Dresses! - n -. Sale Starts 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tomorrow, Saturday Only Orange Ladies The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping Si General Furniture Repairs List-your goods with mc rhone Black, It GEO. J. DAWES Under the auspices of the Ladies' ! Orange Benevolent Association a titft. 1010 ir ANNETTE'S One Dollar Dress COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Uulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No, 1 Bulkley Valley W also sell' Tlrodthy Hay. Wheat -Oats and IJarley. , I'rincc Kiipprt Feed Co. SS rimnr Ui smmmBBBBmsmssswasBsasMamBBaiessBk ' esses! III III I I I 1 III IB Mill I IIJIil Hi Hi Mill Mail I I II ill AFTERNOON, EVENING, SUNDAYN1TE DRESSES IN CKKI'ES, SATINS, VELVETS AND GEORGETTE GROUP NO. 1 Priced at $9.96 Any person purchasing one dress for $9.05 is entitled to another dress of tKe same value Q-i A Q for GROUP NOi 2 PHeed'at $12.95. Any person purchasing onodreas for $12.05 is entitled to another dress of tMe same value Q-f for GROUP NOi ? Priced at $15.95. Any.person purchasing one dress for $15.05 is entitled to another dress of tile same value - QQ Annette Ladies Wear Co. Limited THE STORK OF THE BETTER, DRESSED FOR LESS sel Cameron with piano aolos. Miss Florence Morse, Mln Betty Brown. . . i n nkl i I f 1 mUM oncert-Social: .rZZlT V F.nlomu. Ml.lt SUt U.l "it J" aii'Manc. 1 iueti .i(ni in uuuieiiout uau nun inose taKing par', in T.np program Good Attendant? . were Mies Norma Are hie and Rus- DIAMOND T SPECIALS! Friday and Saturday Fresh Killed Bulkley Valley Beef T-Bone Roast, lb. . . .17Jc Sirloin Roast, lb. . . .17 c Sirloin Tip Rst., lb. 17 jc RumpRrt. Beef, lb. .12c Rib Roast, lb Mc Pot Roast Beef, lb. ...8c Brisket Beef, lb 5c Liver. 1 lb. Bacon, 4 tb Aysthlre Roll per lb Porlc Tenderloin Ier lb. :.. Head Cheese per lb 20c 17ic 25c 20c Stew Beef, lb 7c Round Steak, lb lilc Sirloin Steak, lb. . . .17c T-Bone Steak, lb. . . .2()c Club Steak, lb 171c Hamburger, lb l()c Cambridge Sausage 12c Local Veal Shold. Rst. Veal, lb. 12c Veal Chops, lb 17c Log Roast Veal, lb. ..20c Loin Roast Veal, lb. . 18c Stew Veal, 3 lbs 25c 5" S& PtT Quality Service TW Z7! Piont er, Butchers by Miss Cathie Watson. Mln Zeida Hale In recitations. Miss Phyllis Hamblin, accompanied by Mlaa AU-een Hamblln. with violin solos, and Misses Norma Archie. Roale Cox. Audrey Vie reek, Margaret Wallace and Eva and Bessie Chandler In a sketch. i FAQE FOlfit 14 IU STEWAUT MEET1NO F I lE Miss Smith, betai the bolder oW ever lucky number 111. won a bam. Music for dancing was furnished by Mrs. J. S. Blank. Oeorac Oeddes no acted as master of ceremonies. The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. F. Derber, convener. Miss Hilda Beale, Mrs. T. Carlyle. Mrs. J. O. Vlereek. Mrs. Q. Oeddes and Mrs. H Smith Mrs. Carlyle presided at the door. Advertise in the Daily News NEVER HAS INDIGESTION Frult'O'livt maht ttomach lik ntu "l h4 ihin tl la guo4 hxltk until I li. Uti lavtM llublWHh nyft'iouck. IcouMn'i rwt nythMtg witlmui liwufrt iKi iia . . IHIM fl A ml hruitrbH. IrantrutnfutlrnrTrulWa-UvN' Oiunlttt twuiiti im ta tolth." Frutt-a'ttvei mil Jrug itortt Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mountod by un expert. Bear rugs mounted in any style. Oame heads a specially All work guaranteed first class. Terrace itt was running at the instance of Alice Arm and Anyox supporters. He su j gested tnat the Anyox convention, at whichSfr. Asselstlhe received the 'Liberal nomination, was not a clean 'cut fight. I Mr PVkmlor rlwnlt for ROKM time upon his own history as a resident of Northern B.C. since 19W and stated that he was speaking In support of Mr. Kergjn "on behalf of the workers and not on behalf of the capitalistic system." He eulogized the Hon T. O. PattuUo as. a leader and an executive and urged his heaters to support Mr. PattuUo. He rated the Independent candidates as Just the Conservative supporters of the present government under another name. He then dealt with each of the four other candidates personally, criticising them all. ; Convention Critlriird I At the conclusion of Mr. Fowler's j address a member of the audience I asked him why he (Mr. fowler), claiming to be a Liberal, was backing a candidate tbo was In oppo-jsitlon to the candidate elected b , the Liberal nominating convention, i Mr. Fowler's reply was that tbe convention was net clean and above board H. B. Campbell, who was a member of the audience, offered to give