IniltDcndcntJ Could Not Carry on Hccausc Lack -i V t; r I? Organization yvouiq Mane t or aiie ami ineui-cicncy, Declares Lilcral Leader ancouver Vancouver in. S!nr 21. . Silver, "'Hie. I .ho. I 25. 1 If St. 45 i' 10. '"v l. 09. Stocks 01, Kivrr Coo.. X. id Quarts, 3.25. Klvtr. 'HI'. i Wl & r i jo A. 1' , Ar,i.tM hrn ' ? k OoW, .40. K...W-I 0iVfc (Mkedt. 3 50. I 25 11. MS 08. 2010. JMH. iMVs. "r, 0. ' Ptlle. M. Toronto imii,!, 15, Patricia. " u in K-:' 1,48 . A txrritTinv i .......... . 4 "IN TODAY IS DKFKItllEI) r,-. . - "I'm 1 1 itu n-f a. irr . Donations between the Canadian I Pacific and Canadian National jKallways and representatives of the I runnliw trades In retard to the pro posed second ten percent wage cut. Premier R- uennejk hope that a settlement of the dispute would be, reached. While the rtHpuUns;, parties ,W " brought togeiner "good offices" of the Dominion government. Mr Bennett Intimated that the federal overnment had no . . uiuiiAnlnif tin- Intention of lunner mm McLean, aged M. and less as a last resort to prevent a 1 ' lit .in- . I . .. in;,-,. u ,am' under sen- general sinxe. fc'imiB hangfd this Bi'tniriK were nmnt. , v y va. v m ova j b-. . ' "llon """I October 20 l apartment of JusUce. VANCOUVER WlliaT .....MtmcD rvt. 6: (CP) Wheat was quoted at IfHc on the i n nnn rirnn- local exchange yrvri-, - ! pod to 56c today Hif.MWACK. Oct. G: (CP)-Criticizinij both the ( ik! Mtive Commonwealth Federation and the Inde- T D. Pattul lo. eat or of the Liberal party, ad- large audience here last nrght and defended the torn ae the only iowiWo nwana of carrying on government. He ridicule! the 1. 1. i lor u-i -tng the name "Associated Clubs" lo II III I I I Ll I It t I I I . OF MURDER Jar' ui Connection With Kill ing of Jar k . Russell VVR October 8 Oim v a forge Aframs wu charge of swrdef inM- out of ths liU' Russell oo May 2 mm wrre stutjsrllns: aftrr Russell attacked the latter wil rowing 'lll hat be described as an effort to ntsJrad the elector Into thinking hat It was not a party and declare hat the Independents rovid not U office after the election be-aut of lack of organisation among horn which would make for waste md Inefficiency. The only attema-4ve to the eonfoston was the return if the Liberal party. Mr. pattnllo declared IhM the wovtnee was Mffenng IroHi "too rule education" rather than too mane. The rlfhU of the munlepllU4 ihould be defined and protected .he Liberal leader mntnUlned PROPERTY REDEEMED Only Six UU Revert at Stewart Tax Sale STEWART. Oct. 6; There may be a depression but thrre U no lack f faith In Slewart real estate and. apparently, thrre If ' corahleraMr money to back up thin faHh. When Hie municipal ellelr held Ihe annual tax sale last Saturday thrre were only 2 parrels flml. Of time ony six ' rtvrrttd to the municipality, the , (her tt paireli all brine bought up. four of them at a considerable advance eer the upt price. It h ale reported at the muni cipal ollkes that Ihe greater number of Ihe parrel old at Ux ale latl vear have been redeemed by Ihe owner. TO TREAT 0NWAGES Nefetlatlom lo be Reopened ne-Inrcn Canadian Railways and Itunnlng Trades OTTAWA. Oct 6 iCPt-Announc-m hut night that there would be reaumotton without delay of ne- 77 - TAXI (TOMMY'S) - 77 She Tomorrow's Tides Theatre Block Capitol stand. High 3:12 a.m. 18. It. Day and Night Service 15:01 pm. 20.7 ft. 7 Passenger Ch. - Car Low 9:05 a.m. 7.3 ft. - NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 21:19 pjn. 4.2 ft. