Tomorrow's Tides If THIS WEEK The New Chevrolet IUk" 2:2a Am. 22.2 It. 111 74:51 It. 20.7 .is on Display at 8:50 ajn. 3' Kaicn Motors Show Room 21:01 n.m. -"V.. C. All Cordially Invited Phone 53 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vi xxtv, No. co. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1933 .price: five cents PEOPllOFU. S.ARE TO HAVE BEER UNITED STATES FEDERAL BANKS ARE REOPENING TODAY Beer Legislation Recommended By President Roosevelt in New 1.. Message to Congress This Morning ANYOXIS OPERATING Smrltrr and Other Activities Start .Saturday and Mine Swn to Ik at Capacity ri. m.irugement at Anyox an-n.m that the smelter and other -i. Mnfnu of the work at tbe B-'u: i-rr started 3a tarda y and . rtrd to operate Uvem eon- tiliuously . .ii ay that the mine are h . Mtisfaetorily and will be .;) '. :ul! rapacity In a abort time GOOD PRICES FOR HALIBUT Oit T-n Cents Tald Tor Ameri-tin and Kight-tas Canadian at , Fsrhange Thl Morning it ' nrtpe were pti for nth . rung at the local hane . win as Ugh aa loSOr . ..ittun S:S0c. for flrst-elask : everybody was happy .: 'k were the sale: American : 6M at 9.T0 and 4. Cold .-i. 17.090 at MM and 4. to Fi her lea. 11.060 at 10c and 4c. to rh Co. nt. U.OW,At 19.40 and 4. to I hrries - VOOeat 100 and 4. to iherlee. Canadian m soo at 8 40 and S. to r..i, co - r 118 . tjm at 7 70 and 3 Storage. 9 000 at 7 M and 8. 1 -herles !ooo at Ut and 8. Canadian Dollar to to At Low Figure in I U. S. Currency ' YoHK March 13: A sharp vi-. registered by the Ca-iiollur In foreign exehanges i lading today. Currency ' '(! nt the nominal rate ot 1 'K a premium of 10V cents ' n Slates currmey. V ANC OUVER WHEAT "t'VMl. March 18: Wltat '' 11 her this mornlDB at Revenue From Beverage Needed in Plan to Help in Balancing Budjjcl Much Money Will be Released Under Plan WASHINGTON, March 13: Prescient Roosevelt in a Hpecial mwwnge to CoiiKreiw today asked for immediate enactment of beer letrimation. He reeommended leirisla- Jtion for "immediate modification of the Volstead Act in order to legalise the wile of beer and other beverages of Huch alcoholic content as is admissable under the constitution. The president considers the re- war a Tr g WlfC venue to be derived from beer taxes !VANY K A IN K . balancing program, official estimates of the amount likely to be derived from that source running to iiaojee&ooo The prospect la that Congress will approve the measure. It to thought here that if the beer legislation ia passed immediately and the brewers at once get busy a great deal of money now Uad op wul be liberated for circulation and much amnioment be given, which back of more normal conditions The Mm of HMjOOOjOOO it ia expec ted will be expended by brewers others KAIEN HIT ROCK; SANK Halibut Boat Is Now on Waya. ling Itrpalrcd at Seal Cove The JC-foot halibut boat, the Kalen. belancing to Ole and Olaf Stecatig hit a rock and sank this side ef Shawallans Rapid. The patty on the boat was returning from a wood chopping trip behind the inland I riday night. There wat a heavy current running at the time through the rapWi hen the boat hit a rock that resulted In its sinking. The halibut boat Anna S. went to a4l the Kairn and at low tide managed to get a rope on her an dtow he r closer to the beach and patch her up enough to bring hrr into port to go on the ways. The Anna S. towed the Kalen In lat night and he W now on the ways at McLean's boat building Hhop. It is estimated that the damages will be In the neighborhood uf $100. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy. Calm. 88. Atysnah -Clear, calm. 10. Anyox Part cloudy, eahw 83. Stewart Part cloudy, camt 33. HaselUin 4!ajr. calm. 81. amithen Clouoy. calm. 84. Bums Lnkc Snowlnq. calm. W. BOOKS WANTED v'Vne having books, old or new, that they wish to !' nate to the Library, should leave them at oncc'nt Ormes Drug Store '1 n imc of the doaor should be written plainly on the parcel d they will bekttowMged through thi VW OPEN TODAY Federal Reserve System lint to Open Tuesday Clearing House Danks Follow and Wednesday All Others WASHINOTON. March 13: I rtacened this morning in the larger ettkt of the country. Tomorrow those banks associated wKs? the clearing house system will reopen and Wednesday permits wtn be granted to all sound banks