the audience the facta of the convention. Several members of the audience asked that Mr. Campbell be allowed to do this but the chalr-i man railed on the next speaker. J. , Piva. who apoke briefly hi Mr. Ker-gin's support. , Mr Kergln then took the ptat-form and opened hie remarks by thanking Mr Asaesittne for his i presence and exuiloni of personal regard, saying thai be, too, valued hta friends. He spoke of hie thirteen years' service as member for AUin and dealt at considerable length with the record of the present government durinc the past i five years. He stated that at An vox j there had been a convention, a dis agreement and a mtaunderMatidlng and that now he wmild ftht Mr Asselstine (during this campaign and that, afterwords. Irrespective of the outcome, the fight would be forgotten. At this stage there was. further Interruption and question-' Ing as to why he claimed to be a Liberal candidate. Proceeding with his remark Mr. Kergin Mated thai, during his terms a member, he had worked hard to develop the ridinc and to get what roads and trails he could and had endeavored to get 104 cents' worth of value for every dol lar expended He dealt with the Araska-B. C. htarhway. and the fart that, while ttft.OOO had been spent on an aerial survey, no report thereon was available Anvnx Trouble Dealing with the recent labor trouble at Anvox. Mr. Kergln stated that he was not approached by the men. nor given anv Information nor asked for helo. He had. bow- ttiken the matter up m. the House and some time later, the minister of labor had tabled s re- tib.t:intiiMrs ttie claims of the men irvoivd HI mov of the renort aw his rnrrewondenr on this mihi'r- hn! il! niv''niiisly this aov 4 nfll ililhllVlH Ai . t"" tT0' ttonn or hy Ihr ftovprn- rm ni cf Bi tU. h Columbis,r It's BETTER and You Can Prove It Here is a . . . ST. CHARLES MILK UNSWEETENED EVAPORATED dkMppeared from Ms desk Bump Roast- per lb. Prime KttJ ROB per lb. Round" Wewkv- per lb. Coined Beef 4 lbs otew Be 4 lbs Hamburger 1 lbs LfK of Lamb per lb. . Leg of Potk per lb. LeK of Veal per lb, Potk Chops 2 lbs Lamb Ohvjpsw 2 lbs. Vral Chop 2 lbs. Pot RoaM 4 lbs P'irk Sausage nor lb. TumaUvRaueaRe 2 lbs. in the Parliament Buildings In conclusion he said If th? people see fit to support and re gleet me I will do my beet for thf district but If seme one else is el ected I will still maintain my feeling of friendship for the people of the riding t(iauiaiiiVirBBiBUB:air SUMMIT GASH MEAT MARKET Saturday Special 12c 12c 12c 25c 25c 25 c 15c 15c 15c 35c 35c 35c 35c 15c 25c PROMPT 8ERV1CE AB8UHED We lifllver I'lione f.CG p. iii;kti:i, ataikajca r iswrara tiiasusuai: Manure For Sale &l,d0 a 'JM Delivered' DOMINION DAIRY Delicious Dessert you will want to Try! Sufpflie the family lonijht wiiK this new delicious puddW It mke ind we will gutrtntcc that every member of the Umily , SPANfSH CREAM t Ublpoo VrnuMti jtUtMt H Ihmm uh 3 () .Un, ihMy t,,,, Wytt rn.fl. wisS w.l, ,d4 i,1,lmt tnd Itt kmUf ftitt mm,i to Mft. TKn . , (lt Mb KtUmt pomt Add tmd tk to ti yn, pow K mfl. o, f . r HMtoblKi, twIOtouWbo4l.dcoow.l AtWytfckiwd. AMmiU it : , "" r"'? ."" LnS! ", tuf. Mow into ftni d.ppd ! cold -.!.. CMI tnd itnt oKh mh of htootd (ftmJmKK,n , Tii ji. iuil one of the msny recipei conUined" in wr FREE cook bo k toood. Kfovidti . Send in the stUthtd" coupon nd we will tend you s how.n3Lyou, how to nuke over 100 new deUshtM cMei sod nuke i better than you ever dreamed douIU. -, r e 1 1 I srv.i 1 1 4 r - fjjkt SON f fMJv 1 ".tTTO K l A A I Knl renx o Store - Wide SSSy SALE Features Clocks Tomorrow IF You have always wanted w- hi men in your hotiw, this i.- y Ket 't. at a price that m.ii foriomy on your part to I n. c.; i. i ii. w'tiniiistri riume. begattful m n !i.t :i (.i.xiiico the beautiful clthnek i fm' m.iof movement, nrver needs wniun. .lrc-iMr.nl wound. Ren S4O.00. at Hrinj; in Your OUMJOU) U'e Hill girr you the full gnvrmmrnt price. omntnftit.ll Blark and Gold Mantel Clock. H day. .wild brass inovrmc lit C.cllirdr il Climu. Hc-K $l 2 Oil .It 8 U.iv Wall ClcH-k Rfv SMOO nt S7.95 $9.65 Wrstmtii.v make, rubtx handwottiici R'-g tag"1-. WeetmijiKtn hoc any, tie Hog Mft oo at . .jr 8-Day K hour (Mk tn i Reg $8 :i llA.Oti Ki nn f'l'icX Hidt 'inns your radio, or any c-ir ti .m unit' it et tr. Htmple. reliable Ri'K 17 Mi it r f t cy 1 ... . . P,nt l lie nsii which made rnnce nupeni-- "Rupert Bran d SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, lililvnn nimtilim t f H.rtcy 1 n: