V 77 -TAXI -77 British ColumbM Have Fight in Every Seat On November 2 l iterals Have Candidates in All Ridings and C. C But One Independent Non-Partizans and Independents Also Numerous 'ient Labor Telmir's Plan I vernment eitof the vi'li unly thirteen ' r.ier Totrale hu taken rst after the election, -insult Hh art HWWtW ? 'svorsbl to fetmtag e -tr merit wttli a view Ui r. la office nhan, lnd Morse; c I .wi r' F. in All VICTORIA, Oct 18: -There were 219 nominations ta Kn- csierday for 47 ridingi in the provincial election on pr txr 2. Not a simile acclamation was recorded. The uJ party has candidate in every at and the ( o-ivt Commonwealth in all but one. The nominations roups are as folloVvs: i r udent indents - rront V loatoU . ndrnt C C ndves 4T 4 Non-Parttaan Jit fv . U BMt. Barrard and Pom! Crr. ' electing aim members have fir' . (He candidates. Victoria city rie tins tour. ha twenty-nine offr-ring ! Rtdlnga tn which there are only : two candidates are Columbia Rev etstoke and Ptemte. j lion 8. U Howe and Hon R L MeKtand. tc former Provincial ;jeeretary and the tatter minister without portfolio, are not seeking ( - In Northern Ridings NomroaUnm In northern ridings are M foBows: Ailto-W J. Aaartattoe. liberal. T 4 Menton. C C F . H W M Hoist on and T W Falconer, lnd pendent. H F Kergin. Indepen- r mtrvatr candidates 4ent Liberal. r- n. ed lmsia asj4te QraW -Major I). M. MacKay. : r tlx- BrHeHCetumMa Ubeaai. Haatarlek MacKtnee. ln- m ASMetatieir to tskr depestdent NervmrttaaaC . R. v W: it the election aa an or- Haaaen. C C. F. Two f kKe stralfM: Fort Oeorsje H. O. Ierff. U-ive candidate art in'eearf. Dr. ft W AJwert. tadeendesrt : t! A two ta Vaneoter Hrm-PartHan Atea Wnclalr. C C ,F, WUUaan Mahoney. United -idiot in wtelch the C.i Front. C P Dajrtdn. lnOpendent ' not nominated k Fernle Vnhill. Labor enemoer r fitturea. la aatd to be i" the ne- party anrouver seat Centre. ancouyer E ; r. I P r r Is r . w x:-x;j A'.fT f j r, -. K ; II !' C IV. Stocks lt I t Jfeeww O'l Vantouver -'uri IB )' ivei Con.. JTI. 'Mi 4 River. r 30 S SUr. M. Nm ,M. Slim. MY, 1'ivf, .09. ""Hie. .M. Idaho. 9lk- . 1 16 18, .r 08, ' fest. M. .48. Tatar. .06. .oatt Toronto ' 'IriS. .01H. " !. .18f4. 'j Patrkaa. jn. f' Lake Oald, M. : 'i.i 34.76. " .98. - - K 'k"l. U.76. Jl ! 1.01 - .48 01,1 r r r t ot " 1 r em r 18. 10 Marine. M. TONIGHT Novelty Dance Moose Hall 9 P.M. Mu.slc First 0 ladles 11- r'1 free Adm 35c ,& J5c Msckentte Henry Castlllou Ub-eral; Mi) or John McOregor V.C Independent Hon - Pmrtaaan. E BekeweU, C. C F OmlMca-A M Manaon KC, Liberal. S W Ooeker. InOiependent Mon-Partisan. Artbnr E. Wlndie. C C r ; Loots D Taylor. Indepan-deot Peace Mt-Dt W. A. Watson, Literal: ottve PtanU. Independent Nott-Parttoan: H. C Bitnnons. C. C F Mrs Hmtty Crawford. Independent Prince Rupert T. D PattnUo. Uberal: o W Rwdderhant. C. C F.; Charles Chaotnan. UnMed Front. Mnena-E T Kenney. Liberal. Br. ft C Hamtord. Independent Partisan; Joseph Panter. C. C. F. Oilier Nomlnslions Oiher nvnttnatieas In the pre- rtnee are as follows: Aeml-Nanalmo-Ueral. a. 8. Penravn. lnd Hon-Partlaan. Dr a. A. B. Hall. C C r.. Dr. Lyle Tel- frd; United Front. A. Cramb, lnd.. Df. R B Dler Burnaby- Unionist, r. w a. ww. Liberal, Miss E w jonnson: u. F., E. K. Winch; lnd. C. C. F- James F! Johnson; Unlled Front. J. 8te-venson. lnd . O W HaU. H. 7 Dlf- fner. W. H Lench; BocMuat. Jamea Kir. . OhUMwack-Uberal. K. D. Bar- .... .. r r V t jro. ino.. a. 1. Wheeier Oolumbla-Revelatoke Liberal. Dr. W. H antheriand tfor Revel- atAkel' C C f . Vinwiv crrui. rwo Unionist. Percy Rush- t- Liberal. L A. Hanna; C. C. F., . m T Allen; lnd. C. C F. i. i.