in the country. Huge tnickloads of new paper Prior to the War DffitUH. March IS: -Use of the ItepubUcan flag la to be supplemented U Qf nnany by Ute use ot the old flax, used by the nation before the war with titr Swaatlka emblem of the Nnato on the field. The Hmnge Is miidr by proclamation of President lllndmburg. Dance Saturday For Sea Cadets ThO Sea Cadets held one of their delightful litUe dances Saturday yeolftg from 7 to IS. About thirty- five oouples enjoyed the event gtealiy at Naval headquarters. Mrs. LePage was chaperon for the girls. i r 170 Killed in Gas Explosion bili renT m This scene ol ruin lakes op an appearance of war-time deaola tion aiter the explosion oi a gas tank that crushed buildings like cardboard, obliterated an Iron works and a benzol plant in this lW ooee-ttuttta Saar eemmuntty ot kiwfeea frmWLl&Ltet . MSklSSSm TVmihe fWSHl TUierve ftemF an appaUng ei3uaity tut of 1.000 Injured and 170 killed.Kotfce places wltmrr the zone, particular the Red Cross workers ana laborers clearing the wreckage. A vis ion of horror is Imparted as the Bad Cross stretcher-bearers carry out the gran wot of finding some oi the 1.000 who were injured and recovering the bodies of some of the 170 dead. Bleak and smoldering in the background are the funnels of the iron works which was completely ruined. currency have been oeitveren to ine... i i r rt bank, these having been printed WorW LCOnOmiC LOniCrenCe SI ute raie oi uurvy nunnn bwii dally for the past several daya By the middle of this week or within a few days after, it is hoped that all the banks ot the eouotryi will be operating at capacity. 91 Democrats Bolted Party Saturday Vote WASHINGTON. March 13: -Ninety -one Democrats deserted the party to vote against the reduction of the service men's pay In a division In the House here Saturday. However, the bill waa carried. It gives the president wide powers to regulate compensation to veterans needing it. Germany to Use Flag of Country Will Deal With Tariffs and Wheat Prices and Try Remedy Economic Disarmament Planned by International Ar rangement According to Report Tabled at Ottawa By Premier Bennett in House of Commons the cultivation of wheat reprc sents the livellhond of a large pro portion of mankind. Abolition ol exchange restric Uons. greater freedom in Interna Uonal trade, and reconsideration: of "recent economic tendencies In so fur as these are reflected In ex-, Appointments as election com-rcsslve tarifls" are recommended nilsaioners Include M. C. Wiggins, by the commission ot experts. wholR j AUen A young. Thomas urge that the whole world situa tion be grappled wltfc. In a comprehensive pMRitm of world reconstruction as Cgpsoty as possible. "In ossriv-T. toe rieeeasary pro- ra'ni Ik imp uf Mvummtr Hlnniiii. Hughes, M. 8. Caine. K. S. Pinker and James Quayle of Prince Oeorgc; Frank Clifford of Isle Pierre; Charles Price. L. A. Roblllard and Gordon Wisdom of Newlands; W. H. Chance of Hutton and J. P. My- went." the r .rnd declare- "In "s otPenny Ue movement tovsards ecomiml"' rorancillalton. I he ajmisNec w s A signed at LausajtMt the London e Conference muH draft the treaty -e IIMIIAHOO ON AKMS of peace. Fa'iurt In this critical IS ItliMOVKl) V undertaking tirfatans a world- wide adoption of Ideals of national People of Los Angeles and District Rebuilding Damaged Structures Debris All Cleared Up and Everyone Being Fed or Cared For in Quake Stricken District LOS ANGELES, March 13: It was a terrible thing that happened to Los Angeles, Long Beach and surrounding towns Friday when J4U lives were lost and damage from the earthquake amounted to from fifty to sixty million dollars but already the debris has been cleared up by squads of unemployed and many people are commencing u rebuild thelf homes or effect1 uch repairs as are necessary after Mic awful shaking they received. The worst blow was that dealt at Long Beach. Tbe tall building of concrete and steel construction, .stood up well but other less Impos Huntington Park, a city of 33.000 people, where eleven deaths occur red and the business section was badly shaken up. Compton. with 30.000 people was the greatest sufferer, at least half of the business places being beyond repair. Eighteen bodies have been recovered there. Chimneys are practically all down, the