THI DAILY NEWS PAOE FOUR WATERFRONT WHIFFS Low Halibut Price Causing Worry Among Canadian Fishermen Herring Run Now on Fleet Cafe Reopens For Season Only two of the Canadian vessels actually sold their catches yesterday, the Lysekil and Bayview. The Livingstone went to Vancouver and the others are holding until Monday hoping to get a better bid then. The fish is not being sold to the consumers but is going into the freezers. Tnerieet caie nas now openea ior business along the waterfront after 'His family have the sympathy of having been closed down for the all along the waterfront. past oouple of months. This little restaurant Is a hayen to the fish- j The Ada II and the Eric Roy were ermen for they can get a meal right j on the ways this past week for cop-on the docks without having to go per painting and a few minor re- up town for It. That is if they get pairs, enough for ihetr fish but at the present time it looks as if they won't even be able to get a cup of coffee. There was a regular parade. of people at the waterfront yesterday with buckets, stcks and paper bigs to get herrlat from the boats. The Jedway and tb? Balsac are giving away the herring that they could not sell and many were taking advantage of the opportunity for her-rlrflt is choice meal and will keep the wolf away from the door for quite a time. With the herring in sight the sea thctr native haunt. There have been a few spring salmon caught In the neighboring waters lately. Just enough to keep the local fresh market going. The Helen II, Captain Peter Burn Byrne, 1 being slightly renovated' In Cow Bay this week. The Helen II kept the town going in fresh fish all i winter. Chief Petty Officer Young of R. C. N. V. R., left ior the Old Country Thursday night. He was a well known figure alone the waterfront for a number ot ycrrs and was always a good friend to those coming -around the barracks. There has been quite a difference of opinion along the waterfront this morning about a skull that was found above the high water Hne on Princess Royal Island and brought n by George Dicks and Red Pierce oefore they r'oaved off their win ter's whisker.. A local sea lawyer. who must have been a medical atu mill will be mine awav from the dent, has pronounced from the ap alleys of the town where they have. pearance of what he distinguishes been begging all winter and back to " i cervical now wnerc me y- tebra works are that it U a sea fish so It appears that the opinions of some that it was a "squarehead" or a 'bluenose" are all wrong. Anyway it Is a "queer fish" and the boys have taken it to the biological sta tlon to find out what It really is. From all appearances it may be an ogopogo C. N. R. Trains ,For the East John Peter Hanson who passed i Mondays' Wednesdays and Frt away a few days ago was a well days ...9:30 pja known fisherman along the water-1 From the East - . front. One of his ' "daughters was Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur housekeeper for "Doc" Clapperton ' days 10:15 pm. AwmmmaS' StfSrSSSsVsW Get Rid of Thai SORE THROAT! Any little soreness in the throat grows rapidly worse if neglected. Crush some tablets of Aspirin in some water, t and gargle at once. This gives you instant relief, ami !k reduces danger from infection. One good gargle and you can feel safe. If all soreness is not gone promptly, refwat. There's usually a cold with the sore throat, so take two tablets to throw ofT your cold, headache, stiiTneas or other ir ' cold symptoms. Aspirin relieves neuralgia, neuritis, loo. Use it freely; it does not hurt the heart. x ASPIRIN TRADCMARK RCO. IN CANADA FOR SALE Fresh Fish Daily Aboard Helen II Cow flay Toombs Radio Service AH Makes ot Radio Work Guaranteed Phone: Blue 901 (bayer) CARNIVAL SUCCESSFUL United Church Leads Way in Novelty Entertainment and Troths From It The Carnival held In the United Church last night was a huge success both financially and from the viw of enjoyment. A novel Idea was the cafeteria hi which one could purchase a wonderful meal for the very reasonable sum of five cents per item. With a tray you went along the counter and took the things that tempted your