Bruins Defeat Maple Leafs Toronto Canadiens 2, New York Rangers 5 (third place play-off . i Detroit 2, Montreal 0 second place p)ay-off ). I Toronto 1. Boston 2 'champion ship pJay-off. Warm as Slimmer Gn Mountain Top Party cf Doten Spent Day In Snow and Traversed Whole Top of OJdfitld Range Jt was warm as summer and skiing wa 'xcfllcnt on the mountain yesterday A party of a dozen local people soe t the whole day on the mountain, i.scending to the highest point and traversing the whole length of the summit of the Old-field Range. A start was made at between 9:30 and 10, a stop made for lunch near the summit and also on the way home In the evening another bonfire was built and the party gathered around it for coffee and their evening meal, arriving back in town at about 8:30. Members of the party declare the scenery was wonderful. The Queen Charlotte Islands were plainly visible and the whole country around was spread in panorama view from the summit. , .. Some members of the party were new to the skis but they did well. Those making the Jaunt Included F. A. MicCallum. Dr. Kvale. P. Sunderland. Jack McRae. Alex Mitchell Baatl Bailey, Bobby Orme, Dr. ami Mrs. H. O. J oh risen. Misses Jean Robettaon. Patricia Gwyer ana Laura Frizzell. BOOKS ARE COLLECTED Jack Lindsay Winner of First Prlie In Contest Jack Lindsay was winner of the !trV prise of $3. Freda Museallem the second prtoe of $2 and Ned Mc-Leod toe third prize of $1 in the contest which was 'held Saturday among students of the King Edward High School In connection with collection of books for the Prince Rupert Public 'Library. Following were the results of the High School collection . Jack Lindsay . 104 Fred Mussatlem 81 Ned McLeod 56 LucUte Brookabank 10 Total 251 CN.Il. TRAINS for the East-Mondays' Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30 pan From the Kast Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 p.m. COAL! COAL! Our ramous Edsoo, Alberta and Mulklay Valley Cols are guaran-tml to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Dulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. ( Prince Rupert Feed Co. SS Phones 558 ESHflEh& f9lJ bbHIbbbbbbbbIbMRksMHbsbHrbbbK KHbbbbbibbbbPbbbbbbIbbbbM ft 'B :,KtttKUiUttimZiSrUKtu.SBKt a MBWMMBpWiBy:' ' SksLi1 -BBEtbbbbbbbbB I wwttmWi Harry Hartz. int'TiMUoiully-knuwn raxing drive: will send ul-streamlinel automobile through a series of speed trials at Muroc Dry Lake. Calif, soon in an attempt to smash all existing worlds speed record The machine's trial runs will be under the sanction and supervision of the American Automobile Association SPORT NOTES The end of the basketball season is now near and all that is left Is the play-off series that will be starr ted this week. The Warriors: and the Merchants are meet in the Intermediate Comets and the Amasol Ladles' League and the C. N. R. A. in the Senior These games Jhould be the beet o the season there is really sdrne thing at stakerfor the teams. The Port Simpson Athletic Club has chaUenged kthe,,C. N. R. A! tor the coveten North era B. .0. eharn plonshlp. The local tsiamhad aliard enough time.1, gsttlife Ule trophy from the mm Simpson teaut ad U confldenT that It will not go out of Its hands this year. For jRjaaai Port Slmpaon Y. P. E. A. rtas held the trophy and now the opposing team, the Athletic Club, thinks that It Is It turn. Now that spring U here and the winter sports are dying la the distance, local sportsmen are turning their eyes to other lines of sport. Softball ha already started, the High School League being In action, and the C. N. R. A. League will