PAQE BIX Third Avenue Solving the Fussy Eater" Problem ( WHV. JAMEVOUVE rtAJlDLV fwiS IS REALLY GETTIN& SlRiOUsA ffififlffiii x IIJJUI EATEN A TWINS. LOOK AT SHE HARDLY EATS KEEP 1 WXpV wta. I'M 1 ALU THAT MILK AND SPINACH. I ' ABIRD ALIVE-SEErAS TO GET , f Certain ? 1 4 "LATER Sfck S MW17S LATER- O ' STILL LAJ&P,- 1 v OYAL77AC-ra " WwtAvmJgk W,LOOK CE.M0fTHl5J ANDTOOCAS JT I, , , DCYM THOUCMT HlSfJ THKP SHFS CTRTAtfHLY WAS 1 IS GOOD! HAVE AUYCO UX V .TI IT) NEVtR SEE GAINED CeH- i OUU " LUCKY W I WmCTKIT? J VJMHTOEtAUSEf . tZlrZ, tTlMJ.WHN WvTEErt POONpSJft WHEN I HEARD I v CllJ ' J . saaaaaBjaawaasawaBa1 kjrtrr m How This R etnarkable Food Discovery Actually CREATES Hunger Even for Vegetables and Milk I Accept a Tral Supply Note the Special Qxrpon- Oukine b a delkioai pore food concentrate A discovery that makes " finicky " mm ut! Not by ret rely "temrxiag" the appetite, but by satullj mttin s isttrsl muiim if bmugtr. Eerf d being extremely oonriUurig tai etrrto digest, Ovtleioe if rich in the ppi rt-pftxlucwg Vhimia B. And ceeuisi in uocsiitJly high rveportioo of i remxrkiMe food prvpcttj cxllrd "duirtie" loag reco ynticd for ixt poer to "digest' itxreb ia foodi. Tbii it importaat when you coasider tht the diet of the (vense child eootaiu iboat 60 of lurch y foods. Th digestioa it not only tidti, but tppetke u tlo jtknulited in tcieatic wiy. At t renk, the old objection to eery-dy food gradaiBy diuppetn. Ad ereo t nirail "TrgeuUe-buager" it built vp dy bydy. HIGH SCHOOL LINE-UP The following line-up for High School in tomorrow aftemoon't Junior League football game is announced: Blake; Ritchie and Nelson; Yamanacka. Veltch and Lear; McGreiah. Orimble. Houston. Irvine and MnMeekin; tparea. Sakamoto and An&low Bat dut i not tlL Hot only vill yon nd yonr cbiM raof e eiget to ett (nea vnM o&eo-hnaed food u fachcuTotttad lettwce) but you will tlo nd him willing to drink a Lt greater quantity of sulk ecb diy. For the uke of your chili, you arc urged to try Onlbee. Wbeo yon do fo, note the tlmott Inunedt-tie dtferesce in tpfetire tad in rhe way he tea at aeak Note, too, the accoapaayieg inereue ia weight, in aero poise and in strength. Yo umpij gire Oraktae with ratlk either hot or cold and children lore it for ia delkioui taste. You caa otxiia it at tay dfg or grocery store or if too wfah send the ipecial ceupoq for a generow trial apply. MINING ENGINE Elf SEES PHO- BADLE INCHEASE IN DISTUICT (ntfnoe1 from wpt on I i had been in spite of the tncreaaed j I production. Depreciation in cur-; ' rency had had a marked, effect on i the production of gold, such as was K Tama Umttiix fuUtatiawaarialHaM IVm aaan. evident In Australia, lt was produced In terms of the depreciated pound of that country and sold in terms of pound sterling. The New Ouinea operations, in which Mr. Batten said he was interested, were carried out by means of airplanes. There were no roads to the mine. Three dredget were now at work there, and all the ma- Election Pledge We hereby Pledge Ourselves to give the Best Values in the city in Boots and Shoes Slippers and Rubbers We have them for men, women, misses and children at prices that compel attention. Our stock is complete with the best Canadian makes. We bought in quan-tities and can outsell comjletitors. Come, look them over. Wc like to show them. CUT RATE SHOE STORE Prince Itupert i THE DAILY NEWS 1!U CtmI Wm. mnirml mmlkmriti It a mmvini WU ' W tys - tUni W M a WNillM td fm ! iMofc n I i i i. aJ MAIL FOR SAMPLE PACKAGE SPECIAL OTTtt VarrCVaMI Wiacoltlj tfttr 'nay, kn do. OrpkM AaaM Mat m4 hbH tkut, ne. tTWj mi aaM W aaarM iW,) OViq LTI N E c2Xc Ideal Food -Drink chlnery and supplies had been taken in by planes At a result of the depreciated currency the ore ! mined for six cento a yard iiuttt ad of a normal 14c The activity in the neighborhood of Mekaon waa mentioned and also the Bridge River and Cariboo Wh.t made the Bridge Wvrr field particularly valuable waa the fact that very little erosion had token place there The result was that, while prospecting waa difficult, the bodies of ore widened at they went down. The Bridge River mines Should be more Important 25 years from now than they are today. In most parts of the province there had been to much