. , . Thtufday. 10, 1033 nut iwo THE DAILT rfBWB ? ' ? -J 1 BRITAIN IN CI U h.p. to 4,000 h.p, For Hiking boats, tugs, freight, passenger and pleasure boats, saw mills, woodworking plants, grist mills, mines, lighting and general industrial purposes. THE DAILY NEWS. rBlNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pnhllsned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue . H. F. POLLEN SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period. paM te advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week - - By mail to all parts of British Colombia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other eoastriea, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per incha per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line DAILY EDITION MARKETING INTERIOR PR0DU0TS when he made a proposal at Smithers convention to give senger traiHs tncnasatt by ti.pj9tj the farmers the use of the local market building for theism and in the eK tfcewBrttktvi handtinf? of the fruit berries, other eommodities raised in ier is oeing careiuiiy coneiuereu, accuruuig wjiuui imuuuh received from interior points, for the nurrjoses sueeested some more determined effort JUIl Ul UtC 1 IllllC Jiupcil uiainct ivi u'wuw J" winvw.. pnjnjj Fft&tyj, in, 93g, the Imperial Airways maefete ear- EYES ON QJJEBN CHARLOTTES Irted more pasjengen than did the Real mining seems to be going on at the west eeast-oW of th Pnch air Queen Charlotte Islands on Kootenay Harbor and also onit!.n01,PuVog!.thr- bold Harbor. At the former work of place development a value of the craft employed' most encouraging nature is being carried out and at the ,u the fact that i- 1931 the British latter, the mine has reached a "stage where a mfll is belngrifc -warred" litue more than on- insfpliprl and verv snnn rrnld will hahiniMl Thsp amnwi'l'W"1 th? amount of jeavernment developments and when taken along with the Porcher Island mining developments rrinceJ(Upert district A LEADER Just now the political condition of British Columbia is chaotic Had there been an election in the spring or summer a new government would be now in the saddle, pogr sibly a government strong enough to get away from the present policy of drift. The only man at present in sight who is capable of tackling the situation is T. D Pattullo. Mr. Bowser had a chance once but failed to make good. Dr. Tolmie has been given an excellent chance but has failed. Other parties are without capable leaders. Pattullo is a born leader. So far he has not had the opportunity, for he was only minister of lands in the former Liberal administrations and he was loyal to his leaders then. He not only has a grasp of affairs but he has the courage and the ability to lift the province out of the mire-and emulate Roosevelt by bringing about prosperity once more. a asw SMSiseaBBHweAsaieaBM aBBsBBMeasaMawNeaMeaaM THAT WHICH ENDURES Over mony yeors end through mony changes, The Royol Bank has become Firmly based upon the solid rock of expe. rinte,ond proven strength. Its position os one of the great banking institutions of the. world has long been recognized. THE R O Y A L . 0.f.F, C A. ManiglnEEditcr. W 3.00 949 1.48 .02 .IS Tharsday. August 10, 1933 notatoes. garden truck and the country districts. The of- whether the ouiiamg is usea or notiifc-seems likely that will be irtfuIeoon to capture l will prove a real asset to the .- j NEEDED j B 'A N K N A- D A- Imperial Airways Porfe&tAhead French In Profitable London-Parte Competition LONDON Aujps $v- QUicUUy. compiled tables of th? working oi Imperial Aiiways during the. pa five years provide totereag evidence of tbc steady 4a ee, 01 British air transport to th Ppt where it will fly itself without any artificial rapport to the shape of -government subsidy. Comparisons rare- given wHh ttoe opera ttenal-result obtained by Fra-fh air transport concerns over tbe same period. SQttclani comparing the results ;sMfrvd by- e British company i and by Air Dolon in (Unci cam- petitson over the London-Paris I rout are particularly important. ,Thy show the lead b-ld by Imper- Almn In 1M In Mva mihih of passengers -aast SMils. heU beast considerably reeteossl hjt tail, a4. by that one Air Uaueei ha, de. -itely gahMd the isoaorta r hi the carriage of aooaa. But in 19M the tatorwivc wl tog of th new-type acrpptBoa e& the British services, oacnbbj the,, Handley Page Type 4 Wparer-- .raoiaauy lywrnc uc iiwupwa. ue,' itmten Lost ao Parts, the B tlrh A, eoqsMhV carrM . H W roncra. teed tfefj "JSLJSE si a del rine I - the nTrTaf- of mails a4f good aireqree doabueas ras tioo on the pretaHteg eenamie wff companies IM.96Q as against fl. Furthermore in proportion nf .earned rre-ue te aeitMl subslbv -iPayraema the British Ctmw tatshone Its Frenoh centemporar- les t the extent of 140 percent in -nlte. of the heavy initial expenses invoked in the opening of new always outside Europe. There would j seem, Utile doubt s to which nation, ghren. free and untrammelled oe nnt to esthliah prof tt-earn -tag. uaeohstdlaed commercial flying Man in the Moon, Oood afternoon. What ywi.thr know about polfclea? I Dr. Tolmie and his henchman Harry ef Bsquuaalt seem to be ftfpirteg out just how long tbey eaa stall off tbe eleetien without tanking the letter as well, as the spirit of the constitution. Probably Bob Cromie Is right when he says Russia is an up and earning country but nine days In the Soviet domain is not a leng time to make toveattgaUotw, especially when you don't know the