w October g 1033 E.iyg B3 ANN AXikM.populwtilttollmtmlUU$ I .... iMimlM M Ctowiaii NiitM Journal r pin MAGIC toitt rot quite U of a cent more per luting than th cheart Inferior baking powilrrt. VYhy u" this fine-quality baking powder tai b ufc ' satisfactory results? tt to i wntf lbl Mak- Hakhai P4r ZM it Iim boa dun r harmful InisadUal- ' IU4tACta4 Week-End CANDY SPECIAL Maraschino Cherries or Fruits in Creams Per box 25c JERGENS SOAPS Introductory Offer 4 Cakes for 25c COLGATES RAPID SHAVING CREAM 1 imtUir 'M Till Special at 25c Ormes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Drtqpiats The Rrl Store Phone 81 A: W riaiiyui'JtuJ mil wmri hFish which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand" SMOKED LAC Prepared Daily Uy Mian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'KIXCE KITEKT. B.C. I'MON STEAiyilPS LIMITED Bit uir. u.k. ismsT.! f..IT.. -- . kViATAU KVI:KY TUESDAY, 1j30 1M. Joursuay pjn. CAItDfVA kvkuy F1UIIAY MIDNIGHT. 'JV': Manri.iv Monday n am m k run BW"rt wwi N Bimj-on. Aitw Am. Anjoi. 'vsrdlng n mi) m) ud tiokta t - kJ Agency: Second Avenue. Phone So CANADIAN PACIFIC lf rrlnce Kuperl for Vancouver via Ocean Falls "'nets ,. "av l'erts: '! . J ' ,, E P "KAN VVItANfil'.LL. JIINHAII niwl SKAtiWAY ijiuu, Oct. 10. 35; Princess Noruh. Nov 3 K i ," """vatlons and Information "vaiN pqwM i4rnt' 'r,n,,r "t"rl n c U 6 In honor of Mrs. W. 8. Kergtn 233 Among those who sent flowen to the Heiibroner funeral yesterday were the officers and crew of the v Prince John and Mr. and Mr. Fregl Altlclna, Queen Charlotte City. Mia Alex McRae and family sailed last night on the Prince George lor Victoria where it is their intention t take up future residence , Mr M:Rae who was in the senritt of the Northern B C. Power Co., wai , recUly killed at Stewart. I B R Tupper of the Northwest Telephone Co . who has been on a trip north In connection with extension being made In the radiotelephone service of his company, ailed by the Prince Oeorge la night for Ocean Palls after havlnt spent a couple of days In the city i Mrs William Campbell and thre-children of Anyox arrived to th .ctty last evening on the Prtno ! Oeorge from the smelter town am1 .will proceed by train tonight Vi Momtreal where they will embark I October 13 aboard the steamer As eania for London. Bng They will pay a visit to Mrs Campbell's na Uve home in the Old Country. Louis Leroux- of Seal Cove, who nturmd on Wednesday from a holiday trip spent in St. Paul ano other parts of the United SUtes. bad the misfortune while alighting from a bus at BeUincbam to sustain a severe bruise on bi leg and Is now a patient in the Prince Uttpert Oeneiml Hospital His many friends wlij wish him a speedy re- Announcements ateaies' dance Oct. 6. admission ladies 25c Genu 36c Refreeh- menta. Solvation army Harvest Festival Sale Monday. October I. Presbyterian 10. LuthcstA tober 12. Tsa. Oct IT PAYS TO PLAY Sec Us For 1 1 Badminton Supplies i RiVCKBTS Drop in Sometime Kaien Hardware As Close to You as Your Telephone PHONE: 3 Oe- Moose Nowtty Ball mtay Oc tober 13. Prince Rupert Pten ears' association whist and bridge. October 18 Catholic Sasaar October It. Recreation Club Scoter. Dance Oddfellows Hall. October 20. Hyggas Oetobar 27 KU1 MaUiiiwam!tct- M. The Uttle Olod hopper" UrJtad Church Nov. 2 and. 3 Nov 9-10 Cathedral Drama Uc 8ociety presents 4 -Ac'. Comedy. Or. 8u.sun " OatheUr.il Hall .THE DAILY NEWS f&Qt nous ; Rt never pays to take chances LOCAL NEWS NOTES WITH DOUBTFUL BAKING Scotch dance, Moose Hall, Satur- Bllversldes Bros, for Wallpaper, A NkOA POWDER , I USr Awn Olass, Paint and Murescp, TEAS Ann n-wrr lul A I Mrs. w T. Kergln wlU receive Pall goods J n'fot&. KnltlJ IC AIAAe hrnruni on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 Suits, hats,' "skirts, and blouses Dcmen. 233 Sons of Norway dance. Oddfellows' Hall tonight 9:30 pan. Good music. - Mrs. J. A. Barry sailed last. night on the PrinceCleorge.f6r a trip -to Vancouver. Stanley Dalby of the Court House staff sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge for a vacation trip to Van -couver and Victoria. A. J. Edlund. eonstrueUon fore man for the Government Tele graphs, returned to the city on tlu Princess Louise last night after having spent several weeks In the Telegraph Creek district engaged on company work. END THOSE HEADACHES Hi rr ni mtx." FruU-m-ttMi ore wmy "Far to rwi t taSmi coatimtBr Inm 4iiilntfc Wii.cW, nik murh a ad bti Nothiaf mrmrt Udaw ar I M Fnw4jT' aor BV'aoUfM IWa tomg. ad I tmtutf wWl I'd Ukra tlra tuhrt. Ttor mtit aWn an aad b.py Uat I mil drug tttrti Hon C D. Macaulay. territorial judge of Alaska, and Mrs. Macaulay. Alter having spent the summer at Dawson, were passengers aboard the Princess Louise last venin going through to Vancouver As is heir usual custom, they will spend the winter