and OverhkuUd' I .One Jar ,of Gardenia Gold, Vanishing pr pl.eanng Cream (1 AA ' nVcWs.c?rac(l(?ni? Kace Powder or- One pttle of Jasmine of France Perfume 4 Southern "with every purchase of Jasmine orithern, I H The Hexall Store Si'o f he Nc Enterprise Monarch Coal Range fi-v Terrs Kaien Hardwar e h Itlork Phone 3 Fresh Mjlk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine. Typewriter m uaehros., i.m Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Oprstlng three Dry Docks Ttl capsrlty 20,009 torts " Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers Steel and Wood VesstU 'on and Rrass Casting Nitric and Acetlen Wtldlqg 5 ton Drrrltk for Heavy Llts mlllandMlnlngMachlntrv FREE ice race rowder Ormes Ltd. Vets' President Is Coming Soon T. A. Barnard of Nanaimo, Provin etal Legion President, Due Next 'Week The prime Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion. British Empire Service Leatie is loofclnic forwan I to a visit from Provincial President T A. Barn.wd cf Nanaimo. He has been .in ..etive worker in Canadian Legion circle for many years and 4 thoroughly conversant with the pro-re of t he Lcinn In the Dast aor' he ppo:t unities In the future. He wii: .it1(irrs .i meeting of re ; turned men on the evening of Juae !o on his tourney north enroute to Stewart A 8 Cobum of Nanaimo l!l accotnoany the provincial pre-! Ident on this visit to the northern ' branches Why? Sl lend the Money lor a good suit or a beautiful dres and fail to have II appear at it very best? Phone 649 And have your elelhes restor. ed to original sparkle and luvrlirtMM by wr modern pro-res. Our special price still on LADIHK' and HUNTS' Suit or TOpsoet $ 1 ,00 Clean RTWst Ureai $1.00 Pram Drei $1.25,$1.50 Fancy LING - Tailor The lliei CIS" TaHnr and Rflisble Cleaner TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Hose, Cowan Si Lnttn Phone 23t CQAU COAL! Our Famous Edson. Abe rla and llulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction Try a ton of No. I Bulkley Vailey We also sell Timothy Hay. WbeaJ pa,i and, Uarley Prince. Uupcrt Feetj Co. 5 Phones V5 x X v j I Phones: 81 L. K i The fact of tt being annual Memorial Day acoour.ts for the flag over the United States consulate being unfurled at half-mast today. Rt. Rev. O. A. Rlx D-D.. Bishoo of Caledonia, who has been on a two-weeks' ina U various Neas River poinu oo eccleeafl sties 1 duties, returned to the city from the north oo the Oattvla this morning. Charles Graham, insepctor of mines, who Is on a trip north -on official cutis. tnveQed from Ap- yox to Stewart on the steaer C- tala yesterday and wll) be retto ing uj nis r.eaoquanerj nere an the end of the week. Oeneral Manamr C. Thatias df the B.C. Packers Is visitinc the district m his yacht Florida V. lie ims oeen several days msnecU-f: w Mnnniai m ik. and U expected to be In Prtner Rupert before he goes south LOCAL NEWS NOTES tbr Maneu Inlet ;t, ' Charged with ttiett of tools from ! - - Henri Letourneau s Unshop and to- Mrs. John R. Mitchell and daugh-boooo from the Sunrise Oreeery ter. Miss Irene "Mitchell who have two boys t jwvenMe age appeare been visiting at various points In before Magistrate IfeCJymeat 1 the south lnpfc)tfi:g Vneoirver I- C417 iwuw kv -m nfofiiinB ana were remanded fee eight days. l Mail Schedule ! i lor the Eat I j Mondays, Wednesdays and FrI-i days 8:30 pjn. rrom tlie Eaj Tuesday, TbOTfd.ay and Satur day - lo:Vm. For Vancouver-Tuesday .. 12:3,0 p.m. Thursday 8 m. Friday , f Rnr Monday, Wednesday and Frtdy (by traln .. '8:0 pj?. From Vancouver , I.' I. r-r - Sunday - pra Wednesday 9:3Q ajn ilt Friday L pjn.! Tuesday. Thuraday and Saturday by train) 10:15 pm For Stewart and Anvet i i , tt r Sunday 7 pm Wednesday ... 