PAGE BEE mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr GOOD PLANK FOR ELECTION PLATFORM The election campaign is under way. People are thinking about how they are going to vote. Here is a tip: CAST YOUR BALLOT FOR Quality Shoes at CUT RATE PRICES We have them for men, women, misses and children at prices that compel attention. Our stock is complete with the best Canadian makes. We bought in quan tities and can outsell competitors. Come, look them over. We like to show them. CUT RATE SHOE STORE Third Avenue Prince Rupert Miss Marjorie Kenney, -daughter Mr anc Mrs. Axel Spangberg gaged In logging, win proceed from of Mr ard Mrs. E. T. Kenney of ard child, who arrived in the city here by rail tonight to New York Terrace, has been paying a brief on the Catala Sunday night from where they will embark for a trip visit to the city as the guest of Bishop Bay in the Butedale district to Sweden, sailing on the Bremen Miss Lucille Brooksbank. where Mr. Spangberg has been en- on November 8. A Brief Synopsis of Liberal Policy HEREWITH Is a brief synopsis of policy as laid down by the Liberal Party of British Columbia, In convention held in October. 1932. Many matters of interest, not specifically set out, will require consideration. The principles enunciated are indicative of the Liberal viewpoint, and are broad enough to meet every question within piovlnclal Jurisdiction. The Liberal Party exists as an otfietal organization for the purpose of formulating and fur-theVing measure that will make for the well-being of each individual member of society, and the welfare of society as a whole. Innumerable questions, both of public and personal character, can be properly treated only through the agency of government. Government Is not an ordinary business, but carries responsibility to meet every problem arising from our complex social and economic condition. In order that not merely a few. but all of our people may live in reasonable comfort. The Liberal Party pledges immediate action under the best available advice and closest study. August, 1833. T. D. PATTULLO. 1. Profitable and permanent Employment Is tbe most important question facing our people. There should be co-operation between the national, provincial and municipal authorities and , the Canadian banking system to establish the necessary credit to carry out a broad programme of constructive and useful wage-distributing public enterprise, and to further the health, education and well-being of all our people. An Economic Council should be established, the membership of which shall consist of representatives .of tbe various avenues of endeavour, such . as health," education, agriculture, labour and the Industries. This council will be appointed by the government on recommendation of the Interests Involved, and will act in an advisory capacity to tbe government. Amongst other things the council win study industrial and social effort In tbe province and suggest means to correlate these efforts. It will lamiliartzc Itself with intra, lnter-provlnclal and foreign trade, and will co-operate with the other provinces and the Dominion. It will also study such questions as production and consumption, and the marketing of our products, the number of hours of work per day and days of work per week, the standard of wages and commodity prices. These questions are of national as well as provincial concern, and British Columbia can take the lead in urging co-operation with the other provinces and the Dominion as a whole. Nations! Unemployment Insurance should be established upon a contributory basis. 2. Our Financial position must be reviewed. Current expenditure must be kept within current revenue. While maintaining the credit of the province, effort- must be made to reduce capital charges. We cannot continue to pay exorbitant rates of interest for money. 