IT 1033 MM i TUT TT .V WJ W TTT D 1 1 -JJjmjr THXB i , n , Jasmine 1 1 4 BEEF ' ! U(, TTEIt Lr 72c I NEVER RISK DOUBTFUL BAKING POWDER I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE THAT MAGIC ALWAYS GIVES DEPENDABLE BAKING RESULTS . . ly; (IAPAME B I.ACROIX, Airitfnt Dlrtttorof :l LtL.huultii DorTMIIlC StUnc. Manltmai MAGIC , I; t uultc '4 of a cent more per Inking ( C thfape Inferior nuking powders, V, (j o thi fine-iuall(y baling powder t jt, uro of aatiafactory recultir . VOAI.I M TWMilmwilrmftifir . ..inln Ihat Milk Baalna C.wjrr in alum ur aujr harmful titOMUciit. LIQUID CLEANSING CREAM or 8c put itoAsr 10c lb. prime it lit i loc kc lb. Hump lloatl Jgc extra special value LiOUID FOUNDATION CREAM With a MaKnifyiiuf .Mirror : Both For 55c MaJ la Canada iiiaNTHOL SHAVING CREAM and Combination Screw Driver 65c WOTIIKR SHIPMENT OF RILEY'S TOFFEE In Bass at 25c mies ltd. Jfi Ptontcr Druggists Store 17c. ib. rhonev SI K St Coal Prices ! f Lump I ?:,- KKg li "" -t Stuve I 1 "I ( Vdar, per loml r conl 4T L A M H SIIOI I.DCIt 2c c lb I 0 It K IIOSTOS J5r 111 rrs. lb CHOI'S lb 17c 2, ROUND STEAK 25c r; z5c 1 7!i,: r' ( i pi 15 c comet HA CON lUr. 10c ROILING I 0 W L II). 20c (OMIT It t T T K K 3 lbs. 65c $12.50 11.50 11.00 11.50 5.00 fi.00 "YDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 V.- r B : b-:iig in cl.urgt prisoners Skagway . lD LOCAL NEWS NOTES , Tom Kelsey, who has been in the south for tome time, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Princess Louise yesterday after- nnon. Theodore H. Oillesple. manufac- ! turer of Nashville. Tenn.. and Mra. Gillespie wi re passengers aboard the Princes Louise yesterday af-teritoon. going north to make the round trip to Ska?. P. 7. Caverhlll, chief forester tor British Columbia -arrived in the city last Bight's train from the interior in to coarse of his annual northern Inspection tour and. after a visit of a day or so here, will proceed to his headquarters In Victoria. O T. Sundal. well known Terrace merchant, returned to the Interior on Wednesday afternoon's train fol lowing a brief visit to the ity on business Mrs 8uru!2J who cm me in w!h him from Terrace on Tuesday iiikL' n - . i -. i i i i' nvr w town for a : Mr. . . o.' I : Vaiii "Uver. pari of three following a trip to 8wedea. sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge e in Vl l mvsggw- aah . hete from the vemel while three bonded her a? this port for the north. The Louise Is doe next Monday afternoon southbound but will A successful tea and sale of home be late o account of having a cooking was held yesterday after-heavy freight cargo to discharge noon by Queen Mary Chapter. Im-it Skagway and also because of perlal Order Daughters of the having to wa:t on White Pass em- Bmplre. at the home of Mrs. MJ. ployees coming out from White Dougherty. Third Avenue. The Horse. SOURED ON THE WORLD? THAT'S DYER Wake up your Liver Bile No Calomel necessary Maar pMfa h M ir Kiua a4 tiawaij mrM Mil Um miataia l ukja aalla. aa. miaaral aatar. Ulaliv au mt "'M fuu. uc rmiakac b aaly mtor Uw bala aad Wnon Ua brr. What jri md la to ka ymtt iraf Wa Start im li r puvnn ta daily tva pouada M IhiumJ faila into ynt buada. Gat yuur aloaiMh al laiaauaaa awkias Uiay I'aW'l Ijtiia Liw PUk via u Si m r-uraly cataMa Hla Sa guirk. Ak kit than S aaax. Rafuai batitwaa. Sla. at at tmtiai. si Announcements Recreation Club Scotch Dane. JddfeUowi Hall, October to. Hyggas itMaar, October 17. Tennis Club Hallowe'en dance