- united Front. II O IiHt.. IMchard TnrMnf. Liberat. - Oowlhan-Nwatle narid Itamsay: hid. Non-Iartlan. C. t Dte. K c- 0 C; F" &am Outhrle; lnd.. Mugn oarnsr Cranbrook liberal. niiAMiin r C F., C United Front, K Adams. tv.u...j.iharal. A V. Iatewon: r r v R B Swalles Front. U. Almas: h m (iraurer. C Iivc ' (Continued on PuBe O. n. KuskcII; M. Was kSNbbbbbbbbbbbw aLS primilr macdonald LONDON Or ;3 Prim Mln-tater 3 HHm--j;. Mii'Dnnuld rrle-brateri hi.v ixty seven'i blrthriay yesterday Thre werr messages of congratulation from all parte of the Empire and from many foreign countries ACQUITTED qBJECTIVE OTTAWA. Sept. 13: Subscriptions to the $25,000,000 f conversion loan up to last night had totalled $191,000,000, it was announced by the Department of Finance. Within the next day or so it i& '-expected the whole iafue will have been subscribed. At noon today the $200,-000.000 mark had been passed. Parachute Record Claimed by Soviet Airmail Yith Leap MCCOW. Oetegrr 13 A Russian airman was reported yesterday to have leaped Hm feet fiotn an airplane before rn parachute ; opened at a sWubcc of 590 feci i from the ground He claim-, a r cord OF MURDER Surgeons Remove Colored Man Freed of Charge That Follord lllrrat Otteratinn In- anroorrr VANCOUVBR. October 13 (Cana- daaja Pr east An Assise Court jary yesrtarday returned a verdict acquitting MetrtUe D Evelyae. col-ored. on a charge of murder tn cxH-neetlon with the death of Mrs Forly-Eipht Tea r Spoons From Body NEW VOHK Oct 13 Bwaeon' yesterdav removed fnrtv-elfht ta spoons from the stomach of a woman at a Lung Island hospital The j Dorothy William who died follow- woman a patient In an tnatltu-1 bvg an Illegal operation tkm for the Insane. Mining Engineer Sees Probable Increase in District Activity With Silver Lead Coming Back To Rotary Club at Luncheon Yesterday the only other activity of impor-: tance being tn the neighborhood of Smttners. Mr. Batten predicted., however, that the activity would nest season spread to this district including Stewart where tliere was every 'prospect of an active season. I The aropertlee on which work has W.berekme must flture on twenty1 dMC noM and not thirty, the pre-' sent price, as there Is a poalbiltty of the price dropping back to the okt figure. Sliver lead wlU be the first properties to come back, aocoitiutg to Mr. Batten. Tills is because of Uie faet that there is little lead In stock. The speaker then toM about some of the southern mines. In Vancouver recently he had seen 30 oars of ore from the Monarch mine being shipped from Vancouver to Delirium. The Monarch is located 1 at FlWd and a ear of lead ore and a car of sine concentrate are j shipped from there dally. The mine I was" developed by A. B. Trltes and 1 atpreent Is one of Ue largest lead mine In the world. The concentrate arc theoretically pure. The hlah price of gold. Mr. Bat- United ten aald, was due to the low price lnd.. J. W. Berry. 0( j,e doijar. The fact that gold T. Lawrence. , had appreciated In value one third rtsnutliAV LIDCrBi. " , ailltr Mil- UCIHCTWiuii vmiru ill mr irwwnr.T n. d n . .1. . jn. 1 Non-Puruaa". spring meam mai- nuimr una ...It... Tint . .... F 1 win- depreciated in viuuc vicK' nwlrK inn tent Tlic inrrrasf in viuuc of Rold (cominued on pg tu Two automobiles belonging to local cltlsens were removed from their parking plaees late last night, both being recovered undamaged this morning. About midnight N. M. McLean's car was taken from his garage at Sea Cove, being found this morning at 10:30 on AUln Avenue. Weetview. About 11:30 p.m. T. W. Brown's car was removed from Second Avenue In front of the Prince Rupert Club and was lo- icated this morning about 0:45 on the dry dock road. The police are Investigating the removal of the vehicles. SOUTH AFRICAN LOAN IS OU1CKLY TAKEN UP LONDON. Oct. 13: (CPt Within five minute of being first offered to the public, a 13,000,000 conversion loan of the Union of South Africa wna to thnt. cx-! .snapped up yesterday. 4 Tomorrow's Tides (TOMMY'S) me Stand, Capitol Theatre Block High 10:08 ajn. 17.2 ft. Day and Night Service 22:12 p.m. 17.4 ft. Low 3:33 a.m. 12 ft. r 7 Passenger Chrysler v NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 18:06 pjn. 9.5 ft. V V, JvXlV No 238. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1933 PRICK: FIVE UENTB 4 67 Yesterday :: Doubts Divorce LOAN .NEAR : w m, DUUULAS FAIKDANKS Snatn. Oct rv Atfivtitk here ytjterday In the nnanc -jf tour. Douglas Pair-bank', noted American movlqg pktuve sUr. salt he was tteSfbU tul that Mao PteMaift Utt aspirated w4fQ;-polcl aeak. a.4kr vorre from him In Mexico this month FIVE MEN ARE SAVED Nearly Perished When Steamer Prince Ena Went Ashore On Queen Charlotte Islands VANCOUVER. October IS lOaa-llan Press) Five men Cheated death in a grim struggle with wind and waves when the steamer Princess Bna struck a roek off rUnu talari t4tA trtalakamn Tells of Mining Operations at Different Points in AddressU,,, vww, it was learnec "If the showings in the country oast of here were only in the Bridge River country just now they would be taken up at once, declared Harold L Batten, consulting mining fliigineer, who addressed the Rotary Club yesterday following a viit to the Columario mine at Usk, the opening up of which is continuing. At present very little work is being done in the interior district. Two Automobiles Taken Last Night Cars itrlonclne to Local Citiiens Itet overed rndamagrd This Morning here yesterday. Advices told how the steamer. In town of a tug enroute to Jed way. went as round late Monday night, listing heavily, boats could not be launched from the vessel and the five men on board piuafttt into the argry sea and swam 360 yards to safey aboard the tug Sea Wave. Durran. well known reeWent of 1 church upon the arm of her father by whom she was given In marriage, wore a charming ensemble ol row domain crepe and rose chiffon pyle velvet with ffilsabcthan collar and Gainsborough hat and neal Cold Here "When you get on top of the wnintaln TTetegraph -Creelr) Ifi winter. It's so cold that your finger itfcks to the trigger of your gun vhen you try to shoot Sometimes the gun freesec so it won't work. 1 "At 35 degrees below, you can the wolves where they tear each other up and fight until some of them are killed and torn to pieces. At times the wolves wtB even at tack coyote. "Trappers say that wolves will try to lure dogs away from camp, then kill the dogs. Haunted Villages From the older Indians come weird tales of haunted villages where savage battles were fought long before the pale-face came. They tell of war-whoops and the beating of drums at night as the ghosts of the dead in their raw-hide armor fight again after the sun goes down. "The trappers say that whoever I . - -I Al . ml. a u SL. Th. .htn Aruc at hteh tide and nMMrc P -J Is reported to be badly noted. Arrangements for salvage under way are WEDDING IS INTERESTING Miss Keta Johnston Becomes Bride Of John Ilurran at Ceremony In St. Andrew's Cathedral Beautiful 8t. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, decorated for Harvest Thanksgiving and enhanced hy nuptial flowers and emblem, was filled to overflowing last evening for the occasion of the marriage of Miss Reta Beatrice Burns Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. O ; Johnston of Inverness, to John W. i hadn't met the coyote. He Is one of the most wary of fur animals. j "The wolverine Is probably the j most cunning of small fur animals. He knows how to spring traps and I get the baft without getting caught himself. He will come along and chew up any fur animals he finds I In the traps. If he gets Into a trapper's cabin, he tears up all the I flour sacks and destroys everything in sight "They say that bears wtll pick up a large Jam tin and squash It In two j with their big paws, then lick out the Jam "Sometimes the toughest of the old grtaaltes are still roaming the hills after the snow files. But the first real eoU apetl about 3 de gress below sere drives them to their dens. Other Woman Hikers "Miss Turn Fruneis, the 3$ -year this city Rev. Canon W. F. Iluah-1 old New York woman, who walked brook officiated. ( moat of the way from New York, to The bride, who entered the Alaska last summer, was planning on walking back to New York the last I heard of her. With the exception of a long ride on horse back along the Telegraph Trail across the Stiklne River In a motor-boat and by steamer from Skagway to footwear to match, carrying a I Juneau, she walked shower bouquet of talisman rosea, j "I havent heard anything lately lilies of the valley and maidenhair about the little woman, believed to fern The bridesmaid wast M1m be Russian, who went up the Tele-Nt'ttn Clark whu wore a pretty cos- Rrtiph Trl! about