I 4i 'to 1' an We Sell Shoes Plenty 11 MMZ. Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted in any style. Oame heads a specialty. AH. work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Write For Prices E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. JKMBES COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Uulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley Wt also sell Timothy Hay. Wheal Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 531 of Them Shoes and Rubbers For the Entire Family Down to Less Than Cost J Snappy styles for women. People Come to Us BECAUSE they know we jive them, values they cannot get elsewhere. This was the store that killed high prices in Prince lluperl RUBBERS FOR MEN all at cut rate prices Rubbers For Men at ..... : a pair and up , Rubbers For Women at . . V a pair and up 90c 65c Misses Boys' and Children's Rubbers We handle Miner's Rubbers exclusively. Every pair guaranteed. Come in and convince yourself as to price and quality. LECKIE'S SHOES We have a large selection of Leckle's Shoes lor men, women, misses and children. A lot of high grade samples recently received give ladles an opportunity to get shoes at away 'below manufacturers' prices. CUT RATE SHOE STORE Third Avenue SACRIFICE - SPECIALS Your Chance to Save POTATOES Naas River 1 QC tJl.SJO per sack OKANAGAN ONIONS 8 lbs. . TERRACE TURNIPS 10 lbs 25c 25c HONEY GRAHAM WAFERS fC ftJl 9 L.. ICING SUGAR-2-lb. pkg. 2 pkgs . SWEET MIXED BISCUITS 2 lbs. 39c 39c BLUE TtlBBON BAKING POWDER 5'S pr tin $1.15 GAULTS COFFEE Ov QQo With lnmhUr l.lh nVi BOPSLLA TEA With cup and saucer, 2-lb. pkg. DATES Fresh Stock 7 lbs. GINGER Crystallised per lb COCOANUT For your cakes, 2 lbs. WEALTHY APPLES pes' box COOKING PEARS 4 lbs 93c 50c 25c 33c S1.47 25c Free delivery on all orders $2 or over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" M7-19 Third Afenue West P.O. Box 575 Phone It District News TERRACE ! During the past week Terrace (has been mainly concerned by day i.Utlcal campaign The first has produced slushy roads and grimy snowdrifts which1 still Impede progress and make the people wish for that Indian Summer tkey have become used to in past years, while the second has brought to the doors, or at any rate to the public halls, several political migrants. The latest of these was H. Weir, formerly a member of Alberta's legislature, Prince Rupert I the Oddfellows of British Columbia, visited the local lodge recently and gave a spler.dld talk to the assemble?! brothers. After the serious business was through the Re-bekahs came In and the rest of the evening was spent as an enjoyable social. Joe Panter had the Oddfellows' Hall filled to capacity on Tuesday 'with the after effects of the great last and E. T. Kenney fired his fl (blizzard and by night with the po- nal shot Jn the same hall on last Wednesday. SKIDEGATE The Queen Charlotte Islands I have had 'snow unusually early this fall. It turned to rain soon, however, lasting but are day. ' I Deer, geese and duck hunting I? reported Jo be exceptionally good who spoke In the Legion Hall on,"1""1 .J 7. 17 "ound Tlell this fall. fine Many Monday, to a lull house which was n.,,n rocked s,a with a,w ,...,,, bucks have been secured In the continually laughter at his many jokes and funny stories. It Is only fair to add that there were quieter Intervals whenever the crowd listened as they did with Interest to the arguments he used In support of the Liberal platform. J. Thompson, grand warden of vicinity. ON.lt. TRAINS For the Eat Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 p.m. From tbe East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10 pjn. "TILLIE THE TOILER" iVANDERHOOF'DANCE WAS CALF SHOW ENJOYABLE Hereford Calves of Stony Creek Indians Make (iood Showing; a butcher's viewpoint. Placlngs: Yearlings :l. Jasper Henry; 2, Polly Iuaw. Calves 1, Duncan Alec; 2. Polly Iuaw. Championship Duncan Alec. Boys' and Olrls' Club Walter Irving. While In the district. Mr. Stewart paid a visit to the Indian-Reserve at Stony Creek and. as a result of his observations, commended very highly the policies being followed by the officials in charge of the Vanderhoof agency in Improving the stock and land owned by the Indians. After some persuasion, the Indians agreed two years ago to have the big meadow ploughed and seeded down to red top. The results achieved have surpassed the hopes of tho&e in charge. This year the yield of hay Is in the neighborhood of three hundred tons and. at present, over two hundred head of stock are feeding on the aftermath which