THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPEUT - UKITIS1I COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES , "City delivery, y mall or carrier, yearly period, fraid 'fn advance 5.GU For lesser periods, paid In advance per week Ey mall to U parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United Stakes, paid in advance, per year , ,. t 6y mall to all other countries, per year , ADVERTISING KATES Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line .Local readers, per insertion, per line CONGRATULATIONS the mot btiuliful on the nurkft Pifhtr No-Dnft Ventilation, one of the great-t t clwed car (dvinrrmenti of the year, ia Uandard equipment. Mechanically, RESOLUTION ON SILVER Uemonitixation Asked by Smithers Chamber .Officers -Elected SMITHERS. Jan. 13: Bv rasolu- 'ao' tten fheSmittiers District Crfnmbcr of Commerce, representing the 3-0'UulMegr Valley DlatrM f -British 9 00 "Columbia,' in annual general meeting, reaffirmed its adherence to the .0? principles expressed In the resolu-.15 tlon passed by it in September 1930 25 Tn favor of governmental action Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 aiming at a re-establlshment-of -the DAILY EDITION Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone .. Member ot Audit Burrau of Circulation?' 98 ..86 Friday. Jan. 13, 1933 -price of silver by International iog-freeraent and atked that every pos sible effort be made by the governments of the Province of British Columbia and ot the Dominion of Canada to bring about a remonetl-ntion and stabilisation of silver by international agreement at the earliest possible date as the first We offer our congratulations to the new mavor and step on the way to regaining .ures- Members of the council who were elected yesterday. They trit throughout the world, have promised to serve without pay and they have a diff 1- 0013168 r re8ion"einB. tatodt before-them if they a to prevent W city going SiXXStSi 2SS 5nto the hands of a receiver. Undoubtedly the ratepayers Minister of Trade and -Ownme-rce; have confidence in their ability to handle the present si- Hon. w. a. Gordon, Minister of tuation or they would not have given them so decided a Mine: out Hanson, mp. for skee-majority. We bespeak for them the hearty xro-operation "a; Jhn 1 p- MP Xor Carl of the citizens, not only those who voted for them but also 0fJbift; those who were opposed or who did not have votes. Kemie, Minister of Mh; Alex m. Mayor-Elect Stephens has been in public life a good deal Manson. mjla.; Dr. h. c. wrinch, and has undoubted ability. None of the members of tnVM-L-A-: Canadian Chamber tf tonicity council are inexperienced in civic administration with merce- Vancouver Board of Trade: the exception of Aldemrnn-Elect F. W. Weh. and he has SSS had occasion to study civic affairs from the outside asj0f central b.c.. and tec. chamber .president of the Ratepayers' Association. The new men i of Mine, an co-operation with the members of the council who were , reohten. prepared by L. &. elected last year should be able to handle the present situ- McaiH. by j. a. Rutherford. itirn Wo mnat ovnont tv.Qr t v, .,, i ' seconded by John McKenzle, carried , , v iiiuov UICIII IU UUll, U3 ill V.UIIUCV.L1UU 'Villi m(- the balancing of the next budget but we must remember ic is ior our own good, we wish them success. ... u . Officers Are Elected Officers of Smrtiws District Chamber of Com mere were'eleetetf MAYOR OiiMR RETIRES Jtr 1933 afonow: Mayor Orme retires now after an honorable record 0f j000 President, oiof Sanson, a,-inS.trati0n fr tHe ,PHSt three yffJtey hye beenf Honorary Viee-Prodder Dr. H. difficult years, no one knows so well as he how difficult c. xvwneh. mla. In carrying out his duties the mayor has at all times shown President, l. s. Meom. that good humor for which he is well known and has come ' viee-Prenident. Frank m. Dock-through to the end smiling. During his three years of civic . . . administration he has shownnimself to be a torn diplomat et S: There never was a period in the history of the city when j councii-charies Rew, Charles e. the business of the council was conducted with as little Morris, l. b. Warner, h. f. Noei. j f riction as during his term. rm. He ne treated ireaiea every every member memoer oi of 1 Stephens, oiev,re,ui' ho. oisen. wen. John jonn Mc- the council With courtesy a; his confidence. This at once n nni mc-y and respect and took each into k d B M Hoop ed critics and made for J bSSS. 3. ?."dS?." I 11 aL,l)- w Stewart. i-ne unionunate worm condition has made the lot ot Auditor, h. -a. oisen. every administrator hard. Prince Rupert has suffered i witli other places but the residents -of the city have hotj mim shittey McEwen. after tiav-felt It as badly as they might have done Under, a less wise m spent the cbrtstraas and New administration. While Mayor Orme steps out of the civic , Year n here wtth her admmistratioB at a time of crisis, he steps out with a rents-"r ,and M-"rel? 