three or four CoiitiniK'd 011 Page 2 youi' ajjo Shr Walked a.s fur a- 1 Anna May UDman, Who Lost Her Feet as Result of Frostbite, Takes Up Hazelton Residence Is Writing Book on Her Adventures of Last Winter Which Almost Ended in DeathLetter to Daily News Miss Anna May Ullman, courageous; young American woman, who was caught in a blizzard on a hiking tour between Telegraph Creek and AUin last winter and sustained frostbite which necessitated amputation of both her feet, has arrived at Hazelton after spending months in hospital at Vancouver and plans on residing at the in- i terior town. With the assistance of r-r rr 1 a former school teacher. MiM Ullman is engaged In the writing of a book on the adventures of her trip. In an Interesting letter to the edl- or of the Daily News, she writes as f illows descriptive of her tramp which almost ended so tragically uist winter: High above the timber line big oerds of cariboo pawed the snow off while moss so they could cat it. They were undaunted by storms md bitter coki of the bttszard on White horse, Y.T., then they say she got a small boat and paddled on to Dawson alone, refusing all asaia-tinct. 8hc was a 'mystery woman.' e would tell no one her name, or where she was going She was probably 36 years of age. "I've been called the 'Lone Wolf' as I've been travelling alone. Sometimes I camped oat alone along the retegmph Trail, miles from any place, with a mattrees of evergreen Ka rued sarul a Is4tf n vnn-t las . 1 . m ,. , . ... wumwivo, biiu aa ivetv vauiisuv their ceding grounds on top of the , up ta R blflnket m, Tt ' . 'and tarpaulin and atept. after Olant buU mooae fled when the, , bamn up the fire so that It would got w nd of us as we approached f&r a whle warn winter out tney naani yev lost then huge horns. "Far across frozen lake came1 the high-pitched barking of coy- ' otes during the long winter nights "A trapper showed me a big wolf. frosen solid, after he bad been skinned. Even with its Joints bent. h animal eame up to my waist. "I've tramped through the woods atone ever since I was small." STEWART MEETING H. F. Kergin. Candidate For AUln Riding. Is Heard STEWART. Oct. 13. A public meeting In the Interests of the efi-didatute of H. F. Kergin as provin cial eke tkm candidate to Atlin was held here on Sunday evening. J. P. hear the trees popping. The In- Hawkinson was the chairman and tans say that to Jack Frost shoot- with him and Mr. Kergin on the ng his arrows at the trees and the platform were Harry Fowler and xp is when they strike. "The Indians ten of fights among Jack Flva of Alive Arm. At the commencement of the meeting the chairman asked W. J. Aseeistine. Liberal candidate, to take a seat on the platform, which he did. The chairman called upon Mr. Aseeistine first. He spoke very briefly, stating that he welcomed Mr. Kergin in the election battle ! and referring to hit personal feelings of friendship for Mr. Kergin ' which were of years' standing. Mr. Fowler then addressed the i meeting, stating that he. as pre!-; dent of the Ahce Arm Liberal Association and as a delegate to the An-' vox nominating convention, was supporting Mr. Kergin who. he said. 'Continued on Page Fwr) Columbus Day Is American Holiday NEW YORK. Oct It being Columbua Day. the anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Ootambw ta 14M. all stack and financial markets In the oottn- try were closed yesterday. NO FISH SALE Only one American boat, the Bs-tep with ljm pounds, wag here with halibut thai morning ant It, proceeded to Seattle with Ma catch. a BRITAIN'S TRADE IS e SW1N01NO UPWARDS LONDON- Oct. Jt; CP ' Great Britain trade baro- ' meter Is continuing to rise. ' During September exports ware tumjm greater Uutn test year. Of live matsaie fiiXHlOO v was l manufactured goada, production of automobiles In- a creasing by 68, "Oreat Bri- tain stands In the strongest ' financial posttton today of any nation In the world." declared 4 V Rt. Hon. Walter Runctma. President of the Board aX Trade, yesterday It was Itrtt- 4 V mated that new trade a give. e menta were being negotiated by Britain with Italy. Poland. e Spain and Uruguay