Tomorrow's Tides THIS WEEK THE Pontiac Straight 8 High 5:20 ajn. 16.8 It. 18:81 pjn. 16.7 ft. Is on Display at Low . 12:03 pm. 5.6 It. fgb y. Kaien Motors Show Room NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER All Cordially Invited Phone 52 - -- - ' : : . Vol XXIV. NO. 126. i nuivu in.' u" x , v-., luuuuin, 70 SEEi CURRENCY PRINCE GEORGE CAPTURES FORTUNE IN IRISH SWEEPSTAKE kfinite Fixed Ratio For Coinage of Silver And Gold is Proposed American Delegates to World Be Instructed Along These For IOiulon in WASHINGTON, D.C., May foreign affair committee of the today voted to instruct American delegates to the -forth coming world economic conference to work for stabiliza lion of international exchange and strive to secure an in : national agrrrmrot for sold awH ,iver at a definite fixed ratio The A.-v.vrican delegation will be leaving . tea day Igr London where the nference will or held DEAD AT SMITHERS r-r.- - "i - DiHltl luster. Agrl 11, VMIro of Mytfettou MaVatfa Wtrt Worn Id piinte Rupert Man local friends wUI leant with 1 . . .1 I ft. ...ft. .ft. lMlr t ' p legfC. II kin lira in wibii i Ukl iiisht at Binlihers u. I : winl rate., aged 17. only ion ofj M .mi Mi Frank V Foster. lor j i . : iv of tfafc. city The tad. who had' town feeling well atnoe he re-1 . ned to Sniltuers alter having m.' hare a few week iu m niunbtr of the Bmlther High s ikioI basketball team Became ser 1 'i ly 111 about two week ago. When lapsed into a state of coma -Ahu-h appeared like a deep sleep, a i' days at". lu condition became , 1 1 .-. t v .. firat holWinwl that he sutfertnv, Irom spinal menln-. " hut giTtittlni to later wtird ? '.m the Interior. It is thought (hat . ' might have been a form of deep- I in.' iickncss I Daniel Foster was bom In Prince 1 Hupert and for some yearn lived i. rr with hU parent, his father inn a well known locomotive en- iiii-r for the Canadian National N.iiiwajrs. Later the family moved ' in here to Bmlther Resides his 1'iM'iiu, hr I survived by a sister. ' nithy. who is younger Tin- funeral will take place In Mint hunt on Thursday I DENIES HE'S RESIGNING Secretary of Treasurer Sell Humors at Kent Following. Sens-toikil I'rohe WASHINGTON, DjC.. My SO William 11, Wood In. Secretary of u.r Treasury, announced yesterday tliat he had not restarted nor had I""1 any Intention of doing " result ol disclosures made before tiir Senate lnvesUUng committee that he had been among a list "f "preferred customers" of the House of Morgan lor the purchase Biiinoard IlrandN stock. HII.VI5U AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YOHK. May 30 (Canadian Tress i Oliver closed at 34jc ' the local metal market yestcrduv "in copper at 74c. It being Memorial Day, u market was closed t'iduy. PRINCE PPTMri? PTTPITPT RUPERT, B.C., TIP TTTFCTiAV TUESDAY, Economic Conference May Lines Party to Leave Few Days 80: (Canadian Pre0-Tlu Houw of Representative)-1 OPPOSED TO LEW Hotel and Restaurant Proprietor . . Keg isler .Vehement Protest at Steal Tax VICTORIA. May 311: (CT'-Hu-We pwMtc opinion. Uireutettmc tr break out Into a storm of protest, t growing throughout British Gotum bur against the British (Jolumbi governments meal tax." author iaed under the Hospitals Aid Ael passed .it the last session of UK Legislature. The new levy places a live percent tax on all meals costing more than SO cents, applied to hotels, rests ur-snls and boarding houses Certain exemption are allowed in the cases nf boarding house meals and meal tickets Where paid as board. SI pei day. $7 per week or tM per month .ire the exemptons. Hotel men and boarding houer proprietors have inundated Uv government with protests A com blued meeting of Victoria an' mainland hotelmen a scd a res du Umi sit-in t absorption of the lev ind npmiintcd a detection to pn test to the government. One prominent hotel man said the new ta threaten to drive the tourist trudi from the province Many British Columbians ai juUI to so order their meals no that the chock totals only 40 cents thus avoiding payment of the tax Though there is nothluR in the act tu provide for arrest of non-payen tines can be Imposed. SttMalimi Chaotic Hotel men say the tax situation is rhaotlr and the tax plan unworkable 1 hey say the levy will art against one section of the catering Industry for the protection of another section. Announced changes In the original regulations, they continue, have not lessened their oblectlon to the tax. I Hoarding