MsBBBiaBiBSBaBaaae'BlllllllBlBBBlBBV AFTER EVERY- MEAL DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE BOPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEM - - - Managing-Editor Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday Cataia 1:30 pm Thurs. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10:15 pm. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.n. Ss. Cardena raldnlghl Oct. 5, 16. 25 ss. Pr. Louise pjn. From Vancouver- Sunday ss. Cataia pjn Wed. ss. Pr George 10 ajn 2& ml Flavor makes Kellops's PEP Bran Flakes the favorite. The famous flavor and rriipnei of Pep. Delicious with milk or cream. PEP is parked with nourishment, i'ui enough bran to be mildly laxative HSPEP 1. IIU fUUl Enjoy PEP often. Buy a package from your grocer. Always frraji. Made hy Kel-lone in London, Ontario. Friday, October 13, 1933 WEDDING IS INTERESTING (Continued from Pase 1) tume of orchid net with Oains-; borough hat to match and carried : a bouquet of laddie carnations and"' maindenhair fern. The groom was attended by Da- vid R. Barclay. ' During the bridal proeeeeton the ' Wedding March was played by; Peter Lien. While the register was being signed Mrs. F. W. Allen sang I Love You Truly." , Reception Held j Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the' groom's sister. Miss M. B. Dorrari, 973 Seventh Avenue East, when? ,he happy couple received the f i' nations of many friends and .he usual toasts were honored. The toast to the bride was pro-1 po.ed by Canon Ruahbrook and responded groom. The toast '.u the bridesmaid was proposed by James MeOlashan and responded to by the groomsman. Serviteurs were Mrs. D. R. Bar-1 clay. Miss Chrtssie McLeod, Mies May Clark. Miss Nancy Rorie and Miss Joan A. Eyolfsen. , The costume of the bride's mother was of wine colored georgette with hat to match and corsage bouquet of talisman roses, lilies of the valley and maidenhair fern. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Durran sailed on the steamer Prince Oeorge for a honeymoon uip to Vancouver and elsewhere m the, sou (a following which they will return here to take up real? dence at 130 Fifth Avenue West, the home being the gift of the father to the bride. The bride's travelling costume was a brown felt erepe. ensemble with black satin hat natch and musk rat coat. Both Mr. and Mrs. Durran are. widely known and very popular The bride for years has bean a ' member of the staff of the of (let of the general superintendent of the Canadian National HaUye here. ,, Capt. and Mrs. K. L. Newcombe and family of Seal Cove sailed bA the Prince Oeo-e for Vancouber whenre they will proceed on $ ;rip to P.irrsboro Nova Scotia. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!! "r FOLKS 1 Get Your Share of the Final Wind-Up Hargains at The Sale of All Sales Jabours' Limited LIQUIDATION SALE TIMF firrows short: It s a case of close out u11 1 ILilLi stock and fixtures as soon as possible. What a slaughter of regular prices has taken place 1 Our necessity is your opportunity! Don't miss the semational wind-up bargains. They will simply amaze you. W. 0. GRANT, LIQUIDATOR In Full Charge J BAZAAR IS SUCCESSFUL Annual Effort of todies Aid of St. rani's Lutheran Church Well Rewarded j The annual bazaar of the Ladles' Aid of SI. Paul's. Lutheran Church in the Metropole Hall yesterday afternoon was a very successful af-1 fair, being followed by a well at-; tended social in the- evening. The j hall was attractively decorated for ; the occasion In pink and white colors. Hie affair was opened by the pastor. Rev, P. M. Fosse. Mr 9. II. Hveding was In charge of the tea room. Mrs. John Storseth poured and aatlstlng were Mrs. II. Johansen. Mrs. Evenson and Mrs. K. Slatta. Mrs. Jack Ivarson was cashier. Mrs. P. M. Fosse and Mrs. R. Peterson were In charge of the fancy work table and Mrs. Charles Edwards looked after the sale of heme cooking. During the afternoon piano selections were rendered by Peter Lien. The evening's program included t THE DAILY NEWS a play by the Sunday School girls under the leadership of Miss EBea-nor. Edwards, ejectloni by the Var-s den singers and oJo,aoV readings. Re