PAGE FOUX Kaien Hardware Smith Block Phone 3 Miss Nellie Lawrence Teacher of VIOLIN and THEORY Phone 177 315 Second Avenue West COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. 1 Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Black 120 GEO. J. DAWES WEEK-END SPECIALS For Thrifty Shoppers Astounding new low prices which will suit the family purse new shipments arriving daily. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY! Goodrich; Miner and Fleet Foot Outing Shoes Men's and Boys Athletic Children's Tonnis Shoes-Heavy Brown Duck with Ankle Pads and Trims, m Strap or Laced Patterns CQn & fiQp Clearing at, a pair Rugged Rubber Soles. Priced below cost. Mens QQp Boys' College Styles tJJL, OUl Sizes Palr For arowing oirls In Lace or Strap Patterns. : 2 to 8 t0 T $1.95 S2.95 Leckie's Famed Boys' Boots . .. , ! 777. Children s and Misses All Solid Waterproof School Boots-and how they sturdy shoe6 Oxfords and strap sllpper8- 5S2r!S W.75 & 82.95 nsrg. 98c to 1.95 WE ALWAYS SELL FOR LESS Cut Rate Shoe Store THE WEATHER IS JUST RIGHT For Outdoor PAINTING It may be the last this year Touch Up the House and keep it in gopd conditions j Use Our Moderately Priced Paint at $3,00 Per Gallon Anyox Miner Dies Train Services At Smelter Town' About to Change Mike Ceganoff Succumbs in Hospital to Injuries Sustained in Mine, Police Are Advised Hotel Arrivals . i Royal . vasasv. vvssiiewJk cny. Air' Fail Schedule Effectire Next Werk, i Giving Three Trains Per Week In Each Direction District headquarters of the pro-' Return to fall schedule of the vlncial police here have been ad- Edmonton - Jasper and Jasper-vised pf the death In Anyox Hos-, Prince Rupert trains of the, Cana-pltal on the morning of Thursday dian National Railways as from the i oi m wees oi jvune ueganoii as a ; Deginning o: next week Is announ-result of injuries sustained In an ac- ' cd. jciuenv in me mine mere, vn inquest) biiecnve next Monday, mixed was to be held yesterday. No details trains will arrive from the east were given in the brief message an- Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nouncing the fatality. evenings at 8 o'clock while trains will leave for the east on Monday. Wednesday and Saturday evenings at 7:30. The last train to arrive on summer schedule will be at 2: 15 Monday afternoon. The final train to leave on summer 'fj schedule will be at 0:30 O. White, Nanalmo; John Odd- A...J UM evening, m o nuwiioW. wiappervon ana r. uergsexn, . J. Davidson. Inverness; J. Johnson., I a iron Hvnm Tvnin Irltv- O UWV. TMlmnrnl I A A wASS 11U111 Old Empress Mr. and Mrs. Lacey, Tucks Inlet. Central P. McDonald. A. Marsh and Mr. land Mrs. Olesen, ckty; W. Franz. C. Nil.; F. McDonald, J. Barron and F. Whiting, city. Savoy R. O. Cunningham, Port Easing-jton; H. J. Smith, J. L. McGregor j and A. Mackenzie, city; J. Morton, Skeena River; M. Sanders, Smlth-, era; Miss Nelle E. Bates. Loveland. Col.; Ensign O. Halvorsen. Hazel - jton; William H. Spiller. Fort Fra- tcr, Alias una uremeen, l'ori .Simpson; A. Christopherson, A. iChrlstlanen and P. II. Htloxe, crty. Prince Rupert George O. Castle, Vancouver; M. Martin. Smlthers; M. Steele, Victoria; Mrs. E. A. Bcoles and K. Eecles, Calgary: B. A. Latta, Edmonton; C. A. Cunningham, Winnipeg; W. O. Mitchell and C. Gillespie,- Oceanic Cannery; C. A. Oh Robbery With Violence Charges ihterceDtlne and search tav nrn- vlncial police of a passenger train at isle Pierre In the Prince George district resulted in the placing under arrest of two men giving the names of John Macdonald Beaton alias John Macdonald and Frank Qulnn alias Frank Gordon on charges of robbery with violence, the pair appearing In court later at Prince George and being remanded for eight day. The arrests followed complaint by Donald Fraser that he had been "strong- armed" at Prince George and robbed of $10. The descriptions furnished by Fraser to the police aided in the arrest of the two