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTO i CHARMS C. C F. WITH SUCCUMBS IN PRISON John Alexander Machray. K.C Paie Away on Tharvday at Stony Mountain Caused Sensation Was Main Figure In One of Can ada'i Mott Notorious Financial Scandals Last Year WINNIPEO. October 0 (Cana dian Preset-John Alexander Machray. aged 68. former chalrma-ot the board and bursar of the University of Manitoba, riled yes-teray st Stony Mountain Petten-ttary where he was serving a seven ' year term of iroprbonmect tor then of University fends totalling almost HjOOOJOOO. Machray was the mam figure In one of Canada's most notorious financial scandals. It left 'to Its wake disillusionment In educa CAIT. LOUIS MANN. RETIRED MARINER. DIES IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. October 6 Ian Preset Capt. Louis Mann, aged 76. retired sea captaia died here on Thursday. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Max Hellbroner and family desire to thank their many friends for the kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes received during their recent felt in Vancouver and Victoria and districts at 6:37 and 6:38 o'clock last .evening, shaking houses but doing no damage. 4 The centre of the disturbance was believed to have been In the Oulf of Georgia or Van- couver Island. VANCOUVER FEELS TWO EARTHQUAKES t ' . VANCOUVER. Oct. 6 (CP) Two slight earth tremors were 4 Cuba Is Restlsss 1 A disguised dictatorship has bee .. mon Orau Saj Martin inset, a ! e : Increasing strikes reports of a brewm; oratratiorii of anti-American ag iiat.oi;. '.op. tional clrtics and a trail of shat- ' : - - -The rapid succession of startling Interestin&Anaiysis Shows late In August, 1112. which led to hH teprisonment less than s month later, stsggered members of the community where he was at leading citizen, known at a sueeasif ful lawyer, shrewd lnresimtnl banker, philanthropist, prominent tduostlonallst and oevout church worker. Misused Funds It was the esteem and confidence In which he was held that permitted Maehray. as shown by investigators, to misuse for 24 yean funds and securities entrusted to his care. And the Institutions with which he was most closely affiliated suffered most severely. Funds of the Church of England dloeeee of Rupert's Land were depleted while University of Manitoba erdowrnents were cut in half by his firm's $2,000,000 de-j ftclt. Nephew and adopted son of the 'ate Arthblshop Robert Maehraj. John was born of humble parents at Haddington. Scotland. Feb. 17. 1S-66. raised and educated hi ec-desiasiksa environment. and Continued on Page Fvirl CAMOUFLAGE SERVICE CLUB HEARS NEW ASPECT OF CIVIC FINANCING Party System Is Only Practical Goverment Means Says Pattullo or up : Cuba by President -w g iv mme t's aniwer to -tvuntor-revolt. and dem- How Greatly School Expense Has Grown Here Over Years An interestintj analysis of school costs nvpr t hp vnnrc from 1910, when the city was incorporated, until 1931 has been prepared by a prominent local business man and nrr. perty owner. It shows that, whereas the net cost of schools to the city in the year 1911 was $10,996.35, in 1931 it was $8-i,'158.96. The sharpest increase in net cost of schools P1? from when K was $473661, to 1M1. when it rose to $71.- llSfult th buUdtnC of Booth Memorial School Other years in which there were rather notice Ne advances in school costs were 1912-13. when King Bdward School was built. 