UROPEAN INCIDENT CAUSES FLURRY Had Nan A Written Guarantee VK For One Year With Every f fir Stow Goodyear Tire Sold By Us in 1932 KAIEN MOTORS LTD. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Chevrolet Dealers Phone 53 U '" :. p.- ;, p..,x.r " b,",d,,, l Pi!l-J -ipt.-l a,;...,, , ,wlv nuking u-mpting lo rescue Chl.r Douglass napped in the (Urn-Inc matt. Pattullo Urges Putting Purchasing Power Back Into Hands of People Liberal Leader Uriics Treating Present Crisis as War .ninstJ'verty nntl Uinjr Nati(nal Credit to Provide Work For Unemployed al Reasonable Wage M H WESTMINSTER, Feb. 18:-MW must put tht ' imii power back in the bunds of the peopl," tie-I R Pattullo, leader of the Liberal paitv of Bri-1 I imbia. addressing a public meeting here last i i . government must have the courage to make a ummu ti.e national credit. We had inflation during EXTORTION ATTEMPTED M "ft l Arret Kesull of llffwt l Sfure Money by Threats In That City ' -MKKal, b it- An at-'" rxurt lg,M0 from A. J. Vim President and Oen-M. p.txi r o Dupuls Prens, ' under threats of death to ' and daughter, were re-xi.ty following the arrest iB Daleie. Colcnel Edgett Case is Lost Application lor lnjuntlk.ii Itefitved ' Supreme Court at Vancouver V ,( mvKH, Feb. 18: -The ap-i'T un Injunction against ' ' oinmlaalonm to prevent i I'l'uiniing another jwltcc ' ! ' Col Bdgeu waa able to ruse of wrongful dlamti-i fused iu the Supreme ' ' indiiy. Michigan Banks lolding Up Well Only I I r.n- r Mir Moon "lH III ""Millions Drawn Out Since ' "Pnlig After Official Closing f,IT. Feb. 18:-Ther wal 1 be a run on th banks "n when they pened tor ler being off totally ckwed 'a the governor but only "0 was wtthd.ftwn, lem Uwn irn of the tout etllowtd "m numy ouuaing era and during the war and should war come again we'd have inllauon Then why not uae three or (our hundred million doUart of the national credit to win this present war on poverty?" he declared. The Libera leader stated that he was opposed to uncontrolled Infla- Ion out he believed the unemployed could be put to work on national works at a reasonable rate of pay. Mr. PattuUo upheld the advantages of the party system in this country and declared that hi party was ready and capable of taking charge of the government immediately and. waa prepared to give an orderly and progressive administration. Pubhc opinion, he said, was being formed la connection with a reduction of tatenvt oo capital charges and he believed many people holding bonds were prepared to take Interest reduction provided the capital were protected. Today's Weather Prince Rupert Snow, south east wlurv. barometer 19.1a, temperature SB. moderate sea. Lanusrs Overcast, strong south east wind, sea smooth. Triple Island-Rain, strong west wind, rough sea. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, light south wind, barometer SB .78. temperature 43. light aweU. Terr:ic - Cloudy, aottth wind, 31 above. Alyanah- Cloudy, south- wind. H. Anyox -Raining, tauth wlml. M. Stewart - Cloudy, ftwUi wind. Haaelton Cloudy, calm, 33a. Smlthers -Cloudy, oalm. 30a. Burns Uke-Cloudy, calm, 5a. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Feb. 18 Wheat was quoted here Uxlay at 48yc. Vol XXIV No. 41 .Miner Hold Meeting at Hidden Creek and raw Itoolutlon to That Klfrct ANYOX. Feb. 18: At a mrctlnr. of Ihe .Mine Workers I'nlin held al Hidden Creek mine on Thursday evening it wa decided that the strike be railed off and thai a notice to this effect should be inserted in ihe papers at Vancouver and Prince llupcrt J. K. Russell was chairman of the meeting and T. M. Wateriand wcrrlary. The former etplainrd Ihe object of the meeting prior to the motion being put and car-ried. A third motion was that the (iranby Company officials be no tlfied of Ihe acUon of the meeting Protection For Roosevelt large Number of roller Met llim at the Station and Fcor ted Illra'to Car NSW YORK. Feb. ll:-FUowtng Ihe attempt on the life of PresMent-Btoet Roosevelt at Miami, the nobee of Men- York were taking no chances on his rival In that eity. Right hun dred police met htm at the train and escorted him to his car and