41 1633 4V ITS REALLY FALSE ECONOMY TO USE DOUBTFUL BAKING POWDER. INSIST ON MAGIC. IT ALWAYS GIVES DEPENDABLE RESULTS JAYS MIS ALICE MOIR, DUtilUnalmufhUtt$fimisi VIAGIC ..... rr.t fiult U of a cent taking than wt cnea p- at per .tinf.tf :t ikioipowaerf. miy ict an ' be ure 01 Mtuiac xtai "CONTAINS NO ALIM TkU !!. ntMtt on rfjr tli U ) t tutrsnt, that M.iUc B.klnt or k If m from alum or u basinful lutraJteai. Thermat Heat Pad i,. - ,i uniform heat and lasts many .! .Just add little water to renew heat. Ask us for information Price, $1.25 Refills, 40c STATIONERY Special MELROSE-Linen Finish CARLYLE Hand Made KLEGANTE Fancy, Plain and Linen' Alice Blue CHOCOLATES Mb. box, 60; Mil. box $1.20 Ormes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Druqsfists the Iteistl Store Phones: II t 82 P i. i r n i I? "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - 1'rcparcd Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. IMUNCE RUPERT, B.C. t aNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteunft, i4 t, rrUvM nuprt far CM ALA EVERT TUESDAY, UJ0 PJt. 1 vnr Thursday p.tn. A CAui)rNA evkuv FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. - v, ivrr Monday a.m, ' ,L V Birt and N Pan BlapMit. AUoe Arm, Ano f.r(ttn tl Millnat and iu s - fRuprrt Aitncv: Second Avenue. Vhone (68 CANADIAN PACIFIC .unre uupert lor Vancouver - - It'.... - MH itlW.l,i.UJ p.m. -"-ivtu: direct: KETr,v.LwUUe' 8ePl 7tl1" ,Mh" 2ith" "yClUKAN. WMNOELL, JUNPAU and SKAOM.U. .nu.v - -uuww, qt pi,, ana., iitu., umi., v I'oi Reservations and Information COATKS, (irnrral Agent, 1'rlnce IUp. ,LU Union steamer Catala, Capt A, E. pieluon, returned to port at 10; 15 this morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and aaUsd at 1:30 "e.U afternoon tor Vancouver and waypoinu. 11 N. Qrockieeby Was the speaker today at the regular wetkly luncheon of the Prince Runetf Oyro. Club In the OHMBodert Cafe. Past President Cnifcksbank was in the chair and there was a good at tendance of members. Merely routine business was taken up yesterday at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association. Rev Dr. F W. Da foe, the preai dent, was !a the ehalr and tfcere was a representative attendance of local alrgy. Savoy Hotel Announcements Bag' dance Oett'6. ladle 3Sc. Oenta 3e menu. admission. Refreah- Moose Novelty Ball. Friday. tober 11 Oc- prlnce Rupert Pioneers' Assoela- ttoii wMst and brWue, OeSeber 18. OiMhoMe Baaaar Ootober 18 and RocrsaUon Club Scote); Dance, Oddfettofts Hall Oatobsr 20. llysj Basaar. October 27. Hill 60 Hallowe'en Tea Oct. 26. The Little Clodhopper' Church Nux 2 and 3. United Nov 9-10 Cathedral Dramatic Society presents 4-Aot Oomedy, "Oh Susan ' Cathedral Hall IT PAYS TO PLAY See Us For Badminton Supplies RACKETS From 3.25 Drop In Sometime Kaien Hardware As CIm to Ytu ss Your Telephone PHONE: 3 THM DAILY HW1 f&aa T23Z33 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Badminton Rackets and Shuttles.! Sllvorsides Bros,, for Wallpaper, nm stock, highest quality at Mo.-1 Glass, PalnVand Mutcsco. Bros. Ud. Andrew Beattle has returned to! hla duties as chief engineer oh the Union. Steamship go's coastal liner Oa,tala following, a vacation during-which he made a. motor trip ta California. This evening's train, due from the East at 1Q p,m., was reporteo th,ls morning ta be on time. A charge of Intoxication against 4oe Wright was, dismissed hy Ma gistrate McClymonJt. in city police court this morning, Watson D. Noble, storekeeper a.tj Mill Bay, cannery, was a passenger aboard the Catala .today returning to Vancouver for the, winter after having spent the season at the cannery. Laurt Llndgren, for assaulting Magnus Todge on Cbmox Avenue, was fined $10, with option of seven days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McOjrmont in city police court this morning. He Is serving the time. Gymnasium classes under the direction of Tom Barton resumed for the season at St Peter's Parish Hall at Seal Cove last night with forty-seven boys, including two new ones, hi attendance. Classes win be held every Monday night during the winter. Out of respect to the memory of Barring stress of weather, CN tlv late Hemy lleflhroper. one of ,R. Umer Prince John. Capt Pan the prominent oraanizen of the McKinnop, Is now, expected in movement, the second meeting of port early tomorrow morning from the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte of Commerce, which had been call- Islands although, it is quite pouted for tonight tor orgmptaatlon Me that she may be later The purposes, has been postponed until ' Teasel felt Skidea Inlet at 6 Tuesday night of next week. j o'clock last svening fox Massett j