Tomorrow's Tides 8e la Today's Weather . 5:00 am. 10,0 ft. VM 19 ft. 10:68 a.m. -7.3 ft. Prince Rupert Clear, calm; barometer. I .4 29.98; temperature, 68; V Ya sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISI1 COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 200 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Minn Ta I. .. M.UOIt DALZIEL Native Con-i .i the Salvation k - nd u Major Al-rhief officer for imy work in Sou-Columbia with .it Vaneosmr. mra from a wU s- ' "" Army family, a ' ' ond in command v '" Canada, Now-n- 'mida and Aleeka. 1 speaker as wall i mtuictaa, ami ! " roncattma. 'I"' various; :Miie will be the 'i will also render musical numbers. HERE FROM GOLD AREA V:' rom y,U, Crffk Nice (.old Sample !l I1 imi. k Tii t ft,, Mesars. AudettOft "me in tfak w)e ' nd are ehowteg Kid that they e ir firtims there. Tlvty 'main outstde far '"urn In the spring, ls of thalra from ""'mine there. Juat '"'ftage of water on 1 laims adjoin those 8hepherd of Ju '"'erior Weather A, ' "i''ll ( " ralm, 58. ,,,,., ;;'r -'lm.W. IK,,.,, calm. 42 , ( lpr. calm. W. u 41,,'ir. calm, 47. ...tinirr l llllN'fl IN FRANK HZ WKS MAKES FAST FLIGHT SEN. GIDEON ROBERTSON SUCCUMBS RESULT OF STROKE Noted Parliamentarian Passes Away in Ottawa Today at Age of Sixty Former Minister of Labor Had Successful Career, Particularly as .Mediator in Disputes Had Record of Hard Work and Achievement YW A. Aug. 20: (CP) Senator Gideon Decker : . former minister of labor in the Bennett gov- ,.ni also in the Bonlen and Meighen administra- . d away here yesterday after having suffered v fitly. He was in his mtieth year. On the for-: nr Conservative government in 1930 he was Visitor Here Ik. mJk summoned from the Serial. oaing to hla outstanding qualities ax an organiser and a mediator to labor difficult to take charge of laboi portfolio in the unemployment crisis He continued as head of the department until about a year ago whrn ill -health compelled him to retire Hon Wealey A. Oordoo be ing named aa his saceaaaor. Abpwt three weeks ago be suffered a strake and his condition had bean erttteal atnre death ba4nr,ffeied rnpmrn tartly A labor man In a labor portfolio. Owle-m Decker Robertson carried with Mm an aimoaphare of strength i an'i K-uulity It was. perhaps, these tw qualities which were the chief factor in a very successful career as mciutor in labor disputes. Sena-'oi R.tyrt.n was-kindly, friendly. ilemorr.itir. but he was also bis. truiig iu& determined These characteristics made him reliable In emergency and valuable when labor 'rouble loomed on the hortsnn TWO YOUNG MEN KILLED Maurice Carren of rrlnte George anwd J. Wjder of Keremeos Dead Near tUrkerville OUgBNEL. Aug. M: (CD Mau rice Carron of Prince Oaorge and i Wyder of Keremeos, both about X years of age. were killed late last night whrn a loaded truck on which they were riding went over a hank on the Harkervllle road, about twenty miles west of BeikervlUe. HO0 IM.r Hruno waa fllMd SM0. With option of three months' Imprison- mant, by Magistrate wvirmwn city police court this morning on a liquor selling charge. The line was paid. City Solicitor X. P. Jonas pro-attuted the case and T. W. Drown acted as defence counsel. AIIF. NO. 2 ci.osi:n . .. .. h..m hn taken a to extend the date despite ru- mors along that halibut ...... a m. Mn l. in which t the most of the Prince Rupert halibut boats operate. rifln- Italy ended at midnight last night. A number of the larger local boats l" continue opera- Uons Into fall ' tne more dU- lant Area No S U the noHh- vmi but the exact number that wfll so operate has not yet been definitely ascerUlned. New Rum-Runner Seized by Coastguard gggggLggH ggflgggglli P 'g- rS aflBjHfH w mggglggggggl It was though this was o: e of Baibc seaplanes .:. u.v..