Friday, January 13, 1933 ORANGE PEKOE BIEND SALADA TEA "Fresh from Ihe Gardens" it S A Service Valued For Its Dependability TV pitauiffrtfuji ye 4ww writes for you m your ticket to health. It should be fitted with froA, UAMb& drugs by pharmacist who okm tkt&r f rofen. That is the reason, nine times ot of len, yatrr doctor will advise you to come here with 4weriiCiws. Ormes Lid. Ufi Pioneer J)ru.qcj ists SSION PRICES Fte VoaU, per Ion $11.00 & $1150 Not Nut Deal) Lump Cut, per ton $1150 Ixmsc Coal, $1.00 per ton less All (Jaalsarc in o dry nhed. Don't buy water, buy coal HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIIS LIMITED 1 A.-oft i've rMfMM Ryim for ViniwiM TA.S.' fAKIr.. tVUV T1TS11AY. J 30 PM. ')M Fi Mw ff mr' "H Vamout Thuta4f afUriWiC IRS VLXTUItK l.I.HY TlliruSO AV MIDMOIIT. Arm. Vanoaaivr M.r4r tn rowins tfejf THaV t Tan ffnas4a. Uttr Arm Anvoa S)lwart Saa Nsaa I. jMnta tuMtay. pa. sriCIAI, WlSTTiC lC'l'.SIO RATE. ROUND TKIP. ritlNTi: ni'W.lll TO VANCDL'VCIt. 3t t,n xr f Irb t. CAKAOIAN PACIFIC To Vnrmrr tm On P .Ik 1,1... W., PMlNCI t Vmmvm .'i. t- ntiNCSjsa Msnan aVc ss, jut, a leniTtirr wm fair Hrvrm rvnifrS. tn rrri'rR. TtraHt wb mI 0ruitr ! to rwr ts. ISO. nml n HI', imk asaeph SIM. tssa W I (Vll"l i.MieMt tiM mt UuMrtl. til . Toombs Radio Service Make f Ua.lU All Wwk (luaranlred Phone: Itlue Ml BOVRIL IS THE rrtuni KMtit Marrh tl. ISSS. AOeXAMME - Rupert Radio Service Msftsirs to Any Make of RADIO 88T, Ottt-e-f-town (rastness sol letted Phone: Blue 9T2 Prince Rupert. BC STREMGTH AND C0HCEHTRATED COOWESSo. 1EST BEEF TK2 DAILY NKWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Dcnrpumlnn nrlr- Ttoa nal 11.M land 311.50 per ton, sacked, dry. 'Loose, Jlih) per ton law. Hyde Transfer. Phone 580. ! Wr. and Mrs- J. K. Gordon of. Temce arrived in the cKy on taat night's train from the Interior MH .ailed on the steamer Prince 7to-I'pert for a trip to Vancouver. Seat tle and elsewhere In the south. PrdYlnelftl Constable William Harrison sailed last night on the j Prince Rupert for Vancouver, hav-! lng in his charge an insane patient If rem Smieers "bo was brought in ;fiom the Interior on last night's train. ; Mrs. C. L. Youngman was among 1 tine ladles 'who assisted in makinr the OamtdtM Legion Christmas i Tree such a success and to whom aaprseistlon was ntpresaec at the pswalar awettnc of the Legion or. Wednesday nJfht f this week On the first of a number ofi voyages she will make on thf- Vaa-' eoaver-Ocean PaUs-Prtoce Rupert TTNrte in plswe of the steamer Prtn- eess Adelaide, which has been i withdrawn from service for annual overhaul, CPR. steamer Princess LouUie. in command of Capt 8 K. Oray. 1s due In port tt 3:30 this afternoon from the sooth and will sail at 10 p.m on her return to Vancoaver and waypoints. Announcements Oddfellows' Old Time Dance January M. Eaglet' Balloon fiance Prlday. Jan. 30 RetrashmenU. Cent 's 90c Latttss, 39c. Presbfttsa1 B Banquet Janwary M. Lefdon Naveny 17 Boys' Bawl Seenati Danoe Feb 10 Annual 8t. Valentine's dance. 