(( 1 1 r-f KnaU Store Phones: II Ms. K2 Tih which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By la Br, a M M 1 e f t . mnnn hch Xi I n ri Mnrccp In 1 1 ii a w w ww w -j PRINCE RUPERT. B.C D COUNTRY BOOKING rnporl4tlon - Passports - Hotels - Bag99tc. tflflUIr Fur I n faPM bIIah l! r M tti ' "ty Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. Prince Rtmert. B.C. y u CAM A m a kj KiATinNJAL t WON STEAMSHIPS LIMITED thla mamlng to be oa time. T. W. 1111 lnspetiorf aehooto. Announcements Army Harreat f stirs' aate Monday. October 9. Pfbytitfifl llattwf Tea.. Oct li. Lathsraa aaoec 18. GawHcb Baaaar. Oc Moose NoveMy Ball. Friday. Oc tober M. Prtnee Rupert Ptstveea' wMat ad eridaa. Oaaaher M. Qathalte Baaaar Oetaher . Baar saltan Chb ftaftafc Dane arallowt Matt. Oeaoear ml HyajM Baaaar. Oetaber 27. HUi 60 MaJeWweim T Oct. 2d -The Lrttle C3odtoopper- Utitad tChaaeh yov. 2 and 3 Not. 9W Cavthedral Dcaatattr presents 4 -Act Ooncdy "Or. Susan " Cathedral Han. Jones' Family MEAT MARKE1 Phone 957 Fowl-each Shoulder Veal per lb Leg of Veal per lb. Rump Hoast of Beef ' 4 lbs. far Prime Rib Helper lb T-Borto It oa super lb Pot Roaat 4Jba. .. Legs of Lamb per lb ghouldi lyftiobo -per lb Strkiln Tipper lb Stewing Veal 3 lbs. Phone 95? 50 c 10c 15c 50c 15 c 15c 35c 20c 10c 15c 25c Mmw Orenda An tailed lajfl sailed last night on the CardenaUaHed Uit sighi on the Oardena (r a trip to the Ocean ftatte a ad eUa Cottla diaUict an rOelal d- Ue. for a trip te Vancouver and eke- wbere to the aotiafa. Jama Weateaaa, vtw left thai Union atoaaer Oardena, CpJUy some time aap for VietoriaJ Jime f-MMllay. antTed la port at i returned Xrm the soutn on taej Prinoeat AdatsMe yaatefday after' Ura. Jaaaat DnhofHe of TleMj following a brief iMt to the city, aaUed by the Prince John laat in Vancouver tor the paot tolfllght on her retara to her home ow the Queen CtWlotte Jalanda. On a charge of drbrlng to the! eoBHnon danger. WUhun Hayser tf appearing before Magistrate Me-. Ornaont In etty poilee court tMd afternoon. It la altaged by the po- Oeneral HospiUl. who haa beeoJUee that Hajrwr operated his ta ear wtth faalty brake. Provincial Constable Hugh Me-Ottnchy of Bella -Oeela arrived In the etty on the Pripee Adelaide; yestecaavy saora has paat 4ovq the oast and praaeedao hy teaha to Prieoe Geoage where he nas been aaUad on amwal at the cerioua iUaeas of Mrs MeOUaehy. Oa inaarinr of i. W MeKlnley. a Mef report was made f t the meet tec. last rtaht of the Chamber f Csaswae hy Viee'Prealdeat John Dytawvo la aaanectioa with THANKSGIVING SPECIALS ORHEN PEPPERS OCn a ibs. "" JALUFLOWKR C)fn li f)Sn M", v Mh CLfiMY-Ooud haaxU 1 (r iAVOY CABBAGE each .tBMO TUtWlPS- g has. .- eBMO CAHOTK-8 lbs. frBH PINIAPPLBB tarae. each yWSBT POTATOB6 S lea. MtAPa--6aedleas pw H). - - AVV 15c 25c 25c 40c 25c 20c rPPLB-tatttfiali Rl;t? Hnimhriri nrk ?XalJ BANANAS 2 lha. WRSBH TOMATO B6 5 -lb. basket ECONOMY BUTTER 3 lbs. CANADIAN CIIEBSS per lb. . ... -. PUMPKIN-a'a 2 tins 25c 30c 74c 20c 35c Pumpkin. Beels, Cranberries, Cucumbers. Lettuce. TartnJpt, Vrretsbl Marrow, Squash at Brdured Prices Free delivery on ul) orders $2 or oyer MUSSALLEM'S Economy Stm "Wliere Dolls rs Hare More Cents" 817-1S Third avveima West P.OBos 7fl f hone II I'KOI tHSOlt UOV Wishes to notify I be public that Ttiurvday. Friday and Saturday will be hh last three days of -tea and iHv cup readings at Mui-aaucoi's Tea Kown and Coo. trrtlonery Don. miss this appori unity. 