Inlet. T Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jstrjoore ar-i rived in the cttf by gabosyt this Mr. and Mrs. C. E. CuUin nave morning from Union Pass where .moved residence frjwn. Fifth Aveoue they have been spending the sum- West between McBfM and Duns-tner. Mr JoUymore betas; encaged mi Streets to the John McRae In logf teg there. Mr. J otlvmore"! i on Fourth Avepue East. Fol-boat Had dej Hoped cJuich trouble kwln their approaching marriage, and Wis tor that reason that they.thc home which Mr. and Mrs. Cul-came in They will &e new for a'Uh have vacated wtU be occupied tew days and arc staying at the PI John Durran and his bride. jMist Rita Johnston. T. J, Sixrrton, Q.CT. candidate for. the AtUn electoral district, re ttfnsd t the eto oa the Qatala Mil qowtng attw spRdtog the Disttlcf in ' tne"n1tettsts 6f his eaodkfaUure lie held a meeting at Premier on Sunday evening a( whtch some as persons .war? pre- ,sent. Mr. Shenton outlined his pro- SsUvftUon Army Harvest Festival gram ard dealt with economic Sale Monday. October 9. Lutheran tober 12. ChUfCh Bisaar, Oc- conditions prevailing at the ors-t sent time. He staved that it was just a preliminary trip and that he would Tisit that part of the riding again before election day. Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Phone 937 pot Roast QCIp rr: 21.15c Round Steak 1 En per Ib Sirloin Steak 35C Lamb Chops 35C Vfi chops 35c Pork Qhops QCT 2 lbs. Liver, lib. OCp Bacon, lib dt Spare Ribs 25C Corn Beef 25 C Tomato Sausage An per lb vl Leg of Lamb- Ofkn Ul j per lb .v IshoiUder Lamb "frtn per lb. V4 siuiuldcr Pork- flJAn TYPEWRITERS For Sale pr Rent Hose, Cowan $ Latta rhone 234; aHaaHaaaiH ON ! ON! ON! NO LE SlmpiOA on buslcesx In connection j witn tne noiaing oi tee pou mere. August, 1933. Advertise m tns Dally News T. D. PATTULLO. 1. Prafttable and petmsnenl Employment Is the rqott tmportatH ocsttcp taclpg our people. There should be co-operation between the na-tianaL prMindai aad naunlcipal authorities, and t the Canadian banking system to establish the necessary credit to carry out a broad programme of constructive and useful wage-distributing public enterprise, and to further the health, edu cation and well-being of all our people. An Economic Council should be established, the membership of which shall consist of represen tatlves of the various avenues of endeavour, sueh as health, educatioa, agriculture, labour and the industries. This council will be appointed by the government on recommendation of the Interests Involved, and will act In an advisory capacity to the government. Amongst other things the eaqneil will study industrial and social effort in the province and suggest means to correlate these efforts. It will familiarize itself with intra, inter-provlnclal and foreign trade, and will co-operate with the other provinces and the Dominion. It will also stady sueh questions as production and consumption, and the marketing of our products, the number of hours of work, per day and days of work per week, the standard of wages and commodity prices. These questions are of national as well as provincial concern, and British Columbia can take the lead in urging co-operation with the other provinces and the Dominion, as a whole. National Unemployment Insurance should be established upon a contributory basis. 2. Our Financial position must be reviewed. Current expenditure mutt be kept within current revenue. While maintaining the credit of the province, effort must be made to reduce capital charges. We cannot continue to pay exorbitant rates of Interest for money, 3. The Taxation Structure must be revised with a view to reduction wherever possible. In (ludlng exemption In the lover scale of gnd ttUries. T 1 IIP" UI We are determined to cloe out Stock and Fixtures o( JABOUR'S LIMITED In the Shortest Passible Time THE TRUSTEES Insist that we spare no effort to liquidate every fixture and all merchandise! COME AGAIN & GAIN AGAIN Folks, there ar? some mifihty big bargain awaiting: you, bargains that will force economy seekers to buy freely in old time fashioa. W O. GRANT - Geqrge Davis, charged with vagrancy by creating a disturbance, was fined $5 in ci;y police court this morning. Similarly charged. T. P. Thompson was sentenced to one- day's Imprisonment. Liquidator, in Full Charge E. Davidson, foreman for the On a regularly shtduled voyage Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co- from Vancouver to Skagway and sailed last Friday night on the. m., other Alaska points. CPU. steamer Cardena for a brief holiday trip to Princess Louise. Capt. Arthur Sla-Vancouvcr. ter, arrived in port at 9 o'cIock ' Sunday morning from the south, The