PAGE FOCE WHOOPEE! July the First! Mi SUMMER 3 SERVICE U A doUar le'jt yo i IM take advanure c! fu oar suauner ft- WV rice call Hare Lli oar art concU- 9 nonad for the best lli am reception re- II A quires the utmost ;J,7 of your art. Oct lyy them btwbtll and 11 apaclal broadcsuU as the short IAri waves wtth a I XA eosvertor rented NlY from us for the lSA event at very r f i reasonable rate Superior J! Radio Service JM Second Arenotp. Phone Blue 320 LA A 1 A. O.BARTLETT A jA C. H. IN8ULANDER f PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta rbone 231 SPECIAL Hart your clothes cleaned with the new circulating system. Then you know they are clean. Men's Suit and CI nn 1.1MJ Overcoat ufd0y,Coau $1.00 Ideal Cleaners Second Street I'hone Hi We Call and Deltrer Help the boy and girls enjoy Canada's natal day by buying them Running Shoes or Tennis Shoes. We carry a full range for the younger folks, also for men and women. SATURDAY IS JULY THE FIRST Boy 4c Y . .. Hm:.X4t 5.vt 1 Prices Women's or Growing Otri or 89c,99c,S1.15,S1.25 Save your dollars by buying at the Cut Itale S.ore where we can de- STq"- !? liver th- goods at a very small Qx.vUy 04.10, margin of profit So why pay more? '"KSBBBBBMBHBHBBBBBHMita mfsewr Women Latest Style 1 J L m ww4 coioc to Men Lreu Boots a&d Oxiordi, gooo raxfe of Vk le tj choose from Pntf . 'jtW ,W $2.45, $2.95, S3.45, $3.95 1 s S1.75 Mens Bick or Brown Call aad Grim Leather , . . Wort Boot. Panco aoies or leather Pn- rsFrt 49C Sl95, $2.45, $3.65 Cht . . , , . Spver A: Oxfords, btack or brovr. calf Prices Mens Tenni or Running Sh Boou or Ox- Ar aj 4 o-f n m CkA np. fords, all colors Prices- DSC, Ol.lO, bl.ZOy Ol.OD SlalO $1.15, 81.45 aioa. straps Price Boy' & Youths' Dress Book it Oxford all cnxli 49c, 59c, 79c, 89c of leather to meet year iqulremx'U Price - Q-fl QP (JO OP CO iff CO QJ Mimes' and Children Rnnntnt Shoe Strap or OJLtiJO, t)i,dOy 01t) ?4t7U Oxfords. aO colon and style Prv- Plshtraie-D ana CaLnrrymerj 1 Rubber TvAmw fat 79 C 85 C at rery low prteea QO QS? Jgf W 2 $4.85 85.45 59c, 69c, CUT RATE SHOE STORE Weed-End Specials For Thursday and Friday Dated Coffee : .& pkf.y . pkf. 8 i K Pastry Piour ;o-.b 1 ib th. ... Ktii'ni Pep 2 pk ... Ajoeru Creamery Batter- J -lb brick Swift Side Bcoti alkwd i-ib. pkg Nalley's Mayonnaise I(Ub tar 38c RoyaJ City Tomatoes 2', ggfj Nalley 's Pure Ontario Honey j Q 12-ok ter t Swift's Prsjnlum Baked Ham. tlked. per lb. Oold Crom Bartlett Pears 20c 2QC Alberta Presh Baaa per dot. Nabob Ketchup per bottle Valencia Orange 5 dot. . P. it O. White Naphtha Soap. I bars Alberta Market f ji 1 CC CM AC l WT l District News TERRACE A fue threatened to atetroj J. W. Durran i bouse a few days ago. 38C'Tne day was hot and dry and a 40c 69c 25c 69c 17fc 42c 40c 17c 15c 95c chimney lire set the roof aaght. rartaaalety. a passtar cyclist save the alarm and. In a few mmatea many helpers arrived on the acme A mrae patch of the roof was dam- l tkalte bake la betrmahsj to as- tte simitar aaoect with the arrival there of camping parties The Miasm Little had some of tfaetr gir! friends for the week-end at tbe Lakeside cottage which s the sua mer home of Mr. and Mia. Oaorge Little The Pulton and Armour famines arrived Friday from Prince Rupert. Mn. WUby to spending a bottday at Mrs. Sherwood's. SKIDEGATE So far thla summer, the weather On th Qmin PharUtla T.l. ZuC 001 9090 neurly as good at usual. The growing season hat been baek- rresh Strawberries Arririnc Today ' ,rd and very wet and Trlday A large number of bear and deer are reported as having been seen on the Queen Charlotte Island. r. Icently. Some of the bear are said to Fifth Street Phone 20-; be as large as ftlaillei. : H maamaaamVtf awasmsmsmssva aw f A Ood LO. TICUtH. H O Vaj After ss 'aTf.dl ma - i , n THE DAILY JfXKS WeuntacUv MISSIONARY rSunshine Susie' IS SPEAKER Is Here Again Rev. W. IL Pierre to hear '.. addresa. bemg pretent. gems from lipe"s scrap-book HEAVEN -Ntmher shall they or lo there' far f Ood Is wtthm) The yoj of heaves wUl means to be "The save of heaven Earth has no I 1 US OU. "AC. IT'S y. Lo here' the Kkm- soon as we attata the character of heaves, and do Ms dore Parker. owiocra tvsoav amm i sJfea-fc;-- rjfk I ST li l T 1 wtth Ood is ever neatest, no of thne can arsarati iu from Him and the heaven of Hu presesce. Mary Baker Kddy that nea- Moore "And Heaven it all arovnd as now If we bat Hit our eyes " C F Ki- JONES' Family Meal Market Boiling Beef- 25C Jfamberger, 2 lbs. Op Canons, 2 Iba. "fv "svrr.I. ioc Lamb Stew. 2 ma. OCp Turnips, ma. "n-ri' 50c Swift's Pure Lard 25C ST""--.! . 25c Bonelet Stew yeal 25C ' 35c "pr- ioc 25c rrrV- 50c Good Corn Beef rp par lb oxs no lees than 6 lbs. soldi 937 Phone 957 IL IKK- I UCI T I OUar at CftfIM 1 TWJrt The tr'-aioen of tle Prmc Ba- pert Ore -u Toe H wmrt pm a ery KiereK addrea fcut ereoJnc by 1 Re W H Pierce, lats of Port smctoc He dealt wttn bit work a ja mlav ;.ary amoBf the coast In-, dtana. c Trrtaf the territory from Bella C -jU to Alaska. B.Use very icaifr tvi when tbe ootr vhttet people were the Badsoo Bay otndalf He cave rery rrrtd word of hay -born," ami at of a the atory that .s as to ate the mncy la maapa as K Is O A HcWtchcU. aaaml paasen-or agent far the Qaasdlao Ma tsaaml Railwajs wtth headquarter , hi Vaacawvar. fc atm the roond ;tnp north aboard UW .learner i Prsaee Rapart which s in port to -day boand for Skacwar Be wtfl be jbere amUn neat Ussday i boand. ! Tm II Head laiemtier TaRt By Ecaate MaaW Leads Cart ef i Those who have feeea bmjaaj tarj aBaABk & - aw ma m 2 eoaate thai aavj vnt o the local rapttrt Thaataa. Ban eamaaaag atory which ptctom 'A some of the cniiaui r tmaiMm of lafctsr. Barry Own. ; rtte pr, tieed by the besthea In- nr M CSaryfl. dian sti . art or more ao. which IX to the story of a pretty gnuno- the Br Pierce htonsetf had wJt- phone recwrdoat who la hi hive with eased H also dtacrtbed hi a very a fcBow swaawayoc. The vobbk uiteresc.r. manner kws and cws- cealleaua. head of a bachelor: ' toou p:vatnf amonc the coast ho hold of Uirt sjrotherv ts slow IndUni it that tame. to reals Resale atferuor. for j There a u a very rood attendance, nhx and manftra tiler a nrh has that, ta frt her in aaii l the teayhibear De Jong's! Cash and Carry SPECIALS For Thursday and Friday Store Will be Open All Day Thursday Ensign Orance Marmalade AOn per 4-lb tin 101 Lynn Valley Peaches OCn 2 nn for OOl TyV THB UiPB OP V Malkln s Best TOMATOB SU 2'j 2 tins for 25c r...n.llve 4 cake for 25c Heuu Tomato Cateup per buttle Helmet Corned Bsaf-- 2 tin for Lion Brand Macaiool- 3 pkgs. for Munro MaR Xztract Dark per 2' tin Malkin Best Bauer Kraut Sue 2' ,'s. per tin Red Arrow Soda per pkg. Blue Ribbon Tea per 1-lb. pkg Ensign Peas No 4 2 tins for Eagle Brand Omoaaasd MUk per tin :alumet Soap Chips-Extra special. 2 lbs for I Sen r- 21c 25c 10c 99c 10c 19c 38c 23c 19c 21c sammuBsmnKannHH . . i y .. ' t ., UBBamaaSmmv Adrerttoe In the Daay News aaammBaaaaaassMaaamanmaaat ' WRBKUtHKHKKM irrdeesday & Thursday ' TITO SHOWS 7 k P-m. J rnlut Starts 7 II L 1 (I JLmiVis lie L HUM THE TOILER" Muaa ComiI 'mac - m , cet TtlAT.MlSr Ma -A7S.y. ,-Llm L A Clear Conscience 0 BIUU , '6vaftH cjav mm SOXGS - Ml SIC NOW... LOWER IN . . . yet better than ever before Packed with energy became from gum" . . .''twieeritfMd' to new dcMdotJMeM I .mammaasaaamaaav aaaaa. The new Pucd V bear sod Faffed Rkc . . . too and re-f retime f "Twice-cmned" by an CxcluuTC process. Dtintj aad of cktorhtfu! flavour . . . yet a tingle dttk, with avilk aad sugar. pes mere eeergv than a ba.ed lamb chop. COMEDT RRNATR MIIIT PR ThcsKj Me'Hm MA1(KY ME" WW tStC I AJSBf IMBCOUIM (jLtJKtiE KOBE! and IMl trv A Brtthh IMmw "luni COLORU1 Ml SICAL -CIST PAREt NvrtMr B.BE Or JIINE" PARtMr.t PRICE i pouw or a: ' Every pirude NoarkcMag! Bocsase INsaW GraifH are "shoe from gaas" tMeskiar open tee thoassetk bt rbodctttt ia every grata. ( Buy PaH(.r r. i j at aharwlf redut r .: a. f ji Ic at afl I talc grot. Puffed Wheat-Puffed Rice M4 ia Cuad. by THE OL AKFX OAT C( TheRsh which made Prince Rupert Famom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Hj Canadian Fish & Cold Slorage Co., Lli PKINCE RUPERT, H.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL Jl Zarelli. Proprietor "A IIOSIC AWAV lltO.M HOME" Kates Sl.00 up M Rooms. Hot Is Cold Water Prince Rupert DC. Phone 2f 1 P.O. Box H PIMB7, Till s . CM tiO OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Hsme ef thr r : mn Uer Mr -f P lt()(IS-JI prr j per utek. 5r T" 1 ht siiowr-R B.UUS TMrd Avenue JIMMIE ( K t VK By Westover. -O'iSCiE .ii - - r-- tasavCal b ' WwH