77 - TAXI - 77 (TOMMY'S) Stind, Cspitol Theatre Block Day and Night Service 7-rassenger Chrysler Car Tomorrow's Tides me High 8:25 a.m. 15.4 ft. 20:05 pm. 16.0 It. Low 1:19 am. 7,8 ft. 13:32 11.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER pjn. V XXIV No 238. V PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Rumors of Ml ; On Battleship Hoi a Are Denied by Admiralty .. . . nr 4 I I i KeporiB oi iruuuic iiinjtiiu iirwi uar cwmm in oriu Gained Wide Circulation But Arc Set at Rest With Official Announcement J 'NDON, OcL 11: (CP) Sensational rumors of inaub- rd iiation early this week aboard the battle cruiser Hood, Urtf'-t warship in the world, were denied today by the Fir-? Lord of the Admiralty. Rejort of trouble while the H i was enroute with other vessels to participate in N ' S. a manoeuvres gained wide circulation. The Ad-r d announced today that the ship was at Cromarty Notorious Bandit 'Marie Dressier Pleads Not Guiltyj At White House Gewre Kell.v and His Wife, Riv. Drnr Implication In t'rwhrl i Kidnapping t K MUiMA CITY Oct. 11: ' Marhwe Oom Kelly. no-.- g.ngsier. and his wtle. F , ' idea not guilty here on -ienment foUowtng Indict-. naigea In connection with ' i .- pping of Charles Urachel. f i i. hom City rotthooalre. Vancouver Stocks jsui a D C I Vancouver 1 1 Mtsourt. M. DFX U B F r.ns.. M. Gold. 3.4t. k "l cia River. jMVs. I'.- "isn. tig Bur. M. ' Scut. MV i BUm. JM. rive. M4. reiile. M. Idaho. ST. fr 1 16 ' II 0W. M - rest. SMk, w" Mde. .47. 'ewater. M. Wdtly. SIV. Oils .MV. V & 1 JO r Piv.ld. II. " -.'Hit. - II. A P ns, U. 6 ' "g Pacific M. Toronto A -tiihdrla. Iltfc. ' '' ''! Patricia. .ML K k.H,,n Uk, om J4, "i'd Ml$. '"t. 101. N'fkel. IBM. 'da. U. Today's Weather - ' a -Cloudy, calm. 3. Cloudy, calm. 37. Part cloudy, calm. 34. 11, . "" Cloudy, calm. 31. ick flear. calm. 31. B l ake Fog. ealrn. 38. i it' ir i f - itl Popular Screen Star is Week-End Guest of President and Mrs. Roosevelt WASHINGTON. Oct. 11 -Marie Qrasaler. noted screen character actress, was the guest at the WMte House at the week-end of President and Mrs. franklin D Rootveft. Halifax Nurse Is Dead of Cholera Twenty-SIa Year Old Member of Hoipilal Staff Is Victim of Dread Malady HALIFAX. NJS.. Oct II -Ethel Lawter Callahan, aged 3, a mem ber at the nursing staff of Halifax imfosttoos Diseases Hospital, died hat at the end of the week from taUwUnal cholera after an illness ' of ten days Furniture Makers Minimum Wage Set Oodi Adopted by Ontario Manufacturers riaces Uet ray AI 3tc Ter Hour TORONTO, Oct. ll:-rmlturr saanafarlT of Ontario have ad- id a minim am wage cooe w zee kn an samle eannloveea classed nakllled labor In Zone One and t leas than 23c per hour in Zone Two to the same employees. New Justice of Supreme Court Duly Sworn In TORONTO. Oct. 1 John An-s)tw Mope K.C of Perth has been awom m aa a )ode of the Supreme Ooort of Ontario by Cruel Justice Hot at Oaf node Hall. Colonel Weeks of Lindsay Promoted i.iwrwAY Ont Oct 11 -Lieut. Col O A Wefkn hai been promoted I with thr rank of rolonel Ui eom-Imand llw Seventh Infantry Url-' gade. It tiHK been announced. ELECTION NOTICE T,k notice that tiie following official anenU for candidatea Ivave been pitnted "hn Martin Dunn, 141 Second Ave West. Miner, agent for Charles Chapman, "la W. Palmore. 801 Darden Sireet. Solicitor, agent fur Tliomas Dufferln Pattullo. . n,d MacPhee, 336 Ninth Ave. Out, Steam Kngf"1' Hn flr Ororge Weston Hudderham. I). C. STt'AItT Kcturnlnc Officer. CANDIDATES ARE NAMED Scrlbblns Chosen Running Mate For Bower in Vancouver Union it In Comox VICTORIA. Oct. 11. (CP W. J. Boer and Ex-Aid. W. J. Scrtbbtna bare been nominated independent non-partisan candidate for the provincial ejection in Vancouver Centre. This is the riding for whieh the name of Col C W. Peek V.C. had been mentioned. In Comox. Percy Rushton, Parks-vtlle garage owner, has been nominated as a unionist candidate supporting the Tolmie government Recognition of New Government I'rnruay and Paraguay Form a 11 j Recognize San Martin Administration in Cuba HAVANA. Cuba, Oct . 