fire department had a. call, and sailed at 11 ajn. She Is schet D. C; Stuart, returning officer at 2:45 yesterday afternoon, to alduied to call again southbound on for Prince Rupert in the fortheom-i chimney fire at the King Oeorge ' Thursday after oon. The vessel lng provincial electJoB. returned to) Hotel at the corner of Second Av- bad on board 31 passengers, two of the city on the Cmtala this morning jenue a-d Eight Street. No damage whom disembarked here while alter making a brief visit ta Pott , was done, ; seven went north aboard her from hare. She also had 990 tens of. freight for Skagway. A Brief Synopsis of Liberal Policy HEREWITH is a brief synopsis of policy as laid down by the Liberal Party of British Columbia, id convention hJdJn October, 1932. Many matters of interest, not specifically set out, will require consideration. The principle enunciated are indicative of the Liberal viewpoint, and are broad enough to meet every ques tton within provincial jurisdiction. The Liberal Party exists as an official organic zatien for the purpose of formulating and fur thertng measures that will make for the well-being of each individual member of society, and the welfare of society as a whole. Innumerable Questions, both of public and P?r sonal character, can be properly treated only through the agency of government. Qovcrnmcnt is not an ordinary business, but carries responsibility to meet every problem arU lng; from our complex social and economic o&n dlUons. in order that not merely a few, hut all of our people may live In reasonable comfort The Liberal Party pledges Immediate action under the best available advice and closest study. i The health of each et us is important to the whole community, and ajneasureof State llealth Instance should be mad effective, not only to preserve health, but to reduce costs both to the average ettteen and to industry. 3 A general and effective review mast be made of the, Educational problem, rejecting any. proposed organisation that involves a caate sgt tern. We must facilitate the intellectual gsawth of each individual member oi society la ordec to equip him for his daily tasks, and for the ctfey,-ment of such cultural pursuits as may be to kecg-ing " with our social customs. Triangular dlsagrtesncsits befrwossi the school' boards, municipal cannoMs and the department of education must be adjusted, aad ext whole system placed upon a sosmd financial basts. 8 The financial poallapa at oar Municipalities Is ef Increasing concern. An equitable adjastntept mast be made as between the prwvtnoa aad the municipalities, aad the snantrtpaUUoa placed, in a sound financial poclticjs. 7.-T-An effort shoajd be Agricultural Lands la ceder tens may be self-supporting. whole must be put upon a to settle our, fswrelil- Agriculture as a and pjeffcabje basis, and made capabjfe of sajtamlng anji direct - l?g.. itself, in line wtth aU otkec aajtoml balle. industries. P?L ir-Continuoas effect ahoaat be as 4cftlM assist industry in Marketing iu prodaets, hi ttmn ber; afiHu, ftaMaf. miainc aad. In saet, ev- ery operation where it appears that useful ser' vice cap be rendered. S,T-Qur high-mys must be kept In good feed! Uon, both for the benefit of settiess aad the tourist traffic, and expanded as ciiacincaHies warrant. In this connection a Highway Board should be established to make for continuity of policy and. tq inspire confidence in impartial treatment 10,,-A rublie Utilities Oemmisslon thoatd be established. 1 A National Central Bank should be established. 12. Social Services, sueh as Mothers' Peasiens, Old Age Pensions, etc, mutt be maintained. Abuses of administration should net be altewed, and Injustice through mere technicalities should not be permitted. 13. .The Peace River must be given access to the Coast 14. -,n order that the utmost Freedom of Ac tion by Members of the Legislature may be assured in respect of questions before the House, it U Liberal policy that a govvraawnt shjall be considered to be defeated only upost a straight wsnt-of -confidence metion. 13 "The Dominion Oovenunent will be asked to place the Province of British Columbia upon a basis of equality with the other province, and U this, end request will be made for a Rtyel Oom-ralssioQ to ascertain the extent to which the Province of British Columbia has not been given Equality of Treatment with the Other Provinces of the pptnmjon, 18. There shall be a permanent Voters' LIU to ensure that all eligible voters are en relied. 17. The Leader of the Liberal Party Is given a free mandate to choose for his ascoetates In government, men ef chataetee. ability and stand lng, having regard sorely to the public interest.