1 Li.y.i I 4 ,n -J' If, ui !er 11. 1033 Jasmine -m t W4 tn mum et;tiv'i 4 LIQUID CLEANSING CREAM Or-- LIQUID FOUNDATION CREAM With a MaRiliryln; Mirror Both For 55c MENTHOL SHAVING CREAM and i i. - Combination ocrew Unver 65 c ANOTHER SHIl'.MliNT OF . RILEY'S TOFFEE In Bags at 25c Ormes Ltd. Jiie. Pioneer Druqgists the Kesall Store Phones II k K BE PREPARED FOR WINTER DRIVING tinker around with a stalled car on a cold winter k, darling, easy riding and freedom from annoying i.-r dralred raore than ever. And here's where we news lor you. Ass: for our special price tgod Ull th on the following group of operations: i live, i r bo li. ftul line and clean ust rarburelnr. and adjust spark l.adlltliti. 0 Mil and adjust shock absor-Urs. 7 Clirek and adjust steering. Adjust brakes, J vtdJuU (rnerator charsint rate. 1ft drain rrankiratr and lubricate chaR ll- hrrW and fill battery. S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealer Phone S3 Coal Prices f Rest Lump $2-5; fW; Host Egg n-5P Rest Stove .: iJ-SS! I iV.gg ...sh; n-5S Prv T k and Cedar, nor load 5.00 W V , intl Mt- enwl 0.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 V'NION STEAMSHIPS UJUTKD Bteuneri Uat Prine Ruptrt for Vneour: J-'S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 MI. e v-m omver Thursday p.m. TS. CAItDKNA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIdilT. ue Vin-ouver Monday a.m. ""tt to Port Bimpton. Alice Ann. Anyoa. Btert ano 1 if' 1 rf'M.ii - ... . s.-a.t at - , .. iiiinsai n. vj aiiwiiu illtllNfH I'hone SCs CANADIAN PACIFIC SW,m,rl and Trlnce ltupert for Vsncouver via Orfan Fslls i.u . . . Way Torlsi For vsvn?" Adf,'le. Fridays 10:00 p.m. VANCOUVEIt: direct: r,ii:wsS Louise. Oct 12, 21: princess Nornh. Oct. 30 " KKTCIIIKAN, WHANCSELL, JtlNKAU ntl SKAOWAV. r Louise. Oct 16. 25; Princess Nui th N''v J , Hwryniions ana iniormaii i " 1 COATFS, flcpt rat H "tf rrlnce up"t, n l Through its solicitor, R. L. Mc- F P. 8hanahan. well known chemical dealer of Vancouver, was ver. Harold Alder, son of City Coin- W .THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Jut arrived carload of HInton Coal Central Hotel. 237 , Sllversldes Bros, for Wallpaper, i Canadian .Legion, B.E.8.L. half-Olaas, Paint and Muresco. yearly, meeting Wednesday, Oct. 11. Election of officers etc. 236 J. J. Little, manager of the Nor-, JL. , Lennan, the federal Income taxifhern B. C. Power Co., and Mrs. . Lutheran Ladies' Aid Bazaar, department in city, police court J Little are on a brief visit to Stew- Metrppole Jlall, Thursday, tea ami thU morning withdrew charge ; art, having sailed for the north on Home cooking 2 o'clock, program against two local firm. Parkin It the Catala Sunday nlgbt. Ward and the Kalen Motors. John MeUor, well known Stewart merchant, arrived In the city on the Catala yesterday from the north on a brief visit to town. He is the father of SUveley J. MeUor of the Dtgtoy Island wireless station staff. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy. resident, mining engineer for the north western mineral survey district. i on an inspection visit to propertie -in the Alice Arm district, ha vim left for there on the Catala Sun day evening. Mr. ard Mrs. A. O. Card and daughter. Miss E. Card, were pa- senyers aboard the Catala y ester HOOPING COUGH Mo curs but hlps to reduce prorytm of courhlne. XICKS VapoRup Carl Orafstrojn, manager of the Canadian Fishing Oo.'i cannery at a passenger landing here from the Batedale, and A. L. Stewart, ac-Catala yesterday after having made ! counUnt. left Butedale