tt3 TWO Tilt DAU.T NEWS DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITlbU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert' Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue t H. P. PULT.KN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES is INVITED TO APPEAR Move Started to Bring Former Prc- sident Hoover Before Grand Jury Investigating De-i trolt Banks gested that he might resort to deposition to enforce his attendance Hoys move to bring Mr. ft.V:. Hoover Saturday. August' 96, 1933 Frank Hart Loses Sister at Age of Eighty in East F. W. Hart has received the sad new of the death on August 17 at her home in Clinton. Mo., of his sister. Mrs. Annie L. Thrush. In her DETROIT, Aug. zsA move nas eightieth year. She was born at been Instituted by District Attorney oalesburg. Ill- and her death re- Hoy to bring Former President Her- moves the last remaining member bert Hoover before the federal f u,e family which originally con-grand Jury here for questioning In listed of seven children with the connection with the recent collapse exception of Mr Hart. Deceased is of, Detroit banks. In the eient of survived by two sons, one at Clin the former chief executive declin- ton and the other in Detroit. lne to come voluntarily. Hoy sug- Mr. Hart will have the sympathy! of many friends in his bereavement. AFTER hard wot or vigorous play, a glass of good beer is the supreme builder of health and strength. It builds body tissues, renews expended nwEy, aids digestion and enables you to carry on sustained and refreshed. Ask for any oi the brands mentioned below and you arc assured beer of a quality and flavor second to none in Canada ... or elsewhere. Price now Sl.75 ptr dot. pint, leu 25c per dot. for undamaged emptiet. Making the price !0 Net This advertisement is not published or h-pl ici l,v tlie Liquor Contrpli Beard or by the government oi British Columbia The Letter Box UtOLLERS AT NORTH ISLAND Editor, Daily News: Referring to a recent article un- Ar Walker. TROUT IN ROCKIES JASPER. Alta., Aug. 2ft If further proof Is needed that fish can ornm in Prwolrv Vfnimti. in WflterS. der "Waterfront Whiff,'' l wish and - gr&th big anY fighting, point out a misleading statement Mnflnnnl Part ,, City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 referring to the trailers and the big from v lts Amethyst Lake, For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week - 10 money being made. The average of By. mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire ana ; $sq is. all a hoax, it Is very discour- ' United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 ; aging to many good fishermen of By, mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 . years; experience who have not Transient display advertising, per Inch , per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line . Local readers, per Insertion, per line Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 ; Editor and. Reporters! Telephone' , - 8C, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations i made an average or $5 a day. 1.40 Also in a, previous issue you men-.02.(tioned that if a man got In and .15; worked he could make money. We a day's trail ride from hero in the orcrwitjr bi. umiux. ibiohu. ranoht on th fl holh In thm !V. SPORT CHAT Tonquin Valley. " Last summer some 40,000 Kam- Tommy Morgan, caretaker at the loops trout fry were dumped into Moose Lodge and lately better the elongated body of water which known to local sportsmen at the takes It color and name from the man responsible for starting the rampart mountains that wall It in. gymnasium at the lodge with the Winter comes early in the Tonquin intention of training young fellow J25feel that this. Is It In and rubbing d tn b fe t t for e, ht wUn w k lri shape by I wish to have such statements cor rected. Also it may li l months under Ice before the sum- lrig. is to be congratulated, alongi Exhibition ten mile nro- land Mr- ,Wen WUk M v. tu lc" " 1 be noted that h. k tnr th. m thir first . . VA"'"lwy" . Ji.r YMiirnrt. .r. Gust Norman is not president qf