4 PECIALS For This Week Lr Square FLOOR WAX 50c Tins And KHAMOIS SKINi 25g Value Both For 50c BABY NEEDS Heavy Weight Baby Pants iFree With Rubber Sheeting Size, 28x36 inches Both For 69c lOrmes Ltd.- JtiA Pivnccr DruQfits III tit More Phone tKtl anadian National Railways eek-End Excursion to TERRACE August 18th or 19th nm itN LIMIT AtqUST tut 9.00 For Round Trip Children 5 and Under 12, llnlf Fare No IUa Cheeked CANADIAN PACIFIC ' ' 1 'J Triiirr Huprrt for Vai.touver Via Ocean Falls and l'ir.'T 1,11,,.. i. . .... " K'N h w"NCiElU JUNMl- ami SK.UlWAY. ""' Aug. 12th, Ihl. Sept. 2nd. W i r . Ufvatlon and lulonuallan M.uni) n)tni, inner iiupcm - tNlON STJ3iAlSlIIKS-LIMITl). Is l.B!e4m,r, ,MT Prnw' Pr tor,VfiMimi- VVTAL !i'EKY TUK8I,AV, 1.JM-.M. 1 v r Thursday pjn. v"' "J F""'AY MIPNICIIIT. to rt Btopo, Alice, Ato.. Ad(m, Btejuej r "M !'t ttnr.... . rT,M,,,n U KUlan and tltkou at - Phone, SSI, 1 -- tltU,illQl3sn,t " pfly to advertise poor products, "I Day to buy those rtdicrtlsed, Lota Veal Chops 1 Ih. Hump RoaM Veal Pr lb - Shoulder Vel- 4 lbs. kmewtng VeaL 2 lbs. kQf&k. NEWS WQTiESj SUverildea. Bros, lor Vyailpapet. Glass, PJiU and. Murwco. ! Own a Victor Radio and get the Uet reoepUon to town. See McRa Bros, fop a dwnpnjtrayon. R. N. Sheppard, wett known Al- uan muun man, left on Uiei mi.ee Rupert yesterday for his home In Juneau. The charge again Harry Nel-on of keeping liquor for saje wis dismissed In the erty pottce court yesterday afternoon. "Sanker AlbertaMte after o-charging rati oil at the Imperial OU plant in that My left yesterday aiimoon on her return Orawl dMw4tf "to aM of Hand Aug. 11. Brtogc. l-buueh-Oarrots Rolled Shoulder Lamb per lb. Stewing Lamb. 2 lbs. 1 bunch Carrots Pork Chops 2 i 'bs SlHHilder .RoaitilMrk UJoft, UOltUJgjUcff- 3 ib. WgrMn Tlpr- per lb Aijloln Steok- 2 lbs Leg Porkr- per lb. prime Rib Roll- per lb Tomato Sausage per lb. Boys' Scots and Canadian daneea, lO OF. HaH, 8- o'ttoex, 50a. Dane only ut. ig Orahajn neran. eenvieted In city petes couft MUs nmnteg of narusg oqw f sale was Baed 35c 15c 50c 25 c aoc 25c 35c 50c 25c 18c 15c 18c 18c 10c rr, day,, mid,, nistn,, lasi ter vje, Vouft W. tf There was only one boat In with halibut today. th , Helen II with 240Q pcfund which oldUihe Ca-nadtan. FUh & Cold Storage Company at and 4c a pound, Mrs. D. E. Murphy, formerly of Prince Rupert and now of Wlnnl-pag is at present vUiting for a moiyfa in Victoria with her,.dauh-tcr Marie who 1 a nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital. Wood Carving is Shown in Window By Local Citizen A, Q, More Has Icome Very Pro-f Irnt In Art and Sopie of Ills Work is Esrellent A dlspsay of wood carrtng In the wfoow oX the vacant store adjotn- tea wtth oetUui of fchrw. miK. Woods Tailor Shop has btd saber. Mls Margaret Mussalleei laler-ing Ul tbout Mwee weeks te attend the ssiMol of- pnamacy In Vaa- mjvfc is eAnetMi wtsh a nurse's traJniiK esmoQ. ben attnetinx conxiflerable attn Uos. The figures were all carved by A. O. Mocse of this city. Who for yam hfu been doing thl class of work. TJy ahre egceltenjt talent in this line and the choice o subjects Is Interesting. Mr. Morse formerly lived on Por- C. J. Quantec Npersntestftnt of W"- n1 11 th motive iwer for the OUA. and, " developed a UcSlty in Unhle Watt dsvtrtct nuster mefa- carving wood Of late be seems to ante Mt or hut night mtn for11' Hven more time to It and Is posrta np th Mna on of Aahvl d-1 to make It of some commer cial value to himself. I Among the figures n thfc window Quests tetttniinc. thta weejc faom one