on the Ca-the rourd trip to Anyox and Stew- takt last 'rtfeht for Vaneouver art on business after a brief stay where they wQl spend the winter, here, he will proceed to Vancouw- The cannery recently ceased op- eratioiu for the season. t.iuls Lewis, whose boat Ellen, ry . i . . rank off Hahbut Bay In Portland BrightCH Up yOtlf Canal on Monday while enroute to A- yox from Stewart, tl.e four men being brought here aboard the ss. Catala yesterday, are sailing this afternoon on the Prince Oeorge in continuation of their trip to Anyox and other poinu in that vicinity. B-r-r-r!! What a draught coming through that door! A few cents spent now on weather strip will save you a lot of money on the coal bill this winter. Get the hew Ozite Strip for windows and automobile doors too at Kaien Hardware PHONE: 3 WIXTEK SAILINGS fropt 1MUNCK KUPKltT tCSrtlM 'tm Hl-r fM tH KIIVH 4"l"a at llMi r'aiU J rl Kl..r TksradM If .11 P-M. roa tvox ni sti:wat ris r-t M.. Mdara rrl.l.f . at l.JO p.m. Fm IAwMaliM rail ar vHl :r.iu iickst limes Sit SrJ At.. FrlM KmpmI V-tli-M CAXAIMAX NATIONAL homo decorations with NEW color! I taw much pteewire sad eheer jwt a change of color ran give in a room I And ao eay and effective when you uw Diamond Dyes. Per yeu can't malrh Diamond colors in depta and richness and beauty. No pottineas, no alieaka, do dun tones with them. All true. Ikm eolor. ThU ta because Diamond Dyes eontaki more of the purest aniline dyes obtainable. Give your dranerie, cushion top, drnaer rovers this new eolor peavuly the auccemful way to jrtve perma-nrnl, dark njon hy boiling. And keep your lingerie and light cnlorel blouse ami dreaae looking new wilh the new Diamond Tints. An Asiirts just a (juick, easy rinsel At all urug Mores. Diamond Dyefc IlighrdQiialUvforM Years Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Shoulder Pork 4 lbs. Pork Chops 2 lbs. .. Veal Chops 2 lbs (Lamb Chops 2 lbs Sirloin Steak i IDS t T-Bone Roast- - per lb Rump Roast 4 lbs Pot Roast 4 lbs. . Round Steak per lb. ltamberger Steak 3 lbs. Oofllns Beef. S lbs. i bunch Carrots Tpmato Sausage - per lb. i Spare Rlb& a lbs. I Boneless Stewing Beef 3 lbs. Phone 957 50c 35c 35c 35c 15c 50c 55fc 8:30. Admission 25c. , Mrs. M. Halliwea ot Terrace is paying a visit to Stewart, having arrived .pn Saturday night's train from the interior and sailing the next evening on the Catala for the north. Prof. P. Heppler, who has beenJ located for some time $t Anyox, as ' ' . . r. r ... . la piano teaeber, and Mrs. lieppler J- L?' "f. 2222. Pangeaboara.lhe dataU yesterday afternoon going through election. U on a campaign trip u to Vancouver. They are leaving Anyox and Alice Amu hwtajr sail- thf ed on the Catala Sunday night for the smelter town. Mr w j Crawford anQ gjj. 1 " trar-a ri4 -Iftnirsrc otwis-rf tVi r Harry Smith, resident of Stewart let 'Ks atlv slaifir nf that Mtran a n 4 gg . " T Lr il , through to Vancouver where-they J0 ttr.fl lAln Vfr rVawfnrfl V. da, afternoon going through to Alice Arm was a papier aboard recenUy located , Vancouver. They are tearing the the Catala yesterday afternoon ; goW ng t smelur town on account of Mr. going through to Vancouver U- he tr7nsp7rtan sp"aiI0n busirew DU1Eeas- Cards health and may go toKam-Jand where he Intends to take up; - loops. i future residence. I.