THE WEATHER Twenty four hours ending 5 a.m., } July j ; BAR. IN, RAIN Pax reer, MIN TEMP: obs .O4 Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist NO. 164 OL. I, PRINCE Rupert, B.C., Turspay, JULY 11, ‘1911. — Press Despatch) 11.—That the Prin- will come to visit either in 1912 or 1918, tated by Sir Wilfrid accompanying return from This much July nd the their last night. ranged May Visit Rupert date of the depends whether or the’ Grand It is hoped young will declare fic pen opel visit timed to coincide | INC'S ELDEST SON TO PAY VISIT TO CANADA e Young Prince May Make Trip Over the Trans- Continental to Prince Rupert—Will Certainly be Invited to Take Part in Some Cere- mony Connected With the Work with the completion of the G. T. P. Trans-continental from Prince Ru- pert and Moncton. A trip across new be one of the probable features of his to Quebec the line will visit. If it cannot be arranged to have the coincide with the pletion of the line, and if he comes year, then arranged Gonnected with Visit com- next other fete will the I rise ’ some be trans-continental enter- of the great form ot the probably in spike driving fete, on one newly opened sectoins NERAL ELECTION IS EXPECTED IN AUGUST Dpposition Attempts To Hold Up Supplies House Will Prorogue and a Short Sharp Campaign Be Instituted—-So Says an Official Source Press Despatch) joomact but the word has gone July 11.—Information|out to the party leaders to get from Official sdOurces,|ready for a fight at once. Should} rriv of the Laurier] Mr. Borden decline to allow prog- Great Britain, make it|ress to be made with the recip- within a month/|rocity bill as he has stated in the be dissolved, and| West, then the Government will declared If|not ask for another interim supply realised there | until a redistribution bill be drafted larp campaign|and passed but for a supply for ver except in the remaining portion ol! the fiscal he ftiret of Sep- year Hot Times Expected Depends on Borden This will probably result is ” entirely upon struggle of endurance lasting ider of thelior several days and nights and lf supplies are held| possibly concluding with dissolu- Government|tion in a_ political atmosphere nger, but will go boiling hot mandate. Immediately the war would be ertain, the ad-|carried to the couriry and a short f Parliament will|sharp campaign begun three weeks her a dead-lock Shipping News Steamers Henry nd ° Lakline | Laurier and his|passed Tatoosh outward bound eping their own|this morning at 8.30 ERSITY IS | ADLY DAMAGED. table Accident Befalls bria University, Toronto. | ed by Lightning and Fire | Despatch) July 1] In Visited an elec Toronto the the Was set the firemen, of before the flamés University, of anada, which irters in ( ning ne Despite the extent over the fire, the roof lellin. Several Narrow escapes iters, here to Go ee THEATRE, and M 4nd Musie, Second Ave, : 7,30 p.m, TH} ATRE, and song ( Third yt 30 p.m, THERA IRE, § 4nd my Ave; econd Aveuue; » 7.80 p.m, BAS} BALI tonigh, Meeting, City A COSTLY BUSINESS races, RESIGNS FROM THE RAINBOW Commander Stewart Has Left | the Command of Canada's Cruiser—Conflicting Stories. (Canadain Press Despatch) Victoria, July B Commander Stewart of H. M. Rainbow, has resigned from a ast of the | The res for action is It is} said that the Captain's own family circle, of the members of his family not liking the climate of Esquimalt Reports from Victoria state that cruiser, ison precisé known. lay not troubk his in some | the reason given is that the reuring period from the service had been ate reached and required the Captain s| resignation, } iccording / amounted, SHIPYARDS ARE ALL DESTROYED |Disastrous Fire Smites Wal- lace’s Shipyards at North Van couver this Morning. (Canadian Press Despatch) North Vancouver, July 11.—By reak of fire in this morning. totally is a disastrous outl the Wallace’s shipyerds were The loss estimated at $50,000. The cause of the outbreak is unknown. The for North early hours of destroyed today disaster is a serious one Var-couver. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, ’Phone 4 ’ BASEBALL SCORES + Northwestern League Vancouver, 4, Tacoma 7. Seattle 0, Victoria 2 Spokane 2, Portland 1. National League Fittsburg 3, Brooklyn 1. St. Louis 6, Philadelphia 7. Boston 7, Cincinnati 11. Chicago 4, New York 5. American League Chicago 5, New York 2. St. Louis 7, Boston 5. Cleveland 4, Philadelphia 9. Washington ‘5, Detroit 7. No Coast games. ae ‘SMALLPOX SEEN |” NEAR WINNIPEG MONTREAL’S WELCOME TO CANADA’S PREMIER River Side and Streets Were Decorated With Flags and Colored Lights—Mayor Drouin Presented an Address of Congratulation for Sir Wilfrid’s Services in England et | | Dreaded Scourge Sweeps Over | North and East District— | Hundreds of Men Quarantin- | ed at Point Dubois. (Caz actin Press Despatch) ~An epidem- of smallpox is sweeping over Winnipeg, July 11. lic . oer (Canadian Press Despatch) | the district to the north and east jof here. Nath on the power plant at Montrea!, July 11.