i Children in City 1' appeal ha keen made to the J Ttw The I lowing amount have been .Muoly acknowledged UK Nam Marie W Palmare Vancouver Stocks 'urtose B. D. JekaWM 01 Vancouver 0 Missouri, M. 0 C Nlctol. .4S. Ui u' u ue. tJt. I! I! X, J. 0 (t Con J 1 i iboo oold. IM. l ulan. 01V. M.iuo, lavfc. M' ridlan. ,tl. M rning Star, ,1. aivr Son, M. n Uonal lvr. M. bio Five, M. r net Idaho, W. r- micr. M. rt.-rves. n. ward. .00. ft' no. JU. f-iver fret M. Wayside. M. Whitewater, M. Wavcrly. .01. Oils F-ibyan. .OOVi. 'lomc. 1.70. & K . fS. freehold. .00, A P Con., .10. ('almoiit, .10. sterling IoKlo, .40. Toronto Alexandria, .01. ''Olumnrlo, ,4$V. fentral PaUlela, .45. Klrkliuid Uk, M. NonuuU. 34.80. Slierrltt. ,84. nt. Nickel, 21.40. Granada. A7. Mncassa, ,78, Sisco. 1,51. Noranda MIiim Ltd. announce. dividend of $1.00 per share payable December 30. Flowers For Two Small Boys Cambrai Chapter Are Needing Help ; Meeting is Held i ' " Stpttl .Made In Salvation Army on L O. I). K. Chapter In Sewlon Ult IkliaU dull of tf Molhe '" ud YoungtsWjVSi1 ' X at iiome uiinvy. Vi loung Cambrai Chapter. Imperial 'ri Army lor neip uus wwr, ,s i behalf of f woman held 1U regular monthly meeting . -mall boyi two and.a half al evening at the home of Mrs x vrara old They are without O C Young, Fifth Avenue West. j Following the regular business the drawing for a ten dol-Ust 'v i coming in rather tatter moating, enough yt to provide jiar biu look wace which was won ...m- who will be honing that by Miss Maureen Patmore Mrs. Claw will " not forget them , John Manaon. honorary president ' m t .tt Ika the Italics of the chapter, drew out lucky ticket. The proceeds from the seu-in r these UckeU are to be used SI 4 0O I i rhrl Mtllaf work ! The meeting was then brought to Ma close by the serving of delktotu M , refreshments. Funeral of Mrs. Calderone The followlnu flowers were re-. gelved from friends and relatives in the city at Anyox and Vancouver. for the funeral of the late Mrs. Cal- j derone: j OrandchUdren Km est and Oliver. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. Santurbane and. family, Mr. and Mrs. Muaaalletn and i family. Mr. and Mrs. T. Maseonl i Vancouver . The Family, Mr. ann Mm. Olennle. Mr. and Miss Cavalier. Mr. and Mra. Tony Christian andj ftmtly. Grandchild Juanlta. The OrandchUdren Venion and Eddie. Daughters and Sona-ln-Law Mr. and Mrs. D. Santurbane. Mr. and Mra N. H. KoberU and Mr. and Mri. 0. Clocon. Mr. and Mra. II. uiMUr and family. Mr. and Mrs. garelll and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. Iloma and family. Mr. and Mrs. Amadto, Maria Calderone. Maria Mcnsles and Emldio ciccone. Mrs. Magsel and family. Cav. carmino Marinl iVaneouvcrt. Wheat Prices vAMrntlVER. Dec. 13: The price qI wheat here yesterday was 00c and today. &c U W Seelye, well known Seattle mining M arrived In the city on the Prince Osorae this nwrning from the gOMtlTMr. Seelye ta. hU way to Lake awricv wueic i.v the Ilurns has mining Interests. HEAVY FINES FOR COMBINE lire Companies Convicted of .Maintaining Coal Prices Contrary To Law QUlBfiC. Dec. 13: CP)-F1ve coal oompanles were convicted of rnalntalnln a coal combine In a Judgment handed down yeeterday by Mr. Justice La Liberie. Fines ag-gregaUnc $38,000 were aaaeased against the companies. British Export Figures Higher TmcItc and Half Million Dollars Increase In November Over Same Month Last Year LONDON. Dec. 13: British trade export figures for November Issued yesterday show an increase ot twelve and a half million dollars compared with the same month laav year. i a, p:- un.oud thrnj. ai- u uuvo woind 'i.r The li-'uumd a r MM)l!i:iUillS l.M) AT POUT OP SPAIN PORT OF SPAIN. Trinidad. Dec. 13: After an uneventful overland flight from Manaos. 4 Brazil, which was made under none too favorable weather conditions. Col. and Mrs. 4 Charles A. Lindbergh landed here last evening enroute'to New York following their re- turn flight across the Atlantic Ocean and aerial tour of Eur- ope. They will continue the flight home from here via the West Indies, Florida and the Atlantic Coast. 