- Annoiincei&efati Lutheran tober 12. Church Bazaar, Oc- Moose Novelty Ball, Friday. October 13. Mrs. W. H. Utler of Dltbv Island ! tt., . mlssloner and Mrs. W. J. Alder. Is .... J- - . .." f"f rw.r leaving on this afternoons train reUtives In England. She left for Toronto where he will take up here but Mar ard s&ent nart of the study of law at Oagoode Hall, holiday in Wiltshire, which is her For the past few months he hatn,Uw country She also visited ter oeen in uie law unce or raimore brothe. Rev. H. L. Jennis, vlear jy.77,. rr. "sooer M. PtltOn. n. ...errw-J Retnmlnr hv th . - T 1 A. S- t BSSBWaB W J. Asselsttne. Liberal eandi- Duchess of Richmond, she, BamarOeiober 27. date fer AHW rfcHrg, m the forth- b.c b. ,ay of Vancouver. T,nBk , ' ,.h u-.., Alkwm dance coming provlnetal elsoUon. and- . - . Afnn . .Cwojtallowe en campaign party Including Howard snT ocwber 21 Campbell, Donald Macaulay ard tk vhlst and bridge. October 18. Catholic Bazaar October 19. Recreation Club Scotch Dance, Hill 60 Halloween Tea Oct 28. The Utile CJodtopper Unite. Church Nov. 2 and 3. ' Nov. 9-io Cathedral Dramatic Society presents 4-Aet Comedy. -OSmua.". .CathedraUIaLL I PETROLEUM AND NATURAL OAS ACT Votlfr si -Inlratloa la-appl; is ia I ltroliim and ataralia Klht la Skfoa Lstvd Rfcorfllns DtfMet m Qvn CtUrtoM Orouo. DC , and alt- on uraoam uiand. Ttfcc notice thai OaroltH D Kmiaana or Purtland Ore. oocupatkw Osototlit intsnd to aitoli for a lsr ot th Maat to enter tb . Kast nair oj Uw toUSWmt OMrrlbMl lanos: Oanaacaotef at a post ptantrd In to North Z&s comer ot tferttoa . Tp B, thratt South So eHMns! thance Vtcsl 80 casta ttwact North 80 ebalna: theorc East 80 rhaMu to place ot b. bcftaotna a4 rontsMinf 643 inrt. more ar ims. for the purpoM of rait-Ing ad feunc therrout petroleum and' Wt natnral pis, uatefl tnis ash ostor JUIT.193.. CAftOLtW t EMMONS. PETROLEUM AND NATURAL OAS ACT Nstlre at Intention In apply to mt rrlrntriim nd Natnralta Rlfhta la Skfrn Lsnd Rsroroiag District ol Qtxvn Orrtote Group B.C. and alt- uat oo Oranam taland. Take notice that Carolur D Enuntyu at PortUrrfl Ore., ocetapaUne Oecdoftat. rntmda. to applt for a lease of the rmivt to n(ee tb tart half of the fotloTlng dMcMbed landa Coranienrtna: at post Planted In the North tvt corner uf 8euoo 31. Tp B. thence North l rhaln.; thence wmt it rnairu: toence aotimso ewunf thence tn so Qhslu o place ot be betsncinf awt roitaWSan q , at eta. more 14- lti, fp( the. ptjrjwne ,ol jlia. DHtetf (hlaU) lisf-of My.ntH I OAttOLVB D! EUUONS. l.T riltNtr. MINERAL CLAIM Certificate sf Impravrnif ntj TAKE NOTICE th' I. W. H. ttkson rree mi.ier'a certifies ta No 4787. Intend 80 data from the date hereof to iDDlt QCnit the Mining Recorder tot a certin-OOvloa'c of ItnproTetnent for th purpose 1 01 ooiainmg a crown rm oi uie sdot ciaun. AND further take notice that action under Section SS ot the UVneral Aet must be commenced before the leeuanc of such certinoftte of lmproremenu. Date rd July. 183). rtrat Inaertton riwi T tMt of adrerttoernent . Au At TTION HU: ISP TIMBER BALE Xi58fl0 tv, There win be offered for sale at t Public Auction, at noon on tve Nine-Vsp teeiktft day ot Ootobnr. tM. In the of-lt . nc of the DUt riot rerester Prtnce Ru-Ji I pert Be. th Licence XIM69 to out '8 038.000 F.B-M of Spruoa. Hemlock Und Cedar oti an ares altuated on 1 Vi iKItuikwOl Ba. Darwin Sound. Queen IIP Charlotte Islands lsnd District 25 c ... r One year will be allowed for remotral timber. 