—Amid every evidence of rejoicing and public congratulation, Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier was welcomed home last night. Thousands lined the river bank and cheered his yacht as it hove in sight from Quebec. The river banks and Helen Island were Several, hundred men Point Dubois are quarantined along with the doctor who himself con- tracted the disease while attending a patient. Se ALD. NEWTON SCATHINGLY CONDEMNS LIQUOR POLICY : brilliantly illuminated with colored lights, flashing out a welcome to Canada’s Premier. The Premier was driven through the decorated streeets to the City Hall where Mayor Drouin on NEXT MAILS For Nort Princess Mary.... Thursday p.m) For Sour Rupert .... Friday, 8 a.m. PRICE FIVE CENTS ———_—— MAYOR GIVES TEMPERANCE PARTY THROW DOWN behalf of the assembled City Coun- cil presented him with an il- luminated address from the city, congratulating him on his return, and expressing their admiration for the brilliant manner in whith he had represented Canada at the Coronation and the Imperial Conference. A Brilliant Affair The banquet was one of the most brilliant ever held in the city, and fittingly ended an evening devoted to honoring the popular Premier. Charges There Has Been Crooked Work Over the Bottle Licenses ---Points Out That the By-law is Being Amended to | Secure Licenses for Ald. Hilditch’s Customers | While Others are Slighted---Mayor Rallies to Aid of Liquor Interests Is Asking for Government Excellen To establish a thriving colony FATHER HARTMANN’S PLAN TO COLONISE THE NAAS Aid to Bring Out One Hun- dred and Fifty Selected German Families to Settle on the Lands—Would Make t Settlers at Victoria right away and there Last night at a late hour,by the} Skeena River can ever wash away | which he ; not believe that. Everybody knew him as chairman of the Licence | Approaches Government __ how the License Board had op-| Board, with improper conduct in| Satisfied by his examination and accepting build- | tests of the soil that the district remises used |iS @ suitable one for the working g and repairing of } ue : new bottle licence holders, |Out of his plan Father Hartmann contracts for the for the popular Roman Catholic pastor Father Hart- followed later by City|mann has for long cherished the oe and “has got busy making Since ‘his return from the Queen Char- jman Newton's voice had ceased) his intense interest in matters of cultural population as thriving as any in B. C. can be established there to the advantage of the whole district. Has the People Too Father Hartmann knows where to get the ideal type of stetlers for the land he has located. ; the Fatherland across the Atlantic he knows of at least a hundred and fifty enterprising and thor- oughly desirable German families whose industry and patience will make the Naas river district to blossom like the rose. To trans- port these people here with the assistance of the Government will be a simple proposition, and Rev. is enthusiastic for the success of his idea and the In said Alderman Hilditch scornfully, | must be a very dishonest person “I want the City Clerk to take|himself to believe that so many sence of Aldermen—Declares He Has Been Browbeaten and Will Not be a Party to Whitewashing Investigation Committee At the ‘close of last night's council meeting Alderman Hilditch Haid before the Mayor a _ request that Alderman Newton be asked to substantiate the charges he made against certain members of council whose actions he had lsaid were being discussed about |the streets, Alderman Hilditch | wanted the matter put in the he inds of a The charges | to charges of | were the committee, he said, of Loo St rious to pass over, Hot Stuff have made my ‘exclaimed Alderman New- “T have not sneaked them, and that | malfeasance office, and the | statements +4 | openly,’ lton hotly, laround to make lis all | intend to do,” that you appoint a Alderman! “T suggest | committee," repeated | Hilditch to the Mavor “What!” cried Alderman “and have the damned thigg I beg pardon, that mentary, Mr. Mayor whole thing whitewashed like they did