language and are steered by a bureau to see the right things. If you don't wateh out you will miss the sttawbentea, for the sea son is about ended. It's Just as Im portant to eat your strawberries as h is to vu, right- It looks' to me as if we. were going. to have a very IntereaUag autumn. These C. C. F. people are making quite an oratorical splash. Jake is still looking; for a nornlna-1 Uon. lie says it no other nartv will take htm he will trv to work un an kadepftjideril section of the C- l. or united Frontispiece. , Mail Schedule For Que en Charlotte. Islands ! July 14, 28-es. pr. John lO.pjti. From queen, Charlotte Islands-July 13 and 26-ss. pr. Jpho aj. Dr. J. ll. Carson, who has been holidaying at Lake Kathlyn is expected in oa tonight's train and will be in town over the week-end 7 SOON READY FOR FINALS Tennis Tournament Will lie Con- ticucd Today and if Weather Permits HnaU Should be Saturday and Sunday' Oood progreas la beinf made wltf) the Prince Rapert Tennts Club- tournament, game of which iare beiag played dally when pesmiU U Is now announced that it the weather U gooi the .inals wUl be reached SatuacUy ana ""!Bunoay. Foil&lAg are yestetdays reeullts: Betty Bdgcumbe beat Irene Mlt-ehelL 8.. 6.4. Caroline MKetVU beat Jeyee fidg etsmbe 8-4, 84. Alex. MtteheH bH W Stemfofd 4-. 6-3, fl-3. O. Yosmg ard,X Doaglas beat: J. Norrlngiea aod, V. Meore 8.2, 2-8, 6-3. Mrs. Horton and R. Or rigor beat Mrs. Holtby and C. Josltn 6-1, 8-0. R. Young and R. Raikt.bcat C. Josltn and Bigmore 7-5, 6-3, PrinceRupett DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Decks TU cayaclty 21,010 teas, Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers, fer Bteel and Wood Vessels Iran ancV Brass Casting riettrtc and acetyleae WtUlag Mttenjierrkk for Heavy LllU, Sswmtll snd MlnlagMacblosry ,di vimpjs,e Keep cool with crisp, light foods ilSVERYV O.NX has.hadllhe, experience, o f, eating, a. heavy meal oa aLotidayanU,of . feeliiiggj-, and. uiiuinifarUble.. afterwards. In truth, food plays abig part In how we feel. Crisp, light foodi naturally, help you feel cooler andjreslier That why KelloggY Corn Flakes are so popular when the, thermometer begins to climb. .Millions of. people know Kellogg' mean coolness. There's good reason too. Kellogg's are crisp, refreshing-flakes of corn. Rich in energy so easy to digest tbey don't "heat you upn Economical, convenient no cooking, or trouble to prepare. Countless mothers aerve Kellogg's Corn Flakes for the. children's evening meal particularly in summer. It't the kind of light meal that encourages restful sleep. And no matter how hot or humid the weather, you'll always find Kellogg's crisp and oven-fresh . . . protected by tbe teoled inside WAX! HE bag. Every package that leaves tbc factory is guaranteed Made, by Kellogg in. London, OnUrio. iSSgBsSftt 1 sv j. grk A A A Canada Has Stake In Golf Classic, Sandy Somcrvllle Defending Title. New Canadian Champion, Albert Campbell Challenging VANCOUVER. Aug. UL-CaiuuU will have a two-fold Interact in the Halted Mates amateur golf tourna-oaent at Cincinnati September U to 18. Defending his crown will be Ross "Sandy" SomervUle. silent Ontario shotmaster; and, chai-lengbig, will be Use 19-year old Canadian amateur champion. Albert "Scotty" Campbell of SeatUe SomervUle. as shamplotv will not be called on to qualify: but Camn- I bell mast survive the Pacific North-! west sectional trials at Tacoma thia ' month. Because of his consistent play in winning the Pacific Northwest UUe at Victoria and the Canadian crown here, all tea the space of three weeks, Campbell is confidently expected to qualify. Baseball Scores American League, Washington 4. New Yetk 1. Bosten &V PhUadelphto,4. National league Philadelphia 2, Boa ton, 3, St. Louis 7. Chicago 10. SOFTBALL August 10 Empress vs. Kalens. August 13 Elks vs. Emprees; Navy vs. Orotto. August 15-C. N. R. Ai vs. EJka. August 17 Kalens vs, Orotto, Augt 20 Orotto VS a N. R. A Navy vs. Elks. August M Empress vs. 0. N. R. A August 24 Kalens vs. Navy. Q. A. Hunter, news editor oZ the Dally News, who has heen touring the Interior of the northern part of, the province in the InlrcaU of th.ej paper, will, after he reach's Prince Oeorge this week, proceed to Vancouver by way of Jasper and return home next week by coast sttmir'l Complaint Made Of Facilities at i The Salt Lakes j OomplalAU are being made by' visitors te the JSalt Lakes that conditions there are not very aUrac-l Uve. The accommpdaUon for dress-1 lag is not very good aad the whole I place presents rather an unkempt j appearance. j The Salt Lakes are visited by ; ' many strangers and their condition la an Indication to some extent of the condition of the rltv SALES Every Month in the Year 1933 Sales Dales August'M , September 26 0lpber.24, November 21, Decern bcr, 21 Special Sales Held on Request of Shippers Advances Will Be Made as Usual When Requested. Transferred by Telegraph If Desired. THE SEATTLE KUU EXGIIANOE 1008 Western Avenue. .. Seattle. Ufl.A. it CITY Tr ansfer Phone 950 lem!ock and Spruce C(? U per eord. delivered COAL FOR SALE Furniture and riano MpsUig Your Boat Needs a Radio ul Have us install one of our new sets in your boat. No B or C Batteries required, operates directly off any six voit r i lighting or Ignition A demonstration at our shop will convince you of the simplicity and eco nomical operation of this set. Superior Radio Service 334, Second A venue Phnnn Rl..a QOftr 9 1 Mi 1 1 P. O. Box 123 A. Q. UAitTLJETTi C. II. IN8ULANDER