3 pop Hotel Arrivals Prtn.ce Rupert N. D. Armstrong, B. 4. John--tnn, J. Warke and Norman L. Brown. Vancouver. M. Ho)mbf& Kstchliian; p. Fowler, cjty. Royal T. Roos, city'. TRAIN SERVICE F.ASTHOUNII I.t. Prlnee RuihtI .S0 p.m. I.. Smlllirra - - - 8.40 a. 111 L. Ilurna jtr - 12.47 p.m I.t. Vanilrrliwif - 4.16 p.itt .. Prlnre t.torno T.5 p.iri KSTIIOUNII Prince Urorg 1.S0, a, 111 VanilerlttMif 4,21 a. 111 Uurnt Lte - 7.32 a. in I.t. Snttthrra - 11.10 l.v. New Haiti ton 2.61 rr. lluprrl IfJ.isp.m.t ll'mmnt, .Ifrrll, Ma; I Ilk, Ilk ulklaiM4 laar 1 trurfel... J talonloa, l.M..m.) M f ..''t'rl. Ta Tm., !a. fkwtw wll lralaMl ar 11, Mri.r,t.. arv 1Mb Hiipcrt CAN A HI AN X AT Ml 3V A I. 1M(i(1(VMSl lUbekflh Special Meeting Wed. For day and rU,hl .Tail ser-yjre phone 32. tf Oarden Earth, Manure. Phone 'and money- Phpae 0 for free den-303. Oascy Cartage, Prompt Scr- onstratrou. MsRae Bras. I vJce. tj, j - - ,1 Dr and Mrs. Stanley Mills of: Tonight's train, dWJ from i&e Terrace, who arrtred hi the city on Bast at 40; 15, was reported this. Saturday nights train from the morplng to be on time. J. E. Moody of Port SIfiipiwi was a passenger aboard ,he Catala today going through dp a trip U Vancouver. Mrs. W. F. Btiasey has been able U be removed to her home on! Eighth Avenue East after spending! seven weeks as a pattest in the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital. R. W. Riley. Terrace druggist, returned to the interior on last night's trote-aOer a brief business rrlslt to theMy. He had arrived from Terrace on Saturday night's train. I Thomas Kaye, Vancouver, well known official of the Union Oil Co.' arrived In the city on Sunday following a trip to Sfeeena River eanrery points on company bosl- nes. Union steamer, Capt. A E Dlofc- j on. returned to port at 10 o'clock this morning from Anyox. Stewart' and other northern points and, sailed at 140. this after, oon for, Vancouver end waypeets j W. . WiUiams, KXJ. formerly of thto city and now teskUng in ' Vancouver, who has been in 111 - teaith recently. Is repartee by lo-J eai friends who have seen him lately to be ranch temroved now. i sieamer rrtnee jonn. cap- Uin Dan MeKtrtnon ; from Van- couver via the Qtteen Clfartette ls and. is e)LpeeM to anive In oori 1 niniri mMnlalu .iniaum from tt... sorrfh The vesse' left Skldtfate In I hrt . at invin.k- . . ."-"'""J una since Use repeat c4aafgsfcR 0f tr University ct British Cnlum- !) tDr MUX received her degree as a bachelor of arts, wpl return home from 'Vancouver on the grlnee Oeorg? tomorrow morning. nnQUflGements Hks' Crowning of May Queen Dance SaUirdsvy. .June 3. Canadtsm 40gi BteoiC, DigpJ faUuiQ. June 18. Mease picnle. Oitby Island. Jul' Eagles' pioie July 34 Don't Miss These BARGAINS Look over our window. Further re-j dufons In prices for hous-1 clranip articles. PINBOLA For all purposes, good i or poiituiog troutng 95c spoons. 3 -lb. tin HANSLICK POWDER -2 tins 49c BONAMI CAKES 29c RECklTrS BLUE -S for 25c PPLP DUST SCOURINp PQWDEP Bfjul to pM J)Wtch lOn atlita LUX SOAP FLAKES- Large qq a pkU. . vJy MUSSALLEP Economy Store SI7-U Tblrd Avenue West T.. Mpx 57$ ben.e 18 Out of town onlers rt crlve prompt ,.i)trnilon, Sn4 us a trial order jms " " ? . i Paint, varnish, etc. Sllverslaes Brqs. Spring Sale now on. tf 8hift your wash day f&'oox to an 'Easy Washer. Saves health. Mine iinierWr, left by test night's train on their return to Terrace. t Another enjoyable Clnderelli dance was held Saturday night Lii the Exchange Block Hall by th ' local Canadian "Labor Defence1 Leatme. about thirtv couoIm Mine present. Music was by Jimmy Cur-' He's Orchestra and A Rushford1 was master of ceremonies. I 1 j Why stay RUNDOWN? FruU-a-tivtt lit new lift "Tb only tblst that make me mm-erablf bow t the thuusbt that tot years 1 atrulilta ak,.ig In a run-ocMrn ! CMKfcuoa, hca, U 1 bad koowa about Prit-a-tiTiM . wunld nave a adL I w emjpti. miibw tat (taatly from trvm hnuLii 'Fmtt-a-tira' toard aw up i-nrrally. Ther reaSr haw doot BH iar aot IS uf tuai." Frutl-Q'tltf . . . altdrug ttort At the order of City Comeus- signer W. J. Alder, painting of the Fire Hall buildi g was started tbL- morning. The work Li belne ear (net. out by members of the fire department Rev. W. S. Cooper. Anghea iChur.