w. i. M. Fosse was chairman. Ar-Ucleafleft over from the sale iq the afternoon ware .auctioned offi A fern donated by Mrs R. Peterson was won by M. Valderhaug. The Letter Box SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM TUB SAME ' Editor. Dally News: In time of strife and economic! chaotic conditions of want and ; misery, our thoughts and actions should be the one of unity in order . to overcome adverse conditions. We have instead, further divisions of political parties and the exasperation of class thought and class ac-, tion The factional spirit is running ; amuck. i Admitted, that the world needs a ehaate; that our'social system, has. or is destroying itself, rarely the way out la not class clash. What is iveedad is team-work, co-operation, human solidarity and united nur- fiBB TEA 2r win i i 1 iiaaawMMMiM i ' it pose and action Yea, Mr. Editor, it U no more a question of partylsm. It is. a you well put it In your editorial, a ehoiee between "stability and Hoeialiam or Communism are, in j reality, the same thing for they only differ in the mode of jHee-dure. They are both wot king far the advent of a socialist stats, The f-feresMe la evolution for the fermer and revolution for the latter. This class action, this class thought, is foreign to modern political jtcttan whieh ft for the estab discipline dtsrtpllne on on na-j Prraee-Pun lishment of a new t tonal economy. The N K A . la an mi mule near ua.C L.D L. and C. C. F. are the old aociaUatic method rapidly being booted out of many great nations. It merited in HoseJ and failed. AM we Canadians going to try It t OMHDtVBR. Today's Weather Alyansh Ruli i Anyox Heat) i . SttMtrVltaliui.i' CluvfU siHniw-cii-.:. 1 afBs.tke h,. AN INVESTMENT THAT I ALWAYS PAYS .T always pays a Canadian citizen to invest in Dominion of Canudu Monti. It pays as a matter of hard-headed investment. It pays again in general benefit, because national progress mentis individual welfare. The investor who bought Victory Ioan Horn! in 1918 knows what a sound investment they have been. Twice each year, for the last 15 years, lie has received the promised interest. He has been able, at any time, to turn his liouds into cash. His money has always been wife. Convert 2"r Huy Xoif To these Victory Hond owners Canada now oilers a continuation of their investment by exchanging their maturing Houds for the new 1933 Refunding Loan Honds. No cash outlay is required. All reinvestment w orry is avoided. To convert is to continue a sotisfactory oxjnirienco. The new Honds may also be obtained by cash purchase. This is an opjortunity to place savings in the best investment obtainable) un investment giving unquestioned safety regular income constant marketability and, above all, "p&dce of mind for years to come. Every Investor 1171 Hvnvttt Every investor will share the general benefits which the success of the new Ixkiii means to Canadians. It means an advantage to every taxpayer by materially reducing the present DiparbMid ol Finance, Ottawa ,t,.), 9li weight of public interest charges. It will aitifi every business enterprise and every cg'litttti by further enhancing Canadian credit ami miming economic recovery. The 1933 Refunding is n great rwtlwml effort in which Canada invites and ex ( every investor, large or small, to take jmrt. It is to your advantage, ns outlined ltelow, to apply toduy for as many of the new Hondt as your' circumstances permit you to tain. IOMIMO OF CANADA h:i:i hi:i r.MMx; loax To holder $ of Victory liondt due Sovember lit, 1933 You can obtain an eitra cah allowance for your Victory Bonds by exchanging them NOW for the new 12-Year Honds. You can also obUUn sn accrued interest advantage by an iinmetiiste exchange for any maturity of tlw new lue. These sul ainceislons ore avail able for a limited eriod only. To C;)h Subtcrlben As the Lian It strictly limiled In amount and all cash subscriptions are subject to allotment, you areurgedtofntfryourapplicationwitboutdelay, Where to Apply Application form and official prospectus con-laining full details of the Ixn may be obtained from any Hank or Hond Dealer, INVEST in CANADA MIev Welfare is Your Own