appetite the most and at the end ot the table you had your tray checked over by a cashier and paid her for the number of items that you had on your plate. Card tables were placed around the room so that groups might have the privacy of heir own little company. Curtained off and in Uie alcoves ere stalls that were both interest ing and full of fun. The "Old Curiosity Shop" was indeed very Interesting for the five-cent admission price. Old curios dating back hundreds of years were shown and the collection would have been a credit to any antique shop. In another corner was "Wonderland which raised many a laugh. Moving pic tures were shown In another comer which was an education In itself. Then "Happyland" where one could forget the depression and enjoy the fun at the games. A candy stall was In operation where one could finish off the evening meal with a few sweets. Last but not least was the program 'in which Mary Davey displayed some won derful skill in acrobatics. The choir also gave several appreciable selec Ucns. Mraj Payne was general convert for the supper and was helped by committees. In charge of the kit chen were Mesdames Santerbane and Jenkins; cafeteria, Mesdames J. Clavring. J. Krikevsky. W. Thomp son, N. Thomas, L. Styles, O. Wilson and Clark. Servlteurs were Miss D Styles, Miss E. Miller, P. Smith ana Mrs. Moore. In charge of the various stall were O Davey, E. Gordon, O. Edg- jfcuoibe. Rev. C. D. Clark. 'Mis Ma-Irregor ahd the C. O. I. T. girls had charge of the candy stall. Cashiers were Mrs. Harper and L. Wild In. f The following Is the scale of charges made for reading it- notices. Marriage and Engagement announcement $2. Birth Notices 50c. Funeral Notices )1. Cards of Thanks. 4 Funeral Flowers 10c. per name. "TILUE THE TOILER1' GOOD A SATURDAY SERMON ting money. Money or SALVATION (C. D. Clarke, First United Church) When Jesus was passing through Jericho he was entertained in the home of Zacchaeus. (Luke 19: 1-10). We do not know what conversation took place or anything about the visit except that Zacchaeus was changed and the change was such that Jesus called it salvation. Before he met Jesus, Zacchaeus was a man bent on get- material things was the chief end of life. Wealth was gained then as now by exploiting people. Of course that as legitimate according to the law of the country. Laws are not always aullt on honesty and Justice. Zacchaeus looked upon people as per sons to be used to enrich his cof-! fers. His sin was Just that of self- tshness nothing moie but seltLsn ness 1b the greatest sin. After Jesus hud talked with Zacchaeus he was changed from selfishness to co-operation, from getting to sharing. He saw people ;u oersons to be served, lie snared with them his possessions and lus ife. That change Jesus called il vuiion. The salvation of Zaccnae j- rceant salvation for the people ol Jericho too. After Jesus vlsl, uu was much freer and brighter for the citizens ot Jericho. So often we think of salvation as a kind of house cleaning, a reno vating process. Many books have been written of live that have been cleaned. People have turned from crime, drink, gambling, loose living, profanity, tobacco, etc.. and ! have lived clean and prosperous Uvea. That cleansing has all been to the good but it has not neces sarily meant changed lives. Many of the world's greatest sinners have been people ot clean living and ha bit. Such were the Pharisees against whom Jesus Issued the "woes." Their" righteousness was not commendable. The rich young ruler was a good man, so good In tact that he only lacked one thing A Good Buy Tin- v: i v,a iiiii-rred with tlie boi i - ..f n )iii' m Salisbury. Md nuny yi-.tis ;go. Vaiue Butler l.u!it a lot and found $10.