the Fishermen's Association but U The true condition Is that many of the trailers have not made $100 for the season, a few even less, while some of the lucky ones have dqm, card was staged, on Tuesday evening Speculation has run high, wide of this week. Tr.u was we urn w ! out on a business basis, including the win- on younK.,Urs, m obRervatlon alasay entextalruneot foE exceeded all enthusiastic expectflr u. 1 we 1 incur gelng ,11 ready j in 1 the soring. tlons, qI tong .jntr I wear and. teat to hull and, engine. lsn hiv. ghjwn a ,WfUh Uvey lntercst u tog Uken in not adding insurance, we work, for, avernglng fron,-slx w ei8ht latbt the city softhall championship very poop wages, d sDinjhin un and. down, the olai-off itame. which will com- -y5?C Publicity by your paper eDtlre ,ak(. as at men u,morrow afternoon, to de- of all this big money, attracted, a. fly food. Note-Not only from fish packer and lu wUeL milgnt, River, f League trophy, and eatli member which were made before the jury ceived in Prince Rupert this season at Lake 50.000 more Kam- tnis week tnat eniorcement or tne H rv Hotnnnr I inunv , as tq, favorable result of troll fish- natpnal banking laws in 1930 might have prevented the collapse of Detroit as well as other banks in the country. Hoover Not Going a III llUTIlllf LilullUl . . . , , .. . , ; '""f J "t umx- 0 Plant in Possession DhriatoMl htedqwrters of the PALO ALTO, Aug. 25: Former provincial police here have been ad-Pjesldent Herbert Hoover stated vised of a case heard by Justices from, his home here this week that of th Peace Thonac R. Lloyd and he, had no Intention of accepting David Hays at McBride tn which an Invitation to appear voluntarily William Oeorae BHteMen of Snow-before the Detroit grand Jury in- shoe was fined 809. with option of vetlgatlng the closure of bankg In sir months' ImprtsoamenU on a that city. All the necessary infor- charge of being in poaseatton of a mation required by the grand Jury siiU. AceorcUng to the report re-as. to enforcement of the national oeived at beadqwuiers, a tw4ve-banklng regulations could be ob- gallon still complete was found in talned from officers of the Feders ; BMghton a possession u well as two Reserve, the former president &tr .barrels of mash each containing' ten clared. 'gaQona. III r X I BHaMFm. ing at Norlh; Island. The Dally, New -arfv thu summer when condtUtm would, be pleased at any time to vere severe and examination of last publish stotemejiU from Mr. Soldan ,wrl fuh jmpoMtbie or other official of the fishermen . association as to fishing conditions at North Island or elsewhere In the dUtricV. Ed. POLITICAL FOOTBALL Editor. Dally News; I refer you to the Vancouver Sun of AuauM. 23. On the front naee vou 'tL. Yourn for action. RUPERT BOOSTER. Man in the Moon Irishman could have been chosen LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Robert Dwwtrter. who ha' been on a business trip to Van couver and elsewhere in the south returned to the city on the Prim will see a map of British Columbia. 0wrge yesterday mornlnf . hewing the Peace River country and the ease with which a road oguld be built to connect with Prince George and so to Vancouver. Are we of this northern part of Chief Mark McKay of KHeetas who has been at Carlisle durlm the Hshlng season, is tn the oil wttfc Mrs. McKay for the Salvation Arcn Him 4lt ta... lh. tvroinn aolnr t (t nuUllv In ' Ti' nome Monday. .v,- the k,-i., barkground and let w v.,..r Vancouver take everything she wants right un- Mrs. A. D. M:.MU4fr aalled hut der our, noses. A thousand nos. Well night on the PHsttea Adelaide fo - - I -1 ft - Uiltft i. I ft ,Lt. . . . . . un n. now auovi a muc uu uu nus Vancouver wtere se win take up question from you? retWenee. Mr. McAltteter who wo I As ynu no doubt realize at the fooneriy In the aerviee of the Bly ' pn ent time there is quite a bit oL Bay Lumber Qo.'s aawmiU here, re- elect inn talk How about asking all cenUy left for Vancouver. our candidate regardless of their - party what they Intend to do when M. Tatvaka, writ known Japanese ; th y take office? Our Skeena high- net bow of Invemaat cannery, ana way tvs been a political football Mr. Tanaka. after spending the long enough. Let us adopt for our summer at the can nary, aafyed lt ! motto: "A highway now." not later, n'sht by the Princes Adelaide lor tqeir home in Vancouver where they will spend the winter. clde the ownership of the Astoria lot from Vancouver; and of bpaU 1 1. w. iv. ok. rvn.'