3. The Taxation Structure must be revised with a view to reduction wherever possible, including exemption Is the lower scale of wages and salaries. A. The health of each of us Is important to the whole community, and a measure of State Health Insurance should be made effective, not only to preserve health, but to reduce costs both to the average citizen and to Industry. ;Jf. 5. A general and effective review row be made of Ihe Educations! problem, rejecting any proposed. organUatlon that, involves a caste system, We' must factfiUte; ihe Iritellecttol Ignrtrth of each individual member of society In order to equip him for his daflv task, and for the efljoy- , merit cif soch'cultural pursuits as "may be fn'lceep-ing with our social customs. Triangular disagreements between tbe school boards, municipal councils and the department of education must be adjusted, and our whole system placed upon a sound financial basis. 6. The financial position of our Municipalities is of increasing concern. An equitable adjustment most be made as between the province and the municipalities, and the municipalities placed In a sound financial position. 7. An effort should be made to settle our Agricultural Lands In order that more of our citizens may be self-supporting. Agriculture as a whole must be put upon a sound and profitable baste, and made capable of sustaining and directing itself, in line with all other national, basic Industries. 8. Continuous effort should be put forth to assist industry In Marketing its products, in timber, agriculture, fishing, mining and, in fact, every operation where it appears that useful service can be rendered. 9. Our highways must be kept in good condition, both for the benefit of setUers and the tourist traffic and expanded as circumstances warrant. In this connection a Hlgftway Board should be established to make for continuity of policy and to Inspire confidence in Impartial treatment. 10. A Public Utilities Commission should be established. 11. A National Central Bank should be established. 12 Social Services, such as Mothers' Pensions, Old Age Pensions, etc; must be nvfintained. Abuses of administration should not bV allowed, and injustice through mere technicalities should not be permitted. 13 The Teace Itlver must be given access to the Coast. 14. In order that the utmost Freedom of Ac-tion by Members of the Legislature may be assured In respect of questions before the House, it Is Liberal policy that a" government shall be considered to be defeated only upon a straight want-of-confldence motion. 15. The Dominion Government will be asked to place the Province of British Columbia upon a- basis of equality with the other provinces, and to thteend request will be made for a Royal Commission to ascertain the extent to which the Province of British Columbia has not been given Equality of Treatment with the Other Provinces of the Dominion. 16 There shall be a permanent Voters' List to ensure that all eligible voters are enrolled. 17 The Leader of the Liberal Party Is given a free mandate to choose for his associates In iwvernment. men oi :haracUrr. aoiuty and staiia- THZ DAILY NZWS JU.UU IU JJ" WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Seaplane Hops Off Thanksgiving Hunting Parties Figures on Salmon Pack The Fokker seaplane from Portland, having had repairs made here to a strut which was broken in a forced landing at Kinahan Island during fog on Monday, hopped off at 2:45 yesterday afternoon for Alert Bay in continuation of a return flight to Portland from Alaska. On board were Pilot C. J. Oraul and die owner, Gaylord Adams. Following her week-end excursion voyage to Ketchikan. C. N. R. teamer Prince Rupert was moved ip to the local dry dock where she us been lied up lor the winter. She vui oe givet ner annual overnaiu it the iocal yard before being re-ommbsioned in service late next February in place of the Prince Jeorge which will then be with-lrawn for annual overhaul. The majority of tbe officers and crew of the Prinee Rupert will leave for Vancouver tomorrow night on the Prince George. The power