Federal Issue Pi " : Rupert, with Cnpt Neil Divided Into Series of Three, Intimated jwo, Six nnd Twelve Year Securities to Bear Interest of 3,75, 1.20 and -1.35 Percent Respectively, it is Learned OTTAWA, Oct 7: (CP) While details of the forthcoming Canadian refunding loan will not be officially pub Jjshrd until noxt Tuesday when the bonds will become available to the nubile, it is learned that the $225,000,000 jue will be divided into three geries of two, six and twelve years to yield 3.75, -1.20 and 4.35 percent interest ropc tivrly Advance Indication pent to a ready response ana i spey ale of the issue. I HAMILTON WON GAME EiiUrners Take Opener In Dominion Hoi Larrooe Final NFW WKBTM I NUTER . Oct. 7: u p Hi mil ton Tifer last night v' t'H New Westminster Salmon B is to ft in the first of a aeriMl " n out of fire games for the r n inn box lacrosse champion-i! . Tne wond game will be play-tu M -4ay night In Vancouver Vancouver Wheal VASrntrvER, Oct. 7: CP f 4' ' quoted at MM on the . xrhange today. NO HALIBUT SALE tvu being In with catches, ' no sale of halibut on the ?;fc exchange thla morning. Two Hundred Excursionists to Leave Here Tonight on Board Coast Liner For Alaska City With a caimcitv crowd of c irsionists taking up all available accommodation on the' National Coast Steamshiivs liner t ruiMhe aspect of a real "liuernnuumu youuwm suiji '".r n she puts out at 10 o'clock tonight on a special Thanks- ' Enjoyable Dance By Eagles' Lodge Fortv Couples In Attendance at Alfilr Ut Night in Aerie Hall A ry enjoyable dance held lat llKht by the Baglea Ledge in fi" A-ne Hall, a erowd of about i v rc,u,,g being present at the iff.,11 Tuncsomc music was fur-Li 1 "' by Balagno's OreheMra and " I Huison wa a genial matter ' f i.-moniea. Hugh Smith presided ' ' tiv rioor. ,J,,i" afialr was in progreM from 1(1 I'm until 2 ajn. and refnah mfnts were sened at midnight M).VrARTIZANH TO I HAVE FULL SLATE I v TOltiA, Oct 7: tCP- I 'InflrpendentNon-partizan " in linnnnnau (lot il.lrt.,- a. w .HIT 1 undidate have already been llniri tin 4 , tui bill. WJ-VWU ' " 1 I 111 IT N 4 n" tig the -iv forthcoming u viiiuiiitii j'vinriai election and that it , '..tn.ara to nave, by noml- a"on day, a (un sifttc ln rU vii,ftH,k..k. . nil ""iiriicies. .. , w. j. " nowscr un in Vancouver Centre J Mditu to Vlctprla. To Si rrt T r rri inn W I ) YKAKN IN PRISON Half-Breed Youth Who Robbed Hudson Bay Store at Kltwanga Sentenced In hia first criminal case of im portance following his appointment j to tne Denen. Juage w. u rwner yeeierdsy afternoon imposed a term of two years' imprisonment at New Westminster Penitentiary upon Joe Pahceill. 19-year old Italian half-breed, who. having been committed for trial at Ilaaeiton. elected for speedy trial and pleaded, guilty to a charge of breaking and entering the Hexagon Day Oo. atore at Kfravnga s4 robbing It of fmAOln-eh. - SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK. Oct. 7: CP-Bar silver closed at 39c on the local metal market today. Copper wi unchanged at 94c per pound. some two hundred local McLean on the bridge, will jtvtng weeK-ena voyage ior me ni- iskan port of KetcbtKan. oood weather is. apparently, looming to favor the trip which has already proven that It Is going to be a very popular innovation. A very happy mting Is assured for all those who ire to make the excursion. The trip Itself will be an interesting one but, in addition to that special arranf e-menta have been made both by the city of Ketchikan and the steam ship companies lor uie entertainment of the traveller. The vessel is due to nrrlve at Ketchikan bright and early at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. The en tire day will be spent there and departure for home will be made at 1 o'clock Monday morning with return here at 8:30 ajn. Among those making the trip wU) be the following: Mrs D. 8tevert. Miss M. Slevert, Ml Viola Carr, Mr. A. C Abbott Miss Violet McCutcheon. Miss T. Q. Ollker. Miss France Cummlngs, Ml Eileen Osborne. Mrs. It. SkaU tebol. Ml Bmllle kattebol. Mr. and Mr. Malcolm McLeod, Mr. and m