ro Se lie Sid aod st it eee ra rik tek tcoenroke THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News F Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES— DAILY, 50c per month, or $5.00 $a.b0,, year, in advance, WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. OUTSIDE CANADA— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, / on application. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. ane ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar uare. Contract rates “The newspaper, with the law, should assume the accused innocent until proven guilty; should be the friend, not the enemy of the general public; the defender, not the invader of private life and the assailant of personal character. It should be, as it were, a keeper of the public conscience.’’—Henry Watterson. e = THE UNMASKING OF THE MAYOR DaILy EDITION. TUESDAY, JULY 11 “It is the handwriting on the wall,” a citizen was overheard to remark last night as he left the council chamber, after the vote of the “temperance?” Mayor had practically decided that the City of Prince Rupert is to have two bottle licenses forced upon it in ad- dition to the already large number of licensed hotels. “I wonder how he ever let them corner him so that he would be forced to declare himself?” marvelled another, one whose occupation and reputation classify him as a supporter of Mr. Manson. That Alderman Newton should have cut himself adrift from his election day colleagues is not a surprising matter. The wonder is that he perservered so long in their company. With his reputation | for outspokenness, and for iiving up to the sincerity of his opinions, | it was quite obvious that sooner or later he would have to part company from a group of men whose chief desire seems to be the distribution of public favors among their private friends. On the day of his election, this journal remarked ,‘‘No one worked for his side harder than he, and it is but poetic justice that the new council should be helped or burdened by the presence of one who did so much for them.” Now that he has publicly renounced all responsibility for the actions of his late colleagues a career of greater civic usefulness has opened to Alderman Newton. The subdued applause of the citizens which greeted his remarks last night, and the sympathy which went out to him when the Mayor was trying to closure him, are evidences that in his desire to effect a clean up at the City Hall, the citizens are behind him.’ It was not without a suggestive touch of humor that earlier in the evening Alderman Newton had stood sponser for a résolution asking that a quantity of scrubbing brushes, mops, and soap powder be purchased for use at the City Hall. But the most significant thing in last night’s exciting meeting was not the charges against aldermen, nor the cleavage with Alderman Newton. Street talk has been busy with aldermanic names for weeks past; Alderman Newton’s departure from the fold was obvious. _ The significant thing was that for the first time since he assumed the reins of office, Mr. Manson found himself placed in a position where it was necessary for hirn to declare himself. When the extra hour to the hotelmen was granted, and when the question of bottle licenses came before the License Board, the Mayor had contrived to be absent from the city. It was the hand of Fate that sent Alderman Kirkpatrick away yesterday morning before the Mayor returned, i and made it necessary for the Mayor to face the issue he had dodged before. At the time of the Scott Act campaign, the charge was made that Mr. Manson had pledged himself to both parties. For reasons best known to himself Mr. Mansofi did not attempt to deny the charge. Many of his temperance supporters would not believe it. On every occasion since then Mr. Manson has dodged every opportunity to declare himself. Last night, however, he vould not dodge the issue. When the council stood three to three on the question of bottle licenses, Mr. | * Manson threw off the mask, turned his back on his temperance friends, showed himself to be a pro-liquor man and-by his single vote decided that Prince Rupert is to have two more bottle licenses thrust upon it. The unmasking of the Mayor was the significant thing in last night’s work. GETTING BACK TO THE LAND Among the cheerfullest things in this tense age—possibly a direct outcome of it—are the efforts that are being made in many quarters to get back to-Nature’s first and noblest occupation for man, a life on the land. At Garden City in England a very hopeful colony is making progress, while in Florida and California innumerable colonies are trying to live up to Bolton Hall's philosophy of ten acres, intensive gardening, and liberty. In our own great country of Northern British Columbia, the hope to own a ranch of a few acres has been the motive of a large number who have travelled hither. An interesting effort is now being made by a company of artists and altruists in New Jersey to establish a landlord-free colony, without waiting for the millenium to come to abolish the present antiquated and unjust land system. As will be seen, it is no real