frolic October IT, Hill M HaUowi'tn Tea Oct M. Tht UUle Clodhopper" United church Nov. S and 5. PrecayaJtrlan laaaar Nov. I. Nov. 9.10 Cathedral Dramatic ' w7 Sllversides Broi. for Wallpaper. Glass, Paint and Muretco. Scots Dance, Moose HalL Satur day 8:30 to 12. Admission 25c. and , ' 10c. First 8 persons free. 239 F. V. Selbert of the natural resources department of the Cana-, dlan National Railways from Wln-j nlpeg, who hat been vUltlng Inter-1 lor points on official business, ar-i rived in the city on last night's! train and will return East this af-1 ternoon. He is accompanied by! Mrs. Selbert. Capt. Neil McLean, master: Cap-, tain Edward Mabbt, chief officer: W. E. Bailie, chief engineer: N A McLean, purser, and other officers and men of the steamer Prince) Rupert, which hat beer tied up at, the local dry dock for the winter.' wiled last nlfht on the Prlnc Oeorge for Vancouver. Chief Engineer DailUe bat been called by the company to Montreal In con-' necUon with work on the steamer, Prince Henry. Purser McLean will, take over duty on the Prince Oeorge rext week. Capt McLean will go on annual vacation after which he will take duty as relief skipper for the winter. Hotel Arrivals Savoy I T Walker. CNJt. ! Royal John Nelson. Aiyansh; R M. Shepard. Fort St. James: M Crawford and R E Jackson, Winnipeg . Old Empress R. Roy. city. F Dzwtnkowtkl and A. Rusanko.1 Anyox; 3. Taverna. Kamloopt: W .: Frana, CJJt.; J. Freestad. city. I Prince Rupert 1 M. Halttwell. Terrace -P. Z Ca-! verhUI and Mist Lo4t Bowrohi . " . . Victoria; W. C. Stevens? Kttwanga:! Wl Mis. Id. Srtrhson. who has been MMrtce McArdl paying a visit with friends here and Mrs. Fred V. Selbert. Wlnnl-j peg: Stewart Robson. Vancouver x- n M T. Therr"re mirW pas- KlUCCll lUdTy I ea sengers aboard the steamer Prln cess Louiv which was In port from 2:M to 3 M yesterday afternoon And Sale Held no thbound from Vancouver to n.,.,,.., ...... . noon at Home or Mrs. M. J, Douiherty I rooms were prettily decorated for the occasion with autumn flowers and foliage. Mrs. W H. Wilson -Murray, regent of Queen Mary Chapter, and Mrs. Dougherty re-reived the many guests who called during the afternoon. The tea room was In charge oi Mrs James Simpson and Mra J O Steen. Mrs. Shelford Darton. Mrs. C E Cullin and Mrs, A. T. parkin a)' past regents pf the chapter, pc.u: I Jones' Family 'MEAT MARKET Moose Novelty Ball, Friday, Ot- ( lJ,onc 957 phone 93, UUCl 1J. iMnce Rupert Pioneers' Assocla-lon whist and bridge. October 18 Cathoile October 19. Hulklcy Valley Lamb Legs of Lamb per lb. Shoulder Lamb per lb. Loin Lamb Clwps- 3 lbs. Rump He 4 lbs Pot Roast 4 lbs. T-Hooe Rot per lb. Sirtom S4ak 3 lbs. Round Steak 5 lot. Legs of Pork itfr lh society pneenU 4-Aet Oowtdy. ,Z Ah aktstufi rsititsiilisl " 1 ' - ? " Pork Chops 3 lbs. bmJ... ..i & h rw Bta "rvl rirsvjvriiaH viiuiwi I H.J , sequences" Nov. 24. Hiu'iiui ay p.m.-c Queen Miti'.V i Lt-rrmiH 1 ag a. : Legs of Veal-per lb. 18c 10c 50c! 50c 35c 15c 50c 25c 15c 50c, 50c 15c! I WALLACE'S Mid-Month Specials SATURDAY and MONDAY Women's Flannelette Oowris Short made in soft durable material neatly trimmed, each Pillow Slips -5 for Phone 9 -Fully bleached 40 inch ed. Servlteurs were Mrs W. C As-pinall and Mrs. P. hackctt and Mi-. J. E. Boddie acted as cu&hiur In charge of the home cook:i-. table were Mrs. R. C. Parsons ana Mrs. C. J. Norrington. Mrs. William Brass, who i -tponslble for the decorations a: told fortunes. This was the first of a sene , f