- or. .nco coastgoards picked It up off New Loncon. Conn., it was found to be aba dor.ed and full of ..quor It is one of first rum- runners of jta kind seised SIGNING OF PACT Twrnly-One Nations Affi Signatures to Wheat Agreement; Beneficial to Canada LONDON. Aug. J: Cr Representatives of twenty-one nations hsd lat night formally affiled their signatures to the International wheat agreement reached by the world a heat conference under which world wheat production will be reduced by fifteen percent with a view to wiping out the world wheat surplus and stabilising the price of the grain. Among the alfnatory nations are Great Britain, Canada, Australia. Argentina, United Stales. Soviet Ruwla, (iermany. Austria, nclclum. nulgarla. Hungary. Greece. France. Spain, Sweden. Swilierland, Juro-Slavla and other. In aulhorllatlvr Canadian circles (he part Is halted as assuring Canadian fsrmers of a reasonable price for wheat, providing them with an orderly market and eliminating price cutting threats. STOCK MART IS STRONG Industrials 1'orced t'p From One to Sla Tolnts as Result of Accelerated lluylng NEW YORK. Aug. J6: As a re mit of a bullish stampede of ae- cJratd buying, stock prices were forced up from one to six pointa on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday, many Issues approaching new high levels far the year. The Industrial average at closing was 105.07. un 3.68 points: lulls, 533V, up 2.36; utilities. 31.18. up .93, and bonds, 8738. off .10. December wheat closed at 88 Ho. CHINAMAN IS BtmiKD ri.. iunl nf Woncr Yue. locAl AtlV tun""1 w" w - i Chinaman, who died on Wednesday In the Prin Rupert utnerai nos-pltal. teek place ytatardajr afternoon from the chapel of the n. 0. Undertaken to the Chinese section In Falrvlew Cemetery. 9 HELEN JACOBS WINS TENNIS Canadian Press FOREST HILLS, N. Y., Aug. 26: Helen Ja- cobs defeated Mrs. Helen Wills Moody in the final of the United State women's national tennis championship today when Mrs. Moody, suffering from a sprained back, defaulted in the third set Playing spec- tacular tennis, Miss Ja- cobs won the first set 8-6, while Mrs. Moody took the second 6 to 3. ' More Cases of Sleep Sickness In St. Louis ST. LOU18. Aug. 16: Thirty new( cases of sleeping atekneas m tbis region were reported yesterday, j making the total for the preatntj epidemic J4S There have been thirty deaths to data as a result of. the malady. I KIDNAPPING IN DENVER Young Buyer For Department Store In Colorado City Being Held For Ransont DENVER, Colo.. Aug. 36: It was announced yesterday that Bernard DtUerman. buyer for a local department store, was in the hands of kidnappers. Bltterman was lured from the store on Thursday night by a telephone call announcing that his brother had bean Injured, ' the meaaage having .later bean found to have been false. i A meaaage received yesterday by nttterman's reputed weaUlyr uneJe ' stated that Uie youhg man was safe and that he (the unele would hear from the captors again later. BIG FIRE IS RAGING Cenfligiation in Oregon Forest Breaks Its Bounds First Major Casually is Reported PORTLAND. Ore. Aug. 28: Defying the efforts of more than two thousand fire fighters, a huge forest fire, which during the pa&t two weeks has swept over 13J000 acres of valuable timber lands In the Wilson River district In TUamook County, completely broke Its bounds yesterday and was raging within fifteen miles of the town of Tila-moolc. Fanners and other residents apparently In the path of the conflagration were ordered to evacuate their homea. The first major casualty among the tire fighters was reported, yesterday when Frank Farmer, aged 21. lost his Jlfe when plnaed dewn by the falling of a burning pine tree. TEXAS IS AT POLLS Southern State Expressing View on Prohibition Repeal Wash-ln(ton to Vote Tursday WASHINGTON. DC. Aug. 28:-Twenty-thtrd state of the Union to vote on repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment, electors of Texas are at the polls today. Texas ls also voting on the question of legalizing the sale of beer whkh ls not as yet being dispensed in that