AST CHANCE! J YOUR GROCERS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ,r. I. . .. U,..Met fi.r Vtilll.HIfr ake This Your Christmas Shopping List r the Ladies SlUNi: & GARDENIA TOILET SETS 75c to SI 0.00 VAUDLEY'S TOILETRIES 10c to 85.00 STATIONERY 50c to $3.00 I I RFUMK ATOMISERS $2.00 and up N('Y CARRYALIi $1.50 and tin . t Y & SAUCERS Specials at 50c & 75c ; I WING CARDS Rridjre Set, Etc., 75c and tip IWCOLATES & TOFFEES In Christ! wrapjwd boxes her Suggestions C TH SALTS & POWDER l KKl MLS, KODAKS, ALBUMS M Y SOAPS, TOILET WATERS Dcccmlwr Z ends voting on Doll Contest Ormes Ltd. t7if Pioneer Druqtjiats Crxx:i SUre Phonei 11 ft K $200 I OR iu;.st tim contiat IN PRIZES FRIDAY, DEC. 22 ,. id and i-l marked l ,,lT iuitl- V i!i hi .iv ' pti'll ENTRY FORMS 'MALKItfS' BEST GIFTS FOR LADIES lingerie. Hosiery, Hankie. llor. SearN. i:tc at rosd. crate prlcrs. lUrgsin In Cat and I UK Come ami let A SUNSHINE SUSIE FREE "DEMERS" Ciimr and get a Sumhlne SuUe Inters! Sportsmen! i'hC niHillt4Hl H' .ir run moun- if Oame heads A I work guaran- U;t ' MADK UP Write lor Prices Hix, Taxidermist Terrace, u.c. Central Hotel American nnl European plan Housekeeping HHns We Also Sell Coal That (lives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 '"WAU I VI UY Ti rSIIAV. 130 I'M. 1 i .ml Wulklii' Hinviiu: .uu--or lliurwlJf lu,u nulisTMAS sAii.iNti i)icnnn:i: VniiroUM p;ive Prince Hupert ,it o w m 2 00 PM December a4U ,M N ' rrliw RuKTi Sim.i J' I" lif.. t.iM- jv ..,vr. I KIM I. f'flAI. u iv 1 1 1, ivxiiKci.iv nxrv. ItOfMHItH. I'MJtT Ti VANTiillVKit. $12. (MeaU ami llerlli Inrlmlrd.) f Uc Nov 10 to Feb. 28. return limit March 31. ,, mrnin u iiiur o ' ,.,,. "K'"f .veil ,WI Ml 'IT lit WIDMV: thlr.l Airniir. CANADIAN PACIFIC ""rs leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver via Orn I alls and Way rorts: f..SlM, Adelaide. Fridays 10:00 p.m. lANCnilVKU: direct: L viJ',-,ncPfw Norah, Dec 1st, 17th. Jnn 2nd, 1B' ("Kl.rnilKAN. WUANGIXL. Jl'NEAl! and SKA(.W A. I'linccss Norah. Dec 13th. 29tli. Jan. im w Winter Excursion l ares to Vancouver and Krtnrn Tickets on sale Nov 10, 1033 to Feb. 28, lOJ Flral return limit March 31, W I, COATKS. General Agent, Prince Ruuert, oc.'fflber 20, 1933 tf .THE DAILY KXWB Aaa. Txasa, : I . .. ! I ! LOCAL NEWS NOTES f nt. a .... - .L - n i . . . . . Mike J. AnUnlch. manager of a Wrangell shrimp cannery, was a passenger aboard the Prince Noeah Sunday afternoon goini through for a visit to Seattle. Mrs. and Mrs. John McRao arrived in the eM on this morning, train from Terrace and will soen; the Christmas and Nov Year holt day season visiting in the cKjr. A. S. BaUlie. auditor tor the O ran by Consolidate! Mining ii Smelting Co.. was a passenger on board the datala yealufday after-noon returning la Taaeawar ai-er a vfcrtt to Any ox on offsets iuUes. Mrs. H. 8. Meadows and son irrtved in the cfty tfcss afternoon from Vancouver on the Prince ieorne to take up realdence hero, fining Mr Meadows, the new local nanager of Canadian National Te--graphs. They will reside off Mc- Brtde Street in tfee hosuw recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs ElUs Mor rU Miss Jean Boms u making satis-faatocy ttmtus m she Rstas Hm-pert Oeneral Moapital where she recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. She will remain n the city tor the Ctortetma and etr Year hoUday season after vhseh she will mmm her school -.caching duties at Walrott Word hit been reeei in (he ity of the birth ln Vancouver or December 10 of a son to Mr. and Mrs O. H. Wall, formerly or Telle a. Mr. Wall was formerly man-tger of the Telkwa branch of the tioyal Bank of Canada, at one Mm was accountant of the local branch but for the past several years has been in the bank service In Vancouver. Mng now manager of the avtngs department of the Main and Hastings branch. Announcements Ragles Xmas Trre Sunday Dee j 1i. 3 to 6. Son of Norway Xmas Tree Dee. I !