-000 in an old grave. the people and not a few as has been the ease until now." Not as Impotslbk as it sounds. Such changes have taken place In people in the past throssgh the influence of Jesas and can take place today. There is a grat deal of talk about the modern Oxford move- ment. Amidst the talk there Is some ; criticism. The movement Is mod If nrf mn.t of u Uek manv thlnas. I it vat (ertinutotulv elean in char-1 11 make tor '" 'vlng and warms UP Lhf plritual life of the people acter but he was selfish and was, not willlni to become, a sharing Dl ine suprrme man To htm hMsseaslons meant ! cumr peopw more than people. Salvation is mors than a cleaning process, it is a complete change trom a self-centred life to a Christ-centred iii. Oh, for a modern Zacchaeus to! stand In his directorate meeting or In the government and say "Our Industry, bank, inset or government has been 111 wron...It has been built and maintained on the tdes. of private profits, of dividends first. We have looked upon the people as persons to be exploited that our wealth might increase, we have been intent of 'getting.' I move that henceforth we 'share' with others, that this trust, industry, bank, government exist for the benefit of all CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Shunter, Itev. W. D. (irant Ilollintworth, H.A. Organist, John K. Davey 11 A.M.. Sermon Subject. "JBBUS AND LIFE'S VALUBT IS: IS, Sunday School 3 VM., Sunday 8chool In West view School 7:30 PAL, Sermon Subject: "BIN, CONFESSION AND THE OXP05D aitOUP (Do we need the confessional?) AH visitors welcome per lb S-lb. tin Oranges rdoa Orapes per lb. Port Pies per lb Cakes. Cookies St Package Cookies, each The Sweet and the Bitter U. does it as lacchaeus was changed Let us hope and pray that this movement ts of God for the salvation of the people MUSSALLEM'S Confectionery & Fruit Assorted Satnu-Freah Stock, per lb Turkish Delight - per lb. Fresh Mixed Candy a it. Marahmaliows 35c 40c 35c 35c 99c 65c 25c 40c 25c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store We deliver all orders, It or over 317-1D Third Avenue West P.O. not 573 rhone 18 FRIDAY 4: SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 St 9 p.m. Admission 13c Si 50c Feature Starts 7:35 : 0:35 JUSTICK AND THE UNDERWORLD Saturday, February ig mmm Iff!) SATURDAY MATl.Nri j 1 at ?. 30 Admission i$. . ,. ! Feature Starts at;,? "THE MOUTHPIECE With WARREN WILLIAM, SIDNEY FOX A Sensational Drama Colored With Romance A Warner l'lcturr Musical DING CROSBY In "Blue or the Mint" MtTKO MvJ MON. Si TUES. ".MADAME It UTTER FLY" St "RACHELOICS AlFAIsJ Paiis Around Her Hearl Tired Out After Doing Housework Mrs. Henry IUnrh, Muriel La writes! "Last fall I had bad ut i ,, J VCMfcy IHV U"l Uiugf UW7f ll".'')! ti"J housework, 1 seemed to get iLuj sad fai tired out SeiBj; that Minim's Ilesrt tart Ni ne Pij, mtrt good for thm trouble I sent f. c i .. , . J . L iL. I. 1! t . ' tw BticT xwv turn ir m vw ''..11 felt a wbeU lot better. Bines then I Kv.',.i bo return of ths dtiij tt and piju ttJ-ti h heart." Tf U n nc lrl Htnt: pat Ur bf Tt T UlSnr Ot (4, Tiro". ' WE WANT FURS We must liavc tlirm foi we have rtntitiuer for tiiri n, are willing la pay cash. Wc iMte ben in the bua ncs hne for many yrt .u i. a rrjiiitallon for fair dealing. IHlnr, vuur ratchet to us hr-t. s will never regret It. GOLDBLOOM The Old KelUble Dealer in all kmd of !ur DEPRESSION PRICES Kbk Coals, per ton S11.00&M15H (Not Nut Coal) Lump Coal, per ton $12.50 Loose Coal, $1.00 per ton less All Coals are in a dry shed. Don't buy water, buy coil HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE O.K. Shoe Shine Parlor SIXTH STUKIJT now ori:N one of the most up-to-date shoe shine parlors in Northern D.C. ladles and Cents Price, 15c RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McKAE BK0S., LTD. THIS WARM TREAT FOR A FEW CENTS Hot milk over two crisp Shredded Wheit biscuits. There's a delicious treat for chilly days! Shredded Wheat is the natural energy food, made in Canada, by Canadians, of Canadian vtheat. 12 BIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX tn mm c si J i I I . . . . . ' i 1 1 www wiu v. ...... i r i i .lair. i i fwcbi i r ' 1 111 Hnob ni j I I . . . . . . v A . t it . . 111 w wr jk . 11 i - f i i . : :n: 7- ' j i m- -- ot 1 w - mm i i tos .4. M V II LIKt ' 1 il l iOCV II iJWSl. A4T. . . 1 I 11 , . ' . 1 j I i "u e 1 1 Wkifc zs ' v&'isW& SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA 1 CANADIANS OF CANADIAN VHtAf I If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the offirt By Westover,