house keepers protest. that single men boarding at home do not need to pay the tax while man living In a boarding house do. The method of collecting the tax Is unjust and unfair, in their opinion. Muix that average a cost of 33 cents, when paid by the month, are subject to the levy when applied on the monthly rates. it befell a Msnitoban to lutve the doubtful honor of being the first to iw. mnvicted under Uie act. Ktlus- tng to pay Uie tax on a 75 cent meal on the Victoria -Vancouver boat. J. aniiiKrlnnd. commercial traveller I from Winnipeg, whs fined 36 and $2 cost when brought Into court. tf iiinre were any real hostility between art and science I should certainly feel alarmed over the fate 'of art Havelock Ellis. The Guards aWBi " iii iiSMiFiif,tr JLaf llgagaBSMajaaaTtaJTSMSW.. eew 'asaaaawaagtaata&MMataakaa aBBv SL 3aawZ!2Sl!9agas The Ouaxv. ba :.aL lea 3 n u,' jropuig ARBITRATE ON STRIKE f Columbia Hirer lulling and Can-nine Tie-up Sow Being Inveslicated . ASTOHIA. May 30: . (Canadian Press) Formal lnvcii'r,ation of the strike which has lied up the fUhlnr and canning industries of the Columbia llivrr for the past month was begun here yesterday by (he Oregon State Arbitration Board. The fWhernien demand He per pound for chinoek salmon while the lalmon packers have offered 7Hc, an increase over their op. cnlnjf prire. PRAY FOR MALE HEIR Kmptess of Japan Is I Is pectin? Another VWt From Slork In December or Thereabouts TOKYO. Japan. May 30- Al ready n ty million people of Japan have resumed prayers for thf arrival of a male heir In the Hoyal Houeehold of Uie Flowery Kin Am. It Is disclosed that the Empress, already the mother of a number of daughters. Is expecting another visit from the stork In December or Uiereabouts. JAP SHIP STRANDED balvatc Tuns Now Working on Nippon Marti Between I-osAn-geles and San Francisco LOS ANQKLB8. May SO-Salvage lugs had yeeterday commenced op era t Ions with a view to salving tho Japanese freighter Nippon Man willeli Is impaled upon a reef be- j tween here and Sun FTanclsco following a stranding on Sunday. Tho vessel Is reported to have two. large holes In her bow with her engines submerged. 1 Got Wet Had To caraai tm wiu'i. tht first rehearsal of Uk picturesque Uie colors ifkd to be abandoned because ol'raln -e i 4 HANDS OVV JIJW SAYS (IhltlANV TO LLAtiUL i OB4WA May 3) 'Ctna- dtan Press i -Germany, in cii- plomaUc phraavotosy. yeaUr- 4 day told Uie League of Nation r. to keep Its hands off Oer- many's treatment of the Jews. Steamer Venture Put in Service Carweaa to Cease Galling at Hirers Inlet Northbound and CataU at Ocean Falls Southbound With Uie placing of the steamer Venture In serviee on the Kmgeotne Inlet-Rivers inlet run out of Van couver. Uie Union steamers Cardenn and Catala. operating between here ind Vancouver, after this week wli: be relieved of certain of Ue calls they are now making at waypolnt.s and will be en ibled to make better time than thry are now doing. The taking over of the Rivers Inlet calls by tin- Venture, will permit the Cardenn which has been doing Rivers Inlet northbound to arrive here from tlv south on Friday rve-ntnits In time to sail on schedule at midnight Unit niht tor Vancouver and waypnin'.s 1 After this w. ek, the steamer Catala will eliminate her call at Ocean Falls southbound from here which wlH enable her to arrive In Vancouver several hours earlier on Thursdays than at present. INCENDIARY SUSPECTED Flro Hug Believed Kespouslblc For Destruction of Vernon Fruit Packing House VERNON May SO: (Canadian Press i F1n believed to have been or lncendliiry origin destroyed the Delaian Orch irds packing house and equipment here on Sunday, causing loss which Is estimated at $15,000. MAY MAV on moo 1933 iuxx x 30, uu, iou PRICE: PRICE' FIVE FIVE CENTS CENTS STABILIZATION Go Home I CANADA AT BIG FAIR This Dotninian. Well lie prevntcd at Centuff. of rrojress tlx position Visitors Coming Or eat Cltkago Show Expects to Itring Tourists to This Country W1NN1PQ. May 30: "fltoeere appreciation and satisfaction is being expressed in business and official circles throughout the United States that the Dominion of Canada has Joined with the other nation-. and Uie great Industrial. setenUfte and cultural organisations In observing, through the Oenturv of Progress KxposiUon. the centennial J oi tne cuy or unicago canaoa nas (CoUnued on page 1 Today's Stocks Supplied by 8. D. Johnston Oo. Ltd Toronto Int. Nickel. $17.10. Noranda. 