Good Chocolates are always fresh Chocolates , i idle deteriorate wtth age. That is why people like o , Irani us. We handle the best makes and sell Targe , .unties o we aro continually turning over our to?k. uomeni can depend on always getting fresh chocolates nil- store We Handle Neilsons Various iLines : lifting norne very nte gift boxes am) alao BapjH. ; i j' ix of cJioooJats 1 one ot the moat acceptable girts a i tin can receive. They can always be given without Ormes Ltd. Jrfft Pioneer Druqrtsts WALLACE'S IF 101 ARE INTERESTED IN WOOL WORK 1 of knitted arid crocheted Afghans, cushions, etc . our windows. Instruction will be cheerfully given to iv in the making of uy article displayed. We have 'nil rqnae of wools y reasonable prices MOST OF THE MODELS ARE FOR SALE vi ry reasonably priced and would make novel and acceptable wedding presents rum n Third and Fulton Sl. IN ION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED mnnwrt Lift Prlnc Repm tot Vsnenuw TS ATAI..I KVlllY TlinSIiAY. 1:30 PM. K.iih and Way Point Due Vancouver Thursday pjn T R s. VXNTl UK I.VI'IIV FRIDAY MlllXlfjllT. i ouver Monday a.m nl . , ,; to Pwt B4spo. Alio Ann. Anyot. SHfH IS4 Kui ' :...i. .n rt(USIOf tD MiUn( kB4 llck.U l iRsr HI PUKT SIIEMT: , ... In Ixiiiil, on, Oniari,,, rbo MS Why we y 0 ft Till. hHlpsrg f.untany.u( Lr1on, Onarlpf Uss ! rniiiiilcrrd ipeand tr aiiioigrHalMrcr, frrstesl fowd. Kellosrg's I'KP Ilran Flakes maile of toasted !ifi In,,, rvnll rlemenis ilri huild fri7 'J llrrnglh. Lalcnltli uHk or cream lliey iro-"ie esiy.tMMltgrst nourlilunrnt. There Jf .enougU I'rsn In l'EI to l,e mildly lssallve. For yrars, active, energetic people Iiave shown preference for PHI. Il is th flavor of these , IrHer Iran lakes that has made litem the favorite. "Keep going wih lE replider " people H ages who rnjoj the frfjlng of filn. are nourishing wbest and hrshful leltctoue form. Try PEP on this persons! gusrsnf 'Buy s rkge from your.grorrr. If )u sre pol sallsncd nd delighted rurri he rpiply prLJ(e J VF djy refitp,! ,gur monry." N'r hy frrMff UOCAL NEWS .NOTES For day and nljht Taxi vice Phpne 32. tf Do it today, please. fday bound for Anyox. If you have not a spare book, buy one and give it to the Library It is a good Investment. The as. Catala arrived yesterda) afternoon from the south at 4:15 sailing for Stewart and Anyox at 8 o'oloek. E. O. Aves of the Government Agent's office sailed on the- (totals, last night for Stewart and Anyox. on official business. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Small 1 were passengers aboard the ss. Cat la veterday returning home from a few wenkv v;i ution in ihe south. vs Colds WV HU1LW WlUWUi dosing Just rub on 38 VM255 I Miss May Clarke of the Port 'pimpspn Huswul returned from the south last night. She accompanied a patient to Vancouver last week. Nina Ourvich vs committed for trial this morning when he came up before .Magistrate MeClymept on a charge of unlawful assembly In connection with activities twi weeks ago. SUN SHONE AT WEDDING HIIm Tomlinson of Crdarvle -came Itride of Walter Moberly In t'rrltjr Na(ire Church OeSmie sturday RdiiinR to tl& Joy of the occasion when Miss Am LotyaSia TVMHisn became the bride of Wa(er Wishaw Moberly a the Mission Church in the little In-fUati ytUafe across the Skeetia River from OedarraJc. Rev. Canon BtiMrtMk of Prince Rupert offl-cititinK The jingle of sleigh ceils and the decorations added to the air of festivity. The bride was attended by her; jMosf, MM Kathleen TpmlinW aqd M1 Rosalie Wllwaln. She was born op the keena ad the mar-rlaa took plaee on the banks of fine same river. She Is the third daughter of the late Rev Robert ToqMlpspn. one of the first Analtran i missionaries on the North Pacific Ooaal and a. granddaughter of the late Archdeacon Woods of Victoria Mr Moberly was supported at the wedding by Frank Bruee. He is the son of the late Henry John Moberly well known Hudson's Bay factor