should provide feed for them until late' In the year. Stock Improved A pure bred Hereford bull from the herd of D. Donald at Vanderhoof Is herd sire and the Improvement shown In the quality of the i young stock over their dams Is very marked. Several good mares were also noticed on the meadow. These are all In foa to the Clydesdale stallion purchased at the coait thb spring by the Indian Department. The improvement In the quality of the horses should be as evident in the future as it Is at present In the cattle A well recently bored in the vil lage is still another big asset to the Indians. Formerly, water was secured from a creek and this un doubtedly was contaminated by the stock that walked continuously through it. The results achieved through the use of high quality pure bred sires and the adoption of Intelligent method of working the land provide an object lesson to many of the white settlers who look down on the methods followed by the Indians. Advertise tn the Dally News. Port Clements Citliers Hosts Jolly Hallowe'en Party at VANDERHOOF. Nov. 7: The calf, I POUT CLEMENTS. Nov. 7 Has-show held this year at Vanderhoof tie's Hall here was the scene of a did not quite measure up In num-very enjoyable Hallowe'en party, ber of calves and of spectators to Dancing was enjoyed by an enthu- the high standard set last year. T. i siastlc crowd from nine until two. O. Stewart of the Dominion Live i The following orchestra provided Stock Branch again officiated as j the latest dance 'hits' lntermln-ludee and. as usual, proved both;gled with some old-time favorites: Instructive and interesting to those Francis Richardson, Ed. Ragneary. who were present. jBrnest Chrtstlsen. Bd. Young. Bert Four grade Hereford calves Crosby and Fred Russ. At 11:30 p. brought in from the Stony Creek m. the ladles' refreshment corn-Reserve by the Indian Department mlttee served a very dainty sup-were used by Mr Stewart to illus- J- During the InUrmlsslon Brt trate the reasons for his decisions. Crosby delighted the merry-rk- It was made very clear to the at- ers two nne,y rendered sotoa. tentive audience why one calf would Before the departure of tit be worth more than another from guests Constable O C. 8hrp of Queen Charlotte City thanked the hosts for their delightful entertainment. A vote of thanks mi also tendered the musicians for their excellent music, this being observed with loud cheers. The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Francis Richardson. A. Husband and Geo. Anderson ot Tl'ell: Mleses Margaret Stevens, Nancy Pallant. Cassie Mclntyre. V. Rudge, Alberta Jones. Mlnrte Wilson. Messrs. Sharpe. Pallant, Ragneary. Chrti-tlsen, Wlison. Russ. Stevens. Crosby Bd. Young and many others from SUdetate and Qoeen Charlotte City as well as several guests from Massett. together wRh the Port Clements' celebrities. Tonight s tram, due from the East at 10 o'clock. wa reported vhls morning to be on tune. De Forest Crosley RADIO for Beauty Perfect Performance Magna-Tone Short Wave More Long Wave Stations Noise Freedom See This Masterpiece Now at Kaien Hardware PHONE: 3 When Perfect Meets Perfect Monday & Tuesday TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 Admission I5c & 50c Tuesday, Noremb'M .... PAGE FOUR - J i ..". -1 Wednesday 4 Th "MIDNITE CLUll" JOY MUSIC MIKTII-J. II. PKIKSTLKY'S WOUI.D-FAMlD V(u. I! "lilt bUUU LUIYirAMUNS" With a Oreat Cast. A British Keleac (7 10 k Sin Exactly as enjoyed by Their Majesties King George and u at the London premiere. 0 JUr7 Sluilcal ' WE'Ki: IN THE MONEY NOW ' WHO PAYS Ob ngHW Rev sex ai IF YOl DO, rrnipmixT lids Important fnrt. 'Ilarpiiii" lnil! wnnlr. riirTrnt add dollar to your lighting bills. H thrift) and cI.oom- EDISON MAZDA LAMPS. EDISON MAZDA LAMPS MAOf IN hSll CAMA0A uS CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO, IIMITD WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS I i nil II mm mm W f KcoAot ! UUM KNlSHINl, -l .rnv. i as-i uuiuuii It's sure to ple&seyou vcrv well PHONE US We have coah r:.z".i for all your r";::: nients and at rr;:n U suit all pur ' PHILP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phone f 18 By Westover. HBRE QO A-jo make W lhJiJ I V ES BUT NAJEUL, APTeRJ 0H, POPPA B0iilE; Y W id I I Bv,BM wAfOLCOi j STTEMOoeAPHE AwQSHejin.TX WITH A FIIeS L JdiL SO SOrtKV TO BE AD MET My CLANS OFMYi,wkL-L RhP Fri T- U IjO CZX p SOT VilYH MAC'S roe $osie KOfcOT 'M ALL. IM CCUUOM'T CUtEft WOVAi TO 05T My PL A MS Just an Inventor's Dream ft poppa MACkQ " rcuec- flo . t Y5 Vpo'eo oora jllAVAil-sk 7A rXLl7;rTiTTeXvrrCv . k l 9mwt "-mum In ft s