1 ZT sggaajgjgJM fl 1938 THE' DAILY "NEWS f.03 -TK223 Week-End SPECIAL Maraschino Cherries or- Fruits in Creams Per box 49c x JERGENS SOAPS Introductory Offer 4 Cakes for 25c COLGATES RAPID SHAVING CREAM Regular ,'J5c Tube Special at 25c Ormes Ltd. Jii Ptontcr Druqgists Bieunwi let? Prince ftupert tot Vanoourer l8.r'TU EVFJIY TUESDAY. .:Jt MI. " n, r Thursday pJtt. -8 CAiti,ENA evkhy FiuuAY MIDNKillT. ui ji to Pan Simpaon. Alice Arm. Ano. r ' K . . . , . rrl.- .. rniWIf 111 SSUinia MH "fiilflltnrt: RrrnnX Avenue riiw- CANADIAN PACIFIC mr Irave I'rluce itui,.rt r0, Vancouver via Ocean Falls nd futki- ' "Uise. Oct 12. 21; Princes Norali. uci R,T' IIIK4V ...... .,..,. -VI AY i - niiiiAULUi, JUNEAU ana 5'""" , ' "if Ort 18. 35, princess Nornh N - u, Reservations and Information I LOCAL NEWS NOTES ! THANKSOtVINd SERVICE United Oburefa 7:10 pjn. ; Seetch Da.BC. Moose Hall tonight at 9. Admission 25c. and 10c. 234 Big selection f dresses, coataJ hats and berets Just arrived. De-( mers. 225 Toojttvta But at M teaia, due from thai eVsoefc, wm reported! night en the Oardena for a vaca 7 SO last ereniag from the south and sailed at 12 midnight on her j return to Vanaoarer aad vay ; paint Mr John Nyholm. who has barn !ontbi receiving special medical; treatment, returned heme from the jaouth on ttle Prince Rupert this ! morning I Ml Jane Potts of the student Inurtine. ttaff of the Prteee Rupert , ukit K special counts Jta UAerca-pou nursing at TraoqutPe 8ani-'tartum' and in dlatetics at 'Vancouver Oenera! Hoaptul. rt-tumed to the city trem the aooth of the Prinreea AdelaMe reaterday afternnoo. 1 Mrr 'Capi.i ARen'-of Ytncoamr. who to afettat in Item! Sahratioa i Array work during the atwenee f iCapt Coxaw. the kocal rnmman-an atek furlough, waa wel- rnmed at a large and enjajrafbie pectal aneettna: In the Citadel on Tharaday night. Mra. Allen vf 1 ntay a pramtaem pan to the forth- ramtnf Itarwat PeaUrai rainpetgn to be eoThKtml hy the Army here Silreriidee Broi. for Wallpapei Clasa, Paint .and Murqsco. Baptist Hallo we'en Tea. Oct 31st. 234 Jotn Bulger ,aUed'lat night .orw the Prlnteafl Adelaide for a brief trip to Vancouver. tion trip to Vancouver. Mr. W. M. Walts and family CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rent, for aale and all other small advertisements in this vectisn charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per insertion with six Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25c a word. Ka advertisement taken for test than ic FOR SALE FOR SALS good office safe. On be seen at Dally Hews. tf FOR SALE Large bedroom set, 4 feet f inches by 6 feet 6 Inches; bureau "with fceary plate mirror 2o inches by inebea, ivory finish, with chairs ; Heintzman rosewood piano end stool: Great Maleette Roage. Phone Green m. 3371 FOR RENT H0USE8-F. W. Hart. Taka notice that Oarulu D tf FOR "RENT Famished apartments. Phone Red 444. 239 FOR RENT New bungalow. 