H re ft-l! ; ; KIR Kl.WIY H.i' R : - It . I A.. r 0 V;. O'nber 13. 1933 THE DAILY NEWS Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS lor tale and all tlhw small advertisements rot rent, In this section charted at the rate of X eenU , sord per Insertion with, ill uuertltns for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for leas than SOe. t FOR SALE . good afflee tale. Can - at Daily Newt, tl -T new four-hole Dominion . Apply 528 7th Ave. Went. 339 HOUSES F FOR RENT NT W. Hart. TRANSFERS '? Opoub ' Ulmtd. Oroup, inland I) Furnished apart- Red 441. 239 R novated modem flat, i . k Max Hellbrontr.v ,t T New bungalow. 2 bed . In. harbor new. T. MeGlymont. tf ht K-s TOANSrER Fun-(!g. wood, coal, chair - tf M AND NATURAL OAS ACT Oroup. BC. and HI- t land o Oarotua D. Cauaenti ' it uyiiptttMi Oaotottat. (: .: for a War of IT f r -a Wft baJf of tlM A Unda ... im a Boat 'Wlaajtad In i Va rrner of btattpq it. '. ft uifi SO ahaUis: tianx fe. - inane Nortn SO cnakui t.'. haaaa to place of t r- onta4M4 aiO aom, trr. f.r th pttfr of ra!a cr 'tna; wWaou patealewni j Stir, day of Jurr. !. AROLUS D ratatOKI. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING I Cluster Curl; Latest Stylet NELSON'S BEAUTY 8II0PPE PAINTERS Tp . Uirnre North M oMkna ttworr Wtal I i rlabt to BC chaUia. tbr taM 80 trmlnt and i roiiovtng thntar rkwMiM okalna. rhakfc to fttum of b Dhsr lor tar puipcwr oi im (ori natural sjm Dt4 tOU Mk w of July. tM CAROtOS D BMUOm PETROLtlW AND NATURAL OAS ACT .Nt4U ml lalralU l f If la Lratr mrnm and Vilaral-ts Nl(hl In Sktoa I And Hr jrdlnc Dlrtrt of Own fSMlhrfi Ormi& AO ami alt. I Mate on Offabaan Itland ' I t -nl tea la .pair la tea TtU thM OaroiiM D Cmmoo' S3 aad tlo.l (U Whu w IHnind Or. ,-cuaMn Ooaoilat aaarr tba Waat aWrUwd lands , Queen CTiarlott- Oroup. BC baar of tb CetMwoetn at a pad paaatad tw rtorui wast aurwr or TP 9. tbrorr South 80 ta M cbarnr thrnr Nortb Ibrnra Wral SO okatna as paara at br tYUM4n ond rontantnc or or laa. far tbr Burpuaa of raa IIWT and eiMaiMi tbarrout paaroVum and (art aafatrsl aa Datad this Mtb day of July ltS . OAKOMa B. BjSiMONS. rrrRotxrjM and natural a as act Nntke af IntralfaM la SBf4 la jrir frlralraai and Nalaral-ga Kltkli " n inlwcm Ld Hfr.rdknf DMrlrt of - Cbarloai Oroup. BC and alt- r r .J AND .w. w.... NATURAL r,.. OAS ACT i on Orabam Island ... Tak rwajca Utat Osrotua D Bmmona n I t.nlUn la apply la UsM af fHjrtland. Oer amtpaUon CVaotogiat : and Nlr.u RIaU tfltHMa t apaty for a leaar of tit -aiVJ Rordlnc DlWrtcl of ricB( to Mr tb Baat bait of tb Oroup. BC. and sit folhrrinc drarrtbad lands ..m laUbd Oarnairaoant at a put tdaoard In rial CsruttM D Kaunons u North Baal eorpar of SreSion tl on-usatlon Ooolrt. Tp 8. tbanor North 80 ohalna. thanr i J for a Uaa of the a( a chain. tbao Boutb 84 obatas ( Hi Weat naif of tbt tbtO" Baat SO chain to plaaa of br- ' -at lands' bWbta seal eool'ntn a0 arm at a pat pUatrd. la atare or Km. for th purpca of rals V v xroer of SaoSAan S. aad RKSanc tbreauut proliini ' o .mn 80 cbalfiai Uore nd iori iiMtiral ga w North 89 ofealM. n,td Ihkt MU day of iulr l4 V (, 'itu ttt plara of b CA ROLL'S D KUMONS. ntainlad 840 aores. mmmbmwmmmw J f. r 'h pttriaa ta!S. rrrnOLBUM AND NATURAL OAS Ad e. throt prtralsisn .. S s k( uiraihHi I aapiy I Lra - .'V day of July. rrlMroM and alaral-fa Hlil AROLUS O. EMUQ.N1 1n Mrrna Latvi Rar.rdind District of and ait' uat rn Orahaas latand m nn u , .... 1 fSO QUI NATURAL AT Tkf ivU thai Carotin D Bnunon , 7 . . . . . of FrMaad. Or aoruaaaton Owdoftai ( 'rhilon la apply a ! .r-,rl1- t api, for a nar of tb ) and NslNral.iaa- RlrtiH jtn 1o tb Wan half of thr 1 nr rtUM Dlalrlrt of JaOoin, damM lands prxHip. Be, And romirnorn st s poa pkvsSad lo "isnd u south Wt ciorar. of fMlon JV. . iw raiu D, tonwo Tp t thM, North so chaaii. tbenr t.'r rlra,t4ol 0dlpflat gj,, m rhaliu tlrnr South 80 rhaloa. v 'r a leaat M tM y, wt HO chain to rdarr b-' ii Kast ba4t Of tba brMnnlnt au rnntaJnina MO arrra. - lanoa: mlt or im, t.,r tl pnrKr if raia- ' s. pot MaaiM) U JrT arVtnc Uwrniut ptrotuia ,-' lv ar of ftitton If. 21 naTiral ta "'U. 80 chains; lVr ntd thfe SStb dar of July. ISM brno North 10 h'm: riaina M,bc pf b-r irtatiunf 60 crt. ' ) purvm at raM thartwA rXrWrtej irav " day of JUI and ! nomination trnoiasUV ,PI for a laaaa or th halt 4 the. .r txxl taiidat ai a-w , ... I r, - J " piajiwq in 1 North SO ohalnj! lhn' -II. . - ' J.M- . ' r-AHOt IT n FMMnNi .aT (IIIM'i; MIMRI. CI.IM fVrllllrSIf af lrNnlJ i yArtrr ik... I W M kfuaa. LA9.!?..- t ibii-s cmrr No 4W. InHDd kMMOV I7V the dau b-rof to apply DVS , Slid ill. k. lftnin Rcordr for a errtltt I AND NATUrtAL UW ACT STO . Inlmllan Ihxm.'ia..u WN Pl f '.d Rarordln nillt ri IH , c " wt hail ot th u1 7 ,M td UtuU. t ' a ooat Dlanlrd In ' i t ' ormr of BottJ 3J. 4 , ti uu) 80 chain; IbNK norxn sa chuna: G-! tialna tn nlus. l K. I 1 A,.. I.. . . . n . i -, v sm. ui parpuae of rals j , -"tiTOii pvirvifuni 4 ui oajr of jmy. is ' D KMMOXW. ' V " AND I,ATTmAl' P ACT i l . n" Ntural-(aa RIliU AND rrthr uk. not K act ton Hrouon oo "i "'"'- of inch rtrtl float lmpromou. Date- JSrd Mt. of adutrtlartnaat Au SHOE REPAIRS LOUI8 8HIBI0 for finest repairs 318 th Street. tf I MnHOLEOJI AND NATURAL OAS ACT j Nll f Inlrnlton la apptr la Lra , rrtnHram ind Natursl.fi Right " Land Reordta: DlWrtrt of PAINTING and Paperhanging 2 BC Moller, Phone Kec 802 Take notic that oaroiu n Kmwan. morr or I lng and for the nimw of rmia- For Your Health Chiropractic Cltra Violet Kays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices WC'ASPINALL D.C (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green 34) Exchange Block Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY" Phone R57 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Opera tint three Dry Dock Total cipsclty 24.0M Una nhlpkallders and Ship Repairer far Nteel tnd Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Klertrto tnd Acetylene Welding it-ton tfeirtrk for Heavy LUU Sawmill and MtnlngMatblnery Repaired and Overhauled "TILLIE THE TOILER" L MALP-PWT, I BXP"ECT TlLUC BA&K At"hlfccceT ur Tvet neae rV C1" It 'T ai r rsssi a I Vi"f.fUJ I AvaI. 1 -Tbl r I Tmm t- I '''It I llV'";lS' 'V W"1 1JKITIS1I COLUMBIA FIGHT .IN EVERY NOVEMBER t 1 J... , Portland. On. uemiffMoa Owioil.1., ,rk.r VirrkbltVU AND NATURAL OA ACT UitMHa l afjptr for , 1 a, urn K' ,1UmD" (rtuog thmiut prcro4-wm James and i or i naltiraj aa Dated Uim 3Ui dr of Jul. 1SI CAROLITB D EMMONS PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 TO HAVE SEAT ON, (Continued from page oris),. Solomon Mussallem, C. O. Evans. Esqulraalt Unionist, Hon: R. 1L Pooley; Liberal, C. E. Whitney-Griffiths; Ind. Non-Partlzan, J. O: Elrlck; C. C. F..