!ii PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Results of a Special Purchase of British Made Tennis and Running Shoes With real crepe rubber sole. Special treated waterproof uppers. This kind of footwear is new for Prince Rupert. The Cut Rate Shoe Store are sole agents. Here arc a few lines and prices mentioned. You are invrted to inspect these new lines. Give us a call Women's and Children's One-Strap Running Men's Special built White Canvas Oxfords, cu- Shoes, waterproof uppers; colors, blue and shion Insoles and heels, heavy crepe rubber pink; genuine crepe rubber soles which will non-slip soles. The shoe that will stand rough outwear any other rubber dn the market wear and give comfort Q-J Sises tZQn Sizes fQo Sizes ?Zn All sizes ?Xa1i7 StolO35'1' llto2D;'1' 3to7 IDK Men's Black and Tan Dress Shoes, medium and . . wide toes, solid leather, all sizes Special prices Women's White Canvas Oxfords and Straps, QOIC CQQC on nr heavy non-slip crepe rubber soles, specially J)a3fxD QAi.&Oy ptdJu built to fit Instep to Insure comfort. Prices QQptoQf OCT Men s Work Boots, flexible leather uppers. Panco O&K, soles and heete, all sim QO OP To clear QA&0 ANOTHER WEEK-END SELLING EVENT Mens l. chrome Upper Werk Boot.s. solid Of Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes, Pumps. Etc, all leather throughout, sewn and standard screw styles and colors grouped together, good range soles, rubber or leather heeis CJO C of sizes; regular $3.95 QQ CQ Our price ?0UU Special V iLeckle name stamped on soles t CUT RATE SHOE STORE FORGOTTEN BALANCES INBANKS Number of People Have Left Considerable Sums at Trince Rupert "Forgotten Money" is the title of an article appearing In Maclean C-N.U TKA1N3 For the East-Mondays' Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30 pja From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays - 10:15 p.ra Magazine In which there is a partial list of people who have forgotten' cash balances to their credit In various banks. It seems from It that Prince Rupert people are as "forgetful" as those living elsewhere in the list the city Is men- j tinned several times as follows: WllHam J. Smith. Prince Rupert, $562.10 In the Bank of Commerce. Last record 1909. Mrs. F. R. Ewtng, Kltselas. $605.60 In the Bank of Commerce, Prince Rupert. Last record 1911. Alfonse Flore, Anyox. $971.52 In the Bank of Commerce. Prince Rupert. Last record. 1926. Edward Banniere. 22 Cordova Street West. Vancouver. $2. 16844 In the Batik of Montreal, Prince Rupert. Last record 192: Frank Lowery. Prince Rupert, $976.03 In the Bank of Montreal. Last recotd 1937. Prince Oeorge Is also mentioned, there betttf Roy 8anscth. address care of Arrow Lakes Limber Co.. Nakusp,:&7 in the Bank of Montreal, Prince George. Last record lMt WTILL1E THE T0ILER,' I UXAWT MAC'S Oi-O MUAMIC . FVJHftVBl TA.VCH VAcS1" Paul flQuaoav CAW oE his ttC sffe. J KMff i S rvw: I I Hui I War CARRYING OUT WORK John Dybhavn Tells Iliological Hoard plana Attended Rotary Convention In addition to attending to private business. John Dybhavn, who returned Sunday evening from a trip south was present at meetings In Vancouver of the Pacific advisory and P.a-lfic sub-executive committees of the Biological Board of Canada. In spite of decrease In appropriations for the year. Mr. Dybhavn states that arrangements have been made whereby all major Investigations at present in hand will be carried on but no new work of any magnitude can be undertaken at this tinu D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, also attended these meetings but will not be returning to the city for a week or ten days. Mr. Dybhavn was also In attendance In Victoria at the district convention of the Rotary Club as delegate from the local club of which he is president-elect. Some seven hundred persons were In attendance at this convention which was a great success. A large proportion of the visitors were from Washington and Oregon points. W. J. Dlnsmore or Tacoma was elected the new district governor and Intends to pay a visit here this fall. Mr. Dybhavn met O. ft. Nelson, former well known local newspaper publisher who was "covering" the Rotary convention lor the Victoria newsplper. SrRAKElt AT OVKO CI.UIJ Dr. H. Carson was the speaker at the regular weekly lun cheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club ! the Boston Cafe today telling some Interesting incidents of his recent trip to Vienna and elsewbs in Europe on medical post-graduate work. T. w. Brown, preside! of the dob. was in the chair ad, on behalf of the mem bers. extended a warm welcome heme to Dr. Carson, who Is a po pular member of the club. Kv a hiwdi$$...awavi... Miwi