4 Today's Weather Terrace -Clbud'y to snow, northeast wind. 30. Atyansh Cloudy, calm. 18. Anyox Part cloudy, north wind, 25. Dead Tree Point Clear, light northerly wind; barometer. 39.48; temperature. 30; light swell. Former Local Man Found Alive But Suffering From Exposure After Being Missing in South NANAIM0, Dec. 13: (CP) Harry Walker, for-niorly of Prince Kupert, has been found alive at Crystal Lake after having been missing since Sunday on a hunting trip. He is reported to be in a serious condition suffering from exposure. William Calvcrley of Nanaimo, one of fifty men forming a search party, located Walker. News that ho had been found was flashed here shortly after 1 o'clock this afternoon but no details were given. Harry Walker is the son of II. Walker and brother of Mrs. H. V, Tattersal of this city who have been kept informed of the search for the missing man by the Daily News and its exclusive Canadian Press facilities. They were greatly relieved, aftor many anxious hours, to be advised by this newspaper of the younger Mr. Walker's safoty within a very short time after he had been found. Today's Weather MA Tomorrow's Tidei prince Itupcrt Clear, light easterly High 10:38 a.m. 21.8 It. wind; barometer, 20.46; temperature. 23:45 pjn. 18 J It. smooth Low 4:15 ajn. 8.8 ft. 28; sea. 17:30 p.m. 4.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER wc, XXIV No. m. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTO OJiVM) AND WHITE STAR TO MERGE FIFTY FAMILIES IN FRASER VALLEY HOMELESS IN FLOODS i Amalgamation of Two Big Steamship Lines Near Accomplishment Plans Being Considered For Completion of (liant New Vessel Now on Stocks, Giving Employment to 25,000 Persons in Shipyards UiNDON, Dec. 13: (CP) Rt. Hon. Neville Chambor-; . Chancellor of the Exchequer, told the Houm; of Coni-r s today that negotiations for an effective merger of ( unard and White Star North Atlantic fleet has r, led a stage justifying the assumption that the amtil-at ion would le accomj)lished at an early date. Plans t rc being considered to complete the giant Cunarder "61" giving employment indirectly to 25,000 persons. Chicago Stock Yard Employees Go On Strike Cattle :-hrrp j . i . ChK-UgO today T.V C- : W-.J 81 ions, numtxrine 8.00Q worker- aigt live-stock market. In in Ani-.f Members of three un- oturn to 1929 wage scales. shortage of meat vo be Ml u 48 hours, was feared unless a mediat on board brought peace. .'EATHER VERY BAD Tiam Man 4ij - - nf tnAW Ml In deep trenches with high banks I nf anin t-llt rn sail hr miA T o SEARCH FOR DAVIS RAFT Airplane Hclng Used by Salvage Company Manager to Looks I'or Loss Which Were I.ot Pilot Jack McConnnchle of An yox, with Air Engineer C. D. Pruat, arrived here at 4 o'clock yesterday a million leel oi logs wtucn broke away from the tug St. Faith oft Donllla Island last week while being towed from the T. A. Kclley Logging Co.'s logging camp at Sel-wyn Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands, to Powell River. silver And copper NEW YORK. Dec. 13: CP) Bar silver closed at 4! Vic per ounce on the local metal market today, Copper was unchanged at 8c. Chilliwack, Abhotsford and Sumas in Darkness With Power Lines Down Seven Hundred Men at Work Endeavoring to Restore Electric and Communication Wires Rendered Useless by Heavy Rain and Blizzard VANCOUVER, Dec. 13: (CP) Fifty families in Sumas Prairie have been rendered homeless by floods following heavy rains. Chilliwack, Abbotsford and Sumas are without power as a result of the transmission lines having gone down in Monday night's blizzard. Soven hundred men are at work in the endeavor to restore power and communication lines. CLASSES IN UTILITIES MINERALOGY; COMMISSION Successful Openlnc ef Course of Lectures List M;ht- There was a near capacity aud ience m the City Hall last night when Dr. J. T. Mandy. resident Kstahlishtnent of Such Board Un Says Pattullo VICTORIA. Dec. 13: CP)-Batab-lishment of a public uUMiies commission tn British Columbia at the mining engineer, delivered the first next session of the Legislature Is of a seri of