11: The Sooth American republic of Uruguay and Paraguay have both formally recognised the new San Martin government of Cuba. Suspected Case of Sleeping Sickness Focly-Flve Year OM Woman Under; Observation In St. Thomas Hospital ST. THOMAS. Ont . Oct II:-Tfals city's first case of sleepiqgr sickness, a married woman about forty-fire years of age. la under observation at the city hospital. Junior Chamber of Commerce Organization in Affiliation With Senior Body is Decided Upon Younger business and professional men of Prince Ru-lert, at a meeting last evening in the city council chamber, decided definitely to organize the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce in affiliation with the Prince Ru-lert Chamber of Commerce. There was a fair attendance at the meeting, which was presided over by Harry Alder, Australian Duties On Many Canadian Articles Reduced OTTAWA. Oct. 11 -Hon. II. H. Sterens. minister of trade and commerce, has been informed of a re duction of primary duties "very satisfactory to Canada" on many exports from this country to Aus tralia. Joint Funeral For Victims of Los Angeles Fire LOS ANQELE8. Oct 11: Public honors were paid at the Joint funeral here of 36 victims of the Grif fith Tark brush fire last week. A common service, was held in St. James Cathedral. Kingsford-Smith At Bagdad on His Way to Australia BAODAD. Iraq. Oct 11: Sir Charlea Kingsford-Smith. flying from Brvaiand to Australia, was here at the end of the week, having made a hop from Brindisl. Italy, to this point Did Not Like to Go With Smaller Boys; Shot Self SIMCOE. Ont.. Oct 11: Clifford Herron. aged 15. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herron of this city, ended hit own life by shooting himself through the heart because of hit dislike of attending school with smaller and younger boys. Screen Actress Victim of T. B., Buried Mondayj HOLLYWOOD. Oct 11 Members of the screen colony paid farewell tribute Monday when the funeral took place of Rene Adorer, former popular movtne. picture star, who succumbed in a sanitarium at Sunland late teat week foi-lowfang a three-year battle against tuberculosis. Miss Adore, who was born in France 31 years ago. rose to fame on the areen as John Gilbert's leading woman. A sister came here from Mexico to attend the funeral. Old Friend of II Duce Arrested on Espionage Charge "ROME. Oct 'it Commends tore Denato Bateili a school mate and old friend of Premier Benito MtMao- linl. is reported to have been arres ted at Venice charged with compU city in a spying plot. w ind, among those taking part in the discussion, besides the chairman, were Trevor Johnston. Jack Bulger. Oeorge Rorie. Harry Oour- lay. Philip Edgcumbe. Foster WUUn. William McLeod and O. P Lyons. A committee of the Junior chamber will meet with the council of the senior chamber to discuss affflia Uon plans. Another meeting of the Junior organisation will be held on Tuesday of next week to elect of fleers. Last night's meeting was add res sed by City Commiaslener W. J. Al dtf whose subject was "The Future of Prince Rupert." Mr. Alder expressed the hone that the same en thusiasm which had Imbued the people of the early days here would be renewed through the Instrumentality of the younger men's organisation to enable Prlnee Rupert to avail Itself more fully of seme of Its unbounded possibilities. Mr. Alder's message was a