and author of "Wr.en Fur Wat King" and other books. He Is also a veteran of the Boer and Oreat Wars nd wore his many medals at the wedding. ;, ,After the ceremony In the pretty little church built years ago by thr bride's father, a reception was he! ft at the home of Ensign and MrJ. TonUlnson when something like one hundred guests sat down to a beautifully arranged and generously laden table. Announcements Rebekah Tea March IS. Catholic Ladles' Big Supper and ffeetal March IT- J'rlnce JJuperi adnijnlon. An. Daijce March 17. Moose IaU. fffie'jytfrian ShamrQP)? Tea. Margli 17. Oddfpllows' Pld Tline Dane .Msrtli 21. j r(4ite' mwmth. Pfsbyterlap fipfjng Sale Apt' , .Qathojle Syrivt Sale and Social April 1Mb. Seoiqn,ed box-ends, Jl.Ofl per i load. Albert & McCaffery. tf. i Leave your spare books atOrme'Si Mrs.' Bob Frlzzell returned hornet Drug Store for the public library. I from the south on the Catqla hst: tf night. A. Robertson and R. Kelly were' Yotj probably least one passengers on the Catala yester-: book you can, pa-e. Leave it aw jOrme Jpr the Llprary. tf Thp(.Pflncspja,Oapt Thomas Cliff, .arrived in port this morning from Vancouver an,d satlccj p,npi pour jatex .for Alaska. i M.ivnr M M HtnhAni return.. on th,e Catala yesterday after spenqipg a jew weeps-in Vancouver and Victpria .on business ip eonneptipn wtth pity affairs. OHMS FROM ujm SOUAIMiQOK GRATTTVDE "but sweeter yet The 44P sma.ll vpe pi gratlide.Hj Hray. "Tim feast given Aomuth to me lve one thing, rflafP- grateful i.uan. George Herbert. "A stygle gfatelHl Uiquglu towards heaven the most perfect prayer." Leny. "Ar we.raaljy gfftul for the sw -aifssjay rareiveq? Tpsp we shall .avail ourselvf of th trigs w av. ant tus -be JttecJ w rmaye irn?.- Mary Eddy. "ThapkfWlnes UF iune Pf th angels "Spenser. "Bleat the Lord. O nur soul. "From David learn to gjre Uapks in everything. Every furrow n the book of Psalms is sown alth seeds of thanksgivtnt; "-Jeremy Jaylor. SHERIFF'S SALE IS Till'. Stl'KE.Ml4c6inTiOF i luywiuoiiialau k ?v J. p. PHASER. Judgment Predltor u Tin NATIOVAr. ATRPT A VT tmiorti . . .Viifc juagmeni ueotor. By virtie of a Writ of FJerJ Facias 'issued in this action and to me di-rftt1. 1 have Seized the goods and chattels of the above Judgment Debtor at Porpoise IUrbour. an Inventory of which can be viewed at the office pf Messrs. Palmare i: Fulton or at the Sheriff s Office. Persons desiring to purchase can view the said goods arid chattels at Porpoise Harbour by applying to the caretaker on the pi muses. The goods and chattels above i mentioned will be sold by me at my office on Wednesday the lSth dari of March next, at 130 PAl. TERMS CASH. S A NICKERSON. Sheriff COUNTY OF PRINCE RUPERT DATED at Prince Ruprrt thlj. 22nd day Febi nary. i33. FINEST FURS On Sale Today At Goldbloom's This is tlie time to buy. We have some of the finest obtainable and the prices are low Why buy poor quality when yeu can get the best t from us at prices not -thought of i hitherto? v. imoi' in am si:k tiiui Trappers WI)o havp furs to sell ran make no lUtakc in. shipping to us G0LDBL00M Tlje 0d Usliabls HU I BV B1 SWT " )SKW.IJ.-. ,'VA 'I, UUr lllJU- JI ELITE BPAITY VAWWK Mrs, Suthrrlanfl Qpprtting lie latest SJifjfort ' puinole Oil Sfearo Permanent Waving Fpr Appointment Phone. (90, Sipfe JJoflp SafMrsy 86 Have' i f n, flflnalert , Prrnes rug Sfore done In books at Ormes Drag Store stnee Saturday. Up to noon that day 25 had been donated to the Library apd from then until noon today the .number has increased by 186 making a grand total of 211. Notable In today's coueetion was a box of 48 children's books given bjr "puild p. C Parrolls" YULUU111 Pack" Makes a PETITION TO THE HONORABLE THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA, L PAIUJAMENT AS5RMRLED:, WE, THE UNDERSIGNED CITIZENS of the Oreat Dominion of Canada, being a free and independent pepple, n, whom resides the right pf self determination, .do hereby