31J0. Sherritt Gordon. 1.23. Vancouver IUg Missouri. .36. Bridge River Cans.. JU. Georgia Rim, snk. Lucky Jim. .,. National BUver. M. , NoMe Five, 10. Meridian. M. .Nlcobi, .71 Native Son. .13. Pend OtsUlc. I.M. Premier, 1.00. Porter Idaho. .17. Reeves McDonsM. .39. Reward. .30. B.RX. .m. WayaMe. .53 Whitewater. .17 Silver Crest. .07ft. Reno. 3.M Oils A.P Cons., lew,. Pabyan. .004. C & E. Corp., .01. Cannon t, .08. Mercury, .13. ' United, .10. Ticket Signed "Storm" Takes Residual Award 4,200 Pounds in Draw Unemployed iMan in Interior Town Winner of Big Sum In Drawing Was One of Consolation Prizes on Dig Horse Race VANCOUVER, May 30: (Canadian Press) A ticket bearing the name "Storm" sold in Prince George won a residual prize valued at 4,200 in the Irish Hospitals Sweepstake on the Derby race which will be run at Epsom Downs in England tomorrow and the draw of consolation . Sjwards for which was completed in McAFEC NOT AFTEK POLITICAL HONORS e ' m e "Although the matter has been broached to me. I can as- sure you that I am not In a po- slUon to do any DoliUeal run- nlng." stated W. R. McAfee. 'manager of thOlg Bays Lunv- ber Co. Ltd.. on being lnterre- gated today In regard to penis- 4 tent rumors that he might be a candidate for this riding in Uie forthcoming provincial el- ection. Mr. McAfee's repucua- Uon of any Intention of run- ntng removes a prospective candidate who It was thought by many might make a strong run tf he could be Induced to enter Uie field. GRAIN SHIP IS WAITING Sacrsmento Valley to Start Loading Tomorrow raid Last Visit to This Port in 1928 After an uneventful and speedy passage from Shanghai which port she left on May 10. the British freighter Sacramento Valley of Uie Reardon. Smith Line arrived here at 1 : 45 yesterday aftenoon from the Orient and soon moved into the Alberta Wheat Pool's elevator where she will start tomorrow on the loading of a full cargo of grain for United Kingdom or Continent. Commencement of loading is delayed I tending Uie arrival of officials from Vancouver on the steamer Prince iteorge tomorrow morning. The vessel was already lined on arrival here. Then named Rkegneas, the Sacramento Valley last visited this port In March Itat when she loaded a grain cargo. Capt. W. Lauday. bar present master, was at that time chief officer. The vessel Is registered from DkMeford. Devon. Knuland. is of 3t42 net tonnage and carries a crew of 38 officers and men. menare" WORKING; I OS ANOELHS. May 30 -Accord-, Ing to an official announcement which was made yesterday, the number of families receiving relief In Los Angetos has dropper! j from 13.366 In April to 9.769. I TLowande of local men have gone I back to work In various pursuits during the past month. uuoim Mxiay. v. iitustrom. unetn- j ploysd man at the Interior town lumseil as "Storm" and was whinsr of a fortune amounting to some sxu.uuu. CABINET CHANGES Announcement is Expected to be Made at Middle of This Week Iiy Premier Tolmie VICTORIA, May 30: (Canadian Pressi While declining to set any specific date for the holding of Uie eiecuon. premier 5. r. Tolmie ex- 'pects to announce cabinet changes at the middle of the week when Hon. N. S. Loughced and Hon. William Atkinson wttt retire as minister of lands and minister of agriculture respecUvely. The Premier declines to say whether the portfolios will be filled by newcomers or whether the two departments will be absorbed for the present with other branches. The Premier may take the department of agriculture himself. Dr. Tolmie is now working on details of Uie platform of the new . Unonist party which will be announced shortly. Is Appointed As Magistrate Donald C. Devitt of Telegraph Crrpfc. Named Oeorie .MeColl Is Justice of Peace VICTORIA, May 30: (Canadian Press) DonaM C. Devitt of Tele graph Creek baa bean gasetted as a sUpendisry magistrate for the counties of Prince Rupert and Cariboo. Oeorae P. MeCoil of Port Simpson has been appointed a Justice of the peace. Clipper II Went to Dutedale Yesterday The hallbttt beat Wooer II. with 1000 iKNHtds. ftrrivau in port yesterday too lata far the usual morn-till sale. She kM her catch to AUiA-rtehcries for delivery at Ualadala, getting Se and 3c per pound. No boats were In this morning as there was no sale. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVHR, May 30 (Canadian Press i- Wheat was quoted at 934c on the local Exchange yesterday Today's price was 03 Sc.