-h clergyman at OreenrUle o:, the Nags River, arrived in the !eiu ifrom tbe north for a brM visit to the city on ecclesiastical business --r-"Zrrr Provincial Ooostafcie and Mrs. L.I M. maserton Of Stew&K t passthgrrs aboard he Catala today gol'-g through on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Potterton had In her charge Edith Norris. a Stewart woman who has been sentenced to six months' imprisonment at O kalis for vasrrancy NOW OPEN I Ideal Cleaners Very latest methods in Dry Cleaning and D)1ng Second St., Phone 858 j SHORTWAVE KtCEPTION For information on tins phone Blue 320 or visit our shop and let us demon-stnito the possibilities of shortwave reception all day Ioiik. Investigate this fully and get the most out ot your radio this summer. lOOk FOR THE TWVKK Superior Radio Service 336 Second Avenue r Phone Blue 320. P. O. Box 133 A O B.ARTLETT C It INSULANDER 1 m Classified Ads FORSAKE FOR SALS good riffles safe, Can be seen at Patty News. rJOHNSON outboard motors. New low price. Wrjte or cU for cat J alozffe. Let its demonstrate. W.t R. Love Electric Co-party, Princt I Rupert, District XgerrtV tmj FOR RENT HOUSES F. W Hart. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment phone Red 4fJ. J2,r : : rr i i prices reasonaoie Benkendorf, 4PDERN HOUSE, five rooms and, Tbird Ave., next door to Daily Bath, with Range, $16.00. Phonal vews if! -1 FOR RENT Store on Third Avenujj In centre of business section. Witt renovate u- suit tenant Thomas McClymont. (tt' PIANO TUNING PIANOS Tuned $3.00. Walkers Ml sic Store. ' tn BALE UNDER CHATTEL " MQP.'fGAfiE I HEREBY OFFER FOR SALE by' aF' "le cnaiieis ana lunu - i tm1n m hMmtuw nmirt d: m4 hv Ou Empress Social' Club Limited on second Floor oi thffbuiidipg at tne soutn-westeriy corner or vtn Street and Second Avenue, seised ) by me for default in payment under j ' a certain chattel mortgage in favour of Ale; assfim .JTei'aLascinSr! i iv xzjy: asra iuan.vsuuu. sen" ders be efyefl py me at thei office or WUIlams, Manson. Brown' & Harvey. Prince Rupert. British I Columbia, until 2:30 P.M. on Thurs- 'day, the 1st day of June. 1&33. where a ran inventory or the chattels arid furniture; may be seep. Tenders should preferably be. for the whole of the inventory. Terms one-half rash, balance to be arranged. The highest or any tender ndt necejaWf-hfacceptea. DATED at Prince Rupert. Brtfkth OpHmbla. this 26. day of May. UK T. W. BROWN. LANp ACT XMIre of Intent Iwi tn Apply ta rnrthaf Mnij ' In Print fUflgrt UM HSf P1" -ituat attouf 1t fnUn trm UiessoaSl r tp KMf Rfvr OB tbt tu Ft Tak notiO that I. WWaMn UkSVMar iQUtxrt of VjKir. B.C. ocrapattan Mntr OpfTMor lotrncU to afifiij (Qt I ormusm vo pi;rrnaac vnr nanwinv 4'ritl lalMU CtuwMaoSfig at s Mat pisiatad ere f o-m mutant from thaWMpjls B&t o!i h f.'m akt of dt tW. TjvH itsltriy 60 ehalna theix aouthariy !u:a: HMTtck OaMrly SO ctaaUH hfnm nmB'np .10 chains, and eon otnrr lot) (ktvV tribrr oT- WILLIAM LAflRANClE CHLBBRT Da'd April lTtb. TSJ.1 UN0N STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btctmcra lesva Prtnce Hupert Ur Vmaoaf: T.$.S. CATAL. EVERY TIJESIJAY, ItJO PJ1. Due Vancouver Thursday pun. T.S.S. CARHENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. WttUy aailUip to Port BUapaon. AUee Ann. Asyox. Btf,rt tad. tluuk Further Information regarding all aalllnsa and ttckeia tA ' Ptlnce Rupert Agency: Secopd Avenue. Phone 568 EDWAR05BURG CROWN BRAND CORNSYRUP The! economical and delicious Prtrnse Rupat. occupation MMasa. la-""l UMi to vifH lor leiae f i tt- iate'tiai. i a.' r in in ..: tt ; ccmmrncinc at pax planted at ttve aouth-waat oomr ot Lot &. qax, ' ' S2?" " tSSL"!lw: . potas of rram swAawiBSTVSkaeT aiui aTarfMaaitaTtiraa -jn r rnoec m. john morris. P" " 's" - - - - - PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone Z3 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage ,All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green 549 1 Exchange Block, A nouri$hint iwcct (or thp whole family WANTED MARRIED couple wish to rent h fur. ishcd house or apartment tor the months of Jury aod Aligns). House wish view preferreji. Apply 175, Daily News. ' 131 HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! . -Oil" S3J0. "Ringlftte" $5.0. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe CLEANING & PRESSINp TRANSFERS CAJIERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Furniture moving. Bottles bought. Chairs for rent. Wood fox sale. PAINTERS MNTINQ and Eaperhanglng IMfttT- f hone Red 805. MM" PT olWr at Intmtlon to apply to l and In Prtnw Runrrt LaMaS BSMrdlBC DUt- trict of Quea Otsriotto Utrnust. and " Take noSloe UaM J. I. UerrU of TIIIQANAPA ITARQI CO. LIMITtD, 1I0NTSIAI res