'Provided aov ona unable to attend th atiot ton kn perbon may submit tender tn be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid fun her particular, mar be obtained frm the Chief rretr Victoria. BC ot ! Dteuu i foreater Prmcs Rupert B.L' PETROLEUM AND NATURAL OAS ACT Not Iff, of IMeniloit' to apply to Lee Petroleum and Ntural-r.i Rlfhta . Ia-8ke-na Land Rt6roin District of Queen -Chsrloete Oroup, B.C.. snd Sit. ut oft Graham Island. . , Teks notice thai Crola D. Emmons of PortUnd, Or., occupation Oologlt, Intends to Apply tor 1am of tbt rtehft to txAtt ttut &t telf of th fotlowtna omcrtbM land;. Ootnmnain m s txxit pl-nted In th South butt eonier of Sectloa a, Tp. B. thM Worth 30 Chain; ttlcne W 80 enatna; thn 5Jth 80 ehalna; fnnce Kast 80 chairw V) place at be-bevmntoc - and eont-lnin, SW - acrt. more W lena. for tM ptirpooe of Mining and ffeUfng tnerwmt petroleum and (or) natural Dated thU 26th Illy ot July. 193J. .. .CAHOUJe.-U, PUMONp. petrolzuu and natural oas act Not ! e of .IntrntloA id apply t -La rrtroleum and Xaloral-taa Kl(hta In Skoeiia Load Reeordina; Dlvrlct of Qurea Charlotte a roup. B c'. and alt utue od Oranam talaad. Take notice that Carotin O Emmeni of Portland. Ore. ooeupAUon Owioglat, intend to apply for S leaae of the right to enter the Yct half of the fotlowim; described landsr Ctanroenctrut at a poat planted In the South W corner, Of Section. 37, Tp 0. thence North 84 thaliM: theaee Eaet 80 chain: thetice SoUih 8a ehatna; thence West 80 chain to'plac of be befinnlri and contlnini 840 atrr. more or leas, tor the purpose of Mia-ln and setting thereout petroleain and tor) natural ga. Dated this 2SU1 day of JulK iSSJ. . .. - r CAJIQL5B-D. IJilMONB PETROLEUM AND NATURAL OAS ACT Entire of Intention to apply t,l-eae Prtroleara and alural-ta Kitit In 8keena Land Reoortlkic Dlitrtct of Qneen Charlotte Group. B.C.. and situate on Graham Island. Take notice that Carol u D. Emmons of Portland. Ore. occupation Oeotaglst. intends to appir roc a lease oc tne nM to enter the East half of the toUanrlnc described land: Oomiaractrm at a poat planted In the North East corner of eeottoa 31. Tp 9. thence North 80 chains: thence West 80 chains; thence South 80 chains: thence East 80 chains to place of be-beffUantng and coata'nlng 640 acres, more or less, tor the purpose of rals-ls and fetaans; thereout petroleum md l or i natural gat. Dated this 28th dar of July. IMS. CAROLU8 D. EafMOXS. ETROLEUU AND NATURAL OAS ACT Notice- of Intention to apslf ts teste letrleum and atsral-ia mtnti la Skeena Lsnd RetwnUBf: DlaMct of I Qu( CbsrVoOe Oroup. DC and alt-; Mtte 00 Oraham Utand. Tike notice that Carol u D Cnunona ot !xlanl Ore . oocusatson OoiiogiK , tatends to apply tor a lease ot rht rMst t enter e West halt ot the toio1f Oncftbed lands: Ossnwaotof at a post planted In the North West Comer ot Section te TV. 9. tbeoce South 80 ehalnt: thene ass 80 cbains. tfcence North 80 ehalnt hence Wau SO chains' to place at -be MegUMatoc and contsa1n -940 seres nre or less, for the purpose of raa-iss: ahd 1' nam hereottt rjeUuieum lrt natural Rav Dsled this 30kh osr of Jule. 1ISS - CA ROLL'S D XMMONS. rTROLTCU AND NATVHAL OAS ACT Mice t Intention to applf ts Lmej r-etroteast and Natnral-im Klfht Xn Skeeaa la& ReeortUna: Dhtnct of dncen Charlotte Oroup. B.C.. and situate oa arahsm bland. ' Take notice that Cardtni D Kmmons af Portland. Ore., occupation OrcaogUit. 