'JCaghjirt Cnanar. IODJJ, Feb. 14 Moose Valentine Dance Feb 17 CNR A annua ball. Moose "Hall erary 24. MAKE YOUR $$ PAY MORE ECONOMY SPECIAL We offer our arrvicrm te the public and give jrau value for your money. We deliver all orders WiOO or over. Fvre Lard In bulk lie pari. Soda Bkwitts $ sise 44c per box . Fresh 8lock Data 25c 4 lbs Tapioca 17c 3 lbs Rice 17c 4 ite. ' Brunswick Sardines 5c per Un Chicken lladeUes- in 19c 1 -lb. Uw. each Ivory Soap 25c 3 bars Bacon Machine alloed 18c while you watt. 1 lb Pre! Creamery ButUr 2(J Ormvansteln ApjUea gQ ninaar Soaps 15c 5 dos. Oranulated Sugar 43c 10 lbs. Icing Sugar- Bulk 25c 3 lbs. Canadian Cheese- 17c Vr Ib. Fresh !Egit-Puttet 85c Bxtras. 3 doa. Yrmh Bread-- 5c per loot Marmalade Oranges- Just it nr- ar rived, good sbw 39c per doa Robin Hood -China ware 24c p OoU. ner pkH MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 317-19 Third Avenue t P.O. Box 573 Plionr IS Basketball 'trtnWhi Arttltm-fim h . Por iu"ay anft wiht taxi wr rhone 52. tJ Hi. Bmnn Xfrranh Chois. Klt - ImOk. M1 tender two Cantatas 'in AntsoWs -Cmhethw 'on Sunday ff:30 (pan. SO. Mir- smd Mm. J. 'T. Karvey, m'hojtoreen Peppers, ttnfporled lb- hart 'been on a .towHwelks' Visit tol Premier, Returned to the city ifrdr'Bothouse Tomatoes, 3b. toe Horfli on the Prince Ropeft, V last evening. CHAFFED IJUK ChitWains,Frotre " 1 " ' 1 Mr and Mrs u -O. fctewaV sa&- ; ed last ninht on the prinee Rupert ; for a boMdanr irlut to Vancoover 1 D Oamtan -aatfed last intebI,Mira8 neconaa. ooz. ion trw Prtmr Bvpcrt for Van)ii - ver wh-re he vtn appear beforrjBC- Tnih Extrai- rrtoned the Pensions Board James Buxten of Tefkwa arrfrecl tn atsy tratn the interior on- last oiynt's train and sailed on the swNMr prince Knpcrt m a vaca tntf COp to Vancouver. Bapfls Srf rade VII. of Bordenl attsjtt Sebool .sent a beavUful wreath t the funeral of -theirl 'Oterles Iladler Ilankln asjetl Ur. wbo died recently The fire department had colipofgorurvU, Jb. M at t:46 but flight to (he residence of Reggie Upton. 741 Eighth Av enue West, to enmiuUh a chim ney fire. No damage was done. M Spark leaves on tonlght'J train for Sahat Jrm, New Bruns-J wtek, where tt wtfl embark Janu ary 30 aboard the steamer DuchessJ&Iam, sliced, -first grade of York for a vitt to Itis native boaae at Newcs?' v-on-Tyne. England. JoES, FamOy Meat Market Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs. 5Qc Apples, 3 lbs. .' .. 1 a. . 35c Shoolder Lamb ft lbs. 74c 1 Crosse &.BIac43rell's Sauee Lasnb Csmsss. ths. 0c Turnips. 10 lbs Lamb 8tew. 4 lbs. 50c Poas, 1 tin Sirloin 8teak, 2 lbs. 50c Otsteas. 4 Jtoa . Round 8teak. 2 lbs. 5c Onions, 4 Ruaap Meaat Beal 15c per lb. Leg of Lamr- 20c per Ik. 8wllt sbotd Bacon 35c t 4sja. No. 1 Oaynor's Hams Half 18C or vshole. per lb. 957 Phone 957 AFTER XMAS When the appetite is Honiewhat jadetl Try Andrew's Pork Pies They will tenrit when otflior thinj4 fall Andrew's Cake Shop Third Avenue Markets 5Wta.ll prices currrui nere at pre- raent -Are ,a jfollows: YegeuiWra Potatoes. 33 to T5 lbs .25 i suet, $i2o to . J.6QJ '.(Beets, 45 lbs 21 aWaraTw. totmcn mi turnips, ' !lbs. 25 KJalrots, ;8 lbs. . 0 2i 2t 'Parsnips, -lbs. 25 CtfWflrnla Cauliflower, 30c to M Onions, B.. B lbs, 25 California Celery, foead. 15c. to 30 Spanish Unions, -lb. JO. Garlic. topdrtefl,rwrlb. 2 Cabbage, fecal, green, lb 5c. It M California Head lettuce, 10c to .15' Calif BrusseltalSprotlts, lb 25 Spinach 1 fbs 35 lPler Flour. B"s. tto a hard wheat 135 nd Patent 1J25 Stry P3our. 10 lbs. 45 to .50 ost- Pastry Hour. 10 fibs. 40 X fs,aKe 27 .40 B.C. Pullet extras, doe-Local, 31 new laid, doz. . Butter Fancy cartoned, lb. XI No. 1 Creamery. 