(',, Moose Hall. Salvation Army Cftftatows pro-' ;ram. De. at. I Hogmanay Dartre, Qnewti Marv liapser. December . New Year's Rre Dnoe Moose Hall Moose Hall HOXINO MATCH. DEC 22nd Main Events- Jack MrKvoy. "Vancouver's Flosli" Welter vs. DlUy Bagshnw "Rupert's PrWe;" also 4 good prelims. 30th Moose Irxlge merts. 24th Moose Christmas Tree. 2Jih S p. N. Xmas Tree. 29th Mf f Erlkson Xmas Tree. lUsketball every Monday and Thursday. 7 p.m. REGAL SHOP Have you reserved your Prince Rupert Fairy? There arc ft few left, at $1.00 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Lowney's Chocolates-lb. box Wc 4-lb. box 10c Attractive Uoxea Stationery from 3c Cigarette Boxes and A&h Trays from 35c Kd assortment of Toys and A goo Doi: oils, from 35c Orders for Home Made Candy cannot be accepted after Thvwdijj'.' Dec 21 nr I Mmt ui wjm iti uie uunai owir, xi you want to ave money or. ,nve cents to a Dollar. tf Xmu present shop at Oordon s Scandinavian LuttUlc. U ready, 12c a lb. 8vtnUi Ave, Market. 2S) 1 Try Sahara Dry Oingr Ale, a wonderful blender. Phone Black 82. Children's exhibition of danehtg. Oddfellows' lift 11, Thursday, 21st, 8 pin, Mrs, Watt' toUDll. Admis sion 26c. John Jackson, well known Juneau mining engineer, was a passenget aboard the Prlnecm North Sunday afternoon gofni through for a visit to Seattle. Hardware. A la rise selection or gift to suit every taste. Mrs. Norman O. Forrester, wife of Pilot Forrester of the Canadian Airways at Carcros. was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah Sunday afternoon going through for a visit In Vancouver. Mist Orace Wright n.ti.. All hi nuise. wv a passenger aboard the Princess Norah Sunday afternoon goto, through tp Vancouver on a vacation trip. She will also visit at her home in Orenfejl. Sack. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm S. Wilson rt Juneau were passengers aboard the Prtneess Norah Sunday after-loon going through to Seattle vhore they win spend the hotWay Drink CRAZY Water Crystals ('rvtallicri Craiy .Mineral Water Nothing Added for Constijmtion, Auto-Intoxication, Colitis, Stomach Trouble, Kheuma-tism. Neuritis, Arthritis, Kidney Trouble, Hi)-iousiiess and Liver Trouble, High Mood Pressure, Nervousness, Common Colds. When any of the foregoing are the result of faulty elimination $1.95 Pkg. Just Add Them to Your Drinking Water McCutcheon's Drug Store WHY BAKE XMAS CAKE? It's easier and better buy it at ans Bakery to Makers of High Class Bread, Cakes anil Pastry WOOD! WOOD! ll-ln. Itlocks, delivered 0f per cord tyU Split, Ready for Stove GQ per cord JO Kindling O-f ( per cord OXU Halt cr Cord VW Phone RUic 825 II eason. Mr. Wilson Is a well known R neattandlse brokor m the Alaska Capital. WWIam Stephen, whose farm at Vlicc Arm was recently inundatea yy Moods, was a passenger aboard he Catala Sunday returning north In about a month' time he expect to move from Alice Arm. aeeom-oanssd by his wife and family, to '.ake up residence in the south William D. Oortton. superinten dent at the rrvee division of th-l Yukon and Wttttat Pass Route witr. i 'Madquartes at White horse, and Mrs. Oordon were passengers an: board the Prime Norah Sunday; lftorneoo 'tjom through to Vancouver. User will spend the re-, nusMlsr f the wussar In ttej moth. J. W. .McAuiey. loeomoUve foreman here for the Canadian Ns-UonsU Railways, who left at the end of teat week for Prince George. , wlU be remaining in the interior town for the next few months re- Ueving Archie Watt, divisional master mechanic, who is taking an ; extendeo leave of absence Mrs. McAuiey will be leaving for Prteee Oeorge after the New Year. .. WALLACE'S Make this