showed plenty of courage in -securing second place to the Newark team out of a fiek. nf fourteen starters. The Newark girU were forced to break the world ( record to offset the challenge of ilv battered girts from Canada, who ran despite their Injuries am Still managed to make a ..plendia showing. Left to right Mlldren Frlzell. who was disqualified b; Starter McHujh in the Qu:ir'or finaLs of the sprint for false breattng: Dot Bmokshaw. wheae spine was Injured when she was tossed out of the motor car: Olacys Moffltt. another member of the team who was In the car which argued with a tree 3he was also thrown clear of the car and competed with badly Injured legs: Myrtle Brown, the young runner put In at the last moment and who ran a splendid anchor position for the team. ' BADMINTON TOURNAMENT Good Games in Handicap Event Yesterday, in I. O. D. E. Hall The Skeena Badminton Club held a handicap tournament on their court In the I. O. D. E. Hall on Saturday night. The following were the results: Ladies' Doubles Mrs. R. Black and Miss N. Lawrence (scratch) beat Miss Palmer and Miss Astoria 1-2). 15-8. l-9. Men's Doubles Bartlett and Cornish i -2 1 beat V. Murray and Oreg-gor (plus 2). 16-8, 15-7. Mixed Doubles Mr. ' and Mrs. Bartlett (scratch i beat Mr. and Mrs. Norrington (-3). 15-0, 10-15. 15-10. Men's Singles Norrington -6) beat Cornish (scratch). 15-9. 15-7. The games were followed by delicious refreshments served to the members and their guests. An hour's dancing was enjoyed. 25c; BASKETBALL 50c 50c 12c 25c 25c 20c 15c! 15c 18c! 50c1 10c; 10c Marcn m riaiens vs. urouo: i rne ena nl tne season Is ap Warriors vs. Merchants; Cardinals , preaching in basketball and Tue.'-vs. Comets; Rovers vs. Meteors. day nigt.t, will settle the winners "TILIJE THE TOILER" SPORT CHAT The warmer weather is about ts start. All sport lovers will be turning from the winter sports to sum-Dter nails. Soon the. sshlbttion grounds will be crowded wHh young athletes getting prepared for football and baseball. It wont be long now before the C.N.R.A. will be starting their aoftball games that always drew a big ".rowd Some of the tennis fans were out over the weekend and were able to Ret a few games. It was slightly cold on the hands but otherwise conditions were Ideal. fitrffnt ts411 Ks nwasa mlntsiv smav that will be a long time in dtsap peartng. The snow on Mount Old- field takes a long time to go away. ,Lat year it as possible to enjoy this winter sport well on to I the middle of April. ! 'The first erase that took the country by storm was miniature i?olf and now it Is gig-saw pussies, tome people hsve sat up to all 'tours of the night trying to work them out. and what a nuisance they are. What fool erase will they be getting out next? HOCKEY SCORES Canadians 1; Detroit I. New York Americans 2: Rangers Saturday's Games Chics: Montreal 6. Boston 8; Toronto 1. New York Americana 1; Ottawa of the second half and then there will only be the play-ef games and the basketball league will be over for the waton. But there are a few games with outside teams to be expected yet. which will no doub'. create as mud. Interest as the last game did. """6 At the Capitol "The Woman in Kooni IS" Shows Miss Landi in Very Difficult Role An ex-husband's cruel thirst for revenge constitutes the dramatic I conflict of "The Woman in Room , 13," Ellsaa Landl's latest Fox cmo-ion.il drama based on the a Iter - ; ninth of a divorce scandal, which Is showing tonight and tomorrow at the Capitol. As a brilliant, capable, modern , wife of today, Miss Land! is pictured ; as u woman who holds the hapul-: ness of true love above the price her scheming mate is willing to pay , for acclaim and glory. This hus-: band, portrayed by Ralph