events which Queen Mary Chap: r ti planning to hold to U nas n winter rrhef 0:k EFFICIENT AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone Blue 320 Th most efficient service is the more economical. Our new equipment is the latest In servicing, as-surina you the best work Why , not have a proper aerial. Estimates on antenna installations cheerfully given. Superior 334 Second Avenue, Phone Blue 320 P. O. Itox 133 A, O BAKU FIT C H INStTLANDFR ( Radio Service Sleeve 79c Girls' Flannelette Downs Nicely tucked and trimmed. 6 to 14 years Q4 Af) each Corsets. 8 top-Ins, Girdles In an assortment of iAzes: each S1.0C HOYS' PULLOVER SWEATERS Boys' Shawl Collar Pullover Sweaters- -In sand, brown, maroon black OA ETA ?X.oU sizes 28 to 32: each Satin Stripe Locknit Bloomers Pantie style, in pink, peach or nile; ach 95c Women's Winter Weight Vests & Bloomers Qf TCtv per garment Mercury Silk and Wool shades, pair GIRLS' SLICKERS Girls Red Slickers With strap, collar of corduroy, each Japanese Crepes In a nice range of colors: 7 yards for 89c 31.50 Mercury Pure 8ilk Full Fashioned Hose est shades, either semi-service or chiffon: pair Fancy Embroidered PUlow Slips In wrappers, embroidered in colors per pair -All iat 89c rure suit Fiat Crepe In a beautiful assortmen of shades, heavy quality per yard - 81.00 81.00 ftla.sMne 95c $1.00 .Vomen's Wool Blend Ankle 8port Sox-Whiie, blue, sand: 8 to 10: per pair LaclK $1.95 to RAINCOATS and Children's Raincoats .ar.nelette Crib Sheets With striped b jider per pair oys Tweed Pants Knee style sizes 23 to 30; pair omen s Union Suits Various styles, winter weight; per suit hite Flann'.lette-6 vards -Ntee, soft quality jttmi?ham Curtain Sets-Assorted patterns: 4 for mcy Chma No two pieces alike, exceptional value: per piece H.i.s Both felt and satins new tock See Our Windows 29c $3.50 . jys Wool Golf Hose Heather shades sizes 7 to 10. pair .hiWren Cashmere Hose Sand sliades, sizes 5 to 8; 3 pairs niidren s Sleeping Suit Warm and fleecy, pink or blue, suit 39c $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 59c 95c $1.00 $1.00 very 95c 23-PIECE TEA SETS Tea Sets 23-pc.. in a smooth grade of china tastily patterned. We have a dozen of these sets to sell, all new sio-.k. per set China Flower Pots Assorted -hupev each Jr esses--Pure wool jersey and flat crepe dresses .. . $1.95 39c $3.49 $1.69 Third & Fulton B End Pain, Swelling & Bleeding J g of PILES I (HAEMORRHOIDS) W With Zam-Buk Horbal Ointment V 'l,T,Bi,,aa!,1B1 ataggagg SBHtM BCtgfJ agssgsggggtl m T00MBS RADIO SERVICE Reliable and economical repairing of all makes of radio "guaranteed" Phone: Blue 901 UNION STEAMSIIIIS LIMITED k Statuaers Prtoo. Ruprt for' Vmeouws TS. CATALA ETEKY TUESDAY 1:30 P-M, Duf Vancouver Thursday pjn. ;, T.Si CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Otie Vancouver Monday m Wraklj aUln to Port Slmpaoo. Alice Arm. Aayox, Btawin tad Was PurUker Inforniktlun rafardliif all aatlinfa ai UckU at Prince Rupert Atency: Second Avenue. Phone SKI CANADIAN PACIFIC Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver via Ocean Fails and Way Ports: rrlncrts Adelaide, Fridays 10:00 p.m. For VANCOUVER: direct: Princess Louise. Oct 12, 21: Princess Norah. Oct. 30 For KETCHIKAN. WRANGELL. JUNEAU and SKAOWAY. Princes Louise, Oct 18. 29; Princess Norah. Nov. 3 Foi Reservations and Information V. L. COATES. GrnersI Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 If v6ur paper does not arrive, telephone Uie office ft