-C. N. Brown; Ind., Captain IL'P. Matheson. Fertile Liberal, Mayor II. E. Douglas; Ind. Labor. Tom Uphill. Orand Forka-Oreen wood Liberal Dugald McPheraon; Ind. Non-Partl-zan, Mayor T. Ai Love; C. C. F., Robert Lawson. The Islands Liberal, Alex McDonald; Ind. Non-Parttean, J. B. Hardinge-: C. O. F. Captain Wll- llam Ellis; Ind, Ool. W. W: Foster, " en ' Baat tMit or tb Kamloops Liberal. R. IL Car- ' sro, Ind. Non-Partlzan. D B. John-In Pfir-wm m4 Miunt'c. uiM. Oomir,, M .Tpoat pkoM In Bkma Land ReoonMbc Dtatstai of " ccrnT of fVoUon 4. ston; C. C F.. S. R. Williams; Ind; Qua Chariot Oroup. BC uri it-i 9 bor South B9 ahatna: thenco t p wy,,H ui on Oraham UUtM j B9 onalna; throe- Norlfc 80 etotfauj J' K MKmtU- Tks Mir line CarahM D Kamm thanca East 80 chain to plar of be- Kaslo-Sioean Liberal, O. S, or romand. ore maUia ootojrto ana camauunf e acre. Itfnai to afjplr tor rum to eMor tha 0nn m a povJt planted In Leary; Ind. NonParUean. Captain FHasimrnons, C. C. P, J. Walton. Llllooeta-Uberal. O. M. Murray; Ind. Nonpartisan. E. C. Carson; C. C F.. J. M. amith Nelson -Orestoa Libera 1, F. II. Putnam; Ind. Non-Partisan) Lt. Col. Fred Uster; C. C. F, Dr. Oi A. 0. Walley; Untted Front, Thentss A. Mountford. i New Wettmlntter Liberal Mayor A. Wells Orar O. C F.. D. Magrath; United Front, Thoeoas Dotgtet; Ind.. David WhlteaMe K a North Otaaagtui Liberal. Dr. K. C. Mac Donald; Ind. Non-Pa rttean. Matt Hasten; CT C. F, Stephen. Freeman. Roaaland-Trall-UberAl, R. R. Bams; Ind. Kr vP&rttzan A. O. Cameron; c. C. P O. W. Weavjer.' Saanieh UnhTnist. Pmnler F. rounie; Uberal. N. W 'WhrttaVer; tnd. Non-PaTtftarv WtflLini.lroikr; C C F . W E Pierce Salmon Arm Liberal. . J. K. Col-ley; Ind, Non-ParUaan. R. W. Bruhn: C. p. -F... G P. Sterling; United Front. Beit Samson. Sirullkametu LlberaU C. R; rupper; Jnd, Kon-Partban, A. McKensle; C. C F, F. IL Brown: Ind. Captain Thomas- Heerrey: ' South Oksnafan Uberal. Dr. J. A. Harris; C. C. P.. O. L. Jones;. Ind, Hon. J W. Jones. i Vancouver-Burrs rd ttwo seats) Unionist. Hon. W. M. Denrriet; Liberal. Mrs. Paul Smith, G. O. Me-aeer K.C.; Ind. Non-Pa rttean. John Bennett. David McKentie; C. C. F., I Sldaway. Mits M. Osterheui: Ind. U C F . C B. McKlnnon: United Front. Mrs. Front Hutton: Ind. L. J Browne. Labor, C. B. Barker; Socialist. William Black. Vancouver-Centre Uwo seaUi Liberal, Gordon McO. Sloan. Gordon W lamer; Ind. Non-Partlsan, W. J. Bowser K.C.: C C. F. W. W. Le-feaux, J. S. Taylor; Ind. C. C. F Gerald V. Pelton K.C.. Lt Col. H. E. Lyon; United Front, Robert Bedford, Fred Orange; Ind, Dr. J. E. Middlelon: Socialist, Sidney Earp. Vancouver -fcafrt itwo seats) Liberal. J. Q TvrtoruMahfred Me-Geef: Ind. Non-Partisan, Mrs. Nora Lesvy, Alex. D. Maclean: C. C. F. H. E. Wineh. J. Price; Ind. Q.a J O. Leggatt. F W. Frawford: UnU !ted Front. R. H. Lssless. Mrs. Ethel Evans: Ind . Q M. a rant, L. D. McDonald; Socialist, j. H, Ourrough. Vancouver-North Liberal; H. S. Wood K.C : Ind. Non-Partisan. Jack Loutet c C F . H. O. E. Anderson; . United Front. William Morton; Ind, J M. Bryan. James Whithatn; La. bnr II E Ryan. Vaneouver-polnt Grey ithree , eatsi Uhionist. Hon. William Sa- Connell. W. B. CainJ. Capt T. G.' age. F, T. DeWolfe. Mrs. Alice ; Sheppanl. Vletor R. Midgcleju Unl-, HEREWITH Is a brief synopsis or policy as laid down by the Liberal Party of British Columbia. In convention held in October, 1932. Many matters of Interest, not specifically set out, wttl require consideration. The principles enunciated are Indicative of the Liberal viewpoint, and are broad enough to meet every question within provincial jurisdiction. The Liberal Party exists as an official organization for the purpose of formulating and fur-thMing measures that will make for the well-being' of each Individual member of society; and the welfare ot society as a whole. Innumerable questions, both of public and