GOODYEAR TIKES Are better, lait lonter, ride easier and the famous Goodyear tread makes them safer, KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet Dealers 7hone 52 and Black 379 Vol XXIV., No. 2. wailB Tomorrow's Tides High 8:25 ajii. 18.4 ft. 21:22 p.m, 15.0 ft. 4 Low 1:29 am. 9.4 ft.- NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 15:04 pm. 7.9 ft. JAPAN IS FRENCH Steamer I'Antlantique Is Victim of Flames; Cost Fifteen Million Vessel Was Bound Prom South America to.Lc Havre Without Passengers Thirty of Crew of Otic Hundred and Seventy Lost Their Lives CHERBOURG, Franco, Jan. 4: (Canadian Preun) The t rack French liner rAntlantlnue, built at a cost of $15,- HHi.tKN) an ricerving in the South American run, was -a nrktnl by fire of undetermined origin in the English t i annel early today. Most of the crew of about 170 were i.. In - d to have Imkmi rescued by the German steamer Ruhr following the abandonment of the ""el which carried no paaaengers. P 1 nTflAITl Ir hAK I HUUAlvh Havre !f r for annual overhauling. az drk ? Capt if VFPV QPVFR tr of the vessel, later f ial a ULt ajju Jath Africa Rocked by Heavy TimMT on Catumay House Were Cracked In Natal 4- Canadian Prewi a it urea of South Afrsoa vu r'ked on &Xrmf by one of Vie 'rst sarthsjiaxes In the history oi 1- r-untry. Hooves were cracked In Natal v i I he Orange Free State ana 7 .. .Itond were also affected Pour ! i.tict shocks were felt In toe nwaal. forcing be population the streets In panic. T1' rrr.lre of the diatwfeaue v Koffyfontrin district In the 1 : Free State DR. DAFOE IS WEDDED Taster of lint lUptht Church lie-turns to City With His Bride. Formerly MLvi Sinelalr tn v ur. r. w. ueioe. pastor w i y -i Baptist Church here. reUmed , Mir city on the Prtnee Rupert ''- morning ffOHi a brief Ulp to V iH ouver. bringing with him hie in mIc who wma formerly Miss Mary i Sinclair, who for years has been ' -.ikpcI in educational work of the ft 'Ptmt Church in Vsncouver Hie m u iuie took place at 60 Monday ' V in at a private home ceremony '' V.ui -outer with Rev. Bbert raul. i" r of First Daptlat Churrh. V iiicniiver. officiating Only rela- a id immediate friend attcn-i' -I th- ceremony. 2 and Mrs- P. W. Dafoe will take "i n-n dence on Cotton Street and v. ill h.,ve the hearty congFatui-11 "us and best wishes of numerous f 1 unds DR. CUNO IS DEAD Former Chancellor of flrrmany' Surrumbed (o Heart Attack In Hamburg Yesterday HAMBURG, Oermany. January! 'Cunadlan Press i Dr. WUhelm r"o. aged 57. former Chancellor f,f Oerjnany and generar manager "f the Hamburg-Amerleaii Steamship Line, died yesterday of a hart attack at he was about to sUrt upon a vacation ordered by 11 if physician. LINER DESTROYED BY FIRE IN ENGLISH CHANNEL resorted that thirty of the crew had been killed. aooK being burned to death In the boiler room and others losing their Uvea while getting off the ship LAnUantJpss, ft esel of 41jK tons, was launched to September mi and htjjTH out tail Mas. MOLUSONS PLAN HOP LONDON, Jan. 4: (Canadian Press) Capt J tune A. Mollison nnA tit trlfa A mr .Tnlm. (lini I tier asj wuim on Mollison, announced yesterday that they in- tend to make a flight to- gether across the North Atlantic Ocean some time this year after Mol- lison completes a pro- jected solo flight next month to South Amer- ica. PLANNING ECONOMY Drastic Retrenchment Program !'-Ins l)NUMfd by Democrsls In Order to ObvUle New Tak WAailWOTON. DC, Jan. 4: -A draaUc national ccononty plan whirli hat been promulgatca by the Drmoc.ratlc party and whksh may b- clfected by legislation at the f irtvt session 'of Congress following InauHuratlon la the talk of the Cnpiul '.hes days. By the economies which Jue planned the Democrats hope to be able ui balance the budget without new taxation Oliver than the potential beer tux. president - pkt Franklin D. Iloosevelt and Speaker John N. Oar-ner. the vlce-prtoident-elect, will confrr this week on Ihe economy program. Mr. Justice Grant Of Toronto Passes Member of Ontario Court or Appeal Died on Sunday at Ate of Sixty Years TORONTO. Jan. i: (Canadian Pre) Mr. Justice Ingll a rant of the Ontario Court of Appeal died on Sunday ut the age of CO years. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, DESIROUS TRIBUTE IS PAID Mayor Orme Kecelres Appreciative and Commendatory Remarks at Closlnp Meetinc of 1932 Council Many Bouquets Aid. Collart, Macdonatd and Unity , Announce They Will Not be Candidates for Re-election UnanlnxKU tribute to Mayor C 11. Ome for the manner In which j lie had piloted the errtc ship or daring the past three diffif ult vrn r , was paid by members of the aldi r-manie boarn before Hdinunuri n laat night of the final mvtmi: "f the 1932 rity council. E:irh r the eight aldermen Joined in p iym.' ' n bute to Hu Worship who is '. seeking re-election for 1933 After the conclusion o( the regit lar buslneas of the rounrll tt-.ei nuyor stated that, in view of the fact that he was retiring from office, he waa deelrous of expressing hla appfeelaUon to every member of the oowseil for their work and 'ilsWi!rcfffd tha(Vw neceaeary for him to retire, particularly In view of the condition In which the city found itaelf today Ilia Worship also desired to acknowledge the loyal and efficient work of the City IUI1 staff AM. OoUart wished to thank the mayor for hla courtesy and kindness during big term of office. Although many dlf ficalUea had' beset it and. despite the trying timet, he (AW OoUarti believed the ml council had accomplished much good work AM. OoUart was also appreciative of the cennderatlon and eordultty Of all other members of the coun cil. "I will not be here next year, stated AM. Collart. "but for those who remain In office I wish the bvt if lucceas and I sincerely hope that they will be able to put the city back on an even keel again." Aid. Maedonald AM. Maedonald also Intimated that he dM not expect to be back on the council next year. He thankeu the mayor and the aldermen for the courtesies that had been exten ded him. While the members of the council had not always seen eye to eye on all questions, relations hod always been harmonious and pleasant. In many ways he regretted leaving the council but he extended his beat wishes to tltosc who would be in office next year. It had not been for want of Intellect or courage on the part of members of the council that the rity found Itself In Uie present condition. The depression, however, was bound to end and It was the hope of all that the city would be able to right itself as soon as poatlble. Possibly within the next twelve months things might be a little easier. AM. Casey welcomed the opportunity to offer congratulations to the mayor for hla service to the city. "I must honestly say," declared Aa Ccy In addressing the mayor, "that I have learned from you lessons in good behavior, In manners and In self-control. I was n foreign Invader here a year ago but yon have treated m fine and I pay tribute to you and my other associates on this council. Ah far as I am personally concerned, I am glad Uiat I am staying over." Aid. Black Aid. Black was appreciative of the . kindness and the fairness of the mayor. He hoped that next year J would be a successful one for those , who were leaving the council as well as for those who remained. , (Continued on page four.) Smuggled 'V fiiHKP' "CcfaSals' JgggWpWJgggggggggggggl X CatJarsHBaSsVaflr . ' tgHHf VMrw"E 5srfsggggggggggg tKrjB3BStilBrtktUKE!Bjj 'iggPteAggggggggggggggB Caughi .u t!ii era-:. I;. :h-- girl complex: . S''vXi.x: for a Nia York m;;s- WOULD PAY 1933 TAXES Canadian National lUilways Inquire As to Interest Being Allowed On Ad ranee Payments Mayor Orme reported to the city council at its meeUng last night that an inquiry had been received from R. R. Nlchol. assistant taxation commissioner of the Canadian Na Uonal Railways, asking what interest the city would allow on advance payments of 1913 taxes. It was believed, in view of the inquiry, that the railway company contemplated paying Its taxed in advance in order to assist the city. While a resolution was placed be fore the council by Aid. Collart and AM. itlack that six percent per an num be allowed on advance pay ments of taxes next year as had been done last, AM. Casey, Ala. Rudderham and other members of the council felt that it would be ad-! viaable to leave the matter to next year's council and the resolution was accordingly laid on the table. ACTOR HAS SUCCUMBED Jack Pick ford l1 Away in l'jm After Lengthy nines YHh Neuritis PARIS, January 4 (Canadian Press i-Jack IMokford, a native or Toronto. brwUtet of Mary Pioktord and noted moving picture actor in his own right, died in Uie Amen-t oan Hospital hi re vesrerctav at tte! Inge of thirty-six He nad been In the hospital slnoe October a Iter i suffering i breakdown, Dr. Edmund L Ooss, Uie actor s' physician, stated that death had 1 resulted from "mulUple neuritis which finally affected the orafn centre." i JANUARY 4, 1933 - j i isssb OF NEGOtIA Jim From Greece : iul jjw :;n Udv. sans jtCHool- f. was rr.;n;oci from Greece m and .old lor $300 OUO. PERLEY IS ELEVATED Canadian Cabinet Mlnbtcr Iteeelres Further Honor at Hands Of King LONDON. Jan. 4: (Canadian Press' Sir Oeorge Perley. minister without portfolio in the Canadian government and chief adviser to Premier R. B. Bennett, was made a Knight of the Grand Cross, Order of St. Michael and St Oeorge. in King George's list of New Year honors. IS