o. C. Arseneau. Mr. ana Airs. Elmer Thompson. MrB- Thoma Caroff, Mr. R T. Anderson. Mr-and Mrs J E Jack. Mr. nnd Mr Reg Webber, Mrs. Anna Ross. Mist E...r. viim E. Qreen, Mis R. ti. ill. r. m Walter Thompson. Mr. I McKenzle. Wal h Mrs. Duncan tcr Johnson. Sam Joy. Mr- nnd Mr. om iramblln. Mr. and Mrs. Jack ,!, Mriniyre A. J. Prud- ,JU'1 " ,,d Mrs II. M. D. j!?;,;;!,. r Edward c-..i- iMUU n Pane 2 FULL LIST IN FIELD Liberal ContesUng Every Seat In Province Cy Patk to Run In Vancouver Centre? VICTORIA, Oct 7: (CP) The Liberals last night those David Ramsay as their candidate In Cowichan-Neweastle riding, thus contesting every constituency in the province. In Vancouver Eait dlvUion of the mainland metropolis, Mrs. Korah Leavy and Alex D. Mae-Lean have been nominated a Independent Non-Partitan candidates, i Efforts are being made, It is reported, to secure the consent of Col. C. W. Peek V.C, who recently lost his seal on the board of pension tribunals, to run in Vancouver Centre as a non-partisan. Commerce Chamber Presdent Will Be At Ottawa Meeting T. II. Johnson, president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce, who U at present In the, east on a business, trip, will repre-, sent the local chamber at the an- j nul convention of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce' to be held In Ottawa from Wednesday to Friday of next week, it was announced at the regular monthly meeting of the dumber last night Delegate will be present from all parts el 'Canada and-many Rotable figures la the Canadian business world wiU participate ARREST AT POWELL R. Alex ft Wick Charged With Manslaughter in Connection With Hit and Run Accident POWELL RIVER, Oct 7: CP-Alex R. Wick, truck driver, was arrested here yesterday and chargjrd with manaiaughUr in connection the deaths or sieve Koiesar and Kilted oy a nu ana run driver on a road near here Wednesday nlghl. Vancouver Stocks (Oourvaj S. D. Johiwwin 0) Vancouver Big Missouri. 20 B. R. X, .41. B. R. Con.. .29 W. Cariboo Gold, 3J7. Cork. .01. Ocorgla River. MS. Indian. .02. Lucky Jim. .03. Meridian. .31. Morning Star. .21. Native Son. .08Vi. JfaUonal 8llver. M. Noble Flv .09. Tend Oreille. .93. Porter Idaho. .08. Premier, 133. Reeve, .18. Reward, .08Vi-Reno. .91. Silver Cret .02. Wayside. -48V4. Whitewater. .05. Waverly, .02V . Oils Fabyan. .OOVs-Home. 1.85. C. it K, 1.27. Freehold, .10. A. P. Con.. .18. Calmont. .10. Bterllng Pacific, -31-Toronto Alexandria, .Oils-Columarlo, .18. Central Tatrlela, .63. . Noranda, 35.75. Sherrltt 1.23. , Int Nickel. 22.00. Granada. .81. Marassa. 1.04. Sisca 1.49. 77 - TAXI - 77 Tomorrow's Tides (TOMMY'S) She gland, Capitol Theatre Block High 3:52 am. 172 ft. 15:32 pm. 19.7 ft. Day and Night Service Low 9:37 am. 8.8 ft. Chrysler Car 7-Pasaenger 2259 52 ft. p.m. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V Vol XXIV . No. 234. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Dropping Out sgsK . assssssssssssvl?". - v sasssssssssssHaW''' 'J HON, It L MAITLANI) VANCOUVER Ott 7 Canadian Press' Hon R L Malt-land, minister without portfolio and one or the few remaining members of the former Tolmie government, announced yesterday that he would not be a candidate for re-election at the i forthcoming provirctai election. He will devote his entire Ume In future to bis law practice, he said. Old Country Soccer ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division . Aston Villa 4. lluddersfleld 3. Blackburn 2, Arsenal 2. Derby 4. Birmingham 6. Leeda 2. ShsrffleH Wednesday 1. PJMmitta L LlverpdW SCMtoea & MMdfeefcrougfc 1 Bverton 0. Netscftftk- i. Manchester 2. SheffteM United 1. Stoke 2. Tottenham 3. Sunderland 1. WoJverhamptos) 0. West Dram t slch 0. j Second Division Blackpool 2. Uaoafn 0. Barton 1, Oldham IV Bradford City 1. JJlftwaB 0. Brentford 5. Dornley Z. Fulham 1. Hall 1. Manchester I. Preaton 8. Noittngham 2. Notts OoHtjr 0. Plymouth 4. Bradfovd 1. . Portvalc l Swansea 0. Southampton 1, Bury 9. West Ham 3, Orlmsby 1. SCOTTISH LE.r.UE First Division Aberdeen 3. Celtic 0. Clyde 4. Airdrteontan 2. Kalkirk 4. Cowdenbeath 3. Hamilton 