Bellamy, loses every claim upon her when he openly parades one of hU many mistresses before her friends This, to her. ts cause enough for her di vorce proceedings, even though they come at a critical time In the cam palgn through which Bellamy hopes to become mayor 8hc gains her freedom but earns the undylim enmity of Bellamy. Happy In a new marriage, with Nell Hamilton. Landi becomes forgetful of the nast until .Bellamy vunnlmlv gathers together vnrtou thread of her new life as evidence ) be ued against her In his plans for revenge. He succeeds in aligning her new father-in-law against her and even in convincing her fnitin husband that ber relations with Gilbert loland. who por-traw an nnera sinter, are hot as fh" nretends them tfk be. Ttic ouu-omr keeps everyone Kuesslng. Water in.I'lart.of Meal Help Stomach Stomach trouble is often helped by sklpnina one rae&L Drink lot of water. Add a rmonful of Artlertka each morning to clean out polvms In stomach and bowels Ormes Ltd ! Drum i ' 1 JUST . . . RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OK CANDIES i Including all sites of box chocolate, butternuts, toasted tnafehmei-1 lows, ehocolate bar and other vat-1 iettea all at new low print', f ltK.ME.MHEK aim STOCK IS FltKSII See our windows and convince yourself that It pays to buy from u MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store ! I We deliver all orders, S3 or over 317-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Itox 573 fhone II COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. I Dulkley Valley Vve also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 538 Advertise In the Dally News Strictly Business RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE IJROS., LTD. Two Tied in Dot Contest at Capitol Theatre Mrs. A. L. Parlow and George J Dawes tied with the correct count of 91 in the "Count the Dots" contest at the Capitol Theatre. They will count on another special "Dot Contest" tomorrow evening to decide the winner. The winner receives a month's tree pass to the Capitol Theatre. C. N. R. Trains 'or the Kast Mondays' Wednesdays and Frt days 9:30 pjr "rom the Kant Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur days 10:15 pin J MON. & TUES. TWO SHOWS 7 & 9:15 Adm.-15c k 50c "Night After M( With Oeorge lUft. Conine. mlngs, Wynne (ilbson. j7f& r e Allison Skioworth WtH A Paramount Il::ture And Mcaulif ul FLlss. l.VNIii The I'leasiiir ltomi. .'. '1 lie oman in i J - -vVIIJ I ' With Ualpli llcllamr Neil NUhlAfler Night Marts I tj k , J COUNT THK DOTS' rONTtST WINArASS WEDNESDAY & Tilt KSrni "HACK STItHKT -1 - U. Pimples On Face u A Dreadful SigU il Slik . i I -td to ha M"-t " )ralfiil , I gnt no fr.if who haH btrf hr m- . frw to im Hurn It a-" I aftrr t hud u. I am bappr tn u rlnttfi of S i,m .... kf TktT Kit 5 M mm, :mL " HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Inturpoialrd Slid .Mar. 164 Shi)) all your fur to ua. You can I a . : hipn ridrtt iuiek return ami ca.h i mail. HEAVER, FISHER, FOXES, WW . MINK ami MUSQUASH are in k,mI ,i. , Our prices oh thse artiehfs canni't ( Hudson's Bay Company ritiNcr. Rt ri:itT nr. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED iRuis-mmi'it miiiu ELEPHANT ltra4 rurviiCM. itKin,r;riu ProStata St funm at TADANAC lUand iiKoi.Tir SUl.l'ilATK OK AM.MO.M.i Tnii'Lt siTcrxriiosnan LIUI) ZINC CAD.MIUM-MSMUll BOVRIL IS THE STRENGTH AND CONCENTRATED CCHDDHESSo.BEST BEEF ?Sf, -ByWestover. I -THAWW A LOT, r3 JWeTIMS- I M . MACOOU41AU-, I'M l ) BUT THS 0UT IS, I ( jJUjl.T ( HILLO.l 5l OH, UC t. 1 nJI 1 MAC'Si AU RHT, fOMIAaiy . CU .MVKneVWa. AlK THAMES J Vyj M'S? Wl LJ, V- V L'-t vAtf ) IZSiV ef;o or Hera MAry7s4ti ' So 1 irt l.... ! J " - " -aajajaaJ " ' V -mmim e r w m L