pavements badly buckled and practically useless. Watts is a little place with 60 buildings of NEW QUAKE THIS MORN ing buddings ot live or six storeys . j were shaken to the ground. Brick NJabfr l0"""'" Former Iteported As veneer buildings tumbled hopelessly j and even wooden structures were shitted from a few Inches to several feet off their original locations. Pavements buckled and there was general devastation everywhere. What Is true ot Long Beach is Fewer Than in Reports Front Los Angeles LOS ANGELES, March 13 There was another earthquake tremor here this morning but no damage resulted. The death list Is now 110 ",000Ubukartoar4nle hos kssAsa aa ivvhvi mm ssswsieaiHM received emergeney treatment. The only Canadian known to be among the dead now are: Earl A damson, formerly of Saskatoon. Charles Towne, formerly of Hamilton. Dr. Ashley FlrMn. iormerly of Edmonton. Four others reported dead. M. Thos. Murray of Winnipeg: Thos. McCrae of Winnipeg. Mrs. Frank which half are gone or will have to' of Edmonton, ami John Young P0 a0" f "ur wlof Western Ontario, are all !! place there. Much comment has been made here on the splendid record of the ' men ot the U. S. Navy who. within i less than half an hour after the first shock were on the ground, tak- i ing charge of the policing and lend- Almost Made Flight Record, bCwM a 11V I7-la-kl OITAWA. March 13:-The World Economic Confer-1" a" J? 8un!re A" f I 1 uldlV 1 dllcu ence whiph meeU shortly in London will be asked to con-ilncludln. Uw Arm, YAN UHYN8. AIrtca SKler the question ol "Regulating tne export or tne prouu,-Red cross, the American Legion, 1 M,reh ij:MBBng since last night' tion of wheat, according to the agenda, prepared by the I Boy Scout and numbers of others.! m a aWempt to break the record commission of exiortB, Which was tauletl by tne rrimC; in tn city the schools are to be for the England to Capetown flight. Minister in the House of Commons here. An international ,rloea Ior a WWK w uow w " umr- v,cwr o1"1- yen of , arrangement on this point wouldR particularly particularly important, important, says says the uie be agenda. In view of the fact that OmmiSSlOnCrS i For Fort George was ough examination ot buildings be- found here today safe and unhurt. '- tore the children occupy them. In He was forced down when the terns ny of the smaller places the ex-' cord was within his grasp by the aminattona have been made and, stoppage of the flight only 150 scliools are open today. 1 mttes from Capetown. Food la being distributed to those Smith had left Walfish Bay ten pi , 1 TV . . i needing it and. there la no suHenng hoars ahead of Mrs. afolltson's time. Lieciorai uisincr pt " - tually Injured. Steamer Catala Going Off Run For Two Weeks The steamer Catala is to be Chinese Attack Japanese Forces At Great Wall Janantse Threaten to Invade China Prorer If Efforts to Drive Them Out Do Not Cease withdrawn from her regular run on SHANGHAI. March IS: A sharp the Vancouver - Prince Rupert-rontt'r-atUck was made yesterday Stewart route of the Union Steam- on the Japanese at the Oreat Wall 1 ship service tor annual Inspection at by Ch nese form with fierce flght- Vancouver effective the voyages ar- big in which there were many dead riving at Prince Rupert March 10 on both sides. OKKAT ltKITAIN' TODAY and 20 northbound During the JEHOu, March 13: An ultimatum CataWs absence the steamer Car-, has been given the Chinese that If self -efficiency which cut unml-! LONDON. March 13: Great ucna win operate on vn rouve lortwey jwrsuu m airena to arive uie takably athwart the lines of eco- i Britain has decided to remove the two trips and it is expected that Japanese out of thia province. Jap- nomlc developmeni. lts embargo on the shipment soon thereafter the Cardena will be To adopt ideals ot "national of arms to China and Japan, returning to her regular run on the self-sufftciencv." says the Intro- i as no other nations have Vancouver-Bella Coola-Prlnce Ru-d notion to the , tfeima, 'Mould Joined her. pert route on which the steamer shake the whole siatem of mtama-1 f Venture has been relieving the most (Continued on Jqg S) j of the past winter. aneae forces will Invade China pro per biryond the Oreat Wall. The tract flOrrt. both 'schQler. chain and. the silken equally are bonds. M 1' a I