of a newsboy catying the "Hie 0a- at Tletl where, they OMhr News. There are four girls rave btn hnlMayhig mdaae Ma. PWtag softbejl wofeh are very A Nlckerson and daughter. Mrs. 1 good and Old Man Depression is W Watts and two rrOMrin, Ur. , eweltent and Mr MoOlnJatvaalMlM liar- rgaott Qook. att of Prinos Rotect and Twn Stoke of Anyox. Hotel;Arriyal The VHtoria Tunes has the fol- Savoy lowing: "Mis Audrey Ttemayne. T A- Cloke. Abmx. a nwMuaitq oi iofmer, Miautre ansVvjUt. Jaa. f nwir rtee. mm nncevo, wua rrince luocrt i em to Montreal, from, wjkeeei 8. E. Andetaon and wife, Mi. andJ iney wiu teave ror tSfjaafi on tae Mrs. Jen Satr. Jwuau; McslL, L. imatwi or Athol 91 August IS iHiggins. Queoi -Charlotte Mias iw a aims iTfvnarneirriBue, u. s. uarKft. vaovdUVjf will tour Oreat Britain and the Mr. aiMl Mrs. T liord KellT. Chi rontineol with Mr Fleck for the next twa months after which Urn they wlli attend school In France for a ywr." Annpuflcsnisnts Or&nd Drawing Boys' Brtetje. Whttt and Dance 11. ReftfOtettnts. Me. Banc Prethytestan tea Septemher 7. Cathollr Baiaar Oetooir 19 Anglloan W. A, Bazaar, Nov. 16. Jones' Family MEAT MARKET IMione 937, Phone 937, cago: H. W rhambery, lavtrnass; Mrs. J. Burnett. Victoria; J. M, Collins. Vancouver. Central A. O. Chaskerey. Vaopuvec Lawn Mowers Ground Made to Cut Like, New Star Welding Phone 313 Our Price On. DRY CLEANING' Has Reduced' Get the bet value for your niQiioy by sending your work to the expert craftsman. LacMea' or q$nAfrmens; or Topcoat Dry Cleaned At Pressed SuJt, 51 81)fc or Woollen Dresi (plain) Dry Cleaned Of &, Pressed Phone - 649; LING TAItOR The High Class Tailor HellsMe qraner and.. NEW STORE IS OPENING Two. Local Young .11 n rvnr Late Men s Clothing andFfirniliigs The store buildlngrfni1ThixoVAe-' nue forrnerly occupied by Annette has been Ukprv.by. BJLmbie and Bill 8tone, twpjpcaiyoinftmen, fr the purppsetOfoperung aneWimsji'i clothing and nun's fuonishiagj business, and. It is expected, tabs ready foi;, business at least by the. middle of,Sj?pljsr, pwltojy ear-' Her. Mr. Lambie has had considerable experience. He has for some time been with Bryant Company Limited and prior to that was a partner in a business in the Capitol Building along wttfc-Owrge Arseneau. Mr- Stone,is.ttte manager of Annette's and- it a popular and energetic young, buUinun, The combination is. aa excellent one and it seems probable that! they will get a good share of thei men's trade in the city. Mx Lamble, L going south this week on a buying trjp Ecsaf ktbibtbtii ii?Kvr3gasni THRIFT teads in Value Friday & Saturday Special? SWAKSBOWN CAKE PLQUR. per pkg. TEA "Victory" Blend per lb. ONTARIO HONEY per S4-lb. Un RICH KRISPIES Pr P ORAPENUT FLAKES per Pkg CORNED BB6F l's 2 ttns pet 7-oc tui SQCKEYB SALMON pec 4-lb. tin Ajmrs COGOA- 29c 28c 30c 11c llC! 31c TUNA FISH-Malkin-s Best OOn :lxKnv tin UUX, 16cj 23c AUSTRALIAN RAISINS-RoeJeaned 15-oz. pkgc Pr pkg - CURRANTS 2 lbs CRISCO per 3-lb. Un ROSED ALE SOAP 3 bars PEARL WHITE SOAP 4 bars BROQMS-WtU Made 4 -string. aeh TOMATO CATSUP-Croose it Blackwell's. per lge. bot. HALVED PEACHES Quaker. No. 2 .squat Una lo per tin SUCED PINEAPPLE Australian No. 1 tins per tin WHITE FIOS 3 lbs COFFEE Thrift. Blend per lb. ik ; COTTAGE ROLLS- per lb. EOOS Fresh Seconds 2 doe. MCLAREN'S CREAM CHEESE, per pkg FINE ALBERTA BUTTER per lb. RED ARROW GINGER. SNAPS, per lb. SAANICH CLAMS per lge. Un 12c 25c 69c 9c 15c 25c 17c 16c 15c LlQcl 16c 33c 8c 24c 14c 14 c Thrift Cash,& Carry Phone 179 201 Third Ave. "CARRY AND SKYV Msll Orders