1919-20. due almost entirely to salary increases, and 19M-S0 when salaries and general expenses both showed a large increase. The analysts Is a follows: Vtf Tout lp 1SI0 I I.SM04 1911 ieit ISIS 114 lt II7 ISIS ISIS ISSS isai IStt ta ISSt lets isss istr isss isss 130 IftSl IS.444 70 u.saios asjsiss? S4J8 awwisi sijcssa ssaiasa SS.S4T as 4S.SITS4 ssjsais S4.SSH 45 aa.oTo a sues jo RS.4S2.31 SSMi 17 90.SSST3 si.nsai io4.amao ioa.so2 4i ioe.6is aa Bmtmttt lot A Red satso laSM.TS 17JS4S M.OSSJO 1S.44SjD0 aa.-rsoo S4.SU.00 M.7SSS0 SS.5SSJS 4S.0SS70 40. 704.40 S7.S47SS S0.4SSJS I.6TS.1S 50.704 as SI.1SSJS e7sssas 73 435 IS 77 204 SS I SMS 1.000 00 1.704 S3 1704 S3 I,704S4 1.704 S3 1704 S3 IS. 794 SO 1SU7SS I4.m 17 1S.4TS.S0 IS.47SS1 lasssss I7.6I4S0 17.313 33 17.2QS3S 17.187 35 17.175 33 Usher raised Away Yesterday At Age of Fifty-One LONDON. Oct. 6: (CP) Viscount Cowdray, aged 51, wealthy newspaper publisher, died here Halibut Arrivals, Summary American 83,000 pounds, 7.4c j and 5c and 7.7c and 5c' I Canadian None. American Paragon, 45,000. Pacific, 7.7c and 5c. Nordby, 38,000, Cold Storage, 7.4c and 5c. Omaney. 46,000, refused 7 5c and 5c, left for Seattle. 4. 775 70 S.4MJ8 axrsiss S.4SI TO SAISJ1 S.104SS 7SSS a.i4ja I0JS9SS iijsnss ISSS7SS I7SS7S4 1S.0H1 S3 IJ.IS4S4 I3SSIS4 s.ssi se IC.4S7SB 1S.7SS.40 I9.BS1 58 11 MOSS 13.008 4S Oov Ortat ryooou. SISJS4 S S4I.SS S.44SSS 4.1SSW 7.7S1SS SSStSO 7.494 SS SJ970O0 9.I43JS S.OMSS ltUSfl SS 11.44)335 19.SBSSS 1400 00 17JIS00 isjsau 1S.S41.S1 16S38 5S ts.assso 17.0MSS 18.144 55 1901 OS 30.873 30 I 413 30 60S SO 60000 1.049 OS 94S3& 81000 L1B6 00 OtjrCkw t I.SMJ iftsoess is.ei4ui 1SS14SS 174MS0 18S&4M S4j)ISt 4T.5SSSS 71.W10 WHIM 74.5M30 71.190 10 7743.49 7M9TJ3 T2,9e9ll 84.14840 St.N0.7S S44MM Viscount Cowdray PILOT IS Dies on Thursday. GROUNDED Wealthy British Newspaper Tub- ': Gordon Mackrmie Loses Fljinr Licence as 'Result of Fatal Anderson Lake Crash OTTAWA. Oct. 6: t CP t -Probe into the plane crash in August In Anderson Lake in the Bridge River district of British Columbia when three persons lost their lives has resulted in the cancellation of the flying licence of Pilot Gordon J. Mackensie. the Department of Na tjtonal Defence announces.' ;v It was found as a result of the in-qulry that Mackensie had been fly. Ing later in the evening than "sundown" in contravention of the C.PJI. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K Gray is due in port at 1 5 15 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her re turn to Vancouver and waypolnts. City Treasurer States Schools Should Fairly Take Part in Economy Situation is Somewhat Improved But Municipality is Not Out of Woods Yet Obligation to Bondholders Stressed by Treasurer j "In connection with the policy of retrenchment in which all departments of the city received heavy cuts it was absolutely necessary that the schools should share," declared City Treasurer D. J. Matheson in addressing the Rotary Club yesterday afternoon on "Civic Finances." John Dyb-Iiavn presided. Mr. Matheson said he understood the levy A the tee to the older pupils at the j lugh school was expected to bring In $6,000. The system had been ad- nriX1 I I N V yipa P N vrrif i If llSJ T opted, he was told, in other muni- VVSll T Lill 1 lV1 1 dpaiiUes as well as in Prince Ru- o, SNrififx Au LLUtjiU In opening. Mr. Matheson ex- .plained that the civic assessments had been towered and, even with American Leglonairres Spent