no one was allowed imar PHYSICIANS PROTESTED Call Upon Government and City to Deal With Local Situation The Medical Association at a meeting Uat night In the Prince Rupert hospital made a formal protect to the College of Physicians end Surgeons of B.C. In regard so the unsatisfactory condition oX the medical practice tn Prince Rupert. They stated that the number of unemployed was over two thousand or appro Una -try one-third of the population and they thought the Oovernment should pay the doctors for necessary medical attendance. They also called on the Prince Rupert city council to take steps to deal with the question of medical attendance on unemployed. BIG VOTE FOR CADETS .Motion or Ml vi .Mcl'lull lo Keilurc The Amount Was Voted Down by Commons OTTAWA, Feb. 18 The House of Oommon Friday passed a vote of $100,000 for cadet training, defeating Uve amendments by Miss McPlull lo decrease It by $30,000, Tomorrow's Tides High 8:34 aJU. 10 ft. 33:11 pin. 10.1 ft Low 1:44 a.m. 10.4 ft. 18:30 p.m. 5.7 ft IIITLI'lt-MUSSOLINl I1HRUN, Feb. 18: It is that Chancellor Hitler will pay an airplane visit to Premier Musio- Unl of Italy for a conference. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1933 HANSON LS HEARD IN COMMONS Member Tor Prince Kupcrt Asks l or l cilentl Ituildiiig in This City In the House at Osmmotuf at Ot-Uwa Olaf Hanson took iiarl in Uic debate on the e Uinates as follows: "A question that his been bt fru this houw on former ocm ions.. the pablte building at Prince Hu-j iwt It has bcn promised rnnsid-erattoo. and that Is all. Some time lMt year the lease esplred on the building In which the federal offices are situated. I understand thai the government renewed the lea for otic year, and that they were going to make an appropriation at least lo start a building hi the city of Prince Rupert fchss year It Is needed, as the mlnsster knows very well; It has been brought to his attention by boards of trade and by represent Uvea of the different political parties, and It Is not a political question. "It la not nrcoaaary for me to repeat what has Already been said In this house nn tevtral occasions in regard to this building, but as I notice there 1 nothing In the estimate I would ask the minister again If he would give this his con W oration und if it woula be fContlnued on page three) Rubber-Tired Railway Coach Cu: i IT "i. thrutiuli 1 in PreniUT 'I 'iiiii vull fx (In- centre ul inu-iv.t next week .it Uic ojvi'iiiu uf B t". Ilotisr. MYSTERY OF LONDON TOWER LONDON. Feb. 18 A mystcriuus prisoner Is held tn the Tower of London and the whole city is talking about It Much speculation la taking pliire as to hy he is lncnr-cerated In the Tower, lit la said to be N. Bailey Stewart ot the Gordon Highlanders. Funeral Notice Members of the Canadian Legion B.B.L.. are requested to attend the funeral 61 our late comrade Corporal James Boulter. Funeral service will take place at B.C. Undertakes' Parlor. Monday, at 2:30 pm. r.j... y. u.'sirJ ; sco the business ladi .'..:. i u;jd :iie Iirsl car is out for Britain and France Make Protest To1 Austria at Shipment of Arms From Italy and Ask Its Return i Italy Takes Umbrage at Proposal and Press of That: Country Attacks France This Morning j LONDON,' Feb. IS: Official quarters today confirmed a statement that Great Britain and France had made joint representations to Austria that a recent arms shipment from Italy violated the Treaty of St. Germain. The communication represented that the arms should be returned to Italy or destroyed by a certain date, it was stated that the notr was to be considered In no vense a. an ttrtunatum but was in; MEETS LEGISLATURE the nature of a friendly request ROME, Feb. 18: The entire Ita lian areas was engaged In an attack on France today, charging that an alleged ultimatum to Aus'ru concerning an arms shipment from Italy was camouflage to take attention from antl-Itallan military preparations ULTIMATUM TO CHINESE Japanese Demand Evacuation of Kailu and Will Attack If Order Not Obeyed rClPl.NG, Feb. 18: Japan today sent an ultimatum t the Chinese commander at Kailu, Northwest Jehol, demanding