store your headquarters WALLACES This year give Useful Presents, we have a wonderful selection of Novelty Items, at Reasonable Prices We are offering our entire stock of Ladies' Coats at special reductions all this week. You can buy your choice now for 25 Less . s Mi Kaitii Ki-i'-'.:. d.uii'ii'f: Dr :ind Mrs L W Kerv.i, saij-ln this afternoon on the Prince Oeorgo for Premier rhrp she will spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season visiting with Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Kergin. Want Ads FOR Sale eXR SALE good office safe. Can be seen at Daily News. tf TOR SALE One Ourney Brick-lined heater Al condition Phune Biack. sjgt tf I :ivri aims present, isouer uana- ries. Guaranteed singers. Ship any dlataaee. W. Hut son Rand Block. KOK KENT VERNON Apartments housekeeping room, newly renovated. 141 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. PAINTERS (PAINTING and Paperhangtng 1 UaUer. Phone Rec. 302 ! TRANSFERS CAMERON 8 Transfer Dry hlrch, cedar. Jaekplne Furniture mnv-lng tf HAIRDRESSER mtMANKXT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S HKAUTY SHOPPE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarrlll. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up M Rooms. Hot Ss Cold Water Prince Rupert B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 037 We have a new . Selection of Dresses all latest styles and We have never seen such values, excellent styles. cf.lor and materials Priced From $4.75 Novelty Seed Necklaces We are offering with purchases of $2.00 or over, noveltv SEED Necklaces. These are genuine native made and come from Antigua, British West Indies. They come in a variety of colors and will mak e excellent gifts in themselves OPEN NTOHTS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Phone 9 See Our Vindows Third & Fulton IMS BOOKS Rooks, Hooks and .More Rooks are here for the choosing. There Is no more satisfying gift than a goo dbonk. We have books suitable for everyone, no matter what age and at Jtnt the right price you want to pay for Christmas Gifts. Picture Dooka, Panting Books. ABC Books lOe to Story Books for Utile FoMc. Burgess Bedtime Books. Mickey Mouse Books. Billy Bunny Books 15c 35c, 35c, lee, 50e, COe and up Children's Scripture Books. Books of Travel and Exploration. Bibles. Hymn Books and Prayer Books hi vartoiw I 7 " 1 Sa. "A coal of- ch&rACter lt'srure to verv wen Books for Boys and Oirla. Base-ban Joe. Camptsre Oirls, The Bomba Books, The Abbey Oirls, Speedwell Boys, Boy Ranchers, etc. 30c. "5c & $1.00 The best English School Stories, Ktag Arthur. Robin Hood, Coral Island. Rohluson Crusoe and many other t files In various sizes and bindings 35c. 50c, COc and up The recent new fiction at publisher's prices. Reprints of Saba tint, Zane Grey. Conner, Fainel. Crime Club. Sapper. Montgomery, Cody. Deeping, etc.11.00 each Come in and look around, no obligation. Gifts suitable for everyone now on display. Playing Cards. Autograph Albums, Kodaks and Albums. Recipe Boxes and Books. Waterman Ottt Sets. Pictures. Faury Trays. Card Tables, Bte. Visit Toyland and see lie largest display of toys and toy in Prince Rupert. Everything plainly marked for your convenience. WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS REPLENISHING PHONE US 'Ve have coals suitable lor all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 Practical Presents .22 RIFLES AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE - HUNTING KNIVES MECHANIC'S TOOLS See Our Windows For Suggestions THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS William Richards, Proprietor Repairing and Overhauling of Machinery Installations of Gas and Diesel Engines Substantial Reductions For Cash 'i . i p it Ml a-w 1 1 a g tjjti fi i! "1 Hi 4 n m I