Five il the retrenchments brought MUUon Dollars in Chicago about and with 60 of the taxes Miami Next Convention City Jtid this year, the city wassitjl $30,-j 4shortofpaytofsWay For several years the shortage ""Z " ,r , ZL which has been In progress here overdrafts At .u. the end of 1926 there . . , . during ,K the ... week with some milM 260.000 i was $50,000 v due j the bank, at the , ... . . . end of 19M. $50JWO. St the end of " Z ZZZtZia 1930. tmm and, a U end of JTJfLjt iL eloding sessions yesterday and the i.tIU.i4, 1931. ioai SmWO. sissaofl the JattvmerUtoned lwto the city betag partly covered by unsold de-! nlght fof I "7'TV , tt It i estimated that the visiting tiJST-nff'i f leglonairres spent some $5.000J)00 to ; 1 -80500. were held by people all m hf over the continent. In many eases Mlaml M, a. ,v4 "T,ng of '"l" 1934 convention dty. . who had loaned their people money to the city to enable it to build roads, sidewalks, schools and make other Improvements. It was not playing ball to refuse to pay the Interest on these loans which had served the city so well and from 500. He warned all city employees to save for the time when their checks might not be forthcoming. I esrh separately and the taw provided that money levied for one pur pose could not be used for any other. ! Money levied for paying Interest on debentures had to be used for that purpose. HAVANA BANKS ARE . HEAVILY GUARDED 4 . HAVANA. Oct. 6: (CP) Heavy police guards were 4 4 thrown around all foretttn 4 STORY NOT BELIEVED vhteb everyone benefitted. As se- eurlty for this money the dtteens, Little Slock Taken In Tarn of Con- gave a charge against all city pro perty. Salaries May Be Held Up This year all Interest due. amounting in all to $3,000 vict That He Knew of Lindbergh Kidnapping Plot JACKSON. Mass.. Oct. 6. -Of It- had eials of Mississippi State Penlten- been paid. When other Interest pay- tiary here took little stock yester-ments had been taken care of all day In the story of one of the con-city funds would be exhausted by vtcts that a Scraaton. Pa, gang February or March and. as no had been responsible far the kid-money could be borrowed from the napping and murder last year of bank. It was likely many city em- the Lindbergh baby. The eonvict de-ployees might have to wait for their , clared that he had actual know-talarle after that The cost of the ledge of the plot Ills credibility. Doltce, fire department snd school however. Is questioned, operations and other incidentals was about $10,000 a month and the Income In sight was only about $5,- iMoilisons Still Planning Take-off In regard to financing various de-! . fori" n" ' Sa lsf.etory A British partments, levies were made Flying Pair May Vft Essay DlstarSre Hop From Toronto TORONTO, October 6 (Canadian Press i If weather conditions are satisfactory curing the next few days, Capt. and Mrs. James A. Molllson still plan on attempting a take-off from Wasaga Beach near here on a record distance flight to Bagdad. ' , Thanks to Skipper 4 banks here Thursday night af- 4 we. the resident of the Queen 4 ter the manager of the local 4 charlotte Islands, wish to express 4 branch of the Bank of Nova 4 our appreciation of the service 4 Scotia Informed police of a 4 rendered, to us by Captain Dan 4 plot to bomb the Canadian in- 4 MacKinnon, master of the ss. Prince 4 stltution. 4 John. Captain MacKinnon Is well 4 4 Hked by everyone on the Queen 44j4)44444 Charlotte Islands. (233j