m fltai TWO THR DAILY NEWS Tuesday. N vemb( THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA . Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City dellveiy, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advsnce For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By wiall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ., ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lnch per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion; per line Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone - Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION DOLLAR AGAIN AT PAR If jour paper does not arrive, telephone the office HOOP PLAY Flight of Mine THRILLING Officials M Closely Contested (lames Put on Last Night at Moose Hall C. j N. It. A. Wins Senior Tilt $5.00 Senior League C. N. R. A., 30; .10 Kaiens. 28. Ladies' eLague Cardinals, 24; i 3.00 High School, 20. 9.00 Intermediate League High; School. 22; Merchants, 20. Junior League Trojans, 12; Scy-, 1-40 thlans, 10. .02 . Tk u.. -- V "c sanies put nil uy mc tMia , It is a curious thing in this life that the small things are Zl those that affect us most. The attitude of the people we cardinals Lowe im. Beddie ei. meet may change the whole course of our lives. A happy Rivett. stone. Kacn m. moth 2 smile, a bright "good morning!" salute will often keep a 24. person happy all day. Watch the little courtesies of life. "lBh school-Ritchie tin. Mus-The men and women who observe those courtesies are the . "?;JJt,k' BM' ones wno mane ana Keep irienas. -OUTSTANDING . ELECTRIC CLOTHES WASHER VALUE ..,,- ilk NormernmEk'crrk A.B.C i ii WASHERS For as little as $84.50 Tliat is the price of the new and improved Model S. so modem and quick on the Job and so easy to operate. Models C and P featuring oyefslze tub and pump respectively, at equally attractive prices. Whichever washer meets your needs PAY ONLY $10 DOWN with Ihe balance spread over two years; the wisest buy you ever made and one that will give you unending comfort, convenience and freedom from U?ll. j SPECIAL. PREMIUM LAUNDRY BAG Every; one coming in for a Washer demonstration has the privilege of-securlng a Laundry Bag worth $125 for only 15 cent. Get yours without further obligation. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited I Intermediate League ! The Student managed to nose I out the Merchants 33-30 in a fast.! i exciting Intermediate Lcwcue game I with Utah School pljrin the bet BASKETBALL AT TERRACE TERRACE. Nov. 7 The first bas- k Hll games of the season here went off with a ban. The fire girls' game was between the Intermediates, the score being close The second sirls' game between tfee Red Terriers and the Mike rewlted in a score of 10-8 In fa-vr of the Mikes. The men's game between the High School and the Town won by the Town. Johnston doine excellent floor work and Mitchell checking well. S. McLeod showed up well. The game was fast. The Individual scoring was as follows: High School S. Mcr-ftnrf in r Thomas 4, Fred Nash 0. L. m. Kenrey 0. W. MeLeod 6-20. Town-D. Nelson 6, W. McCon-nell 2. L. Johnstone 10. J nr- more 2, F. Oreen 2. C. Mitchell 4 26. ror meantime Owing to delays of on unavoidable nature. Dr. J. T. Mandy. residential mining engineer, and Charles Graham, Inspector of mines, have been unable to make the flight to Porcher Island and the west coast of the Queen Charlottes as arranged. The plane they were to have used Is now at Anyox undergoing some repairs. Dr. Mandy is going soutli to at ketball leagues at the Moose Hall ! tend a mines organization meeting last night were well worth watching ; at Vancouver and also to confer wjth the referee having a field j with the heads of his department , night which resulted in four play- J at Victoria. Mr. Graham has been je being suit off the floor. The I culled to Telkwa and will later go to seniors staged me best game or the Atiin to investigate the death of a Tuesday ' Nov 7 1933 ! CTT,un- "e1 league games win , mining operator, j e Moran. ; be played on Saturday night. It is probable that they will visit i Senior League j In the Senior League Canadian National Recreation Association i The Canadian dollar is at par once more with the Uni-jJJ j ted States dollar. This may be good for us or it may not. ; Referee skinner soared no one. For a municipality that has interest or principal to pay m The game ended with the Kaiens New York it is a very decided advantage but on the 'having three intermediate players i the Islands after their return. Today's Weather Prince Rupert Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.43; temperature, 46; other hand it does away with the Canadian advantage in ,onKn . , Dead Tree Paini-P.it cloudy. ti-nflinn- with flip TTrnfprl Rtnts " V'. VVtl-iVIW IT .W a w f-y i e i t if Ladies' A I.