in the south. Under the aueptoes of the Carta abor Defence League, an- Hher enjoyable Ontke waftheM hut night in the Bxchange Bite Hull, a rood snwd crowd being' in atten dance at the affair Music wax pro ided by a native orchestra and re tieihments were furnished by the a dies A meeting of the Women's Aux- lary to the Canadian Legion was teld hut night at the home of Mrs i ugh Smith. There were about .wenty-flve members in attendance, several new ones being welcomed Routine business had to do "With the ctal work of the Auxiliary. It bens decided to hold a baiaar on Jecember 5 Mrs J H Preece. the resldeni. was In the chair. ton BU BUB i grgi gc KltUKiK&Rir SUMMIT CASH MEAT MARKET Motto: Business Without Excess Trotlt Saturday Specials Pork Chops Qr 2 lbs. . VOl Lamb Chops QEZr 2 lbs. wt 35c KoundSfk- 20c Leg of Pork -f q per lb Leg of Veal Ifin per lb Prime Rib Roll IZlZn i iba. oai Aump Roast CI Co 4 lbs ODL Pot Roast Qj"n 4 lbs ODC Slow Beef 9tZn 3 lbs. ""I' 1 lamburaer 2 5 C Pork Sausage 9CJn t llji. Tomato Sausage O CT o per lb. AOl, Fresh Made Oarllkrlng per lb With each sale over $1.00 10 lbs. Potatoes Free PROMPT SERVICE ASSURED We Deliver Thone 666 P UERTEL irraiiii xBxrajniEsrvTaTsjrajB i : A charge of vagrancy against Kenneth Powell was dismissed by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this rooming. ; J H. Hair OMR tananmuu.1 ter here, has returned to the city from a vacation trip to Vancouver. He went south by boat and came back by rail. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Arthur Slater, arrived in port at 7:30 last evening from Skagway and other Alaska points and sailed at 9 pjn. for Vancouver. The vessel had on board 123 passengers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, who were married recently in the city, the bride having formerly been Miss Molly Cross, were paasengera aboard the Princess Louise but evening going south after a honeymoon trip to Whitehorse. Y.T.. where the groom's parents reside. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will now visit in Victoria before returning north to take up re sidence at Inverness cannery. Provincial Constable Andrew Orant of Haaelton arrived In the city on last night's train from the interior, having in his custody Joe FarieeHi. half -breed, who has been committed for trial by Stipendiary Magistrate Storkey on a charge of breaking and entering the Hudson Bay store at Kitwanga and who will appear In County Court hate this ufterneon before Judge W. E. I for-eeettn Adrertlse In tne Oallv New THANKSGIVING SPECIALS QUEEN PEPPERS 3 lbs. each 25c CAULIFLOWER 20C 25C CELERY Oood heads 10c! SAVOY CABBAOB -fCtn eaeh REMO TURNIPS B lbs REMO CARROTS 8 lbs. 25c 25c -RBBH PINEAPHUeS 4Qg SWEET POTATOCB 3 lbs ORAPBS-Seedless per lb. APPLES Mcintosh RCd Household, per box 25c 20c S1.75 BANANA8 OSn FRBSH TOMATO 86 S-lb. basket 30c ECONOMY HUTrgR fjM 0 1 Ik. CANADIAN CHBattM! per lb 20c PUMPKIN-2t4's Ofn 2 tins Pumpkin, Beets, Cranberries, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Parsnip, Vegetable Marrow, Squash at Reduced Prices Free delivery on all orders S2 or over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" "$ 11-12 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 573 rhone 18 PROFESSOR BOY Wishes to notify the public that Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be his last three days of tea and coffee cup readings at Mus-sallem's Tea Room and Confectionery. Don't miss this opportunity. Cleirtff 4 Endff gairl.sagB,rl.BBrln Ieriiahon THANKSGIVING SPECIALS PORK POULTRY LAMB LEGS 20c TL'KKEYS 40c LEGS 20c BUTTS 16c CHICKENS 28c 18c SHOULDER 12ic ,FbUL 22c SHOULDEB J2C POT BOAST Queen Charlotte Is. IQc 1UC Bnmp Roast IC. liic lb nrpn lb. PRIME RIB 15c 15 , h I J!"" 20C VEAL iJj.jll'! BACON !;UMP i5c JSlmi pfcff 10c SHOULDER 2c USSll sterling 1 vwwr IC NIC tiaaiq HAMS Whipping BUTTER C R E A M 3 BUTTER 72c lb 10c J Pint 25c PlMPLBf Rash Healttf Expels Eczema" MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE SPECIALS 2-Inch Walnut Bed with Simmons Pelt Mattress Qnn A A and Coll Spring, lull sixe bed vflUU Simmons Walnut Bed with panel. Cable Spring COET Cft and All Felt Mattress t40Ull We ship any place and prices are F.O.B. Prince Rupert 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Logger, Miner ROOMS-510 per month. $3 per week, 50c per night SHOWER BATHS Third Avenue Phone 9-ilL JIMMIE CICCONE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Rates $1.00 up SO Rooms. Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 199 Coal Prices Albertdfe BesUairaili aj. . . .' $12.50 Alberta's Best Egg 11.50 Alberta's Best Stove 11.00 Pembina Egg 11.50 Dry Jack and Cedar, per load 5.00 Local Wood, per cord 6.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 If your payer does not arrive, telephone the office Ik'