erosion that only the roots , of the ore bodies remained. AfJrertlae in tne DaUy News B-r-r-r!! What a draught coming through that door! A few cents spent now on weather strip will save you a lot of money on the coal bill this winter. Get the new Ozite Strip for windows and automobile doors too at I Kaien Hardware PHONE: 3 ' llS IRISH ROMANCE V ' anet Gaynor and Warner Itaitrr ' Teamrd in "Faddy, the Next ItMt Thine" Janet Oaynor and Warner Bax ter, whose teaming In "Daddy Long Legs" made such a happy combination, are presented together again hi "Paddy, the Next Beat Thing." which It the week-end feature at the Capitol Theatre here. , Mies Gaynor U cast aa an Irret-latMiiy charming IttOe Irish rogue with an uncanny faculty of en-laving the affection of all with whom the comet in contact and a flair for telling little white net. At the man who brings her down to earth and finally ronrtncea her of hit love to fulfil the happy ending of a pretty story. Baxter is hit tw-aal ana, haitdeoaie and gentle The locale of the film it the rug gad coast of Ireland. Man in the Moon Oood afternoon. The election bug . will get you if you don't watch out PMtSMtto be t a jolty boy. 1 Who n the game to win. hen soon bring back. 1 Ftta Bnoderhasi hi To Inr QtkTwn IrUsaasan like Xfr. atolvton of away. back hell hoar the Of Pattallo ahead by mllea. od Chapaaan thiwas the Uaae U not To mbb the ratna of paws. With roaamraTTlatte fervor he Cast talk and tfoww and glower Jate aaye he's annoyed He taaavgnt sonseone would rjoaaiaau tndepandest tabjesieaident they forgot. How he cant even op at an "also ran." What a happy worM this It Three week from now the ejection will be over Carted Udder Cleared CtrirM4 UTa n4 M!aar4i trur-:t if rtVmt aare. Irapt, V'ava, r- it. Im aatUo la aubla tni kooM. l YOUR SAVINGS Will Increase If Y ou Deal at MUSSALLEM'S Give Us a Trial Order BROOMS -4 String each CKABAPHLSS-Ooud and Crtp redBlba. OUL PRUNBS per crate PEARS-40-lb. box per box PEARS For eating per dot. CONCORD OftAI'BS- per basket MKLOH8 Caaaba and Honeydew. er lb. 33c $1.15 S1.97 35c 72c 9c I3AK1NO POWDER A m Blue Ribbon. -lb. tin OXX I BAKING POWDER Blue Ribbon. 3-lb. Un SALT PORK . per lb. ASHCROFT KETCHUP pta., 2 bottles 73c 15c 25c JAM Raspberry and OCT Strawberry, bulk. 2 lb SOL Free delivery on all orders 92 or oyer MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Whtre Dollar Have More Cent" 17-19 Third Avenue Went P.O. Box 673 Phone IS FRIDAY and SATUtOAY TWO SHOWS 7 ii 9 AdmlMiou I5c & 5dr SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 Feature 3:10 15c & 35c I Insist Monday & Tuesdij THE CHEAT STARS OP 'DADDV.LONO-Ltt.s JANET GAYNOR & WARNER BAXTER , . ... . s t wtv m a ri. a a - in "Paddy" S The neat bett thing 10 & 9:40) With HAUVEY STEPHENS. MAKGAItl.T LINDSAY A Tex B i rhe romance of a gay littlr rogue nho captivates the luitt " m .!, " omedy- TISII I KATHKRS" , W,( V1 MICKEY S OA1.A PR E1 1 Pit E on "GRANTS BEST PKOCURABLf The Orloinii For Sal- at Vrndo. a ur dlrerl from "Mall Ordtr ii..., i i - i i. .. it i .,r, ..r, n neatly St Vanc9t BESr PROCURABLE ft cr II " LI C1I WHISKY ICHCBT IN riNCST HIGHLAND MALT Cm a laaa Un-4 Clraavi I'm OliaSiai liMilWraa, ,3 a ca, aiat i'. ! ti.i i ,. . . rn.ment of Hrvi MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE AO0 Rtjuiri Y iimv Good quality To clear. j- r wiurt' yard Tile Inlaid Linoleum Reg price 11 Tt While our stock UuU. per square yassl 10 Oongoleum Ruga-Oold Seal According to atse up from 327 Third Avenue SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert a Leading Pamlly Hotel Hi A Cold W,lfr in all Rooms A. J ritriHIOMME. Prop. 5I'M1AI W1NTKR RATE8 $'.: T'-r M' Hi nod t' Pri? 86c S1.45 $6.00 Developing and Printing Your TV' WRATH VI IN PHOTO FINNIINi irtpld Service Pfln ' r.f We Give Heat Away IJulkky Valley Coal conUlnt more htst any other coal on this market and yet cot Specify Bulkley Valley COAL OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Loiter. Miner ROOMS $10 per month, S3 per week, 50c per nlfht SHOWnt MATHS Third Avenue Phone 940 JIM.MIE riCCONE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. r. rlcMr A IIOMK AWAVrRO IIOMC Itsle. 11.01 'P 60 Rooms. lint & l'- Prince Ru?r Phone 261 p l i