3, Dundee 2. Hearts 1. Partfek 0. Kilmarnock 1, Motherwell 3. Queen's Park 4, Ayr S. Queen of South 1. Hibernian 0. Rangers 3. St Mlrren 0. St Johnstone 4, Third Lanark 1. Second Dlvhlon Albion 1. Eaat Fife 1. Arbroath 6. Bast Stirlingshire 1. Brechin 1. Alloa 2. Dundee 2. Slenhousemulr 4. Dunfermline 4. St Bernard 1. Edinburgh 2, Mentrose 2. King's Park 2. Morton 2. Leith 0, Dumbarton 1. Raith 3. Forfar 0. DIES AT STEWART Joseph P. Wilson, Village Commissioner, Passes Away in Sleep STEWART, Oct. 7 Joseph P.I I Wilson, aged 64, member of the 'Board of Village Commissioner. I itSX night l I a native of the United sutes. he - was a naturalized British subject' and for some years had been Iocs- l?,hjernw11fnln.!X Lte tor. J. D. Wilson, formerly of Vic- a widow in Stewart survive him. a brother, oriswaid wiison, and deceased- stepmother live in cie- veland ! Mr Wilson, one of Stewart's best known and most poplar citizens, was a member of the Pioneers of Alaska and Loyal Order of Moose. BUILDING IS URGED, SpecUl Committee Advites Chamber of Commerce on Needed Public Work arwetal committee of the Prince Runert Chamber of Com merce, whtch was appointed to ad-tvtse on needed public works at Pf4n., DnnMf ... . .In a 1. .ft .' i i in n i mat, nWtf- raotiiK. ursed thit con- rnction of federal buPdlnt to,f?Cporf Oil Alaska 1 tt lai iHmsual. a Iks TX-.' 1 wst mww ro t t yt Wr" ' mten verrsmHii here atibntd be lnfPceMM with without (Way. In i wrw ni ureTenTanrm-H nin paid , for the rweeent premise, it was; !fM tlvt rnich an undertaking would be to a certain ettent ac-toallv nmfitable to th government. The rcnort was made at the re-1 quest of the NaUonal Construction Council. REPORT ON AIR FIELD Government Advises on Required 000.000 for Canada and $2,000,000 quite unfair and should not be al-DimensionsToo Urge For for the United States. i lowed to exist in Canada. Entirely Local Project I i The minimum dimensions for alTpiIT 'TfTJ' IT Canada are 600 by 2000 feet pro viding surrounding conditions are suitable, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was Informed last night in a communication from A. E. McLean of Ottawa, acting superintendent of the Civil Aviation Branch. Along the line as suggested by this department the cost of an aviation field here, it Is estimated, might run into some $5000 which outlay, it is felt would be too large for an entirely local undertaking at this time. Tht matter has been referred back to the special committee of the local chamber which is investigating the project with a view, if possible, to getting the federal government, ai It is doing elsewhere in Canada, to interest itself tn the undertaking. Not One Building in Town Of Barkerville on Right Lot; New Sites Offered VICTORIA, Oct. 6: (CP)-One hundred and six lots half a mile north of Barkerville will be sold by the government agent at Barkerville on Thursday, October 2G, the lots being in a subdivision adjoining the government agent's office. A special survey of the old town of Barkorville which is about completed shows that not ono building there is located on the lot it is supposed to occupy. Readjustment of titles affecting virtually every tract in the famous old camp will be necessary. Thero are quite a fow squatters on an old creek bed occupying ground that Is under placer lease and these are subject to ejection at any time. The new subdivision will enable many of them to secure titles for homesteads or business houses. Voters' List Ready Today; Election Only 4 Weeks Away Reparations For Holding of Polls Will Get Fully in Swing Following Close of Entries on Thursday Of Next Week Nomination papers have now been taken out for ill threg candidates who are SQjfar Jn the f ie,d qt prince Ru Pert "ding in the forthcoming provincial election. The. voters' list will be ready tonight, enabling the returning officer, D. C. Stuart, to start officially receiving the no- T i u i . uiiuauuiid. in oi, ictab uiic tusc, ujtr puiers nave ueen completed and are ready for presenta- .... Ion. Nominations close next Thurs-Uy after which preparations