Hue Our Prompt Attention ridnnririri ; ithiv ta jijr MI LADY BEAUTY SIJQPPE SPIXtIALS- FOR AVGUST Steam OU Permanent Ware $5.00 and $3.00 Marcclle & Cf tl with Hair Cut 31.00 Shawpoe-and Finger Wave 75c PH.QNE S HOUSBItrPV W. Hart, f GOOD Location lor small buslnes.1 ' in centre of the new- builnea district. Third Avenue. WW renovate to suit tenant. Rent only $20 a month. McClympnL tf. PAINTERS AINTlNQ and Paperhangin Moller. Phone Red 802. JliEANING & ERESSING; t'RICES reasonaoie Third Ave. next door News,. iiAiRnnE'sSEn Nelson's Beauty Shoppe tfm 11XUXX term M aut M The Packing Crating-Wrapping & Oeneral Furalture Repairs List, your. goodi with,, me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black: IZ FURNITURE 'Q. 1 BED COMPLETE Walnut fta.Uh stead, coil spring, felt mattress NO. 2 BED COMPLETE Walnut finish stead with oanel. swayless coll SDrinB. 24.00 WANTED 43.00. spring filled mattress with air circulation. This is a good buy. Phone "73 327 Third Avenue The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED; BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage- Go., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Classified Ada FOR SALE OR SALB good tftee sa(c Qstu WANTED jt once. 4 or 8 bole be seen at Daily News. ti l range. Must be cheap. Phone Red I tl0. Plymouth Coupe, condition : like new. will sell at a real sa-j SOMEONE wanted to take full crifice in, prt. WALKER'S. MU. trWgo oc heme: asd eaarl ati!- SIQ STQRE, FOR R.E7 dfta. $lM.p9T month., Mr, L, Levotr. Boat 4t Anyox, BC. 187 Ai SNAP WTO fvrJmnge two nke level lots on Seventh Avenue, East, near McBride, for $75 worth of. work, lumber or wood. Clear titje. uxes paid until end ol 1932. Phone Red 317. 3y j. TRANSFERS CAMEHONTS TRANSFER Furniture movtog. wood, oaal chairs tor rent tf NO.THB rimn f m smith ncrrasEp WTKF. If .HKKU8T QIVBN at m. of BiMaM 19 Cu( StS PmWr ,k, into Burt InW. Tbh brtn the rcarKinMBiBK ol eoatUUMUkl wXtr U- ruu 175-J ThU wUI b UMdlor povrrr puxaous. ThU oouoc m on the irvuikd aa the UMrtrvata M ol Jun. i3). A oovj of W n uc uvd n tppitabUon pvmMnt w to and te tlx "WU( Aot" wtu. b riM ui xhm ornc or th. tr rort: t PrlM Rupeit. OUecOona to U so- tr trer nlicUo& nwr b HI d mith the mm 60 water resveitar or wttli the OMaptrgitor to th th of Water lUfhU. i-ariMinnii aiuunah imga. Victoria. B.C. wttbtn thirty Oay tiler the ftri tsPMraae ol Utli notice In a local nevupaprT- The dat of the ftrat puhUoaAlon of noMce U July 1". 1M. J. B. WOODWPRTII. Apolleaa' 301K71 oavaa dMm cimm aastnst uos hut tit tit nuu Benken4ort- (TZ J. to DaU wbo at4 tiw itn diT .r uTTrnt I u rqitrw i or Mart t.2M kUT IMMM , I J Mill M -ttr H'aulT MrVd to i lauv oonrvrr. j or th Sktoe or ttat MM I . . awn4. s iu erne ess FCUMANfc,Vf UAYI.M! I BOVW. VMIOOUHr. VQ. -Oil 53C. -RJnrlftte" $5.W. , Ttum Coufwar wwisx WATtn notice eJ27nH'S9B "" TAKE NOTICE tht J B Wood worth, hwl notk. iwr. B.C . wU UPT ' lleenM totU a)r of Jul UsnV :-v---r od um S00 cu K prr anoetMl. IM ROBSKTQN, DOAOI L rilAM K MIM KtL CLM QrUX)tf of lmrorranlt TK NOTICK tW I, W IV Umoq. mSurtf ortiUkowht No 4WK KakjM MtolK RwdtIk tw a w8R. cat of nnenmatam for the of laaut hov aiai e7 ANfuslrwr take under Seonan H of trie Uteeral AM muat he tntolaiaiiil (War Uk laauita of MMh t riwamW1 of temrowsMwU. Dt 3SM Jury; ma. Pint lUMtt; (tuat 7 rn of adveMlwearaS AUj PRINTING. Office Supplies R3ef Cowan & Latta, fbone Ul .A . ...4 , :. ' ; , r : . -4 - :! i..t t: : :t t-- J !M 1 .....I I ' .. ' V.n::: rii!" ' i : . it.' . . i.i I . xii (. : J' rtj I -t:-.' 'i;