- tnmg ior uanatia. SMALL THINGS IMPORTANT -Ri.ffMur.ui barometer. 30.38: tempera- sienensrud. Ward 5. Scot t, v " 7 roper If the American policy of inflation . continues .. it is . pos- (6). Tobey. Blake n Moxiev-ss sible that the Canadian dollar win soon oe at a consider- c. n. r. a. smith i, Morrison-able premium and then it will be for the Canadian govern- i, styles i6. Johnson 8i. Lam- mont in pnnsiiW u-WhPi- inflntinn miVht nnt bo .1 POod D, 3. Nelson 30. Leatue ; The Cardinals defeated the High School girls 24-30 in a spectacular Ladies'. League game. At half time the score stood 17-6. In the second ture, 48; sea smooth. Triple Island Part cloudy. fresh westerly wind; sem moderate. Lansjara Island- -Part cloudy, lifht westerly wind; sea moderate. Terrace Cloudy, calm. 44. Alyansh Part eloudy, lifht south wind. 40. Anyox Part eteudy, south wind. 45.' Stewart Part cloudy, south wind 35. Haselton Clear, calm. 34. Smtt hers Clear, calm. 29. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 34. ter brand of basketball. Referee i Odd fellows iComadlna proved a capable official. I Hlfff School Nakamoto 8i. San-f iterbane i8. Moxley 3. Tobey. Suehiro 3i. Miller. Davis. Morgan ; 22. , j Merchants Dtnewell S. An-jtoneHi 13). McRae. McMeekin. I Greer U, Blake. Armstrong l !20. Junior League The curtain raiser between Trojans and ScvthJans was won bv the Trojans 12-10. j I TrojansLindsay, Naylor. Oamp bell Ml, Hlrano 8. Currie 12. Seythians A. Oillis (2). Domin ato 4). Obuchlna 2. Murray 42). uyrne io. LEGION IN CRIB LEAD and Musketeers Won Game Last Night AIM Canadian Legion maintained its leadership in the Prince Rupert Crtbbage League last night by defeating the Orotic 17 to 10. Other result in the evening's play were as follows: Oddfellows 17. Elks 10. 1 Prince Rupert Hotel-Empress. postponed. Moose 11. Musketeers 18. The Prince Rupert Crtbbage League standlnc to date fci as fl- j lows, with two postponed game from last week outstanding: Played H. PU. Canadian Legion 3 52 Grotto 3 .38 Musketeers 3 37 Moose j as Oddfellows 2 32 Bks 2 23 Prince Rupert Hotel 1 14 Empress 1 12 BILLIARD iLINE-UPS Line-up for tonight's opening Billiard League fixture are as fol-lows: A. Murray (Canadian Legion) vs. C. P. Bala g no iks). ' O. P. Tinker vs. W. Lamble. A. Harvey' vs. J. Saunders. ; C. Baptie vs. E. Morris. C. Youngman vs. J ' Bulget Arthur Beale vs. y6tbn,e. Spares: T. Sllverslde (Legion); Frank Russell ' 4 I GOLD PRICE UNCHANGED WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 7: (CP) The United States eovem- ment's price of gold remained unchanged today at $32.84 per ounce but is still one dollar over London quotations. Night School Classes 8:30 tMec0na0nicsMDU,n," E"8lUh 0nd Emetic, Applied T,,UUS,,Yeepffand8ArutEn8lUh " C' 8:30 to 10:00 PJW.-Buslness BnglUh and Arithmetic. i.Propectlve tudenk who have not already resUtered for the theatS' d M flt lhC 8ch001 81 thC Cl0se "ffi Jt ?fa5 lTl?JJZZ .Advanced Uook-keeping MMtitviviiit ww nan ssisv tilC luiinnuon Of ClAUs?g, At TwiliqH Bui you can bet your hot if it's a pipe of OgaWi Cut Plug there art no "flickering jhadowi" to mar Hit smoker's enjoyment. Cool . . . smooth . . . fragrant ... Ogden's Cut Plug Is the kind of pipe tobacco thai makti friends and kttps thtm. OGDEN'S CUT PLUG jvu "roll your mm", tut OgdnM fine cut , cigartttt loiarco and OtanteclercijtarelU papers PIONEERS IN MINING Name of A. E. Allen of Porcher Uland Stands Out 87 Years Old (Contributed) The present mining operations on Porcher Island have every promise of being a good thing all round for every one concerned and for the tflstrict and country at large. The men who promote and those who do the work are 'o be admired for their skill and persevtrenee in over oomlng the many obstacles, natural and otherwise, that confront them, and In producing good results where before there were nothing but disappointments and failures. However, while not detracting Irom later work, there must be