alleged assailants. Mrs. A. D. Gillies, who has baen spendlne several weeks In Van. Hall, Ottawa: T. S. Griffiths and ver. returned tn fchi. ritv from th. Fred A. Burgees. Vancouver: S. M. south on the Prince Oeorge y aster-Capon, Fort William. jday. "TILUE THE TOILER" ) (H I so i GOT TO E I SBS VbaH- I'vjB CSOTTO OP A bIT I Get quick results with a want ad rv?. TBI. DAILY NTTfS Saturday Aupat 2, WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Landings Over Ten Million Pounds Skidc-gate Trolling Fleet Ilcturns Home Salmon Canning Continues Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1933 season up to and including yesterday totalled 10,300,-100 pounds or some two million pounds ahead of last year at a similar date. American landings have reached a total of 5,551,100 pounds while Canadian boats have brought in 4,749.000 pounds. Landings for the week ending yesterday were about average at a total of 483,500 pounds of which 248,000 pounds were from American vessels and 235,500 pounds from Canadian. Prices for the week held up to a falrly.satlsfactory level, .particularly for second class fish. I The high bid of the week for American fish was 9.5c and 5c which . the Alkl and Viola . were paid for catches of 12.000 and 7,000 pounds respectively while the low American price was 65c and 4c which a num ber of boats received. For Canadian fish the high price of the week was 7.3c and 425c received by the Ingrid II. for 15,000 pounds and the low 5.75c and 4.25c which a number were paid. The Vancouver yacht Taeonlte, with its owner. W. E. Boeing, prominent Seattle aircraft and boat I builder on board, was in port again for a few hours yesterday In the : course of a erolse of northern wa-I ters which has been In progress for j the past month or more and during which several calls have already been made here. The Taeonlte came in at 12 noon and left again at 5:30 last evening. The Boeing flying boat piloted by Clayton L. Scott, which is being used as a convoy for the yachting party in making trips, to fishing lakes and streams and for other purposes, was also in yesterday for refuelling. According to reports d urine the week from the Oumii with his boat Lila on a periodical visit. The party expects to spend about twenty days In the north, Canning Continues Seven salmon canneries are continuing1' packing operations in the Prince Rupert district and it is expected that the most of these will keep on working for some lime putting up faU varieties. The canneries continuing operations arc Inverness, Oceanic and Claxton on the Skeena River, lititedale and Lowe Inlet in the central area and Bella Coola and Natnu In the southern end of the district. It Is uncertain as to whether Lowe Inlet will continue working m.ueh longer. Cassia r cannery on the Skeena River closes down this week-end. During the past week there was quite a satisfactory run of cohovs on the 8keena River, the boats averaging 2ft fish per day. Canners are paying 30c and 35c for the fish. A nice run of humps Is reported from the Bella Coola and Belle. Bella seining areas with a medium nn In the central division. 1 Following the run of pinks. It Is expected the southern canneries will continue packing chums. Cspt. J. R. Hert, harbor master at Prince Rupert, expects to open a school of navigation la the very near future, possibly within the coming month. The recent nouncement that service on fishing vessels wui henceforth be counted Charlotte Islands, tmxr of Ih m. tim 'or sels of the Skidegate trolling fleet Ulcm Mmmtions have returned to the home port from the Lamnra Island trnlltntr those desirosM of for certifi cates as tugboat masters Is exnee. ted to attract a much larger at- grounds on which they have been tndnc fishermen to the rsavt operating fallowing the failure, wJm cta dBrtD the cowing earlier In the; season of the Hippo! whUr Island run. The Skidegate vessels, , many of which are reported to have done