. htw Th other p;ace south which flocked ,n Jfl Natlona, ParH to be peUUon will be between the Elk, here and worked a hardship, on all stocked, It foll,W8 on httii ot who won tne flrrt Qt clty . MaIn Lake which was opened to League, and C- N. R. A., who came Trusting, 1 1 in, the u fuuire you in ni nsh.nK lastyear after being olnll out on top of the second half. The get ur informaUon from a more wlth esuU.m gpecKled brook trout, second game ot the three-game reliable source andglvfl th? fisher- Mallgne u uphoidlng uie re- serlea wUl be played on Tuesday metv a bCjUc bTMH. Thanking you putatlon ,t established ut yr as night and the final game, should It for this space. one of the world's greatest sporting be neceary, will be played Thurs- JQHN SOLDrU., flOilnir oxnunrf. Plv.nniiTvlra daw niahL Th Indnr tum will ho. .JT'.S.rSf Vln lVfnM VA UL .'!! have been frequent all seon oome possessor of the CHr Softball of the winning team- wtf be pre sented with medal put up by A. O Spalding Sport Company, The 0k team will comprise W. Stone 1 captain 1. M. Budinich. J. Scott. J. Ca mc bell. w. oJhnson. S. Jojt. R. Bury. W. Larabio. A. Mitchell. R. Wardrop and D. Burrows, and the C N. R. A. win be J: Oedde. R Pitcher. R. Morrison. L. Astoria. H. Hibbard. J. H or ton 1 captain. F Ciamtron, a Smith. J, Nelsoti, W. Tobey and P. Mcintosh. . The league standing, at the, end of the second halt was a follow: W. L. Pet. C N. R. A. 8 1 Kalens 5 3 Orotto 5 BUk 4 5 RnpreM J 7 Navy 1 7 M9 Mi J00 ias FLYERS ARE COMING OUT Chirago Party. Which Was In, Plane CraAh, Arrive at Fart St, John Enroule to, Dawson Cre'H DAWSON QRBEK. Aug, M: (CPt IT! 11 knowq local young couple and' . 0. A. Wilson, sunenn- sees a similar fate awaiting his gov eenment In B. C. Oh. an aet&r I would be And 'hare a pretty yacht, A pretty wife, a pretty babe, And vWt quite a lot I'd never do a scrap of work, I'd sit around all day, I'd visit all the beauty spots. The nlghts'd sure be gay. ! Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Aug. 2(1: (CP Wheat, was quoted at 67c on the local exchanije ywitejrla jr. j William Lambie. who has been I ryt a business trip tq( Vancouver ! and, eJfcwhejre lri tba, south, rc-j mrned U ifk city. on( the, Prlnf e, George yeMerday; raomliig. J. D. W eaten haver, a Oar tpeno-Ing the pa few weeks In the rtt on business In ronnection with his local realty Inters, aaHed by the Prince Adelaide tart night for ,,, . . . Vancouver en route back to hi Welcome to Canada's youngest home ,n psuifdrnk premier. Angus Maedonald, Liberal . . leaiur In Nova Scotia. Following their marriage at 2 TOK WOMEN (Canadian Press) TORONTO, Auk. 26: Pretty Ruth Coran of Toronto yesterday won -' the Canadian National Old Country Soccer SCOTTISH LEAGUE First DlvUion Aberdeen 3. Partick ThUUf 8. Clxle 5. Ayr United J. ; Falkirk 3. Dundee 1. HearU 5. Third Lanark 1. Kilmarnock 4. Celtic 3. Queen's Park 3. Alrdrteontan 1. Queen of South 0. Motherwell 5. Ranger 3. Cowdenbeath 1. St. Johnston 1. 81 Mitten 1. ENGLISH LEAGUE F!rl DMtion Anenal L Dlmintnam 1. Aston Vula 1 LKceatcT City 3. Blackburn Reveta 4, Leeda Uni ted X 0. Everten 1. Wet Bramwtch Albion HuddenfMd Town t. Sunderland 8hfflM United 0. Tottenham HMfcpura 0. I it -Stk ts iWir H Wolverhampton 3. Llmpoot 3. Remaining Second Half Fixtures in Softball Are Off Owing to the xeeond half iamie hsving already been settled with tne Canadian National Reereatin Association a winner Thursday' srh-dul' 1 City L-nue s ortball fi-'ure beiweer. R-iyi) Tanadla- Naval Volunteer Reserve and Kalens was caneelled a have .iiw been three postpnnec, na-nri The playoff for the wa.ton honor? will takr on Stwday bTtweefi the Canadian National Recreation Asso- "iatlon. wl ner of the second ha'f The party of Chicago persona ' 1M wl" winners of the fim, half eontittlng of Pilot C. A. Srmmons John BonneL Herman Hatfield and Alton Sentana, who were In an airplane crash earlier this week while on a flight to the upper Halfway country, arrived at Fort St. John late Thursday en route here. achool at Alert Bay, who had ar rived in the city earlier in the day . ... . . 