with the ment? I have consider of ton, have exposed what I the worst cases of frameups that has hap- pened in any city, but what is the You brow-beat men down Hilditch tells you to do this and do that, Mr. Mayor, to make one ever use? Alderman but I have done enough clear to him. Let me tell Alderman Hilditch and of this Board that they had better other members be careful or they will find them- selves whitewashed out of existence at the next January election.” New- is unparlia-| the | engineering depart | ‘Toronto Bookmaker is Fined | rion is that used by his staunch|man of the Board which granted} jt." “Well, he can take it,” re- others are dishonest. I did my $1,000 for Conducting a Bet- |supporter and corroborator, Al-}the licences (Alderman Hilditch)|tyrned Alderman Newton, and} best to dissuade my brother from ting Book. lderman Douglas, who declared|was contractor for the building} = SE sontving bine a licence. I did not I tha t “Not all the waters of thejand alteration of both premises CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 vent ee ereN go into. this line. (Canadian Press Di a ay —| Your accusations exist in your Poronto, July 11.—Before Mag-} own mind alone. What is more istrate Denison today a hace EXCITING SCENE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER I will not be dictated to by you bookmaker named Alfred Bake | or by anybody else whether as a was fined $1,000 for conduc Ung | ST Tn Pad cominitasioner or not.” a hand book for betting on horse pi teeaee Newton at Close of the Night’s Proceedings Makes Charges in the Pre-|} Ajderman Newton—‘‘I dictate lto no one, I condemn Alderman Smith, and I condemn him to his| face.”’ Alderman Hilditch—‘‘Mr. May- or, any time an alderman disagrees with Alderman Newton he is black- guarded all over the place. There protection given by the Chair. Alderman Newton has boasted that he has driven two men out of town, Alderman Pat- tullo and Mr. Morrow, but he will never drive me out. He is noi! big enough to do it.” Alderman Newton—"'l have r ev- er boasted that I drove two men or any man out of town. I do sot “No Line Up” Alderman Smith—‘‘There is no line up.” Alderman Newton— I know it does not look like but the |public outside won't believe you Alderman “Oh, ORF; is no even if Smith.” | you say so, Alderman Smith—‘‘I don’t care if they don't, I know my own mind on the subject. If Alderman Newton gets irrational he must expect to be turned down. He cannot expect to have the support of the other members of this} boast to have supernatural power. board. I’ do boast that | do my ow. . T a > aut r 4 Alderman Newton --“When a |puginess on. the square, and as member of this board will go in . san be raised to get his own brother a monopoly long as my voice tinuing to hold his licence. The} Alderman Hilditch demanded that | has now decided to approach the real reason he was convinced was|the City Clerk take the proceed-| Provincial Government with a view| Father Hartmann to force bottle licences on the} jngs y rbatim, Alderman Newton|to obtaining aid for the scheme. city. In very strong terms he| offered Alderman Hilditch his writ-| He is to interview the authorities] realisation of his dream. condemned the action of the Li-|ten notes for the speech he was|== ———— —— cence Board in voting a licence | deliver; g. “I don’t want them,”| Alderman Smith—"‘Ald. Newton LIVES ARE LOST ON GREAT LAKES Steamer Mitchell Sunk in a Fog on Lake Superior and Three of Crew Drowned. (Canadian Press Despatch) Sault Ste. Marie, July 11.— Three members of the crew of the steamer John Mitche!! were drown- ed here today when the steamer William H. Mack collided with the Mitchell in a dense fog off Ver- million Point of Lake Superior. The Mitchell was sunk in the collision. The Mack rescued the remainder of the crew. Will Conduct Services Owing to the absence of Rev. W. H. McLeod, who is in Van- couver «tending the Baptist Chur- co. Co: vention, the services in the Baptist Church here will be con- ducted by Ensign Johnstone of the Salwation Army, next Sunday. Some bright services are promised. Strawberries! Strawberries! You can get them at the Meth- odist Church next Saturday after- noon and evening, where the Lad- to have the business of the town licence in this city, | do not think done on the square | will raise ies’ Aid wilt furnish them , at popular prices. Look out for he is a fit and proper person to criticise me." a0," further notice, lt SAN it ; y hey % ie Sa * ij g é a i” " J “- i f 4 * ies dt 5 ia . ie t a . 4 * : pete ‘) af