1 rurM to eater the West bait of the tr41oirbi described landtr ,-. Cunnettt at post planted Ir the North West Corner of SeoMon IS rp . thence South 80 chains; theac Bast SO ebalna: thence North SO cAalns: toeoee West SO cha3o to place of be txfuminf and oontsanttvt S40 acrea, jure or leas, for the purpose of -rait-in and geatuts Vhcceout petroleum iitd ter 1 nstursi gai. 1 Dated this 2Sta dat of Jul. tSSi. r cIrolos TJ. KMMON9. frrnoLttitt and natural oas act Notice at Intention la applr to Leaei retroltam and Natural-tat Kljht 1 In Skeeoa tnd Reoordlnc DlUrVH of Queen Charlotte Oroup. D C . and tt-uate on Oraham Uland . Tk notice tha.t Carol 111 D Scrnoca of Portlanrf Ore , ocettpstioa Oovtt. Intsnoa to applr tor a lease af the right to eater the. West hi!f ot the tottetHrm described land' Comtnepctn at k post pls&ted In the North West comer oL Beeun Tih'SJ thence StrutU ' SO ctain. thence Eatt 89 CUatna; tfvrttcf NcirUi 80 chains, thence West 80 chalnV to piaoe of be-bettniunc and contlrJ S40 acrea. more or leas, for th purpose ot raw-in ahd ecttiss thereout petroleum and tori tuMural fas. . . , Dated this lith oaf of Jilr. ,il)lij PETROLEUM AND NAttRAL OA8 ACT Nullce of Intention IS atppl e loe Petroleum nd Natkral-flt Klibta In Skeena Und tVmordlna Dtonc of Queen Cnsrroate Oroup, B O., and' alt Tak notice that Caruua v Emaynr of Portland Ore. Occupation (JrolOHat. intends to apply for a leM of the rta-ht to enter the East halt ot th rot lowing described lands: . Ootnmenotc at a post bUntftd. In the North East comer ot Section . 14, Tp. 8. thence South 80 ehalnai ttjtnce West 80 ehstnt; thencd North 80 ehaJns; thence East 80 chains to place ot be-beirnrdng and containing 840 acre, nuwe or lean, tor .the purpose of raia-In and getttne thereout petroleum and I or) natural gas. Dated thla 36th day of July. 1911 CAnOLL'8 D. EMMONS. PETROLEUM AND NATURAL OAS ACT Notice of Intention to apply te I raw Petroleum sod Nataral-gai Rlfhtl tn BkeenS Uitd Rocerdmg Dltlrlct of Queen Charlotte Oroup, B.C . and Situate on Oraham IslstWI. Take notice thit Carotak D Brunoha of Portland Or , oocup.Uoa Oeakglsl intends to apply tor a leas ot th Hgbt to ettter the West Bstf ot Ut rcllnwuT dCHrrtbd lanrta; , . OMnnterMn at a pMt Slanted tn the North Weat corner of Beotton 11 Tp, a Utence South 80 chains; theitce East 80 eha.iis. tbenc North 80 chains-, thence Weal 80 chain to place of b-beginninc and cont&lnlng 840 acrea, more or leM. for the punxis of rau- mg and getttn thereout petroieurp and i or i natural gat, Dited this SStB da of Jult. IMS Want Ads FOR SALE fOR SALE good office safe. Can! ibe seen, at Dailj .Ncwj. tf FOR RENT HOUSES-F. W. Hart. tt FOR RENT Furnished apart meats. Phore Red 444. 239 NEWLY Renovated modern flat Rand Block. Max Heilbroner. f.f FOR RENT New bungahjw, X bed rooms, close in, harbor view. Furnace. T. Mcdyrnont. ... v . .. tf WANTED WANTED 21 -jewel Standard ..Wateh. .Phone Blue 835. 231 HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING l Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE TRANSFERS CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furniture moving, wood, coal, chairs for rent. tf PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanging Holler, Phone Rec 802. SHOE REPAIRS LOUIS SH1BIO for finest repairs 318 6fh Street tf RADIO SEASON Enjoy the full season with your set tuned to maximum efficiency. We can Insure you of this by having your set gone over now. and adjusted to first class condition, as inefficient operation is a poor investment Battery sets modernized with the new economical two volt tubes. Superior Radio Service 334 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 132 A. Q. BARTLETT C. 11. INSULANDER COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton ot No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wt also seU Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Trlnce Rupert Feed Co. S8 phones SSI Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY t'honc 657