soon be under way. If the weather keeps up all the summer sports will soon be in full swing Many people SAVE WRIGUY 5 WRAPPERS-Wrltc lor PREMIUM GIFT CMALOGUE enjoyed an hour courts yesterday. on the lennta Babe Ruttils a poor man. lllr sal- say has 'been reduced to such ao NOT SO COMPLEX ! ; Some m4n thln&theyjAve an inferiority complex,, when is a matter bt lact they're just Utftrtor. Jndga. "Roil Your Own" It's Cheap" with ZIG-ZAG l IGARETTE PAPERS 5cBookoi 120 Leaves The or linal automatic book (ivtac one leaf at time. No waila. Dtmand ZIG-ZAG and gtt 120 Leaves , Shoe Repairing Brum your shoes to the Shu-Craft We rebuild them Satisfaction Ouaranteed M. MacAKTIIUK Third Ave. Next Federal Ittk. "TILUE THE TOILER" DID 4 voo r, T AHO TMC ACB I WW hod you KHQVAJ THAT M l I MM i.i M,- d T L-ai y." A Film You Should Sot Mist Nua ( off O aeuum Tmrktd) la frW. SHOVING AT Till CAPITOL Theatre All THIS Week few i 100 REGULAR DIVIDENDS OF BIG COMPANY The efii-iency of the- manage tent, the financial .str.-nmh of th Imperial Tobacco Company of C naoa Ljmited. and the quality o the service It renders to the public of Canada, may alike be meas ured by bv the remarkably satisfactory statement presented to th' shareholders at the annual meet ing of the company in Montreal. Since the company's incorporation in April 1912 100 regular quarter ly dividends have been paid. This record would be remarkable in normal times. Considering the period through which business the vtotid ovar has been passing in the last three years, it is more than orpinartrjt so. The director in presenting their rejwrt showed that net profits for tjhV year endtoc December 3 last amounted to $M7U15 After pay- scneaui- .tent tflst he'Xtadsiit difficult ito ? " 1, IT th jlve. Coklbe Rugbert wr. ail wroU., 1. hs to theiFwio-y inespesiaeu-: i. -U, a. oWtiand'ir- rd'ao 6, the pre-1 dltlslori. " "" ",c r"" fe0Us tdcklus r?.13.000. lea fi ' :war or, pop I Mutt prvnjr Hoqr I i us divtdeno on prior year of ll.6M.Ml. giye, a total balance cmtrird forward of fJJtfb -060. Tr4 total asU of the Corn-pay as oo becemiiex 31, 1932. am -buoyed to $j.Mit Favorites forhliny Yean Many of the prngts of the Imperial TOmcco Camauy of Oaa ada Limited have keen favorites1 with Canadian smokers for two generations. Pbr ajtajnole. "Old Chum" pipe tobacco was Introduced in May. 18M. and enjoyi today, as it has for years an immense popularity. Another name remembered by two generations is that of Sweet Caporal Cigarettes. Introduce! to the Canadian public in 1887. and still holding favor with a large ad growing section of ther public WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Jamrs Wlntemule. for many yeari engiigecl in salmon trolling hereabouts and long a well known fi gure atoiia the Prince Rupert waterfront, wus fdind dead lecrntly on his ranch ten miles up the Naas River fnun Aiyansh. Indians passing by found Ma body lying alongside his woixlitile where he had appar ently expired while at work. An In vesttgatton Is being conducted by the provincial police. Some years ago. the hit "Jim" Wintemute de elded to quit the sea to locate In the Naas River valley. RARE TREAT AT CAPITOL "Strange Interlude," Much cussed Picture, Here Ills- I A rare treat is in store for movie- Bwrs when "Strange interlude, I picturteatlon of the sensational drama, opens at the Capitol Thea-: tie lu re with Norma SheMrer and 1 Clark Oable in the principal roles. I The drama deals with the tra-ut'iiy of a woman who finds she can-urn have children because of a streak of insanity in her husband's r.imily Unwilling to rob her hus-ti.uul and herself of parental happl-ni she hits upon a remarkable, ill' ; -iiiodt ii plan for preserving Hi 'ir domr.stlc tranquility, a device huh Involves the low of two the men and which eventually biintis all four characters into the :i: m difficult of dramatic eompll-!"