state. Washington State will vote next Tuesday on repeal of the national prohibition law. Los Angeles Tax Rate For Year i$ Higher Than Last LOS ANGELES. Aug. 26: -.The city council of Los Angelas yesterday set the tax rate for the year at $1.74 per thousand dollars, this being an increase of 21c over last year. United States Speed Flyer From Vancouver to Montreal Non-Stop Covered Distance Between Two Canadian Cities in Fifteen Hours and a Half Fell Somewhat Short of Original Objective at Quebec MONTREAL, Aug. 26: (CP) Setting up a time record for Canadian transcontinental flying, Capt Frank Hawks, United States speed flyer, landed here at 11:50 Eastern Standard Time this morning, fifteen and a half hours af-'.er having taken off from Sea Island airport in Vancouver. He had intended, on leaving Vancouver at 5:21 Paci- OFFICIAL IS SILENT General Manager of Wheat Pool Has Nothing to Say Regarding Elevator Lease CALGARY, Aug. 26: (CD-Confirmation of the fact that the Alberta Wheat Pool is moving 504,000 bushels of wheat from the prairies to Prince Rtrpert was received yesterday fromR. D. Purdy, general manager of the Pool, who said this was roughly the amount that the Pool planned to ship to the Northern British Columbia port. Mr. Purdy did not comment upon whether or not the Tool hsd arranged to again take over the Prince Rupert elevator, the Pool's lease on which expired at the end of July. He said that such Information would have to come from the Board of Grain Commissioners in Winnipeg. IS COMING TO CANADA Deposed President of Cuba Sails Today From Bahamas For This Country to Make Home NASSAU. Bahamas. Aug. 36: Oerardo Machado, deposed president of Cuba, sailed from here to day for Canada where It Is his Intention to take up more or teas permanent residence Former President Machado Is a brother of Jose Antonio Machado of Ottawa, president of the Canadian Bank Note Co. Election Is Called HAVANA. Cuba. Aug. 3fl: The new administration of Cuba yesterday called a general eteetion for February 34. 1934. All acta passed by the recent Machado administration have been declared Ulrgal by the new eovernment which announces however, that all financial undertakings will be honored. lic standard Time last evening, to fly direct to Quebec in one hop but found It impossible fo complete the comparatively short distance from here on to the capital of this province. He had arrived at Vancouver at 11:45 yesterday morning from Seattle. On leaving Vancouver. Hawks carried in his plane six hundred gallons of gas, one quart of milk, two eggs and half a gallon of water. He made LethbrJdge trim hours after leaving Vancotfrer and" reached Winnipeg In seven hours. He was reported over Mattlce, Northern Ontario, st 6 o'clock this morning and for some time after that he was not reported, fears being entertained for a while that he might have been forced down In the rough country between Mattlee and Ka-puskasing along the Canadian National Railways line. Hawks bad hoped to reach Quebec in twelve hours as his machine was capable of a speed of more than two hundred miles per hour. H; found it impossible, however, to accomplish this. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 500 pounds, 6 -5c and 4c. Canadian 5L000 pounds, 5.75c and 4.36c. American Visitor. 5.530, OMd Storage. 5c; i and 4c. Canadian Aiken. 8.000; Edward Upsett. 12M0: Helen II. KUKQ: Cane Spear. 5.500; Capella I. 4.000, and Viking I. 11.000. Cold Storage, 5.75c and 435c. Coastguard Cutter Rushing to Aid of Small Motor Vessel SEATTLE. Aug. 2: (CP A message from the coastguard cutter tfwthland said that the government vessel was racing to the aid of the small motor vessel Good Hope whkh Is disabled In Kotaebue Sound north of Seward Peninsula. No details were given. DON'T MISS "For Sinners Only In the S. A. Citadel, Sunday, at 3 p.m. By Major A. E. Dalziel Special Musk by Boys' Band and VlslUng Talent NO ADMISSION A Collection Only