stirring one and was llatened to with great Interest. A resolution of condolence to the bereaved parenta and family was passed in connection with the recent sudden death of Henry Hell-broner. who was one of the acUve movers in connection with the preliminary organisation of the Junior chamber. Dominion of Canada 1933 Refunding Loan Prospectus on Page 3 PREMIER IS DEAD Hon. James D. Stewart, Head of, Prince Edward Island Government, Passes HadFfaeCareer undaunted by Defeat, Came Back Prime Minister Declares Most of Canadian Salaries To office of Maritime , jfow Spent on Products of Country Prime Minister I ciurlotttown pi Oct WINNIPEG, Oct. 11: (CP) Canada's higher tariffs nt tne fid of the federal ii: tcp-premier James avid WQTe policy government 41-stewart of prince Edward island though they were necessary to combat conditions when died here last night at the age of his government took office, Premier R. B. Bennett de-5. following an nine of several cjarea jn speaking here last night Statistics showed, sta-Trewartwa, the first nremier Prime Minister, that eighty-five percent of the i Prince Edward Wand to return to Dower after a party defeat, oth- era had accepted aa finji an adverse ote at the pom. out Stewart was not a nun to te ifiiro at one wow tils first eoT em mint, formed in 1913. was ousted in the ceneral el- -ctfon of 1927. "Whewanother bittie loomed In 1911 he sttyl mi leading he Conservatives, and when the votes were counted tori efeetlin day. ugtwt 6. he was hailed agam at premier of the province. He began bit political career in lan, when he won a by-election, Re-elected In the general ekcUen of 1919 he was considered one of the Lai warts among the Conservatives, nd in 1931 he was chosen leader of the party in the province. His first general eampalgn was a " illiant sureesa. tn 1923 the Con--rva tires captured 2 seats to the :hh held by the UberakiTh Liberal government of Hon".fonn How-Mt Bell wiped oat. Stewart was -ked to form a cabinet. He as-wmed office as premier and at-'orney general on September S. 1938. j Liquor Policy j During the next lour years the liquor queatton wvetoped an em- barraastng sHuatten for pollttcUn .f the Mand. AglUtton for esiab- Itehment of a system of govern-. ment control' was offset by strong reaohiUons favoring mkmtenance if prohibitory laws. In the campaign preceding the leneral election of 1927, Premier Stewart came out in favor of gov ernment control. Although he won a personal vletory. his ministry was defeated. 24 to six. and Hon. A. C. Saunders formed a Liberal govern-1 Stewart changed his poncy r . for 1 the general election of 1931. his!"1 a-n.riUi-irptwwn . )xtn 11 "P11 " k i platform conUlntng a plank prom- of the Mw vaudeville circuit which tatng strict enforcement pro-Jta hibltory liquor statute. He was re turned to power wtth a majority of eight and assumed office at pre mier and attorney general on August 39. Jamas David Stewart was bom at Lower Montague. P.EI, on Jan- qtry 15. 1814. He attended the public school at Lower Montague and studied later at Prlnee of Wales Col lege. Charlottetewn. graduating in IBM. Two years later he graduated from Dalhousle University. Halifax, with a degree of LL3. He was admitted to the bar of Prince Edward Island tn 1906. and became a partner In the, firm of Mathleaon. MacDonaM and Stew- tart. He was appointed a King's Counsel in 1917. Had Seven Children I lie marriea a roars rata way oi Oeorgetown. P.EJ.. In 1901. Seven children were born to them: Roma. Helen, Maude, David. Xtirjorle.j Lillian and Alan I Roma, the eldest daughter, was I the first woman admitted to the bar of Prince Edward Island. I Mr Rlvart vaa a Pre&brterian and a prominent member of the Masonic