lectures to the nubile ! unlikely. Premier .T. D. PattuHo Conditions I'npleasant at Vancou- on geology and mineralogy. i said yesterday The Premier said vrr Much Snow at Ocean I ..... i.ri that the government hoped to ferm Falls ur. Maiiui 9 icumum mit s" . . .... , , . of an Introductory character In Arrivals this morning from the .sSl.!!!. south aboard the steamer Prince "T,"!, mind ZZZ Oeorge confirm telegraphic dispatches telling of exceptionally rainy and stormy weather conditions In Vancouver and elsewhere In the south of late. One local man went south for a two weeks' holiday in Vancouver and it rained and was generally most unpleasant throughout his stay in the metropolis. He was glad to get back to Prince Rupert and Its bracing air and tlvatlng a frame of which) would contribute to the absorption of the Information he proposed to offer them. The frame of mind In which students approached the subject, he said, would decide the value of the lectures to his hearers. The intelligent pursuit of this 1 study would enlarge their outlook, until they would be able to sec value ! In even the meanest thing and it would give them an enthralling In , . even to an appreciation of the rain ,. ,,. the ground at rk. Ocean v.xu Falls last 1 , . , . k ,K. night, the peopte of the paper Ura-n! " "7 having to travel along their streetel1- n Kll.t A WUUHl nsov iniw avvuwau grounds for the recognition of a 7. r""! Perfectly balanced governing power stUl .n snowing last ... evening at Ocean " . ,k.1 I UTU tail vtcriNVli wwwru miuo paj. s 1 contribute toward the achievement of a happy philosophy of life. Immense Subject I Further the Immensity of the sub- j Ject and Its many Implications would Induce a frame of mind which would achieve modesty, humility and a sympathetic understanding of all things, so building up a kind of eliaracter much to be desired. Lastly the pursuit ot this study might be exiectd to bring wealth to 1U folKouera not always nor afternoon from the smelter town, .wessarllv material wealth but at' by Uic acquisition of that know ledge, they might be enabled to apply It to the benefit ot mankind. Dr. Mandy proposed In subsequent lectures to lead his listeners gradually through the fundamental principles of geology, mineralogy, petrology and paleontology and he asked hi hearer to follow the course with enthusiasm. A hearty applause mm accorded the lecturer at the eoneJuslen ot hit talk. such a oommission but the short time remaining before the next session would necessitate too hasty action for the establishment of an effective body. TRADING IS IRREGULAR NEW YORK. Dec. 13: -Stock trading was Irregular here yeateiv terest in everything around them, I day with considerable fluctuation in values. Tne dayi turnover on the New York Stock Exchange amounted to 1,160,060 share. The Industrial average at closing was 101.64. off .03; rails. 41.47. off .Gt; utilities. 34.37. up .04, and bonds, 83.50. up 14. Dr. Large Elected New President of P.R.MedicalAssn The Prince Rupert Medical Association has elected offlcec for the coming years as follows: President. Dr R. Q. Large. Secretory Treaeurw. Dr. 3. II. Carson. with their Eastman flying boat and idealistic wealth which was Representative to Prkwe Rupert left at 1:80 Uila afternoon. wlUt Lultc M real as materialistic. 1 General HcspHal Dosird, Dr. W. T. Capt. W. P. Armour, manaiter of thc The awgc individual knew Kergm. Armour Salvage Co . on board. toi8lnguiary utUe about the things he The annual meeting at the Mcdl-make a search of Hecate Straits moftt closely in touch with butjeal AstHtefcitloa dlaexMscd treatment and the shore of Queen Charlotte . this study would show how rocks 0f relief oacca, the mailer being rc- isianas ior a uavw ran. conuiming and m ttlKi trees would reveal tne ferred to live Cullece of Physlelana and Surgeon with talnlng action a View to ob- Card of Thanks James Calderone and family to thank their many friend for the klBd expfMlen of sympathy and for floral tribute received both from friend In the city tnd from Vancouver during their recent bereavement.