estate scheme but a plan to afford a foothold on the available earth at a total annual cost of aboug three dollars for a quarter acre—enough to live and learn gardening on. Seven miles beyond Summit, New Jersey is a beautiful wooded vale 500 feet above the level of the sea. Here the ‘Free Acres’’ Asso- ciation has sixty acres of good agricultural land and a farm house adapted for an Inn. The land is subject to a mortgage of $1,000. The Association is to follow the ‘‘Single Tax’’, Arden plan in- stituted fifteen years ago at Fairhope, Alabama, giving without pur- chase price, on perpetual lease, plots of land a quarter of an acre up to an acre or so, This will mean at present an annual rent averaging $3.00 per plot of 10,000 square feet—equal to 4 Prince Rupert lots. It is not necessary, therefore, to buy land in order to own a home, The rents are used to pay all taxes levied by state or county on the land and buildings and the remainder for roads, water and other public improvements. There is good water, and good but neglected soil; the climate is mild and in summer the nights are cool. Already a score of families have taken plots, of whom half have built homes. They are Arts and _ Crafts people, literary and self-supporting men and women and others who want vacation homes that will help instead of hindering life and getting a living. ‘ : The house is used as an “inn,’’ for the temporary accommodation only of visitors. ‘Those who like camping and wish to stay longer — with wooden platforms and camp courts and village green. atricals in a natural amphitheatre may enjoy song and story. the projectors of the colony. It will be interesting to learn simple but not ignoble life. — INTENSE HEAT Combined with Great Humid- ity It has Prostrated a Num- ber of the People. (Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, July 11—After com- paratively cool weather for a couple of days, the second July heat wave struck Ottawa on Sunday. That afternoon the mercury touched 92 which combined with the in- tense humidity sent hundreds of people to the parks. Today the mercury is again soaring the ninety mark being touched by 11 a.m. Several prostrations have been reported but sc far no fatalities have been reported. WILL BRING OUT EDUCATED WOMEN New Women’s League is Formed to Send Out Women to the Dominions. A new league, the Colonial In- telligence League, has been formed in England to select trained and educated women, and send them out to positions in the overseas Dominions. Miss Dorothy M. Davis has been appointed rep- resentative at Vancouver, and is inviting applications from all who desire trained nurses, dressmakers, teachers, secretaries, typists, dis- pensers, expert poultry and «flower farmers, dairy women, milliners, governesses, and other trained wo- men helpers. A rigid examination is made in England of all applicants for po- sitions, so that the efficiency and general suitability of the girls sent out is guaranteed. ODE TO DIGBY ISLE We are two lonely bachelors, Our home is Digby Isle, But let us tell you candidly We'll only stay awhile. We have a little cabin, A stove, a seat, a cat With thousands of mosquitoes As big as any bat. Now, speaking of the weather, It really gives me pain Since we came here a week ago We've had nothing else but rain. On second thoughts, one day was fine, Sol broke his cask and forth did » shine, Three minutes shone, then came the rain. Since then,he’s not been seen again Yea, Digby, we must cross the main. Shall we behold thy face again? If ever we report ‘‘returned,” We hope to find the island burned. —H.M.L. IRISH BLEACHED There are various reasons for thé whiteness of Irish linen. The climate is ideal for the growth of the flax, and is likewise effective in the bleaching process. The best Irish and Scottish linens are sun and grass-bleached. ’ Meadow after meadow in both Ireland and Scot- land are white with these cloths which the heavy dew moistens and the bright sun whitens. The alternating sain and sunshine which make the climate of Ireland so disagreeable to a foreigner make the best bleach in the world for linen. It is a slow process, taking from three and four to six months, but the more conservative linen manufacturers abroad are willing to abide by this slower but surer method and build up for them- sleves enviable reputations rather than gather in large profits and sell inferior goods, buy cheaply from a Camp Association in the neighborhood, tents In order that there may be opportunity for out-door recreation, fifteen acres has been laid out in ball ground, tennis and basketball Here are held weekly campfires and the- Fifty acres of woodland are reserved by Simple bungalows costing from $100 to $150 have been designed for the residents and a serious effort is being made ‘to learn how not to take life too seriously. and altruists fare in their efforts to get back to the land and lead a VISITS OTTAWA| door baseball teams or of pros- | pective teams are invited to ar- tend also, as well as all those interested in the game and the prospect of having an outdoor game soon. The Mayor will preside at the organisation meeting.