acknowledgement of the efforts of the pioneers who did the soade work, who blazed the trails men who were supported by their faith and lured on by their hopes. These are the men who made the present success possible but for many of tnese old timers success came too late and, as Is often the case, others reap the benefits of their pioneering. Among those grand old pioneers, the name of A. E. Allen stands out pre-eminently. Mr. Allen has Just celebrated his eiahty - seventh birthday. He is at present an Inmate of the Provincial Home at Kamloops but still takes a keen interest in the mining development of this province and especially of Porcher Island. He does not confine himself to mining but is also a student of mathematics and frequently astonishes his many friends with his speed and accuracy In solving difficult problems, especially In cubic root. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVEH. Nov 7 (CP-jWlieat was quoted at COc on the liocalwcxdkange yesterday aoA drw- . , S a m m i peu w B'J"c looay, BIG BRIDGE j PARTY HELD No Less Than C8 Tables at Affair t rndfr A'Hplce of Belit Chap-1 ter, Order of Eastern Star A large and suceeasful contract bridge party was held at the homes of various hostesses last night by Bells Chapter, Order of the East-em Star, some 68 tables being In play. Mrs. Samuel Masaey was general convener and the hostesses tor the evening were as follows: Mrs. Maatey, Miss Caroline Mitchell. Mrs. H. K. Christiansen, Mrs. O. J. Dawes, Mrs. Alex Finnic. Mrs. J. E. Jack. Mrs. Thomas McMeekin. Mrs R. O. Maoautay. Mrs. T M. Spencer. Mrs. J. M. MeCawlty. Miss Ptortace Smith and Mrs.' Head 'Dlgby Island). Con tract-Ladles' first. Mrs. R O. Bmmerson; second, Mrs. Walker Dlgby Island); mtnli first. C. II El kins: second Percy Fraser Auction Lakies1 first. Mrs. F W Allen: second. Mrs. E. W Tueker. men's first. G. J Dawes; scon! Ted Anslow New York Night I Club Queen Dies Texas Guinan, Taken III White an Theatrical Dntagement. Succumbs in Vancouver VANCOUVER. Nov 7 CP' Tftxas QJnan. New York night dub Hmi, distt here StUKtay foilowtng an opsnsUon 00 Saturday She was taken HI while here on a theatrical engagement. Fire Destroys Manitoba Town Business Block WINfPfcXJ. Nov 7 .CP-Flre destroy) a bustnes block in oraine. Man.. Sunday nujht. caus-Insj a,000 damase OBSERVING ARMISTICE (Continued from page one) Street and Bond Avenue. The Krntltc The serrtes, tor which HI Rev Lieut. Col O. A. Rtx DH.. VI) . will be padre in ensxae. will commence at 10:44 a m 7 tit order of service vlll be as follows: "O Canada" tHuonan Vsston. in unison. ' Cease Fire. Bugler Ranee. Two minutes Mens in of the fallen. "The Lftrt Post," mndtr Ranee. Pmytr. Bishop Mac. Hymn. "O Ood. Our Help m Agss Fftst." Unison. Address. DUhop Riz. PlMing of wreaths and flowers. 1 Lament by Pipe Band. "The Reveille." Busier Ranee. uea nave we Km." Return Marth At the conclusion of the service me parade will re-form on tK north side of. Second Avenue and win return to the orfnaittan Hall on Third Avenue where It will be dismissed. On a ehare nr imbm n.. o ' v. iHq.nuw, Utility "tle Is appearing before MsgU- ..iijniuiii m cny police court this afternoon. For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Vlolei Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green til Phones Green 541 Exchange Block Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 1 1 GOLDSLOQM's FUR SALE All Furs Selling at 20 Percent Less Than Cost .Mint be sold beta use u,h u need to buv ran- (,,., f ., ome of the rfl fur t tain EFFICIENT AM) kki.iaiii.i; SERVICE Phone Itltie 320 The most efficient service Is the cm' economical. Oar new eqwtpnent is the In est In servicing. a-surtng you the sent work. Why not have a proper serial. Esti-malw) on antenna Insinuations eheer-fultjr given. Superior Radio Service 334 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. t. IVtt ut A. O. BAimJCTT C. II. IN8ULANDKR tit PRINTING Office Supplies Hose, Cowan & latla Phone 231 The AUCTIONEER Packing-Crating Wrari'm & Oeneral Furniture Rrpaln List your goods with me Phone lllark 1!0 (EO. J. DAWES Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Oseratlni three Dry lfkl Tatal caMclly "-oM loBl Shlpbulldtrt and 8hl Repslrert for Steel snd Wood VfWtu Iron snd Brass Csstlnj electric and Acetylene WW,B' 10-toa Derrltk for Hrsvy Wto Sawmill snd Mlnlnf MsrWn'f Repaired uvem