3 lbs. -85 Hanev fExtraeted Honey, per Jar 20c to 21 Onnb tloney 2i Cheese Ontario aollds. new lb J2C' Ontario, mature, lb 4 J5, aaten. Ib. T i Edam, lb. , .4, , rtoquefart, lb. Barar White. 100 lbs. Yellow 100 lbs. 4.W Lard Pure. lb. 15c to , Jteais FowL No. 1, lb 25 Roasting Chleken, -lb. . JO 25 Ham, picnic, first-grade, lb. .14 Veal. loin. lb. VeaL shoulder, lb. . .18 Beef, pot roast, lb 45 Beef, boiling, lb, 10c to 48 Beet, roast prime rib, lb. 2t Beef, steak. Ib. 20c- to 4i Lamb, shoulder. Ib Lamb. leg. lb. 2 Larrfb 'Chops, lb. 25e. to Lafab. shoulder, Tb J& Bacon, slde.'slletd.t.beet grace . 2Q Pork shoulder, lb. ,15 Pork. loin, lb 20 Pork. eg. lb 20 Pork, dry saH. ib. 7Mt Smoked ,., , 45 Salmon, fresh, lb. .3. Halibut. Ib Apples ' Yellow Vewtona, ho&ehtd, lb. 46 box .... 195 w 'taymen "XViwesaps, valkt Ib j box , n BC Ceokin lb. M t)elielou. -fancy wrapped. Ib. .. M per box 3.T5 liolous C" Grade, wrapped per box 185 Delicious, bulk, lb M per box 1 W.nrner. bulk. JBfi per box ...a 1. SfMWenberg "be. b- .;. r M box . ' 1S SpitBenberg, fumy. In. .03' box lit rrutts Kaval ranges, dec. to &9 Tsp Oranges, box ).-... Lemons. Oal . large AS Grapefruit. Cajtf.. te td Mn rvanbertiea. Ib 201 Pears. Artyous. dea. 40c to .50 Emperor KJrapes, 1b 30 Bananas, lb . . IS Dried Yrults White rigs, lb . .12H Dates, bulk. -8c .to Mi Lemon and lrange Peel 23 Citron Peel Prunes, '30-40. Ib. . a1 Prunes, 40-80. lb. , J2 Prunes, 60-70, lb. , . 40 i Raisins, -Australian seedless, )b Raltlhs. Cal. iefflless. 2 lbs. CurranU. Jb Aptieota. lb. ' 18c to Apples, dried -. peaches, peeled Black Cooking 'fig, lb. nuts Almonds, shelled Valencias t?a.nfoma soft shelljf 'Walnuts walnuta. broken shelled KalnU's. shelled halves Peanuts reed Wheat. Bulkley Valley 1.60 Wheat. Bulkley VaUey . Oat .. 1.5. Bran .... L301 ShorU Middlings .... 1.33 .... 1.85 Dr. Wood's : t ill Norway Pine Syrup A Severe Cold turned To Bronchitis Mr. Q. M. Knngfr, RJl. Wo. 4, Winnipeg, Mn, write) "ImH winter I wm bothered with S evere eold wblck turned to bronchitis. A neighbor, who had been troubled with bronthitta, sdriifd to am Vt. Wood ' Norway l'ine Hrup, and I had only taken two bottlei when I found aij trouble had left me. Now when any of the family .get a, eold we jurt take 'Dr. WoodV and aroid further trouble." Price 35c a1xttl; large family size 63c; at all drag and general etorea; pot op only by The T. Milbtya Co, Ltd., Toronto, Out. Classified Ads FOR SALE OR SALE Cary safe in excellent j Apply Daily News, tf i FOR RENT MBWLY Renovated modern flat, Rand Block. Max Ileilnroner. tl STORK for Rent. Tntrd Avenot, adjoirttat Wrathall's, low renta l MeCtymoet. tSiVERNOW ApaxtmenU, J39 Secaao Avenue. Housekeeping roenu newly recMvatOd Phone Red 421 tl PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhangtng. Holler. Phone Red 803. CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES reasonable Benkendorf, Third Ave., next door to Daily) New I 'I I AUCTION ! SALE of Household Furniture on SATURDAY. 