2 bed room, dose In. harbor view. Furnace. T. MeClymant. tf HELP WANTED HOW to get a GoTerruneot Job. Free Booklet. The M.C.C. LtaJ Wlnnipeic. PERSONAL PRIVATE home Kr-dergartenspay. We start you. The Canadian Kin-defeartec Institute. Winnipeg. me piwuw m vi ay a)i ni iwti i a n roBoana. ure.. okioxvu vna . , D EMMONS HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT 1VAVWG! a aster Carl; Latest tyles NELSON'S BEAUTY 6HOPPE TRANSFERS CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furni tore moving, wood, coal, (hair: lor rest. tf PETROLEUM AND NATURAL OAS ACT Prlrafnim nd -Natrar!-s Krht Quwa CbvtaOt Oroup. B.C.. and lt maAm on OtabuB Islaml. Tat soUce tbstt Caiolw P Canooot ot Portland Ore . oeupsttan OwKW Intrnda to. (plf tor a leue of th rtalit to enrr ttv? Tm faH of tbt fkMnoc oeacrUied Unda: OomBwnfltiiK at post pUatd ti tbe south Weaf.oorMT. of Beeuon 37 Tp. 9. tawcKW Sor S3 ebalm: ttmvce Kmc 60 chiSM-. tbnee KouUi 0 cktslna: thnvr West 80 chains to place of be-pegmning aod canflnmg 640 aero aar r lew. Ser the purjicme of rals-sod Set tttereout (teUtSeuD and i or I natural aaA. Dated thu 30th oar of July. t33. CAROLUS D EMMOS8 TETROLEriI AND VATURAL CAS ACT Kutlre af Inteatlon to applf M Lrar IV-tcatroaa aad Katoral-caa cUKhta In Skeena Land Becordrng Dtatrict of ,Quren Charloote Oroup. B.C . and alt. ! uate on araham bland, j Take stoUoe tttat Oarplua D. r.mmone 0t ForStoBd. Off., oortpatkxi Oeoloclet I tnteoda to apply for a leaae of ttte rrM to enter the Eat half of the faUoviae dnMTlbed laoda: CXmiBienelnK at post plaiMed lDi the South Eaat oorner f SeoUoo 9 Tp. 9. thenae North B0 ebalna: ttience i so ertaboa; theoot South B0 chain " 1 , tawrar Xaat 80 cbatoa to place of be PCTROLECU AXD KATtfRAL OAS ACT , tryuaalrn and oonJklaln 640 acre ! more or tea. or the purpose of rafcv- Vwlcr at InUutUm to apWT ta 1 j ti and fetttsc -Uieroout petrcdrum frtrnlntra and ilrl-t RlthU j ,na ior) natural cm. In Slcma loc ReoaMlos Otatrtet of Dated thai tetb tor of Jurr . 193S. Queea CnarloWe Oroup. B C . and aR-' CAHOt.HB D EUUO!B. PETROLEUM AND NATURAL OAS ACT Jansor Chanttiar of Oommewherf "f, - - ' intention ia sPPy t. w Mr Dvhhavn mIorme& Mr. MeKin-ley that the gtairral Mea of the new orgartltattfai was 41 work in evmiasietaosi with the senior eham-ber A caeaaaUtee Te4reeTUc the It was expeeted rlcht eater It Weat baai f We rytraleam aad NatnraUra Wtht frttovtof eKred landa . aeena Ia&d BeoDTdkc DiKrtet oi OookeMSng at a poat ptaotrd Qiirre Chartotte Oroup. BjC aad ait-the North West earner of Section 10 1 Ukte on anham Island. Tp. a. thence South 80 obarm: thence xl notice that Carelua D. Ernmon Baar 80 ebalsa. theooe Noath 80 ehaina; , & portiaix! Or oocupataon Oec4o(tat theor West 80 eOatsa to piaee of be-1 tateoda to asplr for a ut of tike lunlar hoM woadd anan cmnfw a4th i more at lent tor the purpose of rajs the cause! of the senior chamber, in d kZi ttaig n. onntainipr sows, ( rtflat to ater the aat half of the Dated thta 30th i day day of of July. IMS CAi ROUJ6 foilowtsc dearrlbed landa taereoui prvmntm ; ccaMBWoeena at a post pbu&d M the North Cast corner of SeoUj 4. Tp 9. thence South 80 chaiiua aoance West 80 chalna: thenoe North 80 shal&a. ' I i eheaxe Tamt 80 ehaana ta olaca of be- PVTTVfll JTWJmM ami nauhal iiu ' ' -- 1 . i n i i - . - - inwrT w m m lur jnu v. . . Itac and aetata tbereout petroteuinjj vl. ir Intmtlon lo snnlx la liuf . IT-. , . .... 