personal character, can be properly treated only through the agency of government. Government it not an ordinary business, but carries responsibility to meet every problem arising from our complex social and economic con-ditsona. In order that not merely a. few, but all of our people may live In reasonable comfort The Uberal Party pledges Immediate aetlon underthe best available advice and etesest-study: August, 1933. Cast-Iron Affection T. D. PATTULLO. T. Profitable and permanent Employment Is .the.jno4 Important question facing- our people There should be eo-operatfon between the national, provincial and municipal authorities and, the Canadian banking system to establish the "necessary credit to carry out a broad programme ot constructive and useful wage-distrlbuUng pub He enterprise, and to further the health, education and well-being of all our people. An Economic Council should be established, the membership of which shall consist of representatives of the various avenues of endeavour, such as health, education, agriculture, labour and the Industries. This council will be appointed by the government on recommendation of the interests Involved, and will act in an advisory capacity to the government. Amonstt other things the council will' study Industrial and social effort in the province and suggest meant lo correlate these efforts. It will familiar lie itself with intra, Inter-provinclal and foreign trade, and will co-operate with the other provinces and the Dominion. It will also study such questions as production and consumption, and the marketing of our products, the number of hours ot work per day and days ot work per week, .the standard of wages and commodity pries. Trtete qweallon are of national as wetl as provincial concern, and British Columbia can take the lead in urging co-operation with the other provinces and the Dominion as a whole. National Unemployment Insurance should be established upon a contributory basis. 2. Our Financial position must be reviewed. Current expenditure' must be kept within current revenue Vhil maintaining the credit or the province, effort must be made to reduce capital charges We cannot continue to pay exorbitant rates of interest for money. 3. The Taxation Structure mutt be revised wtth a view to reduction wherever possible, ln-c hiding extanptlon In the lower seats of.wases and salaries. TERRACE jowhley; Liberal. Dr. G. M. Weir, J ted Front, Thorn su Molr; Ind., R- J. S. McKeen, Robert Wilkinson: : ginald Hayward. Dr. Clem Davlea, Wltn thirteen teams rn iotlon In ,nd, -Noh-PjuUian. Mrs. Laura D.J. C. North R. TilllamsJ,:, J. the various league, the basketball UacKafc DOgald Donaghy b.jsinnott. CoU'UfnQ; Ross, Herbert teiuon will get under wtqftiere on ;V Walkem; C- C. F, W. A. Prttch- ; Anscomb, Andrew. McOavln. Mrs. Monday evening ntst. Artfcterest-ird, Mrs. R. P. Steeves, Prof. FranlcfAgnes IL Mason, R. C. Gibson; Con- lng aa6 gncoessfUl wtatet!i play Is Buck; Ind. C. C. FVE."C. Appleby; servatlves, W. C, Moresby KC Ro- anticipated. United Front, George Drayton; Ind. bert Cassldy K.C. William McNellL Yale Uberal. Dr. J. J. Offlto; Ind. , jg, local sawmills ol George Victoria "four teste) Unionist. Non-Partlzan. R. IL Helmer; C. C. um and C. L. M. Otggey ctntinue Hon. Joshua Hlnehllffe. Brt. Oen 'F - J. W. Langley. jbusy, the fonner having recently T. Sutherland Brown. Col. H. T. I ; lOted the order for the lumber be- Goodland. f. J. Crowhurst. Llbend. i C.N.R. TR.INS I lag tued In the eotistructam of the John