tug F. H. Phippen. with Capt. Handsome Jim' 'Morrison In command, made a hunting trip to Khutsamateen Inlet over the Thanksgiving holiday week-end ttith a party on board consisting. besides the skipper and his sen. Roy. of F. A. MacCallam. W. M. Blackstock. Alex McRae. L. H. Ha-worth. F. N. Good. W. O. Fulton and C. W Dawson The party left Saturday afternoon and returned home early yesterday. Th e beg consisted of one goose and several ducks. Tbe bird hunting season IS now open at Khutsamateen inlet which Is m Atlin electoral district. In this regtsttlt will not be open for a couple of Weeks yet. There were a number of deer hunting parties at Welcome Har bor, Porchec Island, over the Thanksgiving heHday week-end. possibly too many being in the woods there to make for very good results. One or two deer were ta ken by some -of the fir si on trie grounds. Among the leading parties were J. W. MeAuiey aJfcd A. R. Nl- ehois on the Cannon and Dr. H. L. Alexander, CE. Starr and Joe Seott en the Alexander-Starr bosit. net j ..... i me? or; wnKQ, groups met with any Up to September 10 the salmon paek on the Skeesw River this year had reached a total of mill cases as compared with 331.32 cases at a similar date test year. The sock eye pack for the Skeena River was 39.3M cases this year In comparison with H.m cases last year, the spring pack 3.094 cases In comperl-fon wtth 24.77 oases, the atcelhead paek 231 cases in comparison with 370 cases, the cohoe paek 37.9x2 cases in comparison with HJSU cases, the pink paek 93,369 eases m eomparlson with Mjm eases and the chum pack 15,996 cases In com parison with 37 .Ml cases. Presbyterian Tea And Sale Success A very successful Hallowe'en tea and sale of home cooking was held by the Ladles' Aid of First Presbv terian Church yesterday afternoon In the church parlors which were adorned for the occasion with sea eonal colors arranged by Mrs. C. O Ham. A goodly number of ladies cal led during the afternoon to lend their patronage to the affair. Mrs D. McD. Hunter, president of the Ladles' Aid. and Mrs. W. D. Qrant nouingworui. wife of the pastor, received the guests. Mrs. John Walker and Mrs. Thomas Carlyle were In charee of the tea room and Mrs. J. B. MacKay and Mrs. j. R. Currie poured. Ser viteurs were Mi Robert Cameron, Mrs. Rod Morrison. Mrs. M. M. Lamb and Miss Viola Johnson while Mrs. D. McLeod acted as cashier. Mrs. Ben Dales mo and Mrs. James Hadden were in charge of the home cooking table. During the afternoon there was an acceptable musical program ar ranged by Mrs. William Millar. Mrs. H. N. Broekjesby And Mrs. F. W. Al len, accompanied by Mrs. E. J. Smith, rendered vocal solos. There were also puuu selections by Miss Audrey Pantm Kud violin ikiIos by Mil fcdjtn J'liniNUinp. uc oiupiui ARABIAN ROMANCE Ramon Novarro snd Mjrna Loy Centre of Diverting Adventures In "The Barbarian" "The Barbarian," a romantic eo-medy concerned with the adventures of a philandering Arab who falls in love with an English woman, brings Ramon Novarro to the Capitol Theatre screen this midweek. Myrna Loy is Novarro's leading woman. Reginald Denny Is her doll but amusing English fiance. Added laughs are insured by the presence in the cast of Louise Closser Hale in a typical maid role. In the picture Novarro enacts the Arab guide who plays up to the succeptlblUUcs of elderly women starved for romance and pockets a oretty profit for his pains. When he j falls in love with the alluring Miss Loy. he finds himself running into a more difficult proposition, and Is called upon to use all his resource a a rogue and oriental schemer In order to consummate his desires. The picture has a special musical score. INSPECTED C0LUMARI0 Manager John WUlrrun and Consulting Engineer II. L. Ratten In Town Today John Willman, manager of the Ooiumarto Oold Minos Ltd.. and H. L Batten of Vancouver, consulting engineer, arrived In tbe city on last night's tram from Usk Mr WUIman will retcm to the Interior on this afternoon