11 IXmleun and Natoral.raa Klr Dated thla 36th day t July. 1933. Id Skeena Latad Reearslnc DMMct Oft CAROLUB D. EMMONS. queen vnutauue uroup. u.u . ana I uate on Orohaai Island Tiake aotaot that 0raMw D Enxnena of Portland. Ore. oceupatton GotO(. intends to apply for a lease Of the rtg W aaer ttte West half of the 1 foJltMrl&c oencrtbed lends OctMwaotBt at a poat planted ta the Mtrth Weat Comer of Seotaoa IS. Tp 8 thence Bouth 80 chalna. thence Bam SO chalna. thence Nortri 80 ehaina-. tbeatce West 08 cttatns to ptaee of be- beanilnt and eosMatalnf 840 imre or tesa. tar the purpose of lot and l' warn thereout nod tor i oaniral gw DseJ thtp 6th aay of Julr 188 CAROLCS D ZMUONS. Notice of Intention to applr to retraleun aad NaluraUt. KJjUti In Skeena Raoonjluw Drtsrtet Of PrTROLBtJM AND NATtTRAL OAS ACT Notice of Intent"! aHT lo Lr" mraleiNN and atyraH Kljkta In Skma Laivt Renrdtnc Dtttrtot of Queen Chariotte Oroup BC nd alt- vnae on 4mham Mtad. Tsk. ncair that Oaroiua D Bmiooaa of Porttaod -Ore., ooeupielsoa Oeolorlat. tntanaa to ppf rr a ! of She rltfbl to enter the last half of the Caainenoie at a post planted ta the North Boat comer of Seottoa 16. Tp 9. thence ftowth 80 ehaina: thence West 80 chain, theuce North 80 chains thetwe Bast 80 obslua Vo place of bt-bratrmlng and rantatnrac 640 re. mare or leaa. for Mm puspoae of rata. In and lttac thereout petroleum and lor l natural . Dated taut a rtsy of July. 1933. CAROL08 D SUMONS. PETROLEUM AND NATURAL OAS ACT Noilee of Intentlsa to apply to Leaat IXrulrtim and 'Naturtl'ia Rttfclt ta akeena laad Rordto( Dltuiet of Queen Cbartott Oroup. B.C and situate ou araham lalavd. Take noUoe Utfvt Oaratu D Boiawlw of PorUand. Ore , occupation OeulogUI inlstuU to apply for lease of i Hsbt bo etKec the Wast half of U aJiMrtiie iti4tel landa nnniNMliK at a Dost planted In the North Wtst ooruer of SeottgQ SL To a theare South 80 eharhs: thence Eaat 80 ehabta: tbenea North 80 ebalAa: thence Wart 80 ohaUia to place of be begmnslnit and cohtalnlnt 640 acres, mans or leaa. for tee DUrpoat Of raU- iiur aiid gettuia themout petruleuB) Mn) tor) natural rat. fttttd' Uile SOtn day Of July 1833 WAROIUS V tUUUXl PETROLETJM AND NATURAL OAS ACT Mlre of Intention to apply ta Leae IVtrsirum and atral-ei RleMi In Skeena tnd Reoorllaic Dtrlet of teneai tariste urouf). B i.. and situate on OcahsBi Island . I Take votlce that OaraliM D Xmmana of Portland Ore . acoupatlgn OeetocSat intends to apply for a tease of the rtaht to enter the aat half of the latin f, described lands Oonsornoloa; at a post planned is the North Boat corns of fieottwi 11 Yp 8. thence North 80 Qhaloar thanre Wtat 80 chalna. theooe Bouth 80 chain thence Cast 80 chalna to place of he-' FETOUUWU " ""llna- aoe) aesMne thereoiat nMrnleum Qiieec CbartOtSe Oroup. B.C and -'lX THE MtTTFK Of TI1K rsTtTE Of iste on Orahaa lalaad Tik. notice that Cmrolu D f Portland. Ore. occupation Oedofist intends to apply for a tease of the rlatM to eater the West