uowiTi.auTi TWO WEEKS LATER TseV- YOU MOSTHMt A MCAVY WISH I OARIO WARM TOBC rwi c.ni xxi.iair Wtfl vii soe's tAKms nttwomrn cewom havi notkio. .. OAKINCAFUAWAROS I Y'KW-0 AtHTUCAMUSS p: MOW ftH ANDCIMWI flllAFTIRMY jjV . coutfi DANCt fiTPvT WHIN ft? OUT WITH SOB TONIGHT ' p j i . I WHIFFLETS , From the Waterfront After paying his first visit to the port this spring, Capt. Don Yelf left last night for Hippo Island from which point to Butedalc he is again packing salmon on charter to the Canadian Fishing Co. with his wejl known packer B. and Y. The veesel had delivered its first toad of 30.000 springs from Hippo to Bute-dale and came on here for ice and supplies before making Its second trip, having arrived on Sunday evening. Skipper Yelf received a hearty welcome from many tooal friends. He reported that about forty boats are now engaged in trolling at Hippo Island and are doing fairly well. After the school holidays begin, Mrs Yelf and family will be coming north from Vancouver to pay a visit at Tlell. Bob Irvine of this city Joined the crew of the B. and Y. here ard will serve aboard her this year as he did last. Fifteen men, most of whom were taken on locally, are now engaged in reconditioning of the Tucks Inlet reduction plant which has been taken over by the Kel son Bros. Fisheries Ltd. of Van couver fot operation again thu year in the production of fertiliser aeal. etc.. from local halibut and almon offal. After a rather ex- te-slve overhaul ot the plant has been completed, it will start pro duction again. Thomas Anderson f Vancouver Is in charge as man ager In addltios) to her regularly scheduled voyage CP it steamer Princess Adelaide, Cant. 8. K. Oray. this week-end win make a special run north from here to Ketchikan to pidt up a number of Ketchikan toad cdstrtet school teachers and take them south tor the summer vacation. Due to arrive here at noon Friday from Vancouver, the Adelaide will sail at 1 p.m. for Ketchikan leavt there at 12 midnight on her return south, arrive here at 7 o'clock Saturday morning and sail an hour later for Vancouver. WMV MST SATHC RtftHAIUV WITH U'ISWOY? TMlN texust vr r hot orriNOOta "B.O." destroys charm (Mr ) matte how attraciive you took, the merest hint of NO "BO" (rWyoOourj kills your chancca for popularity - romance I For your own lake, piny it -bathie regularly wHh Lifebuoy. You will know by iu plcdtunt, qutckry-vanlsMng. tttra-elftn scent that Lifebuoy U no ordinary toilet soap. Lifebuoy gives tiua prmrcUnn In rich, hygiwitc lather dtotiorizti pnrea -effectively ends D O." Guemst health, too. by getting germs off hanUs Brings new1 beauty Ufebuoy's pure. bUnd, penetrating lather gently waihea away pora-cmbadded impuntiea fteswsns dull complexiunt to new, glowing lovctincat. Adopt LucBuoy today. A I tan unnui uama An Accommodating Absence YOU dAM HELP MB - RW Ut5 A4ALLy AMD T8.U MlM TO A? Mv eo& cfeAij tp Ma cam TO CSO r--0fit,. V v"feT-ALu A ) X1 "XlfKlAW I Mir Our . I -IS . - I . 1 . iLJ. mm. ' I I W-J T VJ, y I rA I T J" f r3C Mac- A VACATI VAU. ftlrtUT Monday & Tuesday TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9:10 Admission 13c Si SOc UlAL I K OM&k STUNNINO, FASCINATING Constance Bennett in "ROCKABYE" With Joel MacCrea Si Paul I.ukas Both Recal WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY When Coming lo Terrace Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You. We meet all trains. Freight Ac passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat II A. 8.) now in service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. $1.00: $1.30 per head additional. No crowd too big. No Job too small. riCNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY "UOCKABVt" Starts at l l u ... And the Dramatic Thrill "The Vampire Bat" Ktarrlnr 1 in vrt a- hiuull i 11 II I . CABIN N THE COTTnv HOLIDAY RESORTS !- .. iiiuuaiiii; UUjaiHf Summer Boarding Home Tie II. Q. C Mandi Hathlng, Hunting Kiiihiiiu No Piles N M .. a Modern Cimvi; ... Home Cooking far Exirrllew $11.00 Trr Werk The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famout "Rupert Brand" SMOKED AVff oMtJ LACK 0 m off row. A LITTLtf VACAT'CH 1 I "l DV" ' -1 .ALJi. 3 .rVvT-T. V -1, ii f THI a ID I'rcparcd Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. IMtlM'K KtM'KKT. H.V Summer Price on STOVE COAL $11.00 a ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 A DOLLAR'S WORTH CW saaaaa tad ajaU H IA $1 far i U ' ' TUB CHRISTIAN SCIUNCn MONITOR I at Tw Omnnm Suhmi nwni S"" rmin mmhiiwi. v. s. a. k mm H. U. mtmt Ik. WW. Mai IK TM StSJnruiV. T M6iI"irw an t it' rhi -mi aw a HW tMrtaUM " P55So7"re53' (tu'.l -By Westovor. VVAWLV - "LL Vot A J. ess.