URGING M'CAFFERY FOR MAYOR Supporters Have Due up His Record After Two Years of Office In City Pressure Is bina brought to bear in certain quarters to Induce M. P. MeCaffery to accept the nomination for mayor. It Is said that he Is one of the few men who cooM at this time place Uit city on its feet again financially. Some have dug up a copy of the Dally News for January IS. 191.. in which the Mayor reports on the work of his two-year term of office in which he said In part: "In vacating this chair. I would like to briefly review the position of tliis city, as it stood when I took office and as it stands today. In 1915 the city debt stood at $2,572,781. out of which only $186,- 50 was permanently sold. One million, three hundred and seventy-one dollars was outstanding In renewed treasury notes, which had to be redeemed within six monUis after taking office. A further ar.iount of $303,237 was owing to i ho bank, and $713,904 was unsold. (Continued on Page 3) Tokyo Instructs Its Authorities to Settle On Localized Basis C hinese General Wants Dealings to be Made With National Government British Warships Dispatched To Protect Country's Interests in Shankaikwan Area , TOKYO, Japan, Jan. 4 : (Canadian Press) The government has instructed military and diplomatic authorities in Manchuria and North China today to avoid aggravation of the Shankaikwan situation resulting from the occupa-uon of that Chinese city by Japanese troops. They were instructed to seek a peaceful localized settlement of the " 'difficulty. The Japanese legation at WT A VAll ID .Piping was ordered to negotiate IVlATUlV 1.1 for Purpose with Marshal vyv ( -' , Chang Hsiao-Uang, Chinese com- TlT" l-if T"'iwlTPrr oiander in North China. iVC-tLrA. I rJ 1 W. J. Stewart Given Tremendous Majority Over Aid. Leslie In Civic Election at Toronto TORONTO. January 4 (Canadian Press) Mayor W. J- Stewart was returned to office In Monday a drk election here by a majority of 56,631. His opponent was Aid. Leslie. a NEW year Message of prime minister OTTAWA, Jan. 4: (Canadian Pressi Premier R, B. Bennett. In a New Year's message ring- tag with unbounded confidence for the future of Canada, Is- sued a call to all Canadians with capital to turn their money toward productive use 4 hi the Dominion. a TALK OF CABINET Atlolph C Miller Mentioned as Secretary of Treasury Morgan-thau.for Agriculture WASHINGTON. D.C.. Jan. 4: Adoiph C. Miller wL'l receive the ippointment of Secretary of the Treasury in the cabinet of Presi-dcut-elrct Franklin D. Roosevelt, according to political gossip here. Henri jr. is being prominently mentioned for secre tary of agriculture. Colorado Mountain Still Crumbling Peak Continues to Disintegrate Into River Valley Near Town of Durango DURANGO, Colorado, January A mountain, wtten naa been crumbttng off into a valley near here for almost a 'weex now, continues to disintegrate, so far then lias been no damage of tense-quence to property. PREMIER SHOWS GAIN VANCOUVER. January 4 Premier, stock has been strong on tno Vancouver Stock Exchange receiu ly. galnlns three cents to rcacn 61c. and 62c. PRICE: FIVE CENTS A tmm Piping said that ; Marshal Chang had requested the ! Japanese to send communication to the Chinese national government at Nanking. It was believed at Pel ping that this eliminated any chane.Jor local scrvUemenL. British Ships Dispatched PBIPINO, China. Jan. 4: (Cana dian Press i Admiral Sir Howard Kelly, commander in ehlef of the British China station, today ordered the British sloops Bridgewater and Folkestone to proceed to Chin-wangtao to safeguard British interests in the Shankaikwan area during the 81no-Japanese conflict. SHIPMENTS SUSPENDED No Won! Yet as to When Grain WUI . Start Rolling to Local Elevator Again Shipments of gram from the prairies to the local elevator which were suspended a few weeks ago on account of the coM weather and market conditions have not yet been resumed and there Is no Indication ! yet as to when more wheat may be expected here. Nor Is there any word of any boats coming here in the . near future to load. The elevator is now atxut one-" third full. Phone Department Has $689 Surplus During November The city telephone department showed a surplus of $089.32 on operation during the month of November, according to report of 8am Uassey, superintendent of the department, which was presented at last night's meeting of the city couucU. Revenue of the department for the month amounted to WJ2.0J and expenditure, $2532.72. Jimmy Walker to Be Sued by Gem Firm This Week NEW YORK. January 4 - Ex-' Mayor James J. Walker will be nd this week by a prominent tfew York Jewel firm for $30,0ou for Jewel purchases made some years ago by the former mayor.