half of te i f Jjo-M(t deacrlhed landa I Ownmeoctast at a post piaatod la I its KTth West ooratt of Seotaoa -Tp 9 thence south 80 enaina titeore Ra-i 80 rhatns. thence Nirth 80 eruUW. heoee We SO ehntna to alaet of be- tMiaranc atai eoatauuna oeret, more or ttea. for the pufpose of rala-io nd retjatnt tswrtotit petaoleuffi and 4 or i jiaonral Dtted thla 9th y f Jdy, WM. eAROLOe D KM WON. sal rl aatatral cat Dated thla 3U dar of July, mi rtnmrm n wivurta in tin ct'RRAN. Di:reA!ci) AH peranax barliu ajMsu 'he Estate of HUGH CVRKAN Defeased. Me of Ooarale In the r4e m Brtttah OolunabU. hp died aa the 3ti day of Ieemx, AJ3 m are ramtretl to aend psHacuUt of aeb -tslaaa to the uoderl(oed e bqter the 1st dar of Oeietulbee. AJ 1B3S. af. Vrr watch date the g:iimtoi vUl pro-! ored to dutrlbute the knata of the aaht I Deceowtl oenm She bmona of MOh i he shall theo hare halt notice DATED September JOttl. IMU J M. OOADT Eaerutor. fits riraarsUa ateeoL : vVanecuter.' BE For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone ZS4 PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhanglng iloller, 'Phone Red 802. SH0EREPAIRS LOUIS SHIBIG for finest repafi-i 318 6th Street. it PETROLEVM AND NATOHAL OAS ACT NotWr of I lit rut ton t aafrfr to Leaoe 'rjrlfnm and NaturaHtaa lsbta la Sfctena LaM ReeettUna; OtaMot of Qtfi Ottartatte Oaauci. BjO.. and sH- tMte ea arafeam Iataad. i. Take, pot-loe hat Strakn IX Emmon 3i jnxwmna. un.. oocupamn unqptv, Wttecds to apaty far a leaae of he ncht to eikir th East half of tbe 'Tttowtot dewtlbed laoda: Ccmmencina at a post pla&AM in the North Em corner of SeoOon IS. LTp. 9. Vbrnce Kortk SO tffearoa; ttience liem . otaatta: tsienee somhi b c&atn: iXK u 80 aalna e staoe of be-begsaclns and nontaaaBS 640 acre, more or tna. for the purpose of rals-fng and gcttttna; tberaottt petrotewa 'jd (or) natural (a. DHted thta 3Sth day of auly. 1933. CAROLUS o. ruMosa. ! ' I a Certlflrate of ImaroirrmrnU TAK KOTICZ ta I. W. H. Maaon. lee miners orrtifioata No. 4767. Intend 60 days from the date b-roX -to apply to the Mining Recorder tor a eerttn-n of Iavrmeot for the purpone f obtalt&x a erown pnt of the ibore data ABTD rBTtber take notice that action ! tinder Section 85 of the Mineral Act nuat be eommenoed before the Jaauaac t aueh eertinoate of Improvements. Date 23rd July. 1933. mswt taiei tlop CUM 7 1933. of adrerttaement Au- LOOK OVER YOUR Winter Garments NOW! Ladles' Coats-Cleaned and pressed Ladies' Coats with fur Cleaned and pressed Dref. no sleeves Cleaned and pressed Dresses, with sleeves Cleaned and pressed Um't Butts and Overcoats $1.00 $1.25 $1.00 $1.25 $1.00 Weal Cleaners Second SL Phone 5S Manure For Sale $IM a Load Delivered DOMINION DAIRY Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL! COAL! 3ur Pamons Edson. Alberta and BulUey Valley Coals are guaranteed to glte satisfaction. Try a ton of No 1 Bulkley Valley We also sen Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. ft Phones S5g Coal Prices Alberta's Best Lump $12.50 Alberta's Beet Egg 11.50 Alberta's Best Stove 11.00 Pemliina Egg 11.50 Dry Jack ana Cedar, per load 5.00 Local Wood, per cord G.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 4 a i