3AXTJARY II Commencing at 7:15 pan. at She Salesrooms in Federal Blook. Srd Avenue. I tew been instructed to seU by Aaetlon the foBowtne One 9- plece Dtning Roam Suite KJaki ; Stnsjer Drop head Sewtng Ma-efllne. Piano Organ and Stool. Ubrary Table. Walnut bedroom wtte: 2 Betters: 2 Kitchen Ranges: Victrola: Reining ran Typewriter: 2 Lino Rugs: K Table and Chairs: Kitchen Cabinet: Kitchen Utensils and other articles TERMS CASH G.J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Phone HUck 120 COAL! COAL! 'Oor Famous Bdson. Amerta and Balkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give saUafactton. Try a tea of No l Bvlkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 88 Phones W TYPEWRITERS 4f' For Sale or Kent Jul Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 The v-43 AUCTIONEER Padttng CraUng Wrapping i General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Thone Black 120 I' TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfers-Wood, Coal, movmg. ebatos for sent tf FOUND FOUND Five, keys on ring. Owner may have same by calling av Daily News and paying for this advertlsment. HAIRDRESSER ''RINGLETTE" Permanent Waving Finger Waving-Hair Cutting. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe. PIANO TUNING PIANOS Timed $31)0. Walker's Mi-sVf Store. tf "OOVF.UXMENT LHt:B ACT" NOTICe OP APPUCATIOS FOB CON- serr to trambtkr of beth UCCNCI NOTICE IB HEHEBY GIVEN that on be 10th iMv 01 PMriMrv nrt the sn- dmafDcd tntinto to apply to th Liquor Control Boar for caawat to traiwttr of beer Uomor No 3011 and lamed In rc-I cpeot of premtsea ttB part of the buttdtag murwn a Cental Heart attuate it thr oornrr of Brrettta Street and Pint Avenue in the Crtv of Prtnm Bu- pen upon the laada JenerOm aa Lou Eleven ill). Twelve ill). TMrteaa (IS) and Tourtean (It), of Block Ten (IS). Sesttan Oar t l I. Utf S3S. Prince Rupert lacd Bitraoa Dtatrk of the Hortnor of British OotaHAMa. from omral Betel Uactted. tSsenee to Oora KUaabecn Black of Prim- Bupert. Brt-uab CMtuBbia. the traiiclrrree. DATEL at Prtnor Ttdrt . Brtttah Oo luaabta. wrtta 1Kb dar of Jaauary. iSSS. COSA T BLACK. Aspneam and Ttanarrrrte. .voiiri: NOTire HBREBT StVBN that an UI be atade to the Lag- of the Prcnrlnre of Brl- mt Ma aeu Beaatan an be aWI of the Oarponloo of the CKy of Prtnot Bupert far an Act to amand the OSty of Mare ftusert BaMw Taoda-Mo AoC MftW ta the smukt follow uig. to provide by aach airnnrtiiae the loMaeuag (Merer, that a o eay: I. Da aatead rinMrei Five at the aatd Act a aa to provide that the OouacU any be at Mbefty to apply any of the .:Me4 ramrod frost the Power Corporation of CaBMfet, LUatted. under the Agreeiaetu viHtttid by the aald Aot -i thr piffMK of payiac any of the i nterect aud principal of the debenturea taHiug dne In any year, re preaentlng the lukllitm outatandlns of t Corpora-i :au u. ieapect of the aaaeu acquired I oy the wld Ccanparry under the raid -w low. nt trreapacUve of the yeaia In hlcvt t!wy nuy became du. b r jum. for the applicanu the CSty oJ Prince Rugert For Your Health Chiropraatie Ultra Violet Kays Intra Red P. ays Massage All at Heaeeoable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green Sll Phones Creen 519 ' Exchange Block Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD trperatlng three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Sleet and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding SI-tin Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and MlnlngMachlnery Repaired and 'Overhauled