'clean record and with the knowledge.that the three years iS? nffS he gjfVe to the city havo been years of useful endeavor and "Vancouver where she wtn resume much accomplishment. 'her studies. Chevrolet for 1933 Reveals New Style V1S.1.-KNWWN CANADIAN SIX HAS AIR STREAM InXIM AND KlANY OTT1EU JMI'flomiENTS tiiwattn io grfiirr nrcr tn"" ver I -tream drum makf- tbtn cir amonclihe OhfvMlrt Sn i much Inrnrowd. Ucu it embodirs iUu rxprrtttd by tkiMl tnotorMs of ih Dominion, the Chevrolet Six it Introduced with mnyC!ntf mtlng ictur. New alr- Plrture alMivc huw the beautiful itan- iird tofb. Below, at the left,! view of the front end, At the right, the rear quarter, thowinn the grateful alr-ilream unci and lUrted fender. Two "Babes" Attract Much Attention TWO CHAMPIONS CIO INTO TIM1. NINO. No 1 Is Mildred "Babe" DMrlckson. the ohampion $tti attoleu. who rectntljr d-m uauZ" rn teauie w li.m; over the coals by tha AJUJ. anllkorlUes. Vttt ynmt lady it shown here warktae out an Ms WkeibU eonrt of the lliino: C. at Chlcaco. She plans colnf into toe Movies No 2 u a atrlkun shot of Babe Hurt pMUna; Wmsvir Mlo shape prepar.n to his aanuai salary squabble with President Huppert of tiw Htm York YfAa. News of The Sport World CANADIENS WIN MATCH Defeated Cold Storage 90 to RI7 in Opener of Junior Hilliard Second Half " Les Oanalefis defosjlM CdW Elonat by an afgrefau- scon- of 970 to 847 tn the opening Kame M the second half of tm Junior Btl- l&rd IwofM. Indlvkfual scores wore as toHowo: John May. 0td Store ne 190 Prank AklrtcHse. lies lOanadn aflO Benny Wlnctte. Pete rriwh-ffTd. 200. A. Zadaroskl. 160; W E Hutnon. 200. Prlmo Vaeelier, 148; O Antnnelli 200'. Winiam Stone, JD0 h Pn'. h ird. 170. 'Plans are beinc made to play off two postponed games tram the first half t)f the season tonight in addition to the regular second half fix 4ure. SWIFT'S TEAM , LEADS WHIST i tterular Fixtures Played Last Nijclit Between Ten Teams ReKUlts of last evening's play In the Fraternal Whist League tvere an follows: FUh Packers 5, ons of Norway 4. Canadian Legion 3, Seal Core 6. Grotto 2. Swift's 7. Et. Andrew's 3, Oddfellows G. Musketeers 6, Empress 3. The standing for the second halt of the season to date Is as follows: W. L. PH. Swift's .2 0 Fish backers 1 1 1 Seal Cove - 1 1 1 Oddfellows .. Ill Mujketeers ... Ill 'Cdnudlan Legion 111 Orotto 1 1 1 EmpresN 1 1 l Sons of Norway ... 1 1 1 St. Andrew's 0 2 0 Where Feel Count ' IaVsBBBBBBrC aH m Members of the Vancouver Tlugby t.4m who crcently vUslad btn Angeles, cn stand on their own fret. And why lit? TKto okm-up of lane feet and husky shins would scete '40 tMMaJe tntf". there's room aplenty i UUlJHKtqJblt not be held in 103J, It deeMed - -j,- Regattt n Aff yesterday by the 'bearfl w tiu i. (BILLIARD SCHEDUli .Time Table for Srrorj IU'' I Season It Atinoun ft 1 RsllMilil .if L, , II ki LjDe4ut IU Uie seasua Is asmoMi" J miiury 10 Cold S' I'NntMHf nav. Janu ary 1- mp" 1- r. J-nuury 17 -Let. 1 lun 36- -f ewellm v 1 -oViih7 fc4- Rmm"" sViuury' -Lm ('mi' ntilr, Akrtnary M-Oekl S OMindirna. "WrtJi tiary t- Bmpi' 1 Febrmry 7- Le rn iriiiinr 1weweM' Ara-1tmry 14--lmpn S' Mite fetortury 17 Leu ( 'filers Ki biunfy 31 Cold IO.nndWtts Mlriiary Utimpr If r FebtuiWy 1 -Is f.i 'nirimt. M.-rdti 8 -Jtwrtlerx v Wrh 7- Bmprrvf te Mrri1fl-lsCnn:iff epm. CRIBBAGE January V Canadian " 1 Lenten vm nal Co -vs. I O ' I 5ft tenwIhWlate Howtni AasaelaMAn .1. u.. . is ntmm. riowetef, to ntunv tiui er. t ...!.... - -BTi-n imninr. InteiTollefflale , ....... Ilowlm Awfnlalliu nerldes Thai stljr IHent Shall I T,vmiiTs hfiarrM.-. . wilt vs. Hks. January h0 Crtnadlan Legion y - ' Seal Cfv wa, nrot4 ' 11 ' ' Stress Blks POUOHKEEP8IE. Jan. 13:-Th Tuta . tv-priU. famous annual Poughkeepe regat-1 Cardinals; W, vi. Metw. r cTo.'r. v' Mu.kete,r, a I . J"