vigorously protest gainst the action of the RdiP yomrPMlpn pf Canada hi censoring, or attempting to censor and exclude rpm public broadcast radio lectures pn rpatters pertalning.tqHhe Bible qhd of public interest, ind pMtlcHlariy (he lectures of J. F. Rutherford, pertaining 'to divine prophecy. We have Jatb n te Piple as the Word pf God. ard at it wa written for the instruction of man. Many sincere persons clajm th,at the Bible nrPPMcies gpnly particularly to our day and bear direct relationship to the niesent yorlfl distress, and diwewe floa's remedy foj relief. We are entitled to hear these Qusstiupi publicly dtspussed free frprh a" censor, otherwise our freedom is taken away. Those who Object, or Who may he offended fey inch lectures, may turn their radio dials and decline to hear. We,, therefore, demand -that the Dominion P.arjiamsnj Uke immediate action.' removing from -the Rdlo CarnraMan the power to Mtrisor. Wnf pr present sueh Jectures by radio and that the people be left free to pthrone whit they may or may n0 hear.- Men of world-wide repute and ernuienily Qualified to xplan the Bible, suph as we ptt eve Rutherford Is; cap be helpful to the .people and we deraapd QJat pur radjR rtaflgns be .pefrritt to publicly broadcast his lectures. The IMWP LSiM PWiy conue q errjpy iref fljp pr fnau a jew men deprive them of their ?Ptr8hft? mmmmmmm .jjj.JiJ.u..j sssr. FOR ThW has be a b-M.W 1 Hp tVlMlTt , i "It was the term Vacuum1 Pack' that started us uaina Pacific Milk." writes Mrs. Kerns from up-country. "It was really curiosity. We had usedi canned milk, but what was! this vacuum idea? We tried itj and (iked it. It is a lovely milk and since we began Pacific1 two months aga we have ussd-i no other." . Thank you. Mrs Kerns. Pacific Milk i ! "100 a C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT ABBOTSFOKO MA IX" FISH CASH & CARRY Mrdipm Grabs, 3 for S5c Fresh Herring. 5 lbs S5c Fresh Filleted 8ole, per lb. ..10c Fresh Filletfd Red Cod. P ib- 11 fresh Halibut. 1 lbs 25c Halibut Fttlrt. per lb c SnsM Street - phone 8 feet condition Phone Green 712 evenings. 6 FOB PENT HOUSES for rent. Phone preen G08. Bottom price Shoe Repairing Bring your shoes to the Shu-Craft We rebuild them Satisfaction Guaranteed M. MacARTIIUR Third Ave. Next Federal Klk. For Your Health Chiroprartlc IJItra Violet liars Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C, ASPINALL D.C. (Chlropractori' r.rreo 311 Phories Gfeen 349 Exrhanc? Block Cjfy pr Tqwn Sign (hp hnve Petition nd mgil thc following address: WATCH TOWER nx pfiS, Prinfc Rupert Classified Ads von sae 4U( S-KSf5. S4 US SV lSMSf ASS s-v i PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng. Moller, Phone Red 802. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING $U5 & up Ladles'. Men's Hair Cutting. kelson's Beauty Shoppe. Mrs D C. Stewart. The complete . .nfWLY Renovated modern flat CLEANING & PRESSING lit follows Previously acknowledged Ur. Iv Alutpae Anonymous M. D. MeOuDoucti .. Geo. Wi Jahasione . Mr. A. E. Parlpw H. Breh Anonymous Miss HslllweJl Mrs. D. Q. .Stewart fianymojU9 Mra.;i.teat) MUs Mary Annsrong Mr CoUfson Miss R. M. Da vies Stanley D.Schek 6. E. Sunbury Mrs. J L McLaren Anonymous Rolf Semtysmoen Mrs. Orlmson Stan Parker 2$ 1 H 8 8- 7. 1 II 48 V i 4 8 t Ml 4 1 2, 31 tnd Rlock Max HeiUwoner. U LOST Lqer Black Onyx Rtng wtth diamond. Finder pase rf turn tc Dally News. Reward. .rsrrrsTtrrrrrr FOUND FOUND Seven keys on a ring. Ap ply Dally News Office ?RICES reasqnapie nkendorf, Third Ave., next door to Dally ' News. T4NS.FERS CAMERON'S Transfer Wood. Coal I rnovjpg. ehairs fox rept tt PIANO TUNING I PMNOS Tuned $3JB0. Walker's sic 8tore. tf PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Fhope The AUCTIONEER- Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES1 rhone Black 120 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famqus "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.