quite well at North Island, i will spend the fall trolling for co-hoes on Skidegate bar. Arthur Bell ,who Is engaged ln ver, la due to arrive in Prince Rupert about September 8 with his yacht Kuorla en route to Kodlak Island on a griisly bear hunting trip. Mr. Bell and party will be Joined here by D. Zarelli. proprie-i M IjOW Summer t'artt until Octohtr IStht city Ticfcrr o fiick SM - 3r4 AvraiM. I'rlnra Nuirt ( vou T SHOUV-0 Bov HER A MICE V-I044S AiAIII Ai NATIONAL vsrruie r . ucnsMOt 01 me acirn- tlflc staff of the Prmce Rnoert kFctherlea Experimental Station Ud by the Princess Adelaide laet night for Vancouver enroute I back to Montreal where be will re sume his post-graduate studies at MeOUl Untrersrvy after having spent the summer at the loesil station It Is uncertain as to whether r not be will be returning here rext year. M. Stephens and party, taking tor of the Royal Hotel, and Harry with th L n;Z7 C.t !, .11...!.. 1 J " hww. 'aULVH logging operator, who was in port i his week from Orenville Channel Fall Train Service tKgm lnm .4mmH 71 la Orlmhr 1) I'aurngrr train Irate I'rinre Ituprrt ctrrjr .Monilay, Wednra day ami Saturday at 7..V) p.m., ronnrctins at Jaaprr for all poinli Vtl and Soulli. Ourlng llir Fall wiran train from the Katt Mill arrltr on Tiaradars, ThuriHlajr and Sun day at 8 p.m., making; roil-nrction wllh alramrr for outlirrn port wlilfli lrae I'rinre Kiiurrt on Tlmradaya and Siimlaj at 10 p.m. ver. branch manager of the Caledonian Insurance Company, are leaving this afternoon for a weekend fishing trip to Warke Canal on the Vera S. Frye. Small Boy Loses Life in Fraser At Willow River Murray Campbell, four year old iboy. was drowned In the Fraser River at Willow River in the Prince Oeorge district, according to advice "ecelved at divisional headquarters of the provincial police here, the lad falling Into the stream while at play. J. J. McOaghran. called by the mother who observed har rhiw ! struggling In the water, attempted ! to effect a rescue but escsped with (difficulty himself when his boat j swamped. The body was recovered but it was too late for rescusitatlon to prove effectual. The "Iron" Works For Rosie FRIDAY and SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 Feature starts 7:50 & 9:50 Admission 50c & 15c SATURDAY MA at2 3t Feature itarti itl: YO-IIO - A SIIIP-LOAI) OF LAUGHS GEORGE SYDNEY and CHARLIE MURRAY inI nnc onrl K nlltrc in T.M..Ll A J1C VUlltllO uuu aivisjo in 1 1 UUD16! With MAUREEN OSl'LLIVAN and Great Cast. A Can. Unlvtrnl nJ and wild, wild women. Comedy "WRONOOUILLA" METRO xi MONDAY and TUESDAY "ZOO IS BUDAPEST Are You Troubled with "Flats" these warm days Replace the old patched f . overcome this troubl- Gutta Percha Tires are good Tires Prices are right OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the riihermsrt, Loccrr, Miner KOO.MS-J10 per month, $ per week. 50c per nljht ii.vnis Third Avenue Phone Hi JIMMIE CICCONE S. E. Parker Ltd, Ford Dealers A Snap BEDROOPJ SUITE Bed Walnut Prer Walnut Van Vi Chiffonier Walnut Bench I pho) i Price $91.50 Mackenzie's Furniture Phone 77 I NEW R0YAI HOTEL 3. Zarelli P -A HOME AWAY TtOH HOMIT Rates 11.00 up SO Rooms. Hot 1 ' ' Prince Itupr- t ' Phone Ml r E i m HOLIDAY RESORTS When Coming to Terrace Make Arranirmrnts With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, H.C. To arret You. We meet all train. Freight ft Passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new wat h. A. S.) now In service in the lake. Fare anywhrre on the lake, one adult, 100; II JO per head additional. No crowd too big. No Job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY LAKELSE mt Springs Lodge An Ideal Plate la lto!Uay Finest of fly fUhini banlinj bathing and baaCIng. Arranjo for tranorUtto' wllh W. If. nurnclt, Tm n.c Rates from Tcrrac! I l-ode Including boat ccrf One adult, W.00; rich tlonal adult, fl .59. Write or WJra W.H. nruNKTT We Look Afler Yo-f " By Westover.