immediate evacuation of the city. If the order is not obeyed the Japanese will attack. Local Man Had A Very Unusual Apprenticeship William Millar Told of Barly Ksper-iciice in Srotland-l.o Told About Local Soils When William Millar waa a boy in- was indentured to the Duke of Ataol bi Perthshire as a gardener and one of the articles ot the document he sicned was that be should defend the name and honor of the Duke at .my time, he told the Rotary Club Thursday al the weekly luncheon. The Indenture waa a relle of the feudal days. The Duke Is today the only person in Britain who has the right to raise a regiment ol his own retainers. This regiment la composed of farmers, forester, game kreiicrs and gardeners. Mr. Millar told of this part uf his early history In connection with a talk on gardening lie discussed the matter of soil with particular re ference to the local muskeg. Incidentally he thought it would be a good thing to ln&lat that when houses are built for renting the garden should be cleared, fenced and broken up. For anyone commencing gardening. Mr. Millar proposed that a herbaceous border would be the beat thing. In order to raise annuals it was desirable to have a hot-bed' and one difficulty here was the scarcity of horse manure. The talk was much appreciated by the members who were much PRICE: FIVE CENTS PRINCE RUPERT MEMBER MAKES CONSTRUCTIVE SPEECH STRIKE IS CALLED OFF LOSES HIS LAST FIGHT James J. Corbett Was Champion Heavyweiiht Boxer of the World at One Time Beat J. L. Sullivan Died Today of Heart Ailment Ajed 67 After Long Illness NEW YORK, Feb. 18: James J. Corbett former heavyweight champion of the world, died today of heart ailment He was 67 years of age. He had been 111 for a long time and the end was expected a week ago. James J. Corbett was champion hcrywl3ht pugilist of the world for five years, having won the title n John L. Sullivan and lost It to Dob Fttzslmmons. After his retire ment from the ring he devoted most of his time to the stage, having been initiated In the theatrical profession by William A. Drady. who was his manager when he won the heavyweight title and tor some time after. Corbett displayed better than ordinary,- abtx--An- all. round althlete when as" a young man he beeame a member of the Olympic Athletic Club of San Francisco. It was said ot him that he could hare made any of the club's athletic teams, but be showed a preference for baseball and boxing. In the latter sport Corbett quickly absorbed all that the boxing Instructors had to teach and developed such remarkable skill that eventually he was regarded by critics of the sport the most sclenUflo heavyweight boxer the ring haf ever produced. His skill, coupled with his speed, made him a hard man to hit and even in the bout in wnlch he lost his tittle and others tn which he was knocked out his opponents were sakt to have been- tnore severely punished than was Corbett. The former chaipkm became a professional pugilist after he had proved his superiority over all the amateur boxers on the Pacific Coast. His. success tn a few profes- ional bouts led to a match tn 1891 ; with Peter Jackson, then the fore-nost negro boxed ot the time. They lattted for 81 rounds and the bout - hlch ended in a draw, has been . laased as one ot the greatest ever (ought between heavyweights. Cor. leUa showing against the clever, itard hitting negro attracted the tttention of boxing enthuataatsZ i throughout the United States and ' finally led to the match with Sol- livan for the heavyweight title. That tout was fought at New Orleans, September 7. 19M. six days alter Corbett had passed his twenty-sixth birtliday, and resulted In the dethronement ot the Boston Strong Boy, who had been the idol ot boxing. fans tor several yean. No Intention Of Building a DriliHall Here OTTAWA, Feb. IB The department of National Defense has no Intention of building a drttl hall ki Prince Hupert Hon. Donald Sutherland told Olaf Hanson In th House of Commons yesterday The site for the hall waa pur-chased some time ago. CANADIAN DOLLAIt NEW YORK. Feb. 18: -Til price ot the Canadian dollar hare today was83VsC . A