0 clock on Monday afternoon at froni down the coast, sailed last , , ... ' Jake aava he did not think an ... . . . . . . 1. rvn. rrcsayiernn unurcn, jack " on e rnnco.jonn tor. Ma- Oarrett of the government agent' ! M to meet and accompany back for such a prominent Job In the office here $aff and hk. bride. Mta Muenose province. It is suggested that the reason Premie r Tolmie takes so long to Mabel Ivarson. will mil on the steamer Prince Rupert for a honeymoon tour to Vancouver, Victoria and Vancouver Island. They are a to tlte school a party of native stu dent who have been spending the aurpmer, vacation at their homes on the Queen Charlotte Island. tneir, marriage will be an event of inQ 01 missions in uruish Co-muchJntereat In toealoclal clrclea. n101 tor the United Church of A number of post.nujfUal affairs CRnada' by h Princes Ad-have been held for the bride-elect. e,alde ,Mt nlht on Ws. 'Hum. to Vancouver after attending the sei ner, v,. n,. grosser, chaplain of Mons or Prince Rupert Presby-I wi a...pi uiaian residential 'ery nere thU week. FTTi Thsy Have a CASH VALUE M .tt ,kl imrif Wrf Mti anuf ttt 1.Im wil Nam tot h4 . ,4mm l UUK MinuM. l k m M u h't ltd BrMi tiff RUf. M ll IK Vm.mi.i If '? f rMft jM Nn W. lwi".r S " llUiDIU TO tilt. rUfVlAt, T4IIF CITY Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Sprurr per rord. delivered S6 COAL FOR SAI.K Furniture and Pisnq Moving Lawn Mowers Ground Made to Cut Like New Star Welding Phone 313 PRINTING Office Supplies Uonc, Cowan & Latta Phone Uti Saturday, Ann . n 1 - -- - ; t JACOBS AND SWIM RACE MOODY MEET m r - 1 1 . . t . . ' . no 1iiivimu nuinrn I ompttlnj in rini ui v. a. ivcmra'i Tennis Championship FOREST HILLS, Aug Jacobs, the defending a e : i .. ., i i. ... oi vaiiiuiiiia. are met ' - itjauumii ma i at nun , , to Uje . swim for women after njL.. , fatal a a fish buyer for Edmunds the lodge leading all the wav, en- flnd handsome seeming lhe pro- a" series of tournament former defeated Doroti, cress of the transplant! British intends to stage, another of which richillC herself by $.iUOO. Columbia fighting fish and some will be put w net mflnth. It is jiiss Coran's time Wtt angling reputatwns naa oeen a later piannea to lorm a circuu wiui 4, stake until yesterday when Warden other northern cities to get In high Oiirvan arrivoH at tfattnnal 'Park olau fUtii wieldtH from the SOUlh fot over $500. But If we figure it ,,AnHn,,!lrt1P. .lth hll flrs, tfinnrt , 11 floht fan eln and five hours, twenty-eight minutes and ten sec-one s. Oreftt Britain in the tetday 3-4. -7. ft-2 t East Beats West ; In Annual Football Game at Chicago OUICAOO.,Aug 20 jfeated West by a scon i the annual footbaJl Thufaday. A crowd ? fan wjtoesaed the ga- Baseball Scores Nallonsl Lea me Cincinnati 3-3. Br k PltUburg 5-2. N-w Y Chlcaao 7-7. PhiUir:i Atnrrlean Iagur Washhiffton 3. Detp r Philadelphia II. 81 1 New York 4. C1ewl..n. Boston S, Chirago 1 II Z Alton B here for ttw Canadi Mnche4r City 1. Sheffield, Mi Mrs Alt WdMd 3. ' lunt 0 the Prinrf j, MMdleaeiMgli 3. Derby City 1. vacauon run u NewMO United 3. PwtmwMth Chartotu. Wand I I -- - Special For Few Ihw CLEANING Children's Clothes For Ilori and Girls I Boya' Stitt Cleaned and prr-Oirln- Dirwes cleuned ami pt 50c 50c Ideal Cleaners Second St Ph ? $1 RADIO SKASON Enjoy the full w son with your ' tunisl to maximum effleteney. We can Insure you of thl bv having your set gone over now, and ad Justed to flrtt class condition, as mef flclent ojx-ratlon is u poor InveaimMit Battery set mod-rrnltfd with the new economical two volt tubes. Superior Radio Service 311 Second Avenue r Phone Blue 320 P. O. hoi IK A. 0. BARTLETT 0. It, INSULANDEn to. J m