Hart, W. H. Kinsman. J. B. , For the East f new hospital at Smithers. Poles are Clearihue, Byron Johxuent Ind.i Mondays, Wednesdays, and Frl- also Eontimimg to more out of the ' Non-Partlzan, W. J; Bowser KXS. days 5:30 pja. Hanson Ttmbtr U Ltimber fjo.'s as- talso running Vancouver-Centre).: From the East tsembly yards here. Walter Luney. George McGregor. ; Tnesdays, Thursdays and Satur- , Charles Bishop; C. C. F., Robert, days lQpjn. , Oet aukk resuru witn a want ad A Brief Synopsis of Liberal Policy 4 The health ot each of us Is important to the whole community, and a measure of State Health Imnrance should be-made effective, not only to preserve health, but to reduce costs both to the average citizen and to Industry. 5 A general and effective review most be made of the Educational problem, rejecting any proposed organization- that involves, a easts, system. We must facilitate the intellectual growth ol each individual member of society in order to equip him for his daily tasks, and for the enjoyment of such cuitural pursuits as may be in keeping with our social customs. Triangular distort eemenU between the school boards, municipal councils and the department of education must be adjusted, and our whole ystem placed upon a sound financial bsutv 8 The financial positron of our 31 un idealities Is ot Increasing concern. An etrsitatne adjustment must be made as between the province sux.the munidpalltie, and the municipalities ptaetd In a sound financial position. . 1, Anjfft should, beytoadeto sat&our Agricultural Lands la order that naore of otiraiU-aens may be seif-supporttRg. Agriculture as a whole must be put upon a sound and prorata1 ble basts, and made capable of sustaining and directing It&elX. in line with all other national, basic Industries. a. Continuous, effort should be ut tosih to assist Industry In Marketing Ks prteAMt, fa timber, agrkultere, fhhnuj. mk4nt aad, in fast, every operation where it appears that useful service eon be rendtted. j. Our highways must be kept in good condition, both for the benefit ot settlers and the tourist traffic, and expanded as circumstances warrant. In this connection a Highway Board should be established to make for conttmrHjr of pottey and to inspire confidence tn Impartial treatment 10. A Public Utilities Commission should be established. 11. A National Central Bank soookl be eajab- ashed. 12. Social Services, such as Mothers' Pensions, Old Age Pensisas, etc, mutt be ravaintalned. Abuses ot admlnastratton should not be allowed, and injustice through mere tefinmUtie sttautd not be permitted. 13. The Peace River must be givdaa aoea to the Coast. 14. In order that the utmost Freedom of Action by Members of the Legislator) may be assured In respect ot qussttrans before the) Hsatse, lt is Liberal policy that a government shall be considered to be aWeated onijr tpw a straight wantof -confidence motion. 15. The Dominion Government will be asked to plate the Province of British Columbia upon a basis ot eoualitr with the other provinces, and to this end request vtlH be made for a Royal Com-mission to ascertain the extent to which the Province of British Qseumbia has not bean given Equality of Treatment with the Other Provinces of the Dominion. 1bj There shall be a permanent Voters' List to ensure that all eligible voters are enrolled. 17 The Leader of the Uberal Party is given a free mandate to choose tor his associates In government, men of character, ability and startd-lng, having regard solely to the public Interest. By WestovWa r.