!l.N. The ro! of Nina Leeds trf "Strange Interlude is reported to be the most ambitious ever attempted by the raknted Miss Shearer The part requires the star to appear first as a youn- girl, then as a middle-aged mat -tin and finally as a doddering old woman. Not the lea of the novelties in "Strange Interlude" is the fact that it retains the much discussed s-ven-hHihts or "aside" of the original play. rMNG OF PAIHj YOU Can't Afford to .Miss These BARGAINS ROYAL CITY TOMATO JUICE. I s. 3 tin ORAPsTRUTT MARMA LADE, qts.. jsr P1NCAPILS MARMALADE 4 s. Un SWKIT CORN I tins BROOMS. S SUings each JAP RICK. This is a good buy per lb Mac's New Rival 25c 33c 50c 23c 29c 5c ALPHABET MACARONI. lorOITp putting In muds, a lbs "TIESH DATES 5 lbs 34c MUSSAUEM'S Economy Store U'c deliver all orders, St or over 317-19 Third Avenue Wesl P.O. Hox J7J rhone IS t THf DAILY HTTfl Monday, PAQB TOUH a""""-""" "" PLAY-OFFS I i IN HOCKEY' Boston Will Try For Speed Record MO.NDAY Si TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 p.m. Admission 15c Si 50c Feature Starts 7:15 Si 9:15 MBEST XLicoi Sana Mnwal Vm m i iiH i t ' ii.. I mli!i-ln ir fi il'uiil or t Ik- i kih'i iiiikiiI nf Mruiirsuar i, . "Llundu, the Wt i rt . - 18 Months on Hroadway Now the Screen Sensati( 6 Strange htexhi with Norma Shearer, Clark Gable A M-C-M Picture An Afternoon of Happiness A Lifetln,.-,,. ,,. Novelty-"Don't Play Bridge With Your W f DIES IN VICTORIA"' fteerge Mellwwjle of The City Ihcs IIU Father at Grand Old Age of Ninety-Three Oeerge Mcllmoyle of this city Is in receipt of word of the death in Victoria today of his father. James Thoma Mcllmoyle respected pioneer cltisen of Victoria, who passed ,iway this momlnt in the Capital city in his ninety-third year. Mr. Mcllmoyle only returned to the city two weeks ago from Victoria where An outstanding cast aupfrt he had paid s month s visit with Miss Shearer and Clatk Oable. in- bis father who after having feN fall last Novttnb : he was conflnm Born in Pre..c,i- , McfJmoylr I,.,, his life n V. province he to- K ,,. RWei Oold Rush . Caribou in the r .i, was best knowh many years of th- v United Workmen . ; a worker of Church His nun-mad" the oc'-juiov : b ration and ht ... In the press st tin i family reunion t : Mr v.c t'moylc tx . ,. nine children tin. ilx son.. Hp wa ysars ago bv hi :! The local son hi cludine the well known stage play- hale and hearty for all hi' venrs up ' pa thy of many er. Alexander Ktfkland, Ralph to that time, iiad commenced to bereavement Morgan, who repeats ht rote he played in the original production : ; Robert Young. May Romqb. Maur-! een O'Sulllvan of "Tarsan" hune Henry B WalthalL Mart Alden and ! Tad Alexander, an, SPRAINS Bah Hwtfi ia tHr li M,rriiM , r i n III,. mImmni, ii nhn, Full you on your feet I nan lit m A nam on "u mn i o ocoi r uuu widll iniuntiri tut sale at vendor ordlrrrt from "Mail Ordff II. ..I " I In,,.., I MMlfftl llualt.l. (I-) I,.. I, II 1' PROCURABLE '6' WHISKY ICHCST IN riNCST HIGHLAND MALT Imi.iv-x The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famou "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Slorage Co., M I'lUNCR KtJPKKT, H.C paper tloes not arrive, telephone the offic . tu- Supposed m S -nvr'4 lj cabb iks I VrT V o calm kJ-Wlh By Westover, cits SlJiwL---Sf.v ''I'jkRyl rftrfc"ww.