Order. In 1915 he was el- ected Grand Master of the Masonic Orund Lodge of Prince Edwartt Island. Gardening was his favorite hobby. His love for flowers was expressed In the beauty that surrounded his residence In Charlottetown. Melvln Dafee. son of Rev. Dr. F. W. Datoc. pastor of First Baptist Church, is here from Calgary on a VLslt High Tariffs Are Not Fixed Policy of Gov.'t Premier Bennett Says Were Simply Necessary to Planes now earned in Canada were being spent on Cana- nan products. e oeiievea uiai canaaa wouia proiit irom tJie London wheat agreement Damage Suit by Woman is Filed Against Champ DETROIT. Mich.. Oct. 11: Mi tenolr.de Forest of New York has filed suit for S5Q.0O0 damages against Oar Wood, speedboat champion of the world. charging ' :hat her hearing was permanently Impaired aa a result of riding in one of Wood's boats. Is First Woman Bootlegger In Ontario Town LINDSAY. Ont, Oct. 11 -Mrs MaeFarland. this city's first convicted woman bootlegger, has been aentenced to a fine of $100 and or n opuon oi -nree monins m Ju- ant c wrTC lnc Ju lerm- Pantages Buys R. K. 0. Theatre In Oregon City andr linw? purcnasea rti isia. -v t. u. raniages ts organnraK. Ottawa Woman is Re-elected Head Temperance Union PETERBORO. Ont . Oct. 11 Mrs Edmund T. Kerr of Ottawa has been elected for her third term as president of the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Ontario at the fifty-sixth anpual convention here. Sox and Cubs Game Off For Veeck Funeral , CHICAOO. Oct. 11 The funeral tot William L. Veeck. president of. the Chicago Cubs, who died last, -k nf InfliiMiaa tnnlr rvlar on I i Saturday. Out of respect t u, hu memory, the fourth game of the In- , ter-lesgue series between Chicago White Sox and Cubs was put off af ter the White Sox had won the thlrn straight game Friday nine to nothing. W. R. Lindsay, general supertn- i Undent of the Qranby Co. plant at Anyox. and Mrs. Ltndeay are pas- sengers aboard the Prince Oeorge today returning to the smelter town aftet a trip to Vancouver Combat Existine Conditions. CONVICTED OF THEFT Former City Clerk of Ladysmith Found Guilty of Taking Municipal Funds NANAIMO. Oct. 11: (CP) Charged wtth stealing 32340 from tne enjr oi lAoytmnn wnue em ployed as dtf clerk, C. J. CalHn was convteted yesterday by a jury at the Supreme Court Assizes here; the Jury reoeramendtng leniency tn view of the state of CaHin's health. Sentence wULbe passeoV at the slose " oTthe Assize Bank Robber in Ontario Detected By Branch Manager HAMILTON. Ont.. Oct. 11: The manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce whieh was recently looted by three armed men of $2000 declared himself as being reasonably sore that Edward "Jake" Wells, accused of the' Preston bank was e of the group which robbed his oank. Stock Mart Holds Fairly Well Tho Profits Taken NEW YORK. Oct. 11 Most of the leading stocks on the New York Stock Exchange have held fairly well during the last few days In face of considerable profit-taking although the most of Issues have been irregular. The Industrial average at closing on Saturday was 96..30. up 66; rails. 41.34. up 38 and utilities. 36 77. up 12 Freedom of Press In Germany Ended Journalists Are Made Public Officials and Their Rights and Duties Regulated BERLIN. Oct. 11: A new law making Journalists pabhe offiHls and regulating their rights and da-' ties Is Interpreted as endng finally the freedom of the press tn Oer-1 many as understood In Canada. American Legion O Opposed to Reds Not In Favor of Recognition of Soviet Would Deport All Foreign Communists CHICAOO. Oct. U The American Legion's national convention here last week opposed diplomatic recognition of Russia and urged deportation of all lummuiuM slleuv