for he holding of the polls will get fully inder way. . The three candidates aready in) the field are T. D. Pattullo, Liberal; ' W. Rudderliam, C. C. F.. and 'ha pIm rKMMnn Ttnll.J n. ft As nomination day draws nieh. dos- Local.fitbtlity of any further candidates entering the fight appear to dim- j inlsh although there is. of course, always a chance that a "dark horse" wy go to the post at the last minute. Election day. November 2. is now lea than four weeks away. Highway is Given Commerce Chamber A report from the international committee on the projected Paci-ttc highway extension through Bri tish Columbia to the Yukon and Alaska was received at last night's regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- 'country. New and arbitrary power merce and filed. The report give which are-conferred upon the mln-full details as to surveys, estimates ister of finance In regard to impo-and cost, etc. and Is quite an ln- sltkm of taxation without even terestlng document. The cost as giving the taxpayers the right to Shown ln the report, would be 112.- I anneal tn the entirU ar hW n yjL BEAT WASHINGTON I TO CAPTURE TITLE ftMel Ott Broke Up Another Sensational Extra Inning Game Today With Home Run in Tenth to Make Final Score of Four to Three WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 7: (CP) A home run drive into the centre field stands in the tenth inning with no one on board by Mel Ott, Giants' 'heavy hitting right fielder, whose batting has been one of the numerous sensations of this year's World Series, gave New York Nationals their fourth victory and the world's baseball championship title; ' . J nhere today over the Washington Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm, 40. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 43. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 45. Stewart Cloudy, cairn. 40. Haaelton Foggy, calm 42. Smlther Clear, calm, 48. Burn Lake Clear, oalm. 37. NO rAFER MONDAY Monday, being Thanksgiving Day and a public holiday, ihire will be no ltsue of the Dally Newt, The next reguar edition will appear on Tuesday afternoon. On motion of F. A. MacOallum, Ihe Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night passed a resolution of condolence to Mr. and j Mrs. Max Ilellbroner In their recent bereavement through the sudden death of their son. Henry Will Be PROTEST AT INCOME TAX Resolutions From Vancouver Sent Here For Approval Resolutions from the Insurance and finance bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade protesting at various new amendments to the Income Tax Act particularly a affecting companies and their share holders were read at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Ru pert Chamber of Commerce last night with a view to receiving the endorsation of the local body, the correspondence being referred to the finance committee for report Retroactive feature of the increase and exemption removal In connection with company taxation re deemed by the Vancouver bureau to be "inequitable and unnecessary. " "Unjust and unreasonable" 'txatlon. it is also held, to Imposed upon shareholders in Canadian companies residing outside the 1 XITT1 Senators by a count of four games to one. The score at the end of the ninth had been Ued three all. Today's struggle was largely a re-pitltion of Wednesday's but Hal Schumacher. New York pitching ace. after holding the Senators to four scattered hits, blew up ln the sixth when the Senators fell upon him for five hit and three runs. He was taken out and replaced by Luque who fanned three batters In a row in the seventh. Alvtn Cro wrier, starting hurler for the Senator, had several bia inning and gave up the fight ln the sixth nleo. Russell relieving him. The GlanU scored twice ln the second inning and once ln the U tit Mancuso wag the catcher for Nc York and 8ewell tor Washington. - The composite score: , It H. E) New Ytwk 4 11 I Washington 3 10 0 Father P. Champagne O. M. I. sailed last night on the Prince John for a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands on ecclesiastical duties.