s train whik Mr. Batten will proceed sooth on the Prince Oeorge tomorrow night Mr. Batten has Just completed a thorough inspection of Uie company's property on OoM Creek near Usk. Development work has been proceeding ail sumer on a small seals and the press si ty looks as pesmlstng as ever. Ptehs are sUB proceeding with a view to the early eaUMUtomeat of a mill on the property. Ronald Pitcher. Roy Franks. Jack Macfle. William Murdoch and Jack Aneiew. members of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Vol unteer Reserve, returned home on the Prinee Oeorge this morning from Esquimau where they hsve been taklne courses of training at naval barracks SPECIALS For Wednesday and Thursday AYLMER SPINACH 2 V 0n per tin AYLMER PBAS No 4 2 tins AYLMER TOMATOES Q7 34. 3 tins u IK, C. it B. VINBOAR QU. )tZn reg. 3. per bottle hDK, LIBBVS SAEUR KRAUT 4nn 2'i's. per tin 10 L GRAPE NUTS FLAKES Or 3 pkgs. 3v FRY'S COOOA-h-Ib. tin rn 2 tins 'tOK, DBSSICATBD COCOA NUT - For your baking -f nn per lb 50c 3 ib. CANADIAN BEAUTY Q,, MACARONI, 1-lb pkg ' WELCH'S ORAPE JUICE Qn ota., per bottle DuL 35c per bottle .... JIF SOAP FLAKES -a np large pkg. AOL COW BRAND BAKING f)ln SODA, l's. 2 pkgs Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at reduced prices. Headquarters for Crab Apples, Prunes, Pcarhes, j Concord Oraprs, Pears, still at Special Prices Free delivery on all orders $2 or over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" M7-18 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 rhone 11 Wednesday Of3btf ,, RAMON NOVARRO RISKING HEATH FOR LOVE 17 40 Si 910) A ' G M ki.... in "The Barbarian" . ... ... . i . . l. a a A tllrl of Ihe ei a inure oi me urM-rt laravan ef r,. Songs of Love Ease Pain, Headache in Few Minutes fee, "M mtic,tm wesn MUT M 0t - AHD IVE A SPIITTINS HEADACHfc T I I . SOriT wMY. tr Scmc AiSiN TAQLCVS amo vows hi AOAcne v e fto 6'oe you MOW T . . 2 LATER. u what ivt oce r Utq Comedy-HUNDLRINO TAXIS'- AXIS" Cartoon- SNOW ttml WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY TWO SHOWS 7 ti 9 AdmKUon 15c & 50c PARAMOUNT NEWS ) a -hi Friday and Saturday "1'aiWy, TheNf, H"si ihinf 5-1 Atrin.1 ivk STiypf-, rut AWfM. HEADACHE W A H . NevtR rtiT est-rt , IsAre rurcc .J" If :v1 For Quick RellcJ Say ASPIRIN-Hien You Buy Now eemes ameMtrfe fine tttnl from beedeehea. rfcrumaltwn. aceh-tu, Mwraiat . . . tswufctf mft tilitf, it i mti. ti 4icmttt4. Tbme molls arc due to a iciia tiflc diarovery by wtttcb an AieerM Tablet beam to dMoKt, or rfiv iatceTale. m the amauag spsee of two oroed alor toorbiag Moist eft. And bescc to dart "taktsg bokT of pais a few minutes after UUstg. The illustrattoa of the glsee, U(, lU la alnry. An pina Tablet ttrt to divntegrelr almott inotant-l you iwlliw it A nrf I hut U ftp Of M awi atnmtl ttvlamlg When you buv. tbitugn. be on guard agaiaot obliluli- To be aere you get ASPIRIN'S emc rrllff. be sure tbe name Bayrr in thr form of a cron u uo every ubkl i4 .sptna. WHY iMnj WORKS SO FAS' Does Not Harm thtlltv MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE 5W 8quare Yards Linoleum Oood quelity To clear, per square yard Tile Inlaid Linoleum -Reg. prtee tf Ti While our stock UsU. per square yaid . 34 Congoleum Rugs Ootd Seal According to stse up from 327 Third Avenue SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's Leading Family Hotel Hot it Cold Water in all Rooms A. J. PKl'I)IIOMir, Prop. SPECIAL WINTER RATES $12 Per Month snd Up 86c S1.45 S6.O0 Developing and Printing Send Your T WRATHAU'S PHOTO FIMsHINu Rapid Service r ..rt Kt TheFish which made Prince Rupert FamoM "Rupert Brand,J SMOKED . -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, RC OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Logger, Miner ROOMS-$10 per month, $3 per week, 50c per night RATHS Third Avenue Phone 940 JIMMIE